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Date of Submission

Dilemma in Using Unethical Research Ethically

Scientific studies involving human and animal subjects are deemed to adhere to ethical

research norms that include protection of subjects, confidentiality, information consent and

anonymity, among others. This implies that unethical studies contravene ethical norms, which

endangers the subject's well-being. The dilemma in retracting reports from unethical studies

arises from balancing the positive and negative impacts of the study on the participants and

community members. One side of the argument holds that using data from unethical studies

supports the immoral practices that allow data gathering. On the other hand, retracting data and

findings from unethical research delays scientific and medical progress, a fact that would

promote community members' suffering. An excellent example of a study illustrating the

explained scenarios is the Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1932-1972). Even though the argument

refuting the use of data from unethical research is convincing, a stronger opposing argument

stresses that ignoring the data or findings from unethical studies does not undo the harms of data-

gathering practices. However, it may lead to additional suffering globally. For instance, if the

data from the Tuskegee Syphilis Study was retracted, the world could have continued suffering

from the deadly ailment. The article will argue a thesis statement that the use of unethical

research data ethically presents a sophisticated the case that challenges research ethics; it

requires a well-planned balance between the benefits of knowledge gained from unethical studies
Surname 2

and the researcher's obligations to uphold the subject's rights and dignity while following legal

and moral ethics guiding research.

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