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Basic Text Markups in HTML5

Formatting elements were designed to display special types of text:

1.Para<p> tag.
3.Headings<h1>to <h6>
4.font (<b>,<i>,<strong><small><em><sub><sup><ins><del><mark>).
5.<pre>tag: preformatted text.
6.character font tag (&lt and &gt>
7.<hr> tag: horizontal line.
8.<meta> tag.
9.<blockquote> tag : a section that is quoted from another source.

1.<p> tag: it is used to display the text in paragraph fashion

<p>This is my text in paragraph>
2.breakups<br>tag : used to break the line and display the text in the next line.
3.Headings<h1> to <h6>
<h1>hello world</h1>
<h2>hello world</h2>
<h3>hello world</h3>
<h4>hello world</h4>
<h5>hello world</h5>
<h6>hello world</h6>

4.font: it contains following tags.

• <b> - Bold text: It displays the text in Bold

• <strong> - Important text: It displays the text in Bold
• <i> - Italic text: It displays the text in Italic
• <em> - Emphasized text: It displays the text in Italic
• <mark> - Marked text: It will mark the text
• <small> - Smaller text: It displays the text in small size (text size is
• <del> - Deleted text: It will scratch the text in the middle blue
• <ins> - Inserted text: it will insert the text.
• <sub> - Subscript text: it will display the text in subscripted
This is subscripted text.
• <sup> - Superscript text: It will display the text in superscripted

This is superscripted text.

5.<pre> tag: The text will be displayed in a fixed width font and it
preserves both spaces and line breaks.
Some text….

6.Character font tag(&lt and &gt>

a &lt b : this means a less than b.
a &gt b : this means a greater than b.
7. <hr>: it is used to display the horizontal line in the web page.
8. <meta> tag: it is in the <head> tag which describes page information,
keywords, author of the book document. and it is data about the data.
Metadata will not be displayed on the page but it is machine parsable.
<meta>some text…..</meta>
9.Blockquote tag: The <blockquote> tag specifies a section that is quoted from
another source.
<blockquote>some text</blockquote>

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