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UPENG/2016/69825 Volume-08 Issue-168

International No Diet Day is an annual celebra- "The purpose of our lives is

tion dedicated to the importance of body accept- to be happy."
ance, diversity, and respect for all body shapes - Dalai Lama
and sizes.

English Daily Youth E- Newspaper LUCKNOW, 6 MAY, 2024 Price Rs 2.00


kra, commonly known

as lady's finger or
bhindi, is a popular
vegetable celebrated for its
unique texture and flavour.
One of its notable uses is

in the preparation of okra
water, a refreshing and nutri-
tious beverage. To make it,
okra pods are soaked in water
overnight, allowing the infusion of

nutrients, and then consumed the next day. This bever-
age is valued for its potential health benefits, mainly attrib-
uted to its rich nutrient content. With its pleasing taste and
potential health advantages, okra water is a straightfor-
ward yet beneficial inclusion in one's dietary regimen.

iabetes and heart issues are common chronic con-

D ditions that are close-

ly linked. People
with high blood sugar
levels have a greater
risk of developing
heart disease and
experiencing a heart
attack. Those with dia-
betes are twice as like-
ly to have a heart attack
compared to those without
the condition. This connection
Taniya Dyson highlights the importance of comprehensive care and
adversity. management for individuals with diabetes. It's essential
ndurance, the steadfast persistence in the face not only to control blood sugar levels but also to address

E of adversity, is a quality that separates the

triumphant from the defeated. It is the abili-
ty to endure hardships, setbacks, and obstacles with
Endurance is also physical in nature, requiring stam-
risk factors related to cardiovascular complications.

resilience and determination. ina, strength, and perseverance to push through phys-
ical challenges and limitations. It is about pushing SNAKES FOUND IN
RESILIENCE IN ADVERSITY: past fatigue and discomfort to achieve peak perform-
Endurance is not merely about surviving challenges MIAMI AIRPORT
but thriving despite them. It is the resilience to bounce MINDSET OF GROWTH:
back stronger after facing setbacks and disappoint- SA agents at Miami

Endurance is cultivated through a mindset of growth
and learning. It is about embracing challenges as
opportunities for growth and improvement rather
T International Airport made
an unusual discovery
during a security check when
than as obstacles to be avoided. they found snakes concealed
Endurance requires a long-term perspective, the will- in a passenger's pants. The
ingness to stay the course even when progress seems CELEBRATING PROGRESS: snakes were noticed protrud-
slow or obstacles seem insurmountable. It is about ing from a camo-colored bag
maintaining focus and determination in pursuit of Endurance is not just about reaching the finish line just before the passenger was
one's goals. but also about celebrating the journey and the progress set to board the plane. Authorities
made along the way. It is about acknowledging small were notified, and wildlife officers
EMOTIONAL STAMINA: victories and milestones as fuel for continued per- took custody of the snakes. The incident sparked wide-
severance. spread amusement online, with many speculating about
Endurance encompasses mental and emotional for- In essence, endurance is the fuel that propels us the passenger's motives and drawing comparisons to the
titude, the ability to withstand stress, uncertainty, forward in the face of adversity, guiding us through movie "Snakes on a Plane." Social media users had a live-
and discomfort without losing hope or motivation. life's challenges with strength, resilience, and unwa- ly reaction to the bizarre occurrence, adding humour and
It is about staying calm and composed in the face of vering determination. intrigue to the unexpected event at the airport.

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
6 MAY, 2024

UP Governor launches 'New India in the 21st

Century', a book by Dr Shishir Srivastava
True Observing India
In this (2) Foster Innovation and
he Governor of Uttar book, the Research (3) Enhance

T Pradesh, Anandiben Patel,

launched the book 'New India
in the 21st Century' authored by Dr
author has
21 Visions
Infrastructure (4) Promote
Sustainable Development
(5) Strengthen Healthcare
Shishir Srivastava at the Raj Bhavan. for India to Systems (6) International
The Governor congratulated the become a Cooperation, among oth-
author for his contribution. The Developed ers. Author Dr Shishir
Prime Minister of India, Narendra Country by Srivastava, is a success
Modi, has also praised this book. 2050. Some coach and a motivation-
PM stated, "This book will provide of these al speaker who is cur-
knowledge and a new vision to visions are: rently working as the
the children and youth of India. (1) Invest in Head of International
This book is inspirational and use- Quality Relations at City Montessori School
ful for future Indians." Education (CMS), Lucknow.

Green Today For A Better Tomorrow: Allenhouse

Public School, Vrindavan Yojna Celebrates Earth Day
True Observing India
he Pre primary students of

T Allenhouse Public School,

Vrindavan Yojna, Lucknow cel-
ebrated The Earth Day in the school
premises. The school organised a num-
ber of activities for the little ones to teach
them to love and take care of nature in
their own small gestures .
The day began with a special assem-
bly where the teachers discussed the sig-
nificance of Earth Day and how impor-
tant it is to take care, respect and love the
planet where we dwell. With songs ,short about global warming. Various craft items
stories and interactive discussions, the were made with waste material teaching
children were introduced to the concepts them to recycle.
of recycling, reducing, and reusing. They The fun filled day taught the little ones,
learnt how to conserve nature and ani- the values of environmental responsi-
mals. They planted saplings in the school bility and how they can contribute to a
garden, learning the importance of plants sustainable future for the planet.
in providing the air that we breathe and

Primary section students of City Montessori School, Gomti Nagar Extension brought laurels
to their institution by winning a trophy in the chess competition and 2 gold medals in
Basketball match. They also won the first runner up trophy and Best Player Award in the Inter
school roller skating championship & Chess competition.

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
6 MAY, 2024


ASA's satellite images reveal the Luna zebra's week-long

Landsat 8,
crater in Gujarat, India, formed by a mete-
orite impact. The crater, as captured by A escapade
ended as authorities cap-

study in PLOS ONE highlights
a risk to the global
chocolate supply,
measures tured the mare follow- as a virus infects cacao
1.8km ing her daring escape trees in West Africa.
wide with from a trailer. The zebra, Ghana's cacao harvests
a 6m-high named Shug, was one of are seeing notable loss-
outer rim. four that broke free near es of 15-50% due to the
Analytical North Bend. While the oth- spread of Cacao Swollen
studies ers were swiftly caught, Shug Shoot Virus Disease.
confirm its evaded capture for nearly six days, roaming the Mealybugs, feeding on infect-
extraterres- Cascades' foothills. Now safely recovered, Shug ed trees, are suspected carriers of the
trial origin. will be transported to Anaconda, Montana, her intend- virus. This alarming situation emphasises the imme-
Radiocarbon dating estimates its formation 6,900 ed destination before the escape. The incident sparked diate necessity for effective strategies to curb virus
years ago, sparking curiosity about any connec- memes and jokes, with local agencies joining in by transmission and safeguard cacao crops, vital for
tions to ancient civilisations. sharing edited images of the elusive zebra, adding chocolate production worldwide.
a touch of humour to the unusual pursuit.

Star Student Awards 2024 at Seth

Anandram Jaipuria School

True Observing India ing. She also stressed on the importance

of teacher parent collaboration to help
"Look at the stars. See their beauty set a positive learning foundation for stu-
and in that beauty, see yourself" - dents. The Honor Roll segment acknowl-
Draya Mooney edged students who consistently demon-
strated exemplary behaviour throughout
eth Anandram Jaipuria School, the year. Their sustained efforts, kind-

S Lucknow celebrated the brilliance

and exceptional achievements of
the students through the "Star Student
ness, discipline, and commitment to excel-
lence were celebrated, inspiring their
peers to strive for academic success with
Awards 2024". The event commenced unwavering dedication. The presence of
with the solemn lighting of the lamp, proud parents added a heartwarming touch
seeking blessings of the almighty. to the proceedings, highlighting the impor-
Poonam Kochitty, the Principal, deliv- tance and role of parents in nurturing
ered an inspiring message emphasizing young talents and building a strong bond
the importance of character development emony unfolded, a poignant display of with the school. The grand finale dance
alongside accolades. She stressed on past years' achievements served as an featured a mesmerizing performance that
the involvement of parents for the holis- inspiration, encouraging students to excel left the audience spellbound, reminding
tic development of the children encour- in both academics as well as extra-cur- them of the importance of continuous
aging parents to volunteer in school events. ricular activities. improvement and future growth.
She affirmed that parents as primary care- The highlight of the ceremony was the Shilpi Agarwal, the headmistress sen-
givers influence and shape their children's announcement of the Academic Excellence ior wing presented a heartwarming vote
lives. She advised parents to allow chil- Awards, recognizing students who had of thanks to the gathering. She stressed
dren to experience their academic jour- demonstrated outstanding scholastic apti- activities were recognized. The diverse that true success is not measured by
ney instead of straining them for a per- tude in their respective classes. The school range of talents showcased during this academic excellence only. She request-
fect academic report card. She also accen- believes that these recognitions and acco- segment highlighted the well-rounded ed parents to discuss failures, stop draw-
tuated the need for regular attendance lades not only celebrate their academic development of the students and cele- ing comparisons, and monitor the use of
of the students. Furthermore, she illus- prowess but also instil in them the drive brated their achievements beyond the gadgets. The Star Student Awards 2024
trated how involvement of the parents to persist in their pursuit of overall excel- academic realm. ceremony served as a reminder that aca-
and their active presence in school events lence. Following the academic awards, Head Mistress Shilpi Kumar in her demic excellence, coupled with values
and award ceremonies gives confidence the ceremony moved on to the Co-scholas- motivating speech highlighted the impor- and character development, is the key to
and motivates students to excel in life. tic Awards, which aimed to acknowledge tance of primary education and the role personal and professional success. It left
Followed by the speech a soul-stirring students' exceptional talents and skills in of parents. She encouraged parents to a lasting impact on the gathering, inspir-
prayer song evoked a sense of tranquil- various areas. Students who had demon- assist students in homework, encourage ing them to strive for even greater achieve-
ity and spirituality in the gathering, set- strated outstanding abilities in sports, questions, listen to their problems, and ments and embody the school's ethos of
ting the tone for the evening. As the cer- arts, music, and other extracurricular help them develop a passion for learn- holistic growth and ethical values.

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
6 MAY, 2024


recent study suggests that middle-aged tudy of human remains, ith the onset of summer, numerous health

A women who engage in

regular exercise
may enjoy improved
S dating 15,000 years
ago and discovered
in a cave in northeast-
W challenges arise, includ-
ing dehydration,
digestive troubles, aller-
health outcomes. ern Morocco, revealed gies, and food-related
Research involving hunter-gatherers' pref- illnesses. While vari-
over 11,000 women erence for a plant- ous remedies exist to
revealed that commit- based diet. Analysis tackle these issues and
ting to 150 minutes of indicated consumption ensure proper hydra-
exercise per week during of diverse wild plants like tion and coolness, cer-
middle age is associated with sweet acorns, pine nuts, pis- tain traditional foods offer
better physical health in later tachios, oats, and legumes. The effective relief. Amla, a fruit abundant in nutrients,
life, even if they commence this routine in their mid- remains also suggested Barbary sheep as the primary is particularly notable for its immune-enhancing
50s. Published in Plos One, the findings contribute prey. This insight provides valuable information on abilities and anti-inflammatory properties. Adding
to mounting evidence that sustaining an active the dietary practices of ancient communities, empha- this fruit to one's diet can offer essential assistance
lifestyle during middle age confers significant health sising their dependence on foraged plants and hunt- during the summer, helping to uphold overall health
advantages, according to researchers. ed animals for survival during prehistoric times. despite the seasonal obstacles.


True Observing India
free eye check-up camp was

A organized in the premises of

Allen House Public School,
Vrindavan Yojna, under the able guid-
ance of the Principal Poonam Arora.
The camp was conducted by Dr.
Richa, an expert eye surgeon from
the Optometry Department of
Vrindavan Eye Hospital. The stu-
dents were enlightened on how to
effectively care for their eyes.
Simultaneously, students were also
educated on health, wellness, and
nutrition by Dr. Savita, a leading
nutritionist and wellness coach. The
session proved to be highly inform-
ative, with students actively engag-
ing with the guest speakers, who
were more than willing to address
their queries.


n a study conducted at Swinburne

I University of Technology, researchers

uncovered the optimal distribution
of daily activities, advising 8.2 hours of
sleep, 5.1 hours of standing, 6 hours of
sitting, and an additional 2.1 hours each
of light and moderate physical activity.
This comprehensive breakdown aims to
strike a balance conducive to maintain-
ing both glycemic control and heart
health. Adequate sleep duration is cru-
cial for overall well-being, while incor-
porating standing and varied levels of
physical activity throughout the day can
mitigate the risks associated with pro-
longed sedentary behaviour. By adher-
ing to this suggested activity regimen,
individuals may effectively manage their
blood sugar levels and enhance cardio-
vascular health, potentially reducing the
incidence of related chronic conditions.

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
6 MAY, 2024


True Observing India ner title & St. Anthony's School,
he CISCE Zonal T- 20 Cricket Abhishekpuram was the Runner Up team.

T Tournament for Lucknow Zone A,

hosted by Lucknow Public
College, Sahara States, Jankipura,
U- 17 Boys' winner team & U- 17
Boys' Runner Up team witnessed fierce
competition. U-17 Boy's winner title was
Lucknow was a remarkable showcase of clinched by Colvin Taluqdar's College,
skill, sportsmanship and teamwork. The Lucknow and St. Joseph School, Sitapur
opening ceremony was graced by Captain Road emerged as U-17 Boy's runner up
of the ship, Deputy Director & Principal team.
Meena Tangri, Headmistress Manisha The Sports Officials were honoured by
Curtis, Sushma Singh, Physical Education the illustrious guest and Deputy Director
Inspector, Lucknow Public Schools and & Principal by the presentation of momen-
Colleges, sports officials, sports coach- to. The speeches delivered by the Chief
es & enthusiastic players. The sports Guest and Deputy Director & Principal
Captain Khushi Yadav, SGFI Cricket play- were filled with encouragement and appre-
er welcomed the distinguished guests by ciation for the young athletes and the
the presentation of bouquets. efforts
The event commenced with a warm of the school in promoting sports. Special
welcome speech extended by the Deputy recognition was given to the dedicated
Director and Principal, followed by a physical education teachers - Kailash
solemn flag hoisting ceremony and the Chandra, Mohd. Shahid Noor, Manshi
release of balloons, symbolizing the offi- Tiwari and Sushma Singh. The event was
cial declaration of the Cricket tourna- a testament to the spirit of teamwork,
ment. A series of exciting cricket match- skill, and fair play that defines the sport-
es were held in the Sahara States Cricket ing culture at Lucknow Public College,
ground, Guru Govind Singh Sports College Sahara States, Jankipuram. The vote of
Cricket ground &LDA Cricket ground thanks proposed by the Head Girl, Ishi
simultaneously on different days under Swaraj highlighted the collective effort
the able leadership of respected figures that went into making the tournament a
of the host school. resounding success. Overall, the CISCE
The closing ceremony, graced by the Zonal Cricket Tournament for Lucknow
presence of Chief Guest Priyanka Shailly, Zone A was a celebration of sports excel-
President, Lucknow Women's Cricket prize distribution ceremony saw CMS, Jankipuram emerged as the U-14 Boys lence and camaraderie, leaving a lasting
Association was welcomed by Deputy Sector - O, Aliganj, clinching the U-14 Runner Up team. In U-19 Boys' catego- impression on all those who participat-
Director & Principal Meena Tangri. The Boys Winner title, and LPC Sahara States, ry, CMS Gomtinagar - 1 bagged the win- ed and attended.

observingLucknow LUCKNOW
6 MAY, 2024

ASA intends to reset the clock on its Hubble

N Space Telescope after nearly 17 years of

operation this Saturday. The decision stems
from the telescope's use of a 32-bit elapsed time
counter, which logs every 1/8th of a second and
has a storage capacity of about 4.3 billion inter-
vals. When this counter reaches its maximum capac-
ity every 17 years, it resets. This routine mainte-
nance guarantees precise timekeeping for the tele-
scope's functions, ensuring its ability to carry out
its mission of exploring the universe with accura-
cy and dependability.

martwatches are being hailed as lifesav-

S ing tools, credited with rescuing many

individuals in dangerous circumstances.
With their ability to detect irregular heart rates,
quickly call for help, and even sense falls, these
devices have become indispensable during crit-
ical situations. Engineers continue to work tire-
lessly to improve the effectiveness and relia-
bility of technology, aiming to better serve



n a quaint Italian village nestled in the Alps, residents grappled with three

I months of darkness annually. To counter this challenge, they installed a

large mirror to redirect sunlight into their community, elevating serotonin
levels and improving mood, energy, and safety. This initiative mirrors efforts
like Norway's Rjukan project, where innovative solutions have been employed
to address seasonal darkness. Such creative endeavours highlight the global
pursuit of practical responses to natural phenomena, emphasizing the impor-
tance of local ingenuity in improving daily life. The success of these endeav-
ours underscores the potential for inventive solutions to mitigate the impact
of environmental conditions on communities worldwide.

photographer has captured a stunning image of the

A Full Pink Moon. Contrary to its name, the moon's

colour isn't pink but is named after the blooming of
wild ground phlox, signalling spring's arrival. This naming
tradition originates from Native American customs, celebrat-
ing nature's renewal with vibrant pink hues. Observing the
Full Pink Moon serves as a poignant reminder of the cyclical
rhythm of seasons and the timeless beauty of the night sky.
The photograph encapsulates this natural spectacle, empha-
sizing the significance of this lunar event and its connection
to the changing seasons and the enduring allure of celestial

student'sCorner LUCKNOW
6 MAY, 2024

INGREDIENTS: 3. Spread a generous layer of hummus on Colourful Crunch: Unleash

each tortilla.
1. Whole-grain tortillas
2. Assorted sliced veggies (e.g., cucum-
4. Place the sliced veggies on top of the
hummus, arranging them evenly across
Flavour and Nutrition with
ber, bell peppers, carrots, lettuce, avo-
cado, etc.)
the tortilla.
5. Add a layer of cheese Veggie Wraps
3. Hummus 4. Cheese on top of the veggies.
6. Roll up the tortillas
INSTRUCTIONS: CORNER tightly to form the veg-
gie wraps. Start from one
1. Prepare the sliced veggies by washing end and fold in the sides
them thoroughly and cutting them into as you roll to prevent the fillings from
thin, manageable pieces. You can use a spilling out.
variety of veggies to add colour and 7. Slice the veggie wraps in half diagonal-
flavour to your veggie wraps. ly for easier handling and serving. Enjoy
2. Lay out the whole-grain tortillas on a your delicious and nutritious Veggie
clean surface, such as a cutting board Wraps for a tasty lunch or a satisfying
or plate. snack!

Rock Art Magic: Transform Stones

into Masterpieces 1. When was the first Durand Cup Football
MATERIALS REQUIRED: Tournament played?
1. Smooth, clean rocks
2. Acrylic paint (various colours) 2. 'Mohan Bagan' reminds you of which
3. Paintbrushes (different sizes) sport?
4. Water and cup for rinsing brushes
5. Paper towels or cloth for drying brushes
6. Palette or disposable plate for paint mixing
3. Viacom 18 is a media company. Yes or
7. Optional: Paint pens, markers, or fine-tipped no?
8. Clear sealant (e.g., clear varnish or Mod 4. Which country will host the next
9. Optional: Decorative elements (glitter, rhine- Legends League Cricket?
stones, small stickers)
10. Workspace with newspapers or drop cloth 5. Which Indian city is most identified
11. Creativity and imagination! with football?
1. Clean and Prepare Rocks:
Remember:Challenge yourself and see
Start with clean, dry rocks. Wash if neces- how well you know the content without
sary. any hints. Good Luck!
Let rocks dry completely before painting.
2. Design Your Rock:
Consider your desired design or pattern. Answers:1888, Football, Yes, India,
3. Paint Base Coat: Kolkata
Apply acrylic paint as the background.
Let the base coat dry completely.
SUDOKU 4. Add Your Design:
Use paintbrushes to create your design.
Let each layer dry before adding another.
Use paint pens, markers, or fine tipped
brushes for finer details.
6. Optional Decorations:
Embellish with glitter, rhinestones, or stick-
ers using clear glue or Mod Podge.
7. Seal Your Rock:
Once dry, seal with clear varnish or Mod
Apply a thin, even layer and let it dry thor-
8. Display or Gift:
Your decorated rock is ready for display or
as a thoughtful gift.

2. A polygon with opposite sides parallel
5. 3D shape with a circular base

7. A shape with eight sides

8. 3D shape with curved surfaces
1. A shape with no sides or corners
3. A polygon with five sides
4. A shape with equal length of four sides
6. A shape with more than four sides
knowledgeHub 6 MAY, 2024

Decoding BMI:
Understanding Body
Mass Index and Its
Impact on Health
Rishika Kukrety Overweight: BMI 25 to 29.9 adults or those with less muscle mass ered.
ody Mass Index (BMI) is a wide- Obesity: BMI 30 or higher might have a healthy BMI but higher body

B ly used measure for assessing

whether a person has a healthy
body weight in relation to their height. It Understanding the
fat percentage.

BMI and Health Risks

Using BMI Wisely
BMI is best used as part of a broader
provides a simple numerical value that Limitations health assessment. It's a starting point
categorises individuals into different Research shows that high BMI correlates that can prompt further evaluation if nec-
weight categories, offering a quick snap- While BMI is a useful screening tool, it with increased risk for various health essary. For instance, individuals with a
shot of their overall health. However, has limitations. It doesn't directly meas- problems, including type 2 diabetes, heart high BMI might benefit from additional
understanding BMI requires insight into ure body fat percentage or distribution of disease, and certain cancers. However, health screenings, such as cholesterol or
its calculation, interpretation, and its lim- fat and muscle. For example, a person BMI alone doesn't provide a comprehen- blood sugar tests.
itations. with a muscular build may have a high- sive health assessment. Other factors like
er BMI due to muscle mass, not neces- waist circumference, body composition, Final Thoughts on BMI
Calculating BMI sarily excess body fat. Conversely, older and overall lifestyle should be consid-
Body Mass Index is a valuable tool for
BMI is calculated using a straightforward quickly assessing weight status and poten-
formula: weight in kilograms divided tial health risks associated with weight.
by the square of height in meters (BMI However, it's important to recognise its
= kg/m²). For example, a person weigh- limitations and use it in conjunction with
ing 70 kilograms and standing 1.75 meters other measures for a more comprehen-
tall would have a BMI of approximate- sive evaluation of health. Always con-
ly 22.9. sult with a healthcare professional for
Interpreting BMI Categories personalised advice and to interpret BMI
BMI categories typically include: results in the context of your overall health
Underweight: BMI less than 18.5 and lifestyle.
Normal weight: BMI 18.5 to 24.9

The Evolution of Rockets:

A Journey from Ancient China to
Interstellar Exploration
Taniya Dyson

ockets, the marvels of propulsion,

R have a history as vast and dynam-

ic as the universe they traverse.
Dating back to ancient China, where gun-
powder-filled tubes were used for cele-
brations and warfare, the invention of the
rocket has transformed humanity's rela-
tionship with space and technology.

Ancient Roots:
tal work.Tsiolkovsky's rocket equation,
Rockets trace their origins to China's Tang Goddard's liquid-fuelled rockets, and Space Age Dawn: ration, with organizations like NASA,
Dynasty (9th century), where bamboo Oberth's treatise on space travel propelled SpaceX, and ESA leading the charge.
tubes filled with gunpowder were launched the field forward. The Cold War rivalry between the United From launching satellites and conduct-
into the sky during festive occasions. This States and the Soviet Union ignited the ing scientific research to planning crewed
rudimentary form laid the groundwork World War II: Space Race, marked by milestones such missions to Mars, rockets continue to
for future innovations in propulsion. as the launch of Sputnik 1 (1957) and Yuri push the boundaries of human exploration.
The destructive power of rockets was Gagarin's orbit of the Earth (1961). Rockets
Pioneering Visionaries: showcased during World War II, partic- became the gateway to exploring the cos- Future Horizons:
ularly with the development of the V-2 mos.
In the 20th century, visionaries like rocket by Nazi Germany. Despite its dev- With advancements in technology, the
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Robert Goddard, astating impact, the V-2's technology laid Modern Exploration: future of rocketry holds promise for inter-
and Hermann Oberth revolutionized rock- the foundation for post-war advancements stellar travel, asteroid mining, and colo-
etry with their theoretical and experimen- in rocket science. Today, rockets are integral to space explo- nization of other planets.

Owner Publisher and Printer Krishan Singh Printed at Samar Printers, Barfkhana, Udayganj, Lucknow and Published from 516A.Laxmanpuri Extension Colony, Faizabad Road, Lucknow (U.P.)
English Daily EDITOR— Geeta Saini Mobile - 9415080475 Email - (All subjected to Lucknow Jurisdiction.)

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