SLCN Nose and Sinuses Thorax and Lung Activities.

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Luke’s College of Nursing- Trinity University of Asia (TUA)


1. Answer each question comprehensively.

2. Cite reference after each answer. (Reference should be from 2019-2024 ONLY).
3. Put your final output in PDF. (File format: DELA CRUZ, JUAN).
4. To be collate by the block president in 1 gdrive.
5. To be submitted by Wed (Feb. 14, 2024 at 12:00 NN), NO EXTENSION.
6. This activity will served as your quiz.



Activity 1: Nose & Sinuses

1. Discuss the Anatomy of Nose & Paranasal Sinuses.

2. Discuss, define and differentiate the Paranasal sinuses.
3. What are the step by step assessment in nose and sinuses?
4. What are the possible conditions that may arise in Nose & Sinuses? Give at least 5 diseases on
each and discuss briefly.
5. What are the needed equipment in Nose and Sinuses assessment? Discuss each instrument and
their importance in the assessment.
6. What are normal and abnormal findings in Nose & Sinuses assessment? Give at least 10 each.
7. What is nasal polyp and it’s stage?
8. Make a video presentation of the Nose & Sinuses assessment.
St. Luke’s College of Nursing- Trinity University of Asia (TUA)


1. Answer each question comprehensively.

2. Cite reference after each answer. (Reference should be from 2019-2024 ONLY).
3. Put your final output in PDF. (File format: DELA CRUZ, JUAN).
4. To be collate by the block president in 1 gdrive.
5. To be submitted by Wed (Feb. 14, 2024 at 12:00 NN), NO EXTENSION.
6. This activity will served as your quiz.



Activity 2: Lung & Thorax

1. Discuss the anatomy of the Lung.

2. What are the step by step assessment of the lung? Discuss.
3. What are the normal and abnormal findings of the lung? Give at least 10 each.
4. What are the adventitious lung sounds? Discuss.
5. What are the normal lung sounds? Discuss.
6. What are the common locations where the normal lung sounds are heard?
7. What are the disease conditions that may arise in the lung? Give at least 5 and discuss briefly.
8. What is the normal AP ratio of the chest? Discuss it’s significance
9. Make a video presentation of the Lung & Thorax assessment.

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