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RCJ ~ ' 11 I I I I I I II 11
n Paptr Cod~: XII IH,
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\\ ltl l
11.tJ II.Ttth, llE(;Kr E E'-"" ' \Tlo,s \PKII " '

Com11•1<r Mltott ► •ttlMff'I. .

nkadon ~•nrl a.lJ

(( 'ttm1n11;, 10: h1(orm ■doa I rth.eh1, :yl( ompultf ' Cefttmu

IR,c-la lt-101 71
\lo,. M.vb 100

P\Kl• \Clff '2 • 20 \lart..l

ltcall ..,. .,,.,,_ _ ....-it' I) ..n..,...,_ h<,,lnc-... WklCI). and c,rnron•n...,t

.......... ti ......
AI 1ft4tltt ~e 1mpac1 Kh.l-»
l. S111nm;an« abou1 1hr ~Ina.., U1kll1JNCC to m, 1ro,m1cnl
... ,.,.,, -..... ot• .._.. ,_
J 11«:all llftll ... ,11c _,, i...,_ ,...,.........N ~ t , ....t.....
c;,.,.. I """"'.. Al<ll• «t- bell" • lltnJ1q the • - • of '""" illf<lfflll•lool
.,._.,. i...,., ,)_ 0.. .... ,......... .
1,u.,,.... ..,._
S R«■ II the h:ncnt< Iha• 1tl<,:<>mn11111n1 offffl •...,...., .,, and

6. °""""'tkproo1nd..,..,or•.-t.••• .. -
.. kjl\latio ,n ud
7. ~ · lhc c.umnn11')· of compha nte mcc:hanhrTK rrotoa:>1-. wmd1nh
llllltllU\C -.

Infer ubout lhc cha nods of 1,:ommun1ut110M m pft'II rr ~


9 "'"" ,,,.\\\OT••~>"''-"""'"""'>•••.,..,. rr ..,.., "' .,,.,•r,,hclt•oo•

Otp:tllllllh •'I&.
I() a $<"1\IC'I'

10 Dnno~• •tm, C,I I fo, r- k•WUII lndu,uy.

P• n - B (h IJ • 6 5 - I
~1..S.I u1 d«ail f 11)
11 , al lt.ull -1 ,p<lt -.a Ilk t,1ttn C ,poblll1y M.iunty
•1 sa,.,.. - namrtc that,, .,_..,,
"t.._ L I i ~ .\n"-lu re" •11h an I Ill
- - ~• ....,.-cs..-.J f'C'OPlc d,__ ,, o l • - . , t -

12 1J 10 111..,,.t< tho <•'"<'<I" ol rro<< • ~ I in a

""'f'W •ay fr,.. 1 •'lttll
Llf'I'<•• in the n,al•
Iii) I •rlo•n c,.,... rc<n»1nc,.-rl11y the pm.;""on..t• diir,..t llhml) 171

~I ...._.,_
o.-.. ._ lht -

t•f l ML dla.,..., , •11 ..,..__ 11w

hl u.w:,c.c da,ram
r,~I°""" modth vf l'ffll

11 ., s,.11111r •rrma
ma.le- 11 :all S'O'"bk
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12 •• 111 ru.-, . 11w...,..,,. or,..,,.... ,._ .,... • .;,,,ri, ""> ,11.. •.,...
1'<'~1 1•<
p&o1 .....,.. .,,,,.., ,. •lllrlf tl•
flll E,pla,o ,..,. ~•-•1 11w, ...a-- afad,

Ilk- folk,,.,n, n11MJ.:I, u( pr,:n
~I l k - • 11..- at of L 'II !111.,,...,, IU F"'f"ltlll

l.l~ e..c: "41Jrlllll for ..('fflf1 •kMh ltcchrr

wtL IUlntcn iatke'•.
C'fflh,\K III rrpo,1·.
hd 1U1k ,,,_h111c daa»mm for ch -

don., ■I home 1nJ rho '"mplons ~ . _

11 , •I '-f'OII tlw ololT<n:111 I.ind, ol wk• tu 1w
dut ma!.., • .,, ~

bl h I R<CIIII and"" .. .,... ... ·-- ,.n....,.. r.....-.

IHI LN 11.c b.:,1 •")' l,,r ("ffn l'C K.,onJ,ne
ro )'O\lf l'C"f'C('.11><

r, 11w ,..,., _ •.... , •llh •

I~ ■I (,IT"" "''°" ,...r, k> U.C .;pi locut omt• 111-,,.
.,..... If (Ill
bl hi ,,.,_. .,.., •11h • cumpl c "An fnt.,itotod onodcl lur oudll•"I
•)'!tlttn l
Aa• ISi IAI •nJ - • IIR , • ...,,.,,
'"' ( ~ s1.,11,, .......or1. ,.., ,.,.......... ..

" •I 1•1 Lo.a ""' *"'l'f ,,.....hN • .i.-ck' t""I M I RII~ •hco ..,.,)"
lkNI .M:'(14,)r'
'I _,.... IT 171
...,,.,e, fti MtJ aprlk..auora ID a lck\.:Olf tfflUftJO (6)

,..,,,............ ..r,hc,.,-.iar ....... ..,.,. ...,.. .,_


bl 'if,<11 tlw c,rr ..,J S\\OT "' 1 , . ....,.... .JUW ) lt«llll * .._ ,..,h lb< (111

P\KT( . (I~ 15 • 15)

,111 ,..., • c■>< ••l• ,. •hoc~ • pt, .-rrt. .t

"°"'> • ....... •
lb •I Roc,_..-11,.,, ((,I fl caa be •f'l'l"-J lolf • _.,_.. ....., ..,_ Im rl,r ..-k..i.-d
,cno.;c _ . , _ bnc,0) v.pi. .., fol'-
IT .-hr
hi the l"f'liC'OOI a~,-.:t\ nf I J'fthn li_,, l'ff'n

1111 rhc r<ft - • OO!'"'"o.

11111 • h, ....k•<I S~OT an•I>" ' from• C,rr P"'I""'""
' " ' rh< - o1,.,;,,1c ,... ,,...... .. • • - ""'' ,.,11 ,....i, • nrl!on

....i »'" ,..-omm cnJiulo ••"" ho• .,..-.n ,,.....,... cu 0he11"''~led••
• P""f'<C'"•·
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ctJ CJ ••• -~ Gobinath Su bra ...

Ques tion Paper Code : 20397


Srrenlh/£,sbtb S.-cr

Compui..r Sc- and En,',neau,c

CS 8078 -0 RBEN COMPUm-:O

(Common lo Compulfr and Commun,rauon F.nr,...,.nnsJ]nformt11lon Tochnolo0)
(~UON 2017)

Tlmo Throo houn Mu1mum 100 marlu

A..,,.,.r ALL q uNt1on._

I. Nemo any two o.... rr IMU'ICII

t. O.llno Cllrbon l'oocpr1nt

3 \\lhat do you mo"" by ON. .,. A..u? O,w oample.

6 What ,e te_leport,nt1

6. 01,. tht .a;..:t ol ... terltl ncyd...,.

7. [l;,fiM 0...-n Wulll"I

8. Slate thl ..,.,miry G,cu, al ISO I.WOO familt,

9. What ut "Aa h" ate?

10 O1\-. lM ad...,,LIIJ• ol'applymr (l,-, fr Ill home.

PA n

II <n¥11ZOttmcnt - nt pla Ail th IT

Cb) 1,1 Bnt£ about

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(11) """ ID -
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l'ART II a; 13 w m~r~ l

t hrolll!h IT
II (Ii) (1) tj.JJla tn tio... bua1n r» and enviro11ment on, ant r pl:i)cd (G)

1)1.cu.a nbout th,, apec1 rie ,..., .. an wluch Green IT ~trntt'lt}' "'
(11) (7)
bmcfi cial IO nn o rp iuzau on.

nt. i:)
Iii) (I) Brirf 11hout th" m.1;,r IT ror,•11 th11t 111nu nc,_,. tt11nronmc

H""' to nw.uu re urbo n footpr,nU! nnd opc-n1t1

or.al cost m M
fu) (7)

Dmw UICI . - case d1J1,nm •nd du. J1111r~m

fw Cr,,cn
I:?. (ii) (1) (G}
Orsnn1za11onal Porta l (GOP).
cu) W11h "'" u:an,plo ~•pl ain'- 0.-..:n Ilut1n eu procc at III


(b) (1) With a d1.1rr am C'.',l)ll!111 t1:o componl'IIU! fl c;,..,.., Eatc rpr-
ymrn! 7)
(u) Explain tJ,i phue i u,volv.,.J ,n GIS d<e-\'fflopmen1 and dc;plo
13. (II) (1) Suai., tM •ffiici ol virt\1 3.lwil lon cl IT •)"lt<•IJI.I.

llrin1 OUI the bot way1 tor bu1ldin11111 rfl'cc:ll\C Gtt< n PC



(1) 1V11h , ncn dil¢r nm txplm n lM oomp0ncn1a cl Cr..-c11 Grid

(b) (G)

(u) Cc,m.,..rc 11nd oontr nu Tetm ,mmu una and Td,"C:ODfettncin;

. m
I◄ (a) (» lhtcwia the mies nnd •kill 1eU! ol Gr-ecn-Coll.,r _,lte ra.
ICT. (7)
Cul Eltpl.11r1 000111 th•t bu11110A1 nnd emnon11c m•n,l s 111 Crt!t'n


(b) (1) \\'nu, a bn,! nc-!c on Cr,,en hou,o Cua prnta col (6)

s,on oo c;""'"
(11) liner about the econo mic hnJ t«hlll Clll d,mea
C ET) \ 7}
F.n ll!rJIT Ue T Mll"IU )rmehon \

:! 20397
9:27 PM 350KB/ s ~ 0 ~ Im .~~111 Im .111 1~6 I• f
2 20397

16. (n) (i) Rnnc ou1 the SWOT impact o{ Aul'ack m Grec-n contaL (ll)

(u) De,icnbc tllfl unpAct fJ/ apply1n1 mubilo t•..:hnol"llilll on Gb'T wi1h
, ..IM'Cl to the IUllt.:hnld, r11 of holp1tal . (7)
(b) (i) l:;xphm how Qre,•n l::rt1ttpn1,, TranaforrMU<>n tOE't1 ,a t'nact,,d for
?AoTcl. (6)
(u) D1..:11M abou1 d111 .iepa uwol\'l,d m develop1111111 Hoo.p1tal'1 bRBS(7)

PA.RT C- 0 x 16 = 16 mark•)
18. (11) Wuh ~ ne11t diasn,m erplnm tho mt4!11'111ed mocM l'or nudmni Gl"Nn IT
ayatt'ITt for .in l!ducallonal liutttullon

(b) Oet111I w mfrMltu<ture requtrt'meni. for bu1ld1n1 nn dl'«ttY\' On~
c.inu!r for an ,odu,-auonal lnu1tu1,.,11

3 20397

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_ Re ~ ~u I I I I I I I I I I I 11
Q ul 'S rlo n Pa pe r Codr : X 11 18 "
\P RI I ,, ,, ?021
I £' -\ \t t, \T IO ,~
8. F.J ll. Tf fll . 0£ C RI
L l: l1 1h ~1 rr
d1 1t trl11t
Co m pu r~ r 'ic -lH tt En
\U 'l I " C
CS807ll • C M .£ [., CO
nk atl oo t:• dn ttr la
Co m pu ltr Co mn ,u
(C't1mnNu1 lo : l■ fo 1"11U11lo 111 tt lu w ~
(R rs: ul adon ) 2fll 7)
\fn \1 1/ b I 00
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P \R T• \ ( 10 , Z 20

n l« hn r l<lll) "'""'°"'"' t,u,,~... ' ""''"'>· and ffl \lR lff lnC nl

Re ca ll ho,,. ,o r,. . . .,.,

k lriaol,lk
1..-JJtoa up 10 • - b , ,n nmcnrlll 1111ell1i;.-na, tm p:k
'I ac ru u
1n 1e ll ~ to en
,,, _,
1 '"'"n,;u,rc &hour 1t,c, bu
• uq2111.12t,,,e.
Ilk '" " '~ o f ~ a--uin..
cn blwtk"ll r,'11(1'$• , _
.l R« ..t l - i 1«>1 th e ,rc U11pk1 oi ,re t't1
tW c ,.._.1,- IA h=DJllllf 1k , •fflJM&-"I
;h tl« - Ourhn ., di.
-' (, n: ~ ( lllC fJ' O. ..: !\n .- ,_ , •~ 1,f .lk- cw pn in uo ,u l J )
,. ,, .
k-.:hnolul) ,, _ ,_ d~
lm 1n Jt >; ..l i M
li !h e be ne fit . tlLtr icl o.·om n• •" 'll ol
$. R ea
o,1,ns ... ,_ _
CNIIIIIC the rn-. _ , C<
lln of ..
lr111>brM•n• and
... 111«bam>11" pn,wc,,1-. " ~
•U ll'I III M) of ...,, .,, ,,_
7 SJw,,. rh.:
,n111.N1\c- IT rn ,« t•
l, c>f um m un ,a ir - ,n ,r« II
ll I ,fa abo.., ~ clwn■c ~ - ' ... ,.i ;a uo n. ku
a.:n 1cc
1n1 pt 'ff l fT -
~, • ltf fl af'f'l>
q <;pell tJ1c s\\ OT an al )"
fo rp a,L lt/ •1 11 1n .M
JO 0. "f l1 1- ln lk C,LT
Po n - 8 (5 , U 65 n1■ rl.1)
lf ll
\fo dd 1ft dcUil
ab ou l dtc G m :a C' 4pol,thr) \f,..11111)'
,p :IJ
11 . al Ra :al l anJ
co c,, p: i,, a ~
: A m 'ke h; ff. n1h • c'I.Mlpk th.ti cn
Slto,o _, .. 1 "'< iff
cn l .nrcrpnM .,, t"l[.lnu.ahOrL
~- .'f 'k Jimcm,1on, of
.,..•,._ .,, ., ,-
.... , ..,~-
bl t,o'-ll'k.."'- "-'111•Jo1,..., . ,-. '-
L -.

9:28 PM 39.SKB/ s 0

11. a) lil lllu.1r.11c mi., c1,nc_q,1 of pnlt'O_, rc<nguittnng 1n a ,unrk "•Y frum a W«'fl 16}

(It) L~rl~ln hov, l't'<ngin«nn11 '"" pnxa,,c,. 0(1 d11t1t.1I hbnll') h:appc,n, IA the l't'lll•
"°"d Pl
bl Ocmon.,rr.irc: the UM' of UMI 1.hair,am, ro ~ the follo"''"ll mood, or P"C"
In fonn,tll<ln ')>lc:m•

{1) v..c - daaivam for -cm"'"'"' hcnchm.trl. fflll1111C'11a.ncc".

Cul ,btc mactunc dia~ for "cla'-> • cm1,,Klf1 iq,on•,

13. a) Spell the d,IT~rc,ir k,nd. ol 1.1,b to he lk>nc ar home and the ~mrltna tcchnolo~,c,
tl'l.lt m.l~C II all po,.,,blc.

b) (1) R«all o.nJ 1.., the s,ttft d.11.l ttl'll._-r 1nnucnc1n, r=-.IM 15)
(11) I "I the ~I"~)• fod,rccn PC' -,._.,,-d,n• •o. wr r,1'pa;t1H· l~l

14 a) (,Fl pro,:C\> mo~ 10 the Ctfhl r... u. l>l't'll• lllu>ll'IIC the ,1.11cmcn1 Ill lkt:111 ..,1h an (13)
bl 111 D.:morutr.Uc ,.llh III cwnrlc "An 111tcv,11cd 1nockl fllf aud111na 1r«n IT (Ill
(lo) 0,pnttc S~tlh Fn_......t. for 1nf""""1ttlfl l\f" ISfll\) anJ p-ttn IIR ,n tkt.111

IS. •l (il t.,,t '"'t the ,i..,.. 1nwl\<'.J tn ck\cl"fllna an f RBS .. ht'R .lfllll)'ffll ifCCR IT
.i1111~gk. anJ aprh-~tl\lru 10 I lc:1.-.:0flllnURtalNII ~,;fl)r
(11) l.1\1 t,ut .omc of the porular rrnc..ahlc rnnJIY 'Clllrtt,
bl Si,c:11 lhc GI r anJ ',\\ OT for • Jlak:Ugm; 1nJ1l\ll) . Rcgll the '"1fflc: .. 11h the

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9:28 PM 78.9KB/s 0

P\Rf C ( I, 15 - 151
1/1 n) RC\:tlnlnl<'nJ .,,,th I a-c •tud) 11, dq,ICI th.. -•>• tn l'hkh I p«n en1Cf11n\C
lltltt,folTl\ollltll'I IC.ITT) '"" b.: •rrl~ ror a ~ ,... ~11.tlt,,n h>r th.: -.:lc.:i.·tl
,.;r,,i.;c ofil)Mll.tlton, t>ndl) c,pl11n the foll~ inc;
1,1 the rra,11,al 11>pc<b or• r<cltm,n...ry 11«n IT 1..J,1
(11) the ~-en blNn., , t,l,J,,tt,t,
(htl • h1Jh,l.:,cl \WO I 1n:al) '" fn,m a GIT p(n!"Xll\t'
11,1 the u\C uf mul>tk k'\hnul"''~• tn op11m11,na tlwt .,,,II n.-.uh m o:.irbt,n
'11\IIIJ• P5)
b) An~l)'1t: anJ Sl\t: n:.:umm.:nJa11t>n, .,.. tt.,.,,
p-«11 \ll'IICJt~ can bt: 1mpkm1.-n1cJ m
I l,"1-.c• 10 n\Ac ■ ~ n t t .,,,>tlJ I ,plain 11k1111 the \llnlt' 1n )""' Dl\n p,:n,p1.-.:11,c. I I SJ

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