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The $100 Million Dollar Playbook

From Students Who Used This System to Create
Financial Freedom Even in the Middle of Economic
Slumps, Government Lockdowns, and Global Chaos.
(And How You Can Generate An Online Income Now)


Make sure you register for one of our LIVE

workshops because we’re going to reveal…
How this 3-Step System has already generated over $160 Million in student
results…from people who came in with ZERO experience.
The custom-designed AI technology our students are now using to become
Super Affiliates (people earning $250,000 or more) in record time.
How simple it is to earn $1K, $5K, or even $26K a day using this system…
especially since the AI does 99% of the work for you.

There are 4 TIMES to choose from

11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm ET (New York Time)
CLICK HERE to select a time and register for one of the Workshops.

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook

How Are Ordinary People Beating

the Odds and Creating Financial
Freedom with This System?

Between the seemingly endless government lockdowns…global

tensions heating up…and the slumbering economy…it’s been a rough
couple years for the average person.
Whatever happened to the “new normal” we were promised? If
anything, it seems like things have only gotten worse since the world
opened back up again.
And yet, in the middle of all this, we noticed some startling data
coming from our students…
Over $160 Million in Total Sales.
Over 160 students earning $250,000 a year or more.
And more people are achieving “Super Affiliate” status than ever
before…and in a shorter timespan than ever before!
Note: Super Affiliates are ordinary people earning six figure
incomes online.
Honestly, we had to double check the numbers. It just didn’t seem
real at first.
But sure enough…we were able to account for every dollar mentioned
above…and in fact, those are actually conservative estimates!
Some of our students couldn’t get their data in on time…and some
specifically asked to stay “under the radar” and not be counted.
The explanation for this mind-blowing increase is simple: the
power of AI.
But not just any AI – these students have been using a custom-
designed AI software platform called Hero AI…which I actually
created specifically for them.
And in this brand new playbook, for the first time ever…I’ll let you see
how it works too.

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook

The ONE System That Lets You Tap Into ALL The Hottest

Whatever you think about the “AI Revolution”...this will

change your mind.
Like any breakthrough technology, AI has created two different “camps”.
In one camp are the haters who say AI is basically a scam, it’s not that
powerful, and that anyone trying to make money from it is wasting their
In the other camp are the “true believers” who think AI is going to magically
fix everything for them without any work on their part.
I’m here to tell you they’re both wrong…and that this secret AI software
called is the “dark horse” in the AI Revolution which is poised to demolish
the competition for one simple reason.
This secret software isn’t just a new AI-powered technology platform.
It’s also a proven “3 Step System” that has helped students around the world
hit $1K/day or more…for the past 5 years.
Which means it’s not just something that could change your life.
It’s something that already HAS changed the lives of ordinary people just
like you.

For example…
• Josh was working as a nurse on the brink of burnout…and thanks to Hero
AI, he’s now making $1K/day and he just QUIT!
• After struggling for a while to make money online, Oskar finally went “all
in” on using this secret software and is now making up to $10K per WEEK!
• Noel is just about to hit her first $1K day with this secret AI software…
even though she started with ZERO experience!

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook

And the best part is…they did this WITHOUT having to deal with Amazon,
drop shipping, Shopify stores, or any of those other complicated models.

All It Takes is 3 Simple Steps Which

Now Go LIGHTNING Fast With the
Help of This Secret AI Software


Partner with Drive traffic to Get sales & get
a profitable the product paid a commission
product owner. as an affiliate. on each one!

And the crazy part is…until just recently, 90% of my success came from
just one affiliate network.
Same goes for my students too. That $160 Million+ in student results I
mentioned? Most of that comes from ONE website.
(BTW, in case you don’t know, an affiliate network is a website where
product owners put up their products so affiliates can easily promote
them for big commissions.)
That one website isn’t the only way to generate 6 or even 7 figures and
become a “Super Affiliate”.
In fact, I personally know a few Super Affiliates who have never
promoted a product from this marketplace.
And most of the BIG Super Affiliates I know (myself included)
actually operate on multiple affiliate networks at the same time.
Which brings me to some MAJOR updates to keep in mind for 2024…

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook

FACT #1: There are at least FOUR affiliate networks that regularly
produce Super Affiliates. Those are ClickBank, Maxweb, Buygoods,
and Digistore24.
FACT #2: I’ve made most of my own money from ClickBank…but the
other three are catching up fast.
FACT #3: The absolute FASTEST way to become a Super Affiliate is to
promote the top products on EACH network.

Which brings me to my “dirty little secret”...

…which is that the system I use to promote ClickBank products is
virtually identical to what I use for the others.
Which means once I have a winning campaign on ClickBank
(which only takes seconds to create with this secret AI...
…then I can just find a similar product on the other ones and
“clone” it with a few minor tweaks.
Translation: 4X the payout or MORE for the same amount of work!
And that’s not even counting how quickly a campaign can BLOW
UP using this system.
I’ve had students take 90 days to hit $1K a day…then just two more
weeks to hit $2K a day!
Which means the sky truly is the limit when it comes to how high
you can scale your income.
In fact, the only limiting factor to my growth in the past was time.
As simple as my “3 Step System” is, it still takes some work.
The difference is, now YOU don’t have to do 90% of the work.
A huge part of that comes from the AI…
…but it also comes from how streamlined, organized, and easy to
use the Hero AI platform is.

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook

What Makes This Secret AI Software

So Game Changing? It’s Simple…
Cutting Edge AI Technology
Forget about all those random GPTs people are promoting now. This is my
own custom system I use to generate my very own million dollar campaigns.

All In One Affiliate “Command Center”

I used to waste HOURS jumping between all the different affiliate networks…
but now the secret AI sorts through the top offers on all of them in SECONDS!

Repeatable, Scalable System

Once you have a winning campaign, you can duplicate it, re-run it for
a similar offer, or even get the AI to refresh it for you…meaning there’s
LIMITLESS profit potential in each winning campaign!

All right, I know I’m nerding out a little bit here…so let me bring it back down
to earth for a second.
If you added an extra $100 a day to your income, how would that change
your life? Keep in mind, that’s around $3,000 a month. More than enough
to knock out your rent or mortgage payment in most places.
Not to mention all the money that still leaves for groceries, date night, etc.
And notice how I’m saying this is in addition to your current income?
That’s because with this secret AI software doing most of the work for you,
it’s totally possible to keep this running in the background of your current
job or business.
Or you can QUIT that job, keep the money, and just spend all that extra time
with your family.
Either way…the freedom is YOURS to decide how to spend your time and
And we haven’t even gotten to $1K/day yet!
Remember: all these success stories you’ve seen happened during the
WORST few years in recent memory.
Seriously, in the 5 years my students and I have been finding success
with this system, we’ve seen…
• Runaway inflation • Government lockdowns
• Global conflict • Jobs destroyed by automation
• Mass layoffs • And the list goes on…

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook

And yet these completely ordinary people have STILL been able to create
financial freedom and protect their loved ones!
Of course, they didn’t just sign up for this software…
They also put in the work and USED the secret AI to change their lives,
which is exactly what I’ll be doing at my upcoming Live Workshop.
Join me on this upcoming Workshop and you’ll discover:
 Why the BEST way to profit from the “AI Revolution” is to combine the
power of AI with an already proven money-making system.
 The secret behind students who went from total beginners to 6 or even
7 figure “Super Affiliates” in 12 months or less.
 How this system turns Facebook, YouTube, and even TikTok into
money-making machines…without you EVER needing to be on camera.
 A live demo of the game-changing custom AI technology I created
for this secret software which I’ll be revealing for the first time ever
(I’ll even use it to make money live during the workshop)
 Why the past and current crises in the world are actually helping my
students make MORE money right now, not less.


Make sure you register for one of our LIVE

workshops because we’re going to reveal…
How this 3-Step System has already generated over $160 Million
in student results…from people who came in with ZERO experience.
The custom-designed AI technology our students are now using
to become Super Affiliates (people earning $250,000 or more)
in record time.
How simple it is to earn $1K, $5K, or even $26K a day using this
system…especially since the AI does 99% of the work for you.

The Live Workshop Takes Place on March 18, 2024

There are 4 TIMES to choose from
11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm ET (New York Time)
CLICK HERE to select a time and register for one of the Workshops.

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook


The following results come from students who took
action, used the Hero AI platform as intended, and
accepted help from their coaches and fellow students.

These are outstanding results, not typical results. It is POSSIBLE for

any student to reach similar results no matter who you are or how
much experience you have…It simply requires applying the system
to start making $1,000 or more per day (like any business).
Sounds obvious, I know, but it’s easy to forget the obvious when you
hear stories like these!
Speaking of…there’s no way we could fit 15,636 case studies into just
this one report, so instead we picked out 5 of the most inspiring.
So keep reading to see what is possible for YOU in 2024 when you
tap into the power of Hero AI like these students did!


The $100 Million Dollar Playbook


Chris and Janice Go From $0
to $1.8 Million…in 12 Months.

Now this probably won’t surprise you…but the

#1 cause for trouble in marriages and other
long-term relationships is finances. And when
you throw kids into the mix, that goes double.
That’s why it’s so inspiring that Chris
and Janice pulled off this incredible
accomplishment together.
See, Chris and Janice are a married couple
with kids…and just like anyone else in their
position, their lives are BUSY!
They’re lucky to get a minute to put their feet
up…much less find the time to create a new
stream of online income.

And yet, against all odds, they did exactly that.

In 2022, they were staring at a whopping $0.00 earned in their ClickBank account.
And by the end of 2023…they had generated a total of over $1.8 MILLION in sales!
Yes, you read that right. They quite literally went from zero to 7 figures in just 12 months.
And they did this WHILE continuing to be good parents and partners…and while staying
connected to their faith. In fact, they’ll be the first to tell you that 100% of the credit goes
to God.
Still, it’s no coincidence that they had this meteoric rise in income after signing up and
using this game changing AI system.
And in case it wasn’t clear…they came in with ZERO experience and with a TON of extra
challenges on their plate!
Which means if THEY can use this system to create financial freedom…anyone can.

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook


Sungmin Wins Diamond
for $5 Million+ in Sales

The ClickBank Diamond Award is reserved

for affiliates with at LEAST $5 Million in
annual sales…
Which means it’s about as “Super” as
Super Affiliates get. I’ve won it 4 years in a
row now…and I’m even more proud to say a
handful of my students have won it as well.
Still, there’s something particularly
special about Sungmin.

Because when it comes to hitting this level of success…

…a lot of people assume you NEED some kind of head start.
For example, they’ll assume you already had a ton of experience…or that you came up
with your own unique way of working the system…
And it’s practically a given that you come from an English speaking country…right?
Sungmin didn’t have ANY of those advantages. He came in with ZERO experience…
And instead of trying to reinvent the wheel…he obsessively studied and mastered the
system as I teach it.
On top of that, English is NOT his first language. He lives in South Korea…and to be honest
I think English is his 3rd or 4th language.
Still…he put in the work, trusted the process, and now he has PROOF from ClickBank
that he’s a $5 Million earner. So when I say there’s something “special” about him – I’m
not saying he has anything you don’t.
In fact, he’s had some unique hurdles he had to overcome instead.
No, the special thing is that he FOLLOWED THE PROCESS…and kept going until got the
results to prove it. And THAT is something anyone can do…including you.

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook


Chris Becomes a Super
Affiliate Across Two

Since I’m known for being the #1

ClickBank affiliate, it’s only natural
that my students tend to focus on
ClickBank. And for the longest time,
my student Chris was doing REALLY
good on ClickBank.
He was one of those students who
took a while to hit $1K a day…and then
all the sudden started hitting $2K, $3K,
and even $5K a day VERY soon after!

And yet…despite all this life-changing success… He hadn’t won ClickBank Platinum yet.
And at that point, Chris didn’t just want the money. He wanted the elite status of being
recognized as a Super Affiliate.
So he made a simple, deceptively brilliant move that most people overlook…even
though I’ve been recommending it for years.
He took everything that was working for him on ClickBank and brought it over to
BuyGoods. It took a few tweaks, of course, but it was WAY easier than starting from
And in short order, he crossed the $250K sales mark required to hit ClickBank
Platinum…between BOTH ClickBank and BuyGoods.
And even though he doesn’t technically qualify for Platinum (yet)...
He is 100% a Super Affiliate in my book!
And more importantly…he’s given himself and his loved ones a level of financial
freedom that most people think is impossible right now.
Let Chris’s story stand as proof that it IS possible to create financial freedom right
now – especially when you tap into the same 3-step system and AI platform that
he’s using!

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook


Jennifer Goes from Burnt Out
Banker to Super Affiliate

Banking is one of those classic “safe” careers.

It pays relatively well, it’s stable, and it’ll pretty
much always be around.
(Although not every single bank will be
around…but that’s a story for another time.)
The only problem Jennifer had with banking
was that she hated it.
She hated missing out on so much time with
family. She hated how boring and samey the
work was. And she hated the feeling that there
wasn’t really room to grow.

BTW…when I say “family” that includes a bunch of “fur babies” as well. On top of having
two kids, Jennifer also has two horses, two dogs, and six cats.
Which means her schedule has always been PACKED…and she needed something
that wouldn’t take up too much of her time!
Lucky for her, that’s when she discovered Hero AI. And just like anyone, her journey had
its ups and downs. But in the end, it was worth it.
Because now she’s recognized as a SUPER AFFILIATE for winning ClickBank Platinum…
and she has the financial freedom to spend as much time as she wants with her
family! (Human and otherwise, lol)
And remember…she had absolutely zero experience making money online before this.
She simply had a coachable mindset…and the fire in her belly to shoot for something
And like Jennifer always says, “Changing your attitude will change your altitude”...
and there’s no better way to do that than by joining the other WINNERS already inside
Hero AI!

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook


Izabela and Asheesh Team Up
to Become Super Affiliates

Izabela is a baseball mom with a wicked

sense of humor…and if you’ve been paying
attention, you might just recognize her from
the ClickBank Summit in 2023.
She had just recently won her first Platinum
award at the time, so they interviewed her
in front of the ENTIRE ClickBank community!

Now, if you’re more outgoing like Izabela is,

that probably sounds like a dream come true.
But if you’re more introverted…it might sound
like a nightmare. And that’s totally fine,
because you can become a Super Affiliate
either way!
And there’s no better way to prove it than by
looking at Izabela’s business partner, Asheesh.
Asheesh is much more of a “behind the
scenes” guy…and in fact, that’s what makes
their partnership work so well.

Asheesh crunches the numbers while Izabela applies her creative spark…and
TOGETHER they’ve both become ClickBank Platinum winners!
In fact, Asheesh even won Click Platinum PLUS for crossing over $1 MILLION in sales…
So whether you’re an extrovert or introvert…
Numbers person or creative type… Just remember one thing…
You CAN become a Super Affiliate with the power of this AI system – and you might just
want to consider partnering up like Asheesh and Izabela did!
And whether you already have a partner in mind – or you want to find other like-minded
people who could be good partners…
The best way to do that is to join me on the LIVE workshop I mentioned earlier…

The $100 Million Dollar Playbook




Make sure you register for one of our LIVE

workshops because we’re going to reveal…
How this 3-Step System has already generated over $160 Million
in student results…from people who came in with ZERO experience.
The custom-designed AI technology our students are now using to
become Super Affiliates (people earning $250,000 or more)
in record time.
How simple it is to earn $1K, $5K, or even $26K a day using this
system…especially since the AI does 99% of the work for you.

The Live Workshop Takes Place on March 18, 2024

There are 4 TIMES to choose from

11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm ET (New York Time)

CLICK HERE to select a time and register for one of the Workshops.


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