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Team 3:

Ana Cristina Careaga Cardenas

Narayani Torres Meza
Federico Arturo Origel Moreno


India * highly * they usually * bad, because

capacitated in IT have very bad the ‘bad’ english
english accent
* the cost is very * time zone
Singapore * hilghy efficient * government * probably good,
* high level of ins highly but maybe not
technology involved in the the best option
outsourcing for us because
model so cost the taxes
are higher
Zimbabwe * costs low * language & * probably they
highly cultulral won’t be relaxed
difference with the idea of
* confidetiality of their data in
your data
Iraq * outsourcing in * politicaly * too afraid to do
the military unstable business with us
mostly but no in because of
IT election
Bulgaria * very * cultural * happy
productives differences customes
* multilingual * more because the
* good expensives good service
infrastructure * Low taxes
Tahiti * human * very narrowed * if its for a
resources and options in skills payroll
payroll outsourcing
outsourcing maybe they’ll be
focus ok with that

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