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Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution

Q1) What are monohybrid and dihybrid cross? Give one example of each.
Ans. Monohybrid cross: The cross between two pea plants with one pair of
contrasting characters is called a monohybrid cross.
Example: Cross between a tall and a dwarf plant.

Dihybrid Cross: The cross between two plants having two pairs of
contrasting characters is called a dihybrid cross.
Example: Cross between a round and green seed pea plant with a wrinkled
and yellow seed pea plant.


A cross was made between pure breeding pea plants, one with dominant round and
green seeds and the other with wrinkled and dominant yellow seeds.
(a) Write the phenotype of F1 progeny. Give reason for your answer.
(b) Write the different types of F2 progeny obtained along with their ratio when
F1 progeny was selfed.
(c) What will be the phenotypic ratio of the F2 generation.
d) How many seeds with the new combinations of characters will be produced when a
total of 160 seeds are produced in the F2 generation?
Answer: (a) The phenotype of F1 progeny will be- Yellow seed colour and round seed
Reason- In F1 generation, dominant traits express itself, whereas recessive traits get
suppressed. (Yellow and round is dominant over green and wrinkled).
Therefore, the phenotype of F1 progeny is round and yellow.

(b) The different types of F2 progeny obtained along with their ratio when F1 progeny was selfed
could be

(c) In F2 generation
Round yellow seeds – 9; Round green seeds – 3;
Wrinkled yellow seeds – 3; Wrinkled green seeds – 1
Phenotypic ratio will be: 9: 3: 3: 1.
d) New combinations are:
i) round and yellow = 9
so, 9/16 X 160 = 90 seeds.
ii) wrinkled and green =1
so, 1/16 X 160 = 10 seeds
Q3) Show the Mendelian inheritance of characters with a single trait
(Monohybrid cross) till F2 generation with the help of any one of the
following examples:
White/violet flowers OR Tall/Dwarf plants
Ans: Any one cross properly shown.

Q4) With the help of a schematic representation explain the mechanism of sex
determination in Human beings.
Ans-Pg 146 Fig 9.6

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