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The success of any business is contingent upon the application of two

fundamental concepts: strategic management and overall quality
management. Creating plans to accomplish the organization's strategic
goals and objectives is a key component of strategic management. Along
with identifying opportunities and dangers, it also entails assessing the
organization's internal and external environments and developing plans to
take advantage of those possibilities and lessen those threats. On the
other hand, continual product, process, and service improvement is a key
component of total quality management, which aims to guarantee
customer happiness and organizational success.
Some shared characteristics between total quality management and
strategic management include a focus on employee involvement,
continual improvement, and customer happiness. Both ideas stress how
crucial it is to make decisions in a methodical, data-driven manner and
how crucial it is to have strong leadership and excellent communication in
order to ensure successful implementation. Organizations may foster a
culture of quality and innovation that promotes sustainability and long-
term success by fusing strategic management and comprehensive quality
Strong leadership and dedication from top management is required for
the implementation of strategic management and overall quality
management, which presents a difficulty. These ideas necessitate a
culture shift within the company, and workers accustomed to more
conventional working practices may object. Organizations should make
training and development programs a priority in order to empower staff
members to take part in the process of improvement and to teach them
about the advantages of strategic management and comprehensive
quality management.

In conclusion, strategic management and total quality management are

both essential concepts for organizational success in today's competitive
business environment. By integrating these concepts and aligning them
with the organization's goals and objectives, companies can create a
culture of continuous improvement and innovation that drives
performance and competitiveness. While implementing strategic
management and total quality management may present challenges, the
potential benefits far outweigh the costs, and can lead to sustained
success and growth for organizations in the long run.

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