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Unit 1


Continental Drift Theory

The theory of continental drift, which explains the movement of Earth's continents relative to
each other, was primarily developed in the early 20th century. Here are the key contributors,
their works, and the main concepts:

A) Alfred Wegener

Book: The Origin of Continents and Oceans (1915)

Contribution: Wegener proposed the hypothesis of continental drift, suggesting that

continents were once part of a single landmass called Pangaea. He provided geological,
fossil, and climatological evidence to support his theory.

B) Frank Bursley Taylor

Article: Bearing of the Tertiary Mountain Belt on the Origin of the Earth’s Plan (1910)

Contribution: Taylor suggested that the continents moved towards the equator and explained
the formation of mountain ranges by horizontal movements of the crust.

C) Alexander du Toit

Book: Our Wandering Continents: An Hypothesis of Continental Drifting (1937)

Contribution: Du Toit expanded on Wegener’s ideas, providing additional evidence from the
geology of South America and Africa. He supported the theory of continental drift with
detailed comparisons of rock formations and fossil records.

D) Arthur Holmes

Book: Principles of Physical Geology (1944)

Contribution: Holmes proposed the mechanism of mantle convection currents as a driving

force for continental drift, which later became a crucial component of plate tectonics theory.

Key Concepts and Evidence for Continental Drift

 Pangaea: Wegener hypothesized that all continents were once joined together in a
single supercontinent called Pangaea, which began to break apart around 200 million
years ago.
 Fit of the Continents: The coastlines of continents like South America and Africa
appear to fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, suggesting they were once
 Fossil Evidence: Identical fossils of plants and animals, such as the Mesosaurus and
Glossopteris, were found on widely separated continents, indicating they were once
 Geological Evidence: Similar rock formations and mountain ranges are found on
continents that are now far apart, suggesting they were formed together before drifting
 Climatological Evidence: Evidence of past climates, such as glacial deposits in
present-day tropical regions, supports the idea that continents have moved across
different climatic zones over geological time.

Development into Plate Tectonics

The theory of continental drift laid the groundwork for the modern theory of plate tectonics,
which emerged in the mid-20th century. Plate tectonics provides a comprehensive
explanation for the movement of continents through the mechanism of tectonic plates and
includes the processes of seafloor spreading, subduction, and the activity of mid-ocean ridges
and transform faults.

Key developments in plate tectonics include:

 Seafloor Spreading: Proposed by Harry Hess in the 1960s, suggesting that new
oceanic crust is created at mid-ocean ridges and spreads outward.
 Vine-Matthews Hypothesis: In 1963, Frederick Vine and Drummond Matthews
provided evidence of symmetrical magnetic stripes on the ocean floor, confirming
seafloor spreading.
 Global Plate Boundaries: The identification and mapping of global plate boundaries,
including divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries, provided a framework for
understanding the movement of tectonic plates and associated geological activity.
Plate Tectonics Theory

The theory of plate tectonics, which emerged in the mid-20th century, revolutionized our
understanding of the Earth's dynamic surface. It explains the movement of the Earth's
lithospheric plates and provides a comprehensive framework for understanding geological
processes such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, and mountain building.

A) Lithospheric Plates

 The Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid plates, which float on the semi-
fluid asthenosphere beneath them. These plates include both continental and oceanic

b) Plate Boundaries

 Divergent Boundaries: Where plates move apart. Example: Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

 Convergent Boundaries: Where plates move towards each other. Example: Himalayas
(continental-continental convergence), Andes (oceanic-continental convergence).

 Transform Boundaries: Where plates slide past each other. Example: San Andreas

c) Mechanisms of Plate Movement

 Mantle Convection: Heat from the Earth's interior causes convection currents in the
mantle, driving plate movements.

 Ridge Push and Slab Pull: New crust forms at mid-ocean ridges (ridge push) and
older, denser crust sinks into the mantle at subduction zones (slab pull).

Historical Development of Plate Tectonics Theory

a) Continental Drift

Alfred Wegener: Proposed the hypothesis of continental drift in 1915, suggesting that
continents were once joined together in a supercontinent called Pangaea. Key work: The
Origin of Continents and Oceans (1915).
b) Seafloor Spreading

Harry Hess: Proposed in the early 1960s that new oceanic crust is created at mid-ocean ridges
and spreads outward. This concept provided a mechanism for Wegener's continental drift.
Key work: History of Ocean Basins (1962).

c) Magnetic Stripes and Paleomagnetism

Vine-Matthews Hypothesis: Frederick Vine and Drummond Matthews (1963) provided

evidence of symmetrical magnetic stripes on the ocean floor, confirming seafloor spreading.

d) Global Plate Boundaries

Mapping and identification of global plate boundaries and understanding the interactions at
these boundaries provided a comprehensive framework for plate tectonics.

Notable Scientists and Their Contributions

 John Tuzo Wilson

Introduced the concept of transform faults and the cycle of plate tectonics, later
known as the Wilson Cycle. Key work: "A New Class of Faults and their Bearing on
Continental Drift" (1965).

 Dan McKenzie and Robert Parker

Developed the mathematical theory of plate tectonics, formalizing the rigid plate
concept. Key work: "The North Pacific: An Example of Tectonics on a Sphere"

 W. Jason Morgan
Proposed the theory of plate tectonics independently and introduced the concept of
mantle plumes. Key work: "Rises, Trenches, Great Faults, and Crustal Blocks"

Evidence Supporting Plate Tectonics

 Fit of the Continents

The coastlines of continents, such as South America and Africa, fit together like
pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, suggesting they were once connected.

 Distribution of Fossils
Identical fossils of plants and animals found on widely separated continents indicate
they were once joined.

 Geological Similarities
Similar rock formations and mountain ranges are found on continents that are now far
 Paleoclimatic Evidence
Evidence of past climates, such as glacial deposits in present-day tropical regions,
supports the idea of continental drift.

 Ocean Floor Topography

Mid-ocean ridges, deep-sea trenches, and fracture zones provide physical evidence of
seafloor spreading and subduction processes.

 Magnetic Anomalies
Symmetrical magnetic stripes on the ocean floor record reversals of Earth's magnetic
field, supporting the seafloor spreading hypothesis.

 Earthquake and Volcanic Activity

The distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes corresponds with plate boundaries,
illustrating the dynamic nature of plate interactions.
Importance of Plate Tectonics

The theory of plate tectonics is fundamental to understanding Earth's geological processes. It

explains the distribution of earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain ranges, and oceanic trenches,
and it provides a framework for studying the past and present movements of continents and
ocean basins. This theory has also significantly impacted fields such as geology,
oceanography, and palaeontology, offering insights into the dynamic nature of our planet.

Endogenetic and Exogenetic Forces

The Earth's surface is shaped by various forces that originate from within the Earth
(endogenetic forces) and those that originate from outside or above the Earth’s surface
(exogenetic forces). Understanding these forces is crucial for comprehending the geological
and geomorphological processes that shape the Earth's landscape.

A) Endogenetic Forces

Endogenetic forces are internal processes that originate from within the Earth's crust. These
forces are responsible for the creation of landforms and are associated with tectonic activities,
volcanic activities, and other geological processes.

Types of Endogenetic Forces

 Tectonic Movements

Orogenic Movements: These are mountain-building processes that occur due to the
collision of tectonic plates. They result in the formation of fold mountains. Example:
The Himalayas formed by the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates.
 Epeirogenic Movements: These are vertical movements of the Earth's crust that cause
broad warping or upliftment and subsidence of large areas of the crust. Example: The
uplift of the Colorado Plateau.

 Volcanic Activities

Volcanic activities involve the eruption of magma from the mantle to the surface,
forming various volcanic landforms such as volcanoes, lava plateaus, and volcanic
islands. Example: The formation of the Hawaiian Islands.

 Seismic Activities

Seismic activities include earthquakes, which are caused by the sudden release of
energy along fault lines. Earthquakes result in the creation of faults, rift valleys, and
other related landforms. Example: The San Andreas Fault in California.

Examples of Endogenetic Landforms

Fold Mountains: Himalayas, Alps, Rockies

Faults and Rift Valleys: East African Rift Valley, San Andreas Fault

Volcanic Mountains: Mount Fuji, Mount St. Helens

Plateaus: Colorado Plateau

B) Exogenetic Forces

Exogenetic forces are external processes that occur on or near the Earth's surface. These
forces are responsible for the degradation and shaping of the landforms created by
endogenetic forces through weathering, erosion, transportation, and deposition.

Types of Exogenetic Forces


 Mechanical Weathering: The physical breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces without
changing their chemical composition. Example: Freeze-thaw cycles causing rock

 Chemical Weathering: The decomposition of rocks due to chemical reactions, leading

to the formation of new minerals. Example: The formation of clay from feldspar
through hydrolysis.
 Biological Weathering: The breakdown of rocks by living organisms. Example: Tree
roots growing into rock cracks.


 Water Erosion: The removal and transportation of soil and rock by rivers, streams, and
rainfall. Example: Formation of river valleys and canyons.

 Wind Erosion: The movement of sand and dust by wind, especially in arid regions.
Example: Formation of sand dunes.

 Glacial Erosion: The carving and shaping of land by glaciers. Example: Formation of
U-shaped valleys and fjords.

 Wave Erosion: The shaping of coastal landscapes by the action of ocean waves.
Example: Formation of sea cliffs and arches.


 The movement of weathered material by agents such as water, wind, ice, and gravity.
Example: Sediment transport by rivers.


 The accumulation of sediments in new locations after being transported. Example:

Formation of deltas, alluvial fans, and sand dunes.

Examples of Exogenetic Landforms

River Valleys: Grand Canyon

Deltas: Nile Delta, Ganges Delta

Sand Dunes: Sahara Desert dunes

Glacial Landforms: Great Lakes, Yosemite Valley

Coastal Landforms: White Cliffs of Dover, Great Barrier Reef

Landform Occurrence and Causes of Geomorphic Hazards

Geomorphic hazards are natural events that result from the Earth's surface processes,
often causing significant changes to the landscape and posing risks to human life and
property. The main geomorphic hazards include earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and
avalanches. Understanding their occurrence and causes is crucial for hazard management and
1. Earthquakes

 Occurrence

Tectonic Boundaries: Most earthquakes occur along tectonic plate boundaries where
plates interact. These include convergent boundaries (subduction zones), divergent
boundaries (mid-ocean ridges), and transform boundaries (fault lines).

Intraplate Earthquakes: Less common but significant earthquakes can occur within
tectonic plates due to stresses within the crust.

 Causes

Tectonic Movements: The primary cause of earthquakes is the movement of tectonic

plates. Stress builds up at plate boundaries and faults until it is released as seismic

Volcanic Activity: Earthquakes can also be triggered by volcanic activity when

magma movement induces stress on the surrounding rocks.

Human Activities: Activities such as mining, reservoir-induced seismicity from large

dams, and geothermal energy extraction can also induce earthquakes.

2. Volcanoes

 Occurrence

Subduction Zones: Volcanic activity is common along convergent boundaries where

an oceanic plate is subducted beneath a continental or another oceanic plate. Example:
Pacific Ring of Fire.

Rift Zones: Volcanoes can also occur along divergent boundaries where tectonic
plates are moving apart, such as mid-ocean ridges and continental rifts. Example:
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, East African Rift.

Hotspots: Volcanic activity away from plate boundaries occurs at hotspots, where
mantle plumes rise to the surface. Example: Hawaiian Islands, Yellowstone.


 Magma Movement: Volcanic eruptions are caused by the movement of magma from
the mantle to the Earth's surface. Pressure builds up in the magma chamber until it is
released explosively or effusively.
 Subduction: Water and other volatiles from the subducting plate lower the melting
point of the mantle, causing magma to form and rise.

 Mantle Plumes: Hotspots are caused by plumes of hot mantle material that melt the
crust as they rise.

3. Landslides

 Occurrence

Mountainous and Hilly Areas: Landslides are most common in regions with steep
terrain where gravitational forces can easily cause the movement of rock and soil.

Riverbanks and Coastal Cliffs: Areas with loose, unconsolidated materials are prone
to landslides, especially after heavy rains or earthquakes.

Human-Altered Landscapes: Construction activities, deforestation, and mining can

destabilize slopes and trigger landslides.

 Causes

Gravity: The primary cause of landslides is the force of gravity acting on a slope that
exceeds the material's shear strength.

Weathering and Erosion: Weathering weakens rock structures, and erosion removes
supporting material, increasing the risk of landslides.

Water Saturation: Heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt saturates soil and rock, reducing
cohesion and increasing weight, which can trigger landslides.

Seismic Activity: Earthquakes can shake loose materials and initiate landslides.

Human Activities: Deforestation, mining, road construction, and other activities can
destabilize slopes.

4. Avalanches

 Occurrence

Mountainous Regions: Avalanches are most common in high-altitude, snow-covered

mountainous regions with steep slopes.

Snowy Climates: Regions with significant snowfall and temperature fluctuations that
can lead to unstable snowpack conditions.
 Causes

Snow Accumulation: Rapid accumulation of snow can create layers of unstable

snowpack, which can collapse and slide down the slope.

Temperature Changes: Warming temperatures can cause melting and refreezing

cycles, leading to weak layers within the snowpack.

Wind: Wind can transport snow to leeward slopes, creating overhanging cornices and
loading slopes with additional snow.

Human Activity: Skiing, snowboarding, and other activities can trigger avalanches by
disturbing the snowpack.

Natural Triggers: Heavy snowfall, rain on snow, and other natural events can trigger

Earth Movements: Seismicity, Folding, Faulting, and Vulcanicity

Earth movements refer to the dynamic processes that shape the Earth's surface, driven
primarily by tectonic forces. These movements include seismicity (earthquakes), folding,
faulting, and vulcanicity (volcanic activity). Each of these processes contributes to the
formation and alteration of various landforms and geological structures.

1. Seismicity

 Seismicity refers to the occurrence, distribution, and frequency of earthquakes in a

given area.

Causes of Earthquakes

 Tectonic Plate Movements: The most common cause of earthquakes is the movement
of tectonic plates. When stress accumulates at plate boundaries or faults, it is
eventually released as seismic energy.

 Volcanic Activity: Earthquakes can also be triggered by the movement of magma

within the Earth, often preceding or accompanying volcanic eruptions.

 Human Activities: Induced seismicity can result from activities such as mining,
reservoir-induced seismicity from large dams, and hydraulic fracturing (fracking).
Types of Earthquakes

 Tectonic Earthquakes: Caused by the movement of tectonic plates.

 Volcanic Earthquakes: Associated with volcanic activity.

 Collapse Earthquakes: Resulting from the collapse of underground caverns or mines.

 Explosion Earthquakes: Caused by nuclear tests or other explosions.

 Landforms and Structures

 Faults: Fractures in the Earth's crust where movement has occurred.

 Rift Valleys: Formed by the divergence of tectonic plates.

 Mountain Ranges: Formed by the convergence of tectonic plates.

2. Folding

 Folding occurs when rock layers are compressed by tectonic forces, causing them to
buckle and form folds.

Causes of Folding

 Compressional Stress: When tectonic plates converge, the sedimentary rock layers
between them can be compressed and folded.

 Plate Collisions: Major mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas, are formed by the
collision of continental plates.

Types of Folds

 Anticlines: Upward-arching folds.

 Synclines: Downward, trough-like folds.

 Monoclines: A step-like fold in otherwise horizontal layers.

Landforms and Structures

 Fold Mountains: Large mountain ranges formed by extensive folding. Example: The
Himalayas, the Alps.

 Ridges and Valleys: Alternating high and low areas formed by the folding process.

3. Faulting
 Faulting occurs when rocks break and slide past each other along fractures in the
Earth's crust, known as faults.

Causes of Faulting

 Tensional Stress: When tectonic plates are pulled apart, causing the crust to break and
form normal faults.

 Compressional Stress: When tectonic plates are pushed together, causing the crust to
break and form reverse faults or thrust faults.

 Shear Stress: When tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally, causing strike-
slip faults.

Types of Faults

 Normal Faults: Caused by tensional forces, where the hanging wall moves down
relative to the footwall.

 Reverse (Thrust) Faults: Caused by compressional forces, where the hanging wall
moves up relative to the footwall.

 Strike-Slip Faults: Caused by shear forces, where rocks move horizontally past each
other. Example: San Andreas Fault.

Landforms and Structures

 Fault Scarps: Steep cliffs formed by vertical movement along a fault.

 Horsts and Grabens: Elevated blocks (horsts) and lowered blocks (grabens) formed by

 Rift Valleys: Formed by the divergence of tectonic plates and associated normal

4. Vulcanicity

 Vulcanicity refers to the processes by which magma and associated gases rise through
the Earth's crust and are extruded onto the surface or into the atmosphere.

 Causes of Vulcanicity

 Mantle Plumes: Rising columns of hot mantle material that create hotspots.
 Subduction Zones: Where an oceanic plate is subducted beneath a continental or
another oceanic plate, leading to melting and magma formation.

 Rift Zones: Where tectonic plates are moving apart, allowing magma to rise.

Types of Volcanic Activity

 Effusive Eruptions: Gentle eruptions that produce lava flows.

 Explosive Eruptions: Violent eruptions that produce pyroclastic materials and

significant ash fall.

Landforms and Structures

 Volcanoes: Mountains formed by the accumulation of volcanic material. Types

include shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, and cinder cones.

 Lava Plateaus: Extensive, flat areas formed by repeated lava flows. Example: Deccan

 Calderas: Large, depression formed when a volcano erupts and collapses.

 Geysers and Hot Springs: Result from geothermal activity associated with volcanic

Geomorphic Cycle

The concept of the geomorphic cycle was introduced to explain the development and
evolution of landforms over geological time. Two prominent models of geomorphic cycles
were proposed by William Morris Davis and Walther Penck, each offering different
perspectives on landscape evolution.

1. Davis' Geomorphic Cycle (Cycle of Erosion)

William Morris Davis, an American geographer and geologist, proposed the concept of the
geomorphic cycle or cycle of erosion in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His model
describes the stages through which landscapes evolve, driven by fluvial processes.
Key Stages of Davis' Geomorphic Cycle

 Youthful Stage

Characteristics: Steep gradients, V-shaped valleys, rapid river flow, and little
floodplain development.

Landforms: Waterfalls, rapids, and gorges.

Processes: Dominated by vertical erosion, resulting in deep valleys and little lateral

 Mature Stage

Characteristics: Moderate gradients, wider valleys, development of floodplains, and

reduced river velocity.

Landforms: Meandering rivers, wider valley floors, and river terraces.

Processes: Both vertical and lateral erosion, leading to valley widening and the
formation of meanders.

 Old Stage

Characteristics: Low gradients, extensive floodplains, slow-moving rivers, and broad,

shallow valleys.

Landforms: Oxbow lakes, meander scars, and deltas.

Processes: Dominated by deposition, with minimal vertical erosion and significant

lateral erosion.

Davis' Conceptual Framework

 Peneplain: According to Davis, the end product of the geomorphic cycle is a

peneplain, an almost level surface resulting from prolonged erosion.

 Rejuvenation: The process can be interrupted by tectonic uplift or sea-level changes,

causing the landscape to be uplifted and the cycle to begin anew.

2. Penck's Geomorphic Cycle

Walther Penck, a German geomorphologist, proposed a different model of landscape

evolution in the early 20th century. Penck's model focuses on the rate of uplift and the
corresponding rate of erosion, emphasizing a more continuous and less stage-like process
than Davis.

Key Concepts of Penck's Geomorphic Cycle

 Rate of Uplift and Erosion

Parallel Retreat of Slopes: Penck emphasized that slopes retreat parallel to themselves
over time rather than becoming less steep, as proposed by Davis.

Decline of Slopes: Slopes gradually decline as the rate of erosion matches the rate of
uplift, maintaining a dynamic equilibrium.

 Forms of Slopes

Convex Slopes: Upper slopes where the rate of uplift is initially greater than the rate
of erosion.

Concave Slopes: Lower slopes where the rate of erosion eventually matches the rate
of uplift, leading to a concave profile.

 Stages of Landscape Evolution

Primarumpf: Initial form of the landscape before significant erosion has taken place.

Aufsteigende Hänge: Uplifting phase where the rate of uplift exceeds erosion.

Gleichförmige Hänge: Phase where uplift and erosion rates are balanced, leading to a
stable slope form.

Absteigende Hänge: Phase where the rate of erosion exceeds the rate of uplift, leading
to declining slopes.

Penck's Conceptual Framework

 Dynamic Equilibrium: Penck's model emphasizes that landscapes are in a state of

dynamic equilibrium, with continuous interaction between uplift and erosion.

 Time-Independent: Unlike Davis's model, which has distinct stages, Penck's model
does not have a fixed temporal sequence but rather focuses on the ongoing balance
between uplift and erosion.
Comparison of Davis and Penck's Models

 Stage-Based vs. Continuous Process: Davis's model describes distinct stages of

landscape evolution (youthful, mature, old), while Penck's model emphasizes a
continuous process of slope retreat and dynamic equilibrium.

 End Product: Davis's cycle culminates in a peneplain, an almost level surface,

whereas Penck does not specify an end product but focuses on the ongoing balance
between uplift and erosion.

 Role of Tectonics: Both models recognize the role of tectonic forces, but Davis sees
rejuvenation as an external interruption, whereas Penck incorporates uplift as a
constant, integral factor.

Theories and Processes of Slope Development

Slope development is a key aspect of geomorphology, focusing on the formation and

evolution of slopes and their associated processes. Various theories have been proposed to
explain slope development, primarily by geomorphologists such as William Morris Davis,
Walther Penck, Lester King, and John Hack. These theories examine how slopes evolve over
time due to different environmental and geological factors.

Key Theories of Slope Development

1. Davis' Theory of Slope Decline (Cycle of Erosion)

William Morris Davis proposed the concept of the geomorphic cycle, which includes a theory
of slope decline through different stages of landscape evolution. According to Davis, slopes
go through a sequence of development stages influenced by fluvial processes:

 Youthful Stage:

Steep, V-shaped valleys

Active vertical erosion dominates

Slopes are initially steep and rugged

 Mature Stage:

Gradual reduction in slope steepness

Development of floodplains and meanders

Balance between vertical and lateral erosion

 Old Stage:

Gentle, convex slopes

Predominantly lateral erosion and deposition

Formation of a peneplain (nearly level surface)

Davis' theory emphasizes the gradual reduction in slope angle over time as the
landscape evolves from youthful to old stages.

2. Penck's Theory of Slope Replacement and Parallel Retreat

Walther Penck proposed an alternative model focusing on the continuous interplay between
uplift and erosion. Penck’s model suggests that slopes develop and evolve in a process of
parallel retreat and replacement:

Parallel Retreat:

 Slopes retreat parallel to themselves due to weathering and erosion

 Maintains a constant slope angle over time

Slope Replacement:

 Steep slopes are replaced by gentler slopes as erosion progresses

 The landscape evolves continuously rather than in discrete stages

 Penck emphasized that slope development is controlled by the balance between the
rate of uplift and the rate of erosion, leading to dynamic equilibrium.

3. King's Theory of Slope Decline

Lester King proposed a model similar to Davis’ but with a focus on pediplanation and slope


 Formation of pediments (gently sloping rock surfaces) at the base of steep slopes

 Continued erosion and weathering lead to the retreat and reduction of steep slopes
Slope Decline:

 Slopes become progressively gentler as pediments expand

 Development of extensive, low-angle surfaces known as pediplains

 King’s theory also highlights the role of climate in slope development, particularly in
arid and semi-arid regions.

4. Hack's Dynamic Equilibrium Model

John Hack proposed the concept of dynamic equilibrium, where landscapes and slopes adjust
to achieve a balance between form and processes:

Dynamic Equilibrium:

 Slopes and landscapes adjust to maintain a steady-state condition

 Erosion rates are balanced by tectonic uplift and climatic factors

Process-Response System:

 Landscapes are continuously shaped by a complex interplay of geomorphic processes

 Slope angles and forms are adjusted to achieve equilibrium

 Hack’s model emphasizes the constant feedback mechanism between form and
processes, leading to a stable landscape over time.

Processes of Slope Development

Several geomorphic processes contribute to slope development and evolution, including

weathering, mass wasting, and erosion:

 Weathering:

Physical Weathering: Disintegration of rock due to temperature changes, freeze-thaw

cycles, and other mechanical processes.

Chemical Weathering: Decomposition of rock due to chemical reactions with water,

acids, and other agents.

Biological Weathering: Breakdown of rock by plants, animals, and microorganisms.

 Mass Wasting:

Rockfalls: Free-falling rocks from steep slopes or cliffs.

Landslides: Rapid movement of a large mass of earth material down a slope.

Slumps: Downward and outward rotational movement of rock or soil.

Creep: Slow, gradual downslope movement of soil and rock.

 Erosion:

Fluvial Erosion: Removal of soil and rock by running water, forming valleys and

Glacial Erosion: Carving of landscapes by glaciers, creating U-shaped valleys and


Coastal Erosion: Shaping of coastlines by wave action and tidal forces.

Wind Erosion: Transportation of soil and sand by wind, common in arid regions.

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