IR Practical Abhi

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CL II - Information Retrieval Laboratory

BE AI&DS AY- 2023-24

List of Assignments

1. Write a program for pre-processing of a text document such as

conversion to lowercase, stop word removal, remove
punctuation, removing numbers, stemming, lemmatization,
number to text, remove whitespace.

2. Implement a program for retrieval of documents using inverted


3. Implement e-mail spam filtering using text classification

algorithm with appropriate dataset. Analyse the performance of
the algorithm.

4. Perform text classification using Naive Bayes/Logistic

Regression/ Support Vector Machines /Decision Tree
Classifier. Use dataset "Economic news article tone and
relevance" news articles, which were tagged as relevant or not
relevant to the US Economy. Keep the required columns and
save it in a dataframe. Explore the process of training and
testing text classifier for this dataset and analyse the

5. Implement Page Rank Algorithm. (Use python/beautiful soup

for implementation).
6. Build the web crawler to pull IMDB information and analyse the

7. Build a web crawler to get web contents like PPT and Image
files. The files should be downloaded on the local machine.

8. Write a program to construct a Bayesian network considering

medical data. Use this model to demonstrate the diagnosis of heart
patients using the standard Heart Disease Data Set (You can use
Java/Python ML library classes/API

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