Test 5 10th Jobs

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1st English Written Test - 10th Grade Variant A 3rd Term

Name: _________________________________________________Class: ___________ Date: ____/____/2024

Teacher’s Signature ____________________________ Grade_____________________________
“I would like to be a pilot in the army. This job requires an aptitude for science and
mathematics. Pilots are constantly making calculations, which are very important for
navigation both on the ground and in the air. I am glad that math and science are my favorite
school subjects! I also like adventures and I know that when you are a pilot you are free as a
bird. I know that is dangerous, but if you do not take any risk in life, you could die without
doing many things.”
Chistoph Bretez, Belgium
“I imagine myself working in an office for a few hours a day, that is, I would like to
have a nine-to-five job. I know this sort of job involves doing quite a lot of paperwork, but I
do not mind. The salary won't be high at first, but if I work hard, I may get a good pay raise.
However, the real world isn't as good as my dreams - I must study and work, before my
dreams come true”.
Sandy McCarthy, USA

“I want to be a bartender, like Tom Cruise in Cocktail, and work on Bikini Island. There are many
sandy beaches with blue skies and transparent waters. There are beautiful, sun-tanned bodies
everywhere, and the relaxing sound of crashing waves and refreshing sea smell is just perfect to
escape the rat race which is our society.”
Greg Smith, Wales

A) Fill in after reading the text:

1. Who doesn´t mind working in an office? _______________________________________________________
2. Who wants to work near the beach. ___________________________________________________________
3. Who is adventurous? _______________________________________________________________________
4. Who hopes to earn more money after some years? ________________________________________________
5. Who has no problems with traveling by plane? ___________________________________________________

B) Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false ones.

1. Being a pilot requires an aptitude for English and history. ------------

2. Christoph likes taking risks in live. ------------
3. Sandy likes the type of job that involves doing a lot of adventure. ------------
4. Sandy won’t have a high salary, but it may increase if she works hard. ------------
5. Greg would like to have a nine-to-five job and work in an office. ------------

C) Answer these questions with complete sentences.

1. What do people need to be a pilot?
2. What are Christoph´s favorite school subjects?
3. Does Christoph think that being a pilot is a risky job?
4. What does Sandy think about doing a lot of paperwork?
5. Why does Greg want to work on Bikini Island?
D) Match the words with the equivalent.
1. Requires a) type 1. ---------
2. Skills b) salary increase 2.---------
3. Sort c) all over the place 3.---------
4. Pay rise d) needs 4. ---------
5. Everywhere e) talents 5.---------

E) Match the correct definition to the following professions.

1. Teacher a) Someone whose job is to treat sick animals. 1. ---------
2. Mechanic b) Someone who answers calls, makes appointments, and maintains 2.---------
3. Veterinarian paperwork 3.---------
4. Firefighter c) Someone who educates students 4. ---------
5. Secretary d) Someone who catches criminals 5.---------
6. Police Officer e) someone who fixes cars 6.---------
f) Someone who puts out fires.
F. Writing
Imagine you are applying for a part time job at a boutique hotel. The manager asks you to talk about yourself.
Use the information below to guide you and fill in the blanks.
Hello! My name is ___________________________ I am ___________________ (years old).
I live in _______________________. I study at ________________________________ High School. My
favorite school subjest are _____________________________________________________________.
I am______________________________________ (Personality/temper): organized, funny, messy, talkative,
lazy, selfish, patient, polite, shy, timid, nervous, hardworking, absent-minded, serious.
I like_______________________________________________________________________________________
I don't like __________________________________________________________________________________
I can / can't play/sing/swim_____________________________________________________________________
I'm / I'm not good at __________________________________________________________________________

Escola Secundária José Augusto Pinto

English Written Test - 10th Grade - Variant A

Section Possible answer Objectives Points

Reading and comprehension

A. 0,6x5=3
a) Sandy b) Greg c) Christoph
d) Sandy e) Christoph To test the students’ ability to

read and comprehend a text by

a) F. Being a pilot requires an aptitude for Science and Math.
B. b) T. showing vocabulary knowledge,
c) T. 0,5x6=3
answering questions, and
d) Greg wants to be a bartender
distinguishing a true statement

a) People need an aptitude for science and math. from a false one.

C. b) His favorite Math and science 1x5=5

c) Yes, he does.
d) Sandy does not mind the paperwork.
e) The Bikini Island is just perfect to escape the rat race life To assess the students’ ability

1. ---D 2.----E 3.----A 4. ---B 5. ----C to read and comprehend a text

D. by showing vocabulary

knowledge related to career and

1. C choice.
2. E 0,7x5=3,5
3. A
E. 4. F
5. B
6. D

Writing - Students’ own answers

Example: My name is Alex and I live in Mindelo. I am a
student at ESJAP. I am a good student. My favorite school To check students’ vocabulary,
F. accuracy, and awareness
subjects are English French Portuguese and history. I speak
English, Portuguese and French very well. I am energetic and 0,25x10=2,5
a great communicator. I love listening to music, that’s why I
listen to music all the time. I also can play the guitar.
I also love practicing sports. I like playing football and
mountain biking.
1st English Written Test - 10th Grade Variant B 3rd Term

Name: _________________________________________________Class: ___________ Date: ____/____/2024

Teacher’s Signature ____________________________ Grade_____________________________
“I imagine myself working in an office for a few hours a day, that is, I would like to have a nine-to-five job. I
know this sort of job involves doing quite a lot of paperwork, but I do not mind. The salary won't be high at first,
but if I work hard, I may get a good pay raise. However, the real world isn't as good as my dreams - I must study
and work, before my dreams come true”. - Ashley Swayer, USA

“I would like to be a pilot in the army. This job requires an aptitude

for science and mathematics. Pilots are constantly making
calculations which are very important for navigation both on the
ground and in the air. I am glad that math and science are my
favorite school subjects! I also like adventures and I know that
when you are a pilot you are free as a bird. I know that is dangerous,
but if you do not take any risk in life, you could die without doing
many things in life.”
-Peter white, Belgium

“I want to be a bartender, like Tom Cruise in Cocktail, and work on Bikini Island. There
are many sandy beaches with blue skies and transparent waters. There are beautiful,
sun-tanned bodies everywhere, and the relaxing sound of crashing waves and refreshing
sea smell is just perfect to escape the rat race which is our society.”
-Mark Paul, Wales

A) Fill in after reading the text:

1. Who doesn´t mind working in an office? ______________________________________
2. Who wants to work near the beach? _________________________________________
3. Who is adventurous? ______________________________________________________
4. Who hopes to earn more money after few years? _______________________________
5. Who has no problems with traveling by plane? _________________________________

B) Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false ones.

1. Being a pilot requires an aptitude for English and history. ------------

2. Peter likes taking risks in live. ------------
3. Ashley likes the type of job that involves doing a lot of adventure. ------------
4. Ashley won’t have a high salary, but it may increase if she works hard. ------------
5. Mark would like to have a nine-to-five job and work in an office. ------------

C) Using information from the text, answer these questions completely .

1. What do people need to be a pilot?
2. What are Peter´s favorite school subjects?
3. Does Peter think that being a pilot is a risky job?
4. What does Ashley think about doing a lot of paperwork?
5. Why does Mark want to work on Bikini Island?


D) Match the correct definition to the following professions.

1. Pilot a) Someone who helps doctors to look after sick people 1.---------
2. Hairdresser b) Someone who designs and constructs buildings 2.---------
3. Nurse c) Someone who flies an airplane. 3.---------
4. Journalist d) Someone who catches criminals 4.---------
5. Architect e) Someone who cuts and styles hair. 5.---------
6. Police Officer f) person who reports news on TV, radio or newspaper. 6.---------

E) Match the words with the equivalent.

1. Requires a) Type 1.------
2. Aptitude b) Salary increase 2.-------
3. Sort c) Calming 3.-------
4. Pay rise d) Involves 4.-------
5. Relaxing e) Ability 5.-------

F. Writing
Imagine you are applying for a part time job at a boutique hotel. The manager asks you to
talk about yourself. Use the information below to guide you and fill in the blanks. You can mention your
Interests on sports, food and activities (what do you like and what you don’t like to do) your talents and skills
( what you can and what you can’t do).
Hello Alex my name is ___________________________ I am ______________ (years old).
I live in _______________________. I study at ________________________________ High School. My
favorite school subjest are _____________________________________________________________
I am______________________________________ (Personality/temper): organized, funny, messy, talkative,
lazy, selfish, patient, polite, shy, timid, nervous, hardworking, absent-minded, serious.
I like_________________________________________________________________________________
I don't like ____________________________________________________________________________
Escola Secundária José Augusto Pinto
English Written Test - 10th Grade – Variant B

I can / can't play/sing/swim______________________________________________________________

I'm / I'm not good at ____________________________________________________________________

Possible answers Objectives Points

Reading and comprehension
A. a) Ashley b) Mark c) Peter
d) Ashley e) Peter To test the students’ ability

e) F. Being a pilot requires an aptitude for Science and Math. to read and comprehend a
f) T.
B. g) T. text by showing vocabulary 0,5x6=3
h) F. Mark wants to be a bartender
knowledge, answering
a) People need an aptitude for science and math.
b) His favorite subjects are Math and science. questions, and
C. c) Yes, he does.
distinguishing a true
d) Ashley does not mind the paperwork.
e) Because the Bikini Island is just perfect to escape the rat statement from a false one.
race life
To assess the students’
1. C 2. E 3. A 4. F 5. B 6. D 0,5x6=3
D. ability to read and

1. ---D 2. ----E 3. ----A 4. ---B 5. ----C comprehend a text by

showing vocabulary
knowledge related to career

and choice.
Writing - Students’ own answers

Example: My name is Alex and I live in Mindelo. I am a student at To check students’ 0,25x10=2,5
ESJAP. I am a good student. My favorite school subjects are vocabulary, accuracy, and B.
English French Portuguese and history. I speak English, Portuguese awareness
and French very well. I am energetic and a great communicator. I
love listening to music, that’s why I listen to music all the time. I
also can play the guitar.
I also love practicing sports. I like playing football and mountain

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