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About a character in a book:

This character is a father, he is a colored man, and he wrote his book about
his whole life experience as a colored man in NY City in the 1970´s.
The name´s book is “BETWEEN WORLD AND ME” by .
The story its told to try, to teach his son, about how dangerous and harder the
life of colored man can be in the United States of America.
He explains diverse circumstances that he lived, different forms to loss his life
because the colored people are not allowed in certain public and private
For example, there were water intakes especially for this people, at the same
for street furniture.
There were markets for colored people, so in this way the white people not
crossed with them.
If they crossed, therein lays the danger, a story told from the author said: a
black man was walking on a street when a white woman went out of store
market and she was scared to see at black man and she started screaming,
the people that were around of they, called the police and the cop taked the
black man and they kill them at the end of the day.
There were different ways to loss life in hands of racist people, was enough
with a call to the police for losing a colored man's life.

The final reflection that he told at his son was, that never take revenge for this
kind of people because the violence attract more violence, is an endless circle
or an infinity loop.
That is happening right now in the United States of America, the colored
people or black people are aggressive with white people without reasons.
the opresive of a breed always results in violence.
This is the kind of book that i love, book´s “black live matters movement”.

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