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Grade & Section: Let’s Try This

Initial Task (Activating Prior Knowledge)

To begin our lesson, I want you to watch the video clips about Natural Disasters –
Earthquakes and typhoons. The most destructive earthquake in the world and the Super
Typhoon Yolanda that hit the Philippines in November 2013 by visiting these links:

After watching the video clips, you need to fill this 5-3-1 chart about the two videos you
just watched:
5-3-1 CHART

1. How powerful can typhoons get?

2. What was the strongest earthquake ever recorded?

3. How can we exponentially decrease the damage dealt by

5 – questions on the video an earthquake or typhoon?
4. Are there more efficient ways of preventing massive
losses in the event of an earthquake or typhoon?
5. Where do earthquakes occur the least?

1. How typhoons are formed.

2. How earthquakes can trigger tsunamis.

3 – interesting things
3. How typhoons aren’t strong enough to turn into tornados.

1 – summarization/ 1. In conclusion, both earthquakes and tornados are

extremely destructive. After typhoon Yolanda in 2013, the
Filipino people have definitely upped their preparation
game. As for earthquakes, we have yet to learn the
proper tactics on mitigation, or even prevention.

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