Sales Plan

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DAY 4/17 4/18 4/19 4/20 4/21

- Form up team ER team for The promtion

- Establish the "The Promtion" External Affairs team. - Finalize Hitlist + Materials (Signature temp
- Provide general external affairs skills training and utilize hitlist research for
Objective sponsor acquisition.
mail template, Cold call,...)
- Schedule weekly team meetings to provide updates and address any - Finalize Proposal to send to partners.

- Categorize
sponsor sectors
in pairs
- Finalize - Finalize - Finalize - Complete
Proposal Proposal proposal. signature
PROCESS members to
- Building - Building - Finalize ER template
different teams
Masterplan Masterplan team - Compile
Database for
Sales plan

4/22 4/23 4/24 4/25 4/26 4/27 4/28

nalize Hitlist + Materials (Signature template,

- Continue adding potential partners to the Hitlist and initiate daily outreach.
template, Cold call,...)
- Begin inviting sponsorships.
nalize Proposal to send to partners.

- Continue
building the
Sponsor Hitlist
- Continue and sending out
- Build Hitlist - Continue
building invitations.
of sponsors building the
Sponsor Hitlist - Follow up with
(Segment Sponsor Hitlist
+ Sending those who
sectors, note and sending out
invitations respond,
priority sectors, invitations.
-Build Sponsor - Follow up with schedule face-
those closely - Follow up with
Hitlist those who to-face meetings
related to those who
- Finalize - Shortlist respond, for further
students) - Initiate respond,
Sponsor sponsors schedule face- discussion.
- Divide sponsor schedule face-
invitation email - Begin Cold- to-face meetings - For those who
proposal into invitations to-face meetings
- Draft Cold-call calling for discussion haven't
separate based on Hitlist for further
script - For non- responded, cold-
proposals for discussion.
- Begin sending responsive call and remind
each sponsor - For those who
emails sponsors, cold- them to reply via
- Polish email, haven't
call and remind email.
Cold Call responded, cold-
them via email - Hold team
script, Sponsor call and remind
- Meetings + meetings to
invitation them to reply via
Update on update on
message email.
progress progress and
feedback on
Sales plan

4/29 4/30 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5

h. - Continue adding potential sponsors to the list, and implement daily o

- Contact partners according to the Leader's assignment.
- Follow up with partners.

- Continue
building the
Sponsor Hitlist
and sending out
- Follow up with
- Contact - Contact - Contact
those who
sponsors for sponsors for sponsors for
invitation. invitation. invitation.
schedule face-
- Cold-call those - Cold-call those - Cold-call those Follow-up Follow-up Follow-up
to-face meetings
who haven't who haven't who haven't
for further
replied to the replied to the replied to the
email. email. email.
- For those who
responded, cold-
call and remind
them to reply via
5/6 5/7 5/8 5/9 5/10 5/11 5/12

- Take care of and exchange information with partners and the organizing committee.
the list, and implement daily outreach. - Support the organizing committee and partners in offline media, main event, and satellite events.
der's assignment. - Continue contacting sponsors (if necessary).
- Implement additional tasks according to the program plan.

- Finalize the
list of sponsors. - Send
- Establish invitations to
Take Care Design attend The
groups (create invitation cards Promotion+ and
Follow-up Follow-up
groups for for participation receive
those who from all parties responses before
finalize deals 23:00 PM on
early). May 16th

5/13 5/14 5/15 5/16 5/17 5/18 5/19

zing committee.
n event, and satellite events. Extracting lessons learned from the entire organizi
disbursing funds.

- Handle and - Handle and

Complete the provide benefits. provide benefits.
list of attendees' - Run the event - Express - Express
personnel for
representatives. onsite gratitude and gratitude and
send materials send materials
after the event. after the event.

5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23

rned from the entire organizing committee, fulfilling sponsor benefits, and

- Handle and - Handle and - Handle and

- Handle and
provide benefits. provide benefits. provide benefits.
provide benefits.
- Express - Express - Express
- Express gratitude
gratitude and gratitude and gratitude and
and send materials
send materials send materials send materials
after the event.
after the event. after the event. after the event.

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