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Quantitative Analysis Form of

Wechsler’s Intelligence Scale

Aid For Interpretation and Scoring of
Wechsler second version

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Samar Alkhelaifi King Fahad Medical City

A) After filling out patient information we start

with the confidence interval section found in
1. For the performance section Verbal IQ – 7
and + 7 (example: 100 = 93 to 107).
2. Performance IQ – 9 and +9 (example: 95 = 86 to 104).
3. The difference between Verbal and Performance IQ scores is calculated based on the original scores the patient received. Based on
the previous example (100 – 95 = 5).
4. The total IQ score is calculated in the same method (96 = 90 to 102).

B) IQ Classification: should be indicated by the IQ score patient had received.

- IQ percentage refers to the number of other test takers’ scores that an individual’s score equals or exceeds.

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Samar Alkhelaifi King Fahad Medical City
- Comparison between Verbal and Performance IQ (step
3 in part A) Can be Explained further in this section by
taking into account the number of differences
calculated More information can be found about the
interpretation of this section in (part Z). This part can
help determine hemisphere dominance of strength as
well as weaknesses.

The Difference between Verbal and Performance

The meanings of difference between verbal and
performance can be due to the interest of the client, the
intellectual process of the client, psychotic personality
characteristics, brain illnesses, strength or weakness in
information processing abilities, strength or weakness in
expressive skills, strength or weakness in performing under
time pressure, or poor sensory abilities.

**This page include a clear distribution of low and high performance on each subdomain and the possible explanations for each.

If the Verbal abilities are higher

it is an indication of better overall development growth of verbal skills meaning that the client can perform better if tasks require speech
and hearing than tasks of visual-motor discrimination skills. Also, it may indicate the growth of information accumulated based on
experiences in life is better than problem-solving ability. Consideration of the possibility of difficulties:
- Dealing with applied tasks
- Performance deficit that includes a deficit in imitation skills
- Poor visual-motor integration affecting overall performance ability,
- Difficulties in performing the tasks requiring speed
- Possible damage to the right hemisphere.
If the Performance abilities were higher than verbal abilities, it may be due to enhanced visual-motor discrimination skills more than
speech and hearing abilities. Also, it could be explained by having better problem-solving ability more than information accumulated
based on experiences in life. Difficulties to consider may include:
- Reading and academic skills
- Language disability
- Receptive Comprehension to verbal cues, and auditory processing abilities.

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Samar Alkhelaifi King Fahad Medical City
- Possible damage to the left hemisphere. D C
C) In this section, each subdomain is filled out based on the
score received by the client and transferred to scaled
scores, and calculated total for each domain. Total of
Verbal and Performance of scaled scores (highlighted in
yellow) will be used later

D) Based on the age of the client. This section of the

interpretation aids with giving a visual comparison of the
client among his/her age group and a scaled score between
8 to 12 (area heighted in blue) indicates within an average

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Samar Alkhelaifi King Fahad Medical City
E) The average of scaled scores is calculated by using the totals calculated in section (C), and divided by the number of subdomains (6 for
verbal, and 5 for performance). And then each number from the subdomains should be minced from the average calculated to have the
SD from the mean. Same way total of Verbal and Performance scaled scores is calculated and divided by the total number of subdomains

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Samar Alkhelaifi King Fahad Medical City
F) From section (E) Deviations were calculated and now used

Note: if a plus sign (+) is indicated and placed in front of the deviation from the mean F
then the calculated score on that test is higher than the average weighted score,
whereas if the score shows a minus sign (-) demonstrates that the score on that test are
less than the average of the weighted scores of the scale to which it belongs compared
to the total number of tests.

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Samar Alkhelaifi King Fahad Medical City
For this section please refer to chapter 8 of the interpretation book Page 217. This form helps in calculating any difference between the
score of the subtest and the average of its scale to which it belongs,
whether across verbal or performance domains separately or the
overall measures of IQ. It can help with determining any statistically
significant difference between the assessment of intelligence
In the absence of a statistically significant difference. It also helps with
identifying the difference between scores compared to the average of
the total scale. These Differences helps to indicate strength or
weakness of performance and interpret their existence in light of the
mental abilities that each test measures (found in the fourth and fifth
chapters of this book). The table at the end of the third chapter can
also be used It is possible to infer through the differences between the
tests that belong to one factor about the strengths and weaknesses of
the small abilities within each major ability, and the differences can be
explained when they occur in the light of what is mentioned in the
fourth and fifth chapters of this book.
Interpretation of the difference between each sub-test and another
factor In this step, the differences between each sub-test to one
another are looked at in light of the mental functions. Also, it explains
the distribution of performance within a single domain (verbal or
The qualitative interpretation of performance on tests is the
mechanism of intelligence can be used with the help of this form.

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Samar Alkhelaifi King Fahad Medical City

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