Academic English

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Stand out (as one of the major achievements…) = resaltar, sobresale como

During the ensueing centuries – en los siglos venideros

Stand on the threshold of
Lie at the foundations of
Suffice it to say that…
First and foremost it is… - lo primero y sobre todo
Stand in stark contrast to…
within a longue durée perspective.
The Romans did not, in any examples of which I am aware, apply the term patronus to…
Mark a turning point

Let us now turn to…

It is worth mentioning at the outset
The former/latter half of the th century.

(nota) Translations are my own.

My principal purpose in this paper has been to shed some light on the workings of this social and
religious system of birthday celebration as it applied to relations between private individuals.

I would like to thank Professors Peter Brown and Ted Champlin of Princeton University for their advice
and support throughout the many stages of my work on this project. I am also most grateful to Emil
Homerin, Deborah Lyons, Andy Overman, and Bill Green for reading and discuss ing with me various
drafts of this article, and to Classical Antiquity's Thomas Habinek and anony mous reader for their very
useful suggestions

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