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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

Unit 2
Sport And Fitness

College Sports
a. Do you remember the TV interview from the computer lesson? Answer the following
questions about the interview.

1. What is the name of the TV show? __________________________________________

College sport

2. Who is being interviewed? ________________________________________________

Tina Lawrence

3. Why is she being interviewed? _____________________________________________

becase she is the coach of a volleyball team

4. Was the guest optimistic or pessimistic about the future? _________________________


b. Match the host’s questions to Tina’s answers.

1. Your team was expected to win the
women’s college championship this year. a. I sure hope so!
What happened? ____

b. Unfortunately, several of our team

2. How did the team take the loss? ____
members came down with the flu.

3. So can we expect a Smithtown victory c. It was a terrible blow to the team’s

next year? ____
A spirit.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

c. What do you remember about Tina Lawrence and the team? Mark the sentences true ( )
or false ( ).

1. Tina Lawrence is the coach of a girIs basketbaII team. ✔

2. She had been an OIympic champion. ✔

3. Her team did not make it to the finaIs.

4. The girIs on the team did not compete because they were iII. ✔

5. None of the members of the team couId not handIe the disappointment.

6. The girIs wiII regain their confidence by weightIifting.

d. Tina Lawrence spoke to the team after the competition. Complete her speech with the
words below.

bIow • buiId up • concentrate • exhausted • expected • finaIs • handIe • strength

“We were (1) ____________________

strength to win every event in the competition, but l’m afraid

we didn’t. l know some of you had the fIu and were (2) ___________________.
expected However,

now we have to (3) ____________________

concentrate on getting back into shape. l know it’ s been

a bad (4) ________________________

handIe to our team’s spirit, but l’m confident that you can

aII (5) ___________________

bIow the upset. Now we’re going to (6) _____________________

your physicaI (7) ____________________________.

buiId up With Iots of practice you’II soon be in

winning shape. l’m sure we’re going to get to the (8) _____________________
finaIs next year!”

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

e. Match the words from column B to the words from column A to form an expression.

1. come down with ____
H a. shape

2. in no condition ____
G b. the finaIs

3. get back into ____

E c. the fIu

4. make it to ____
B d. their strength

5. handIe ____
A e. to compete

6. buiId up ____
D f. an upset

7. regain ____
E g. hard

8. take it ____
F h. confidence

f. The “College Sports” host also interviewed Liz Heart, a member of the Smithtown
University team. Read the answers Liz gave and write the host’s questions.

1. Host: _________________________________________________________________?
how many tournamnets did you participate in

Liz Heart: This is my first year on the team.

2. Host: _________________________________________________________________?
you also played sick

Liz Heart: No. I was one of the lucky ones who didn’t get sick.
3. Host: _________________________________________________________________?
how do you feel about the outcome of the game

Liz Heart: It was a terrible blow. I was very upset.

4. Host: _________________________________________________________________?
currently what are you doing

Liz Heart: Well, right now I’m handling it by concentrating on getting in shape and
thinking of next year.
5. Host: _________________________________________________________________?
do you tink they win the following year

Liz Heart: Yes. I think we have a very good chance of winning.

g. Practice the dialogue with a partner in class.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

Health and Fitness Today

a. Do you remember the text from “Health and Fitness Today”? Answer the following questions.

1. What does the heaIth cIub manager advise as the two main ways to prevent heaIth
probIems? ______________________________________________________________

2. Give an exampIe of how heaIth cIubs are fIexibIe. _______________________________

we have to take stock whith daily routine
3. What do most heaIth cIubs offer? ____________________________________________
healthy food and what is necessary to do different exercises
4. What does heart speciaIist Marvin Kane recommend? ____________________________
eat healthy and do not exercise much
5. What is the doctor’s advice on how to choose a heaIth and fitness program? __________
find a suitable program for our needs

b. Complete the poster advertising the health club.

unique as magic (club slogan)

At the ___________________
WinxClub (name of club)

we say, “ ____________________________”
with effort will be like magic

We offer:
• _____________________________
diet balanced
• _____________________________
the necessary of the exercise
• _____________________________
appropiae rurins

If you are interested in joining,

contact us
__________________ (make a suggestion)

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

c. Read the conversation between Kevin, a new member of the health club, and Jack, a
veteran member. Complete the dialogue with the words and expressions below.

deveIoped my muscIes • fIexibIe hours • give up Iunch

harmfuI • nutritious meaIs • variety of activities • your own pace

Kevin: Hi, l’m Kevin. This is my first time at the cIub. How Iong have you been
training here?
Jack: Hi, Kevin. My name’s Jack. l’ve been a member here for about three years.
l Iove using the weight-Iifting equipment. As you can see l reaIIy have
(1) _________________________
variety of activities .
Kevin: lsn’t too much exercise (2) _________________________?

Jack: Not if you go at (3) _________________________.

your own pace

Kevin: Weight-Iifting isn’t aII l’m interested in. l’m reaIIy Iooking for a
(4) _________________________.
give up lunch

Jack: WeII, there’s a swimming pooI here and if you are ready to
(5) _________________________,
developed my muscles come pIay tennis with me during
my Iunch break.
Kevin: l have a reaIIy busy scheduIe. How can l find time for everything?
Jack: No probIem. This cIub has (6) _________________________.
flexible hours You can
come and work out before you go to work.
Kevin: WeII actuaIIy, l’m starving. Perhaps l’II get a sandwich from the cafeteria.
Jack: l better warn you. They onIy serve (7) _______________________
nutritious meals here.
lt’s hard work staying fit!

d. Fill in the chart with advice on things you should or shouldn’t do in order to stay fit.

Things you should do Things you shouldn’t do

You should ___________________ You shouldn’t _________________

make proper diets ____________________________
eat fost food

get regular exercise ____________________________
sleep bad

to rest well ____________________________
does not have hours of exercise

____________________________ ____________________________

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

Ten Miles
a. Do you remember the dialogue “Ten Miles”? Which phrases express a reprimand?

1. ________________________________________________________________
you shouldnt have run so far

2. ________________________________________________________________
you shouldnt lift weughts without a partner nearby.

b. Here are some sentences about health and fitness. Decide what each person is expressing.
Mark the correct column.
Giving advice Reprimanding

1. You shouId eat more fruit and vegetabIes.

2. You shouIdn’t have over-exercised. You’re exhausted.

3. You shouId check with your doctor before you join the
fitness program.

4. You shouIdn’t have swum straight after a heavy meaI.

You couId have gotten a cramp.

5. You shouId exercise daiIy or eIse you’II deveIop

heaIth probIems.

6. Stop eating aII that junk food. You shouId eat nutritious
meaIs if you want to stay in shape.

7. You shouIdn’t have stayed so Iong at the gym.

You missed an important meeting.

c. Write a dialogue in which you ask a doctor for advice about choosing a fitness program.
Use the words and phrases from activity b. to help you.

You: Excuse me, doctor. Do you think you couId give me some advice on choosing
a fitness program?
Your doctor: _____________________________________________________________
has to make habit change from time

You: _____________________________________________________________
how i do it

Your doctor: _____________________________________________________________

starting with good breaakfast an another runing down the block

You: _____________________________________________________________
thats a good idea

Your doctor: _____________________________________________________________

let me know when youre 1 weeek old hoow you feel

d. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

More Conditionals: Past Conditionals

a. Look at the three pictures below. Match the quotation to the situation.

1 2

If I had eaten more

carefully, I wouldn’t have
3 gained so much weight.

b. If we hadn’t caught the flu, we

would have reached the finals.

If I had spent more time in the

c. gym, I would have won the race.
1. C 2. B 3. A

b. Look at the fourth picture. Write your own speech bubble using the Past Conditional.

if i had been obedient, this would not have happened

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

c. Heart specialist, Martin Kane, gives some of his patients some advice. Match the clauses
in column B to the clauses in column A to complete the sentences.

1. lf you had watched what you ate... a. ... if you had stopped eating such fatty

2. lf you had been more carefuI Iifting weights... b. ... if you had foIIowed my advice.

3. You wouId have succeeded with your diet... c. ... you wouIdn’t have had to go on a
strict diet.

4. lf you had chosen a program to match d. ... your injury couId have been avoided.
your needs...

5. You wouIdn’t have had so many problems e. ... you wouIdn’t have dropped them on
now... your feet.

1. A 2. E 3. C 4. D 5. B

d. Read what happened to these people. Complete the sentences using the Past Conditional.

1. Jim didn’t have enough money to join a heaIth cIub. He didn’t become fit.

lf he _______________________________________
could have enough money to join a health
cIub, he ____________________________
could fit.

2. The heaIth cIub cIosed earIy Iast night. Susan didn’ t exercise.

lf the heaIth cIub _______________

closedcoul earIy Iast night, Susan _______________________.
coul have her exercise

3. Tom didn’t take his tennis racket to work. He couIdn’ t pIay tennis during his Iunch break.

lf Tom _____________________

could have carried his tennis racket to work, he _____________________
could have tennis during his Iunch break.

4. Dr. Kane did not give his patients enough information about exercising. His patients
injured themseIves.

lf Dr. Kane ______________________

should have his patients enough information about exercising,
they _______________________ themseIves.

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