Gold Exp C1 Unit 9 Language Test A

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UNIT 9: Language Test A

Grammar Vocabulary
Task 1 Task 1
Complete the gaps with one word only. Complete the text with the correct form of the
words in brackets.
My first job interview
Up your game
It (1) said that a great CV gets you an
interview and a successful interview gets you an offer. As a leader you should be seeking to expand your
In my case it was my friend Tom (2) got leadership repertoire, build high-
me the job. It was twenty years ago when I got made (16) (perform) teams and master
redundant and was in search of a job. (17) (negotiate) skills.
(3) sooner had I mentioned it to Tom
(4) he contacted me to give me details of It is imperative in a leadership role that you can
a great job opportunity. communicate (18) (effect). Excellent
communication skills differentiate between a poor
At first I didn’t take it seriously. (5) when leader and an exceptional one.
I had seen the company website, (6) I
realise (7) a great position it was. It had The ability to work (19) (collaborate) also
been a while (8) I had a job interview so I becomes extremely important as you assume more
did a lot of work to prepare. Even so, I was still very (20) (responsible). To get high
nervous on the day and (9) did I know performance from a team a leader needs to cultivate
what would be waiting for me when I got there. an environment of collaboration and trust irrespective
of their title or position, (21) (coordinate)
My voice was shaking and my hands were sweaty efforts helps to solve problems and accomplish goals.
throughout the interview, but it went well. I
(10) get the job and twenty years on I am When (22) (implement) new ideas, it is
a senior manager working with a team of fifty people critical to build the confidence of employees, avoid
thanks to Tom. (11) always amazes me (23) (negative) to create a positive
is the amount of effort he puts in to help others but yet environment and use (24) (recognise) as
he hardly realises how important his support is to his a motivator.
Never (25) (estimate) the need for a
great leader, it’s much more than just a title.

Task 2
Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of Task 2
the verbs in brackets and any other words.
Read the sentences and complete the gaps with
12 At no time (the manager, consider) one word only.
employing more people.
13 Not only (I, be) naïve about the 26 If we put our together, we’ll figure out
amount of time it required, but I also a way to deal with this issue.
underestimated the cost of the project. 27 Let’s touch next week regarding the
14 In no way (I, expect) you to postpone next phase of the project.
the meeting just for me. 28 His natural ability to sell would give him
15 So monotonous (the task, be) that I an in recruiting and hiring new
nearly fell asleep. employees.
___/4 29 If you really want to excel in your business, you
should go the mile.
30 In order to lead your team more effectively, you
should step back and look at the big .

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Use of English
Task 1
Complete the second sentence so that that is has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word
given. Do not change the word given. Use between three and six words.

31 His plan is to gain the team’s support for the upcoming change.
What gain the team’s support for the upcoming change.
32 When the interview finished, I realised that I had lost the opportunity.
Only realise that I had lost the opportunity.
33 She coordinated everything from start to finish, even recruiting more staff.
staff, but she also coordinated everything from start to finish.
34 In our research we found that the most important factor was a leader’s ability to empower their people.
Our research indicates leaders are able to empower their people.
35 She has learned to speak French fluently because she worked in Paris for several years.
Paris for several years, she has learned to speak French fluently.
36 The demands of the project are too much for him to cope with.
There is to cope with the demands of the project.

Task 2
Use the word given in capitals at the end of some lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

Aspirations versus reality

A recent study which investigated young people’s career aspirations and the reality of

the job market in the UK, revealed their attitudes to future careers and current advice. The

findings of the research are concerning but not entirely (37) . The report discusses EXPECT

a (38) between the types of careers young people would like to pursue, and the MATCH

existing job opportunities in the labour market. It reports that teenagers have a low

(39) of the range of jobs available to them – the majority of jobs were entirely AWARE

(40) by respondents. Teenagers are also (41) about the best way to LOOK, INFORM

get a good job; considering good exam result as the best route to a good career. Another issue

highlighted by the report was a lack of certainty, with a third of respondents being (42) DECIDE

about the area they wanted to work in. The report emphasises that young people need to be better

exposed to employers and the workplace through (43) work experience; hearing from TAKE

employers about available jobs and getting inspired to work in previously (44) areas. IMAGINE

Total: ___/50

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