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The rise of

A solo DURF Roll and Write dungeon crawler for lone adventurers

Written and Illustrated by Devirish 2022

DURF by Emiel Boven Licensed under Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0)
Foreword Index
The Rise of Nudroth is a solo Roll and Write How to play - 3
dungeon crawler develop initially for the 2022 Creating a Character -3
DURF jam and based on the same game by Emiel
Boven. Recruiting Hirelings - 3
As an Table top RPG enthusiast has been a ride Rolling the Dice - 3
to learn about Old School Rules and games The Ticking Time - 4
inspired by them, this have lead me to games
like D100 Dungeons, 4 Against Darkness, Note Assault the Castle - 4
Quest, Hero Quest and others solo dungeon Exploration Actions - 4
crawlers and RPGs. Since, I really have enjoy
played them and wanted to make one myself, Castle Sections Tables - 5
this is my first attempt in doing so. Castle Contents Tables - 5
The Rise of Nudroth takes heavy inspiration Minion Table - 6
from Basilisk, this is why we only will be facing
a single Evil, Vrilkan and his attempt to Castle’s Guardian Table - 6
summon Nudroth into this world. Combat - 7
I hope you can enjoy this game as much as I Spellcasting - 8
enjoyed making it. Its important to remember Equipment - 9
rule Number one, rules doesn’t matter, what is
important is to have fun, this mean if a rule in Treasure Tables - 9
this booklet stop you from having fun or you
want to add some home rules you can. Good
luck in your adventure.

How to Play
In order to play The rise of Nudroth the bare
essentials are a pencil, grid paper, a 20 sided
dice (D20) and a pair of six sided dice (D6). (Still
is suggested to print all adventure sheets, these
include a character sheet and a dungeon sheet).
Create a Lone Adventurer and their party to
delve into Lerwisburg Castle. Reach the top
floor and defeat the Mad Sorcerer Vrilkan
before he summons Nudroth Lord of Decay
into this world. But be quick, you only have
until midnight before all hope is lost.

Written and Illustrated by Devirish

DURF by Emiel Boven licensed under creative commons (CC-BY 4.0)
Inspired by games like Advanced Hero Quest, 100D dungeons, Note-quest, Four against darkness,
Basilisk among other roll and write dungeon crawlers.
Special thanks to members of the community and CULT OF THE LIZARD KING discord for their
feedback, hopefully you will continue interested in the game and will look forward to your feedback.
Creating a Recruiting
Character Hirelings
Attributes You can recruit certain amount of hirelings
into your party equal to your WIL score. To
Roll a D3 (D6 halved and rounded up) for each create a hireling follow the next steps.
Player Character’s (PC) attributes. Strength
(STR) Dexterity (DEX) and Willpower (WIL). Skill Attribute.
All PCs start with 1 Hit Die (HD) and 10 + STR Roll a D3 (D6 halved and rounded up) for the
inventory slots. hireling’s Skill (SKL) score.
Archetype All hirelings start with 1 Hit Die (HD) and 10
inventory slots.
Choose or Roll a D6 following the next table.

D6 - Archetype Table
Initial Weapon
Cleric - Start knowing Turn Undead and a holy All hirelings start with a dagger (3 dmg), Roll a
symbol. While holding it: D6 once on the Equipment section inside the
1 Treasure Table (page 9). Repeat the process
Healing spells automatically succeed.
Turn Undead have a +2 HD bonus. until your party is completed.
Fighter - If an attack you started hits you may
2 Once your party is ready you can trade items
take an Stress to attack again
Magic-User - Starts knowing one random and equipment with your hirelings.
spell. Casting spells from magic scrolls don't

Rolling the
consume them. Gain a buff when learning
spells from a Magic thesis
Thief - as long the thief is not wearing heavy

armor: gain a buff on unlock and sneak test
4 rolls, if you attack while sneaking you may
take an stress to deal double damage
Dwarf - gain a buff on all save rolls and search
5 tests.
Elf - Starts knowing one random spell. While
the elf is not wearing heavy armor: if an attack
6 Most actions perform by creatures in the game
you started hits you may take an stress to
attack again. requires to pass an Attribute Test. For all
Checks and Saves roll a D20 + the appropriate
Starting Belongings Attribute (SKL in case of an NPC). A total score
over 15 is a success. If the PC roll a 1 in the D20
PCs Start with a Dagger (3 dmg), Light Armor is considered a Fumble. But if they roll a 20 is
(3 armor) and 2 Supplies. Roll a D20 3 times on a critical success. Only the PC can score
the Treasure Table (page 9), repeat the roll if fumbles or critical successes.
identical results. If you obtain a Magical Thesis
you know an additional Random Spell instead. Buffs and breaks
Sometimes the PC can gain Buffs or Breaks to

Death their Attribute Tests. Cancel each buff for

each break and add a D6 for any remaining
When the PC dies while exploring or in combat If you roll more than one buff or break take the
mark their corpse position. You can create a highest result. If a buff, add the result to the
new PC and/or hirelings by spending one hour total score. If a break subtract it. Only the PC
outside the castle. can gain buffs or breaks.
If a PC dies before than their hirelings they
will attempt to escape. take the highest skill Stress points
score among the surviving hirelings, SKL check As long the PC have free inventory slots they
-3 per floor to escape the castle or all of them can take Stress to gain a buff to their next
die with the PC. If the hirelings escape they Attribute Test. A Stress instance take one free
will be waiting at the castle gates ready to be inventory slot. Only the PC can take stress.
recruited by the next PC.
The Ticking In case the PC step inside a section they already
pass trough, roll a D6 for wandering

creatures. If you rolled 1, roll on the Minion
If you have not find any stairs and there are no
You only have Four Watches to defeat the Mad doors unchecked in the floor, the last section
Sorcerer before the summoning ritual is becomes stairs leading to the next level.
completed and you lose the game. When you reach the 4th floor, the stairs lead to
Nudroth’s Altar where the Vrilkan is
Time performing the summoning ritual. Prepare for
6 turns = 1 Hour the final fight!

4 hours = 1 watch
You have until the end of the 4th watch

creatures need to spend 1 turn to perform

Most Actions like searching or unlocking
doors. if not indicated the action don’t take
turns to perform.
After each watch has ended roll a D6 on While exploring the Castle, the PC may
Nudroth’s Manifestation Table for a encounter some obstacles that will require
permanent effect in the castle. them to pass an Attribute Test. A PC can roll an
attribute test once or spend one turn to
D6 - Nudroth Manifestations complete the following actions.
1 Ogzzul Ak’tar - Your character is unable to
even sense this manifestation, yet still exist. Unlocking Doors
Decaying Aura - All damaging sources deal 1 If you find a lock door the PC can attempt to
2 additional damage or wounds (whichever is
appropriate) unlock it. Spend 1 turn or DEX check to
Maddening Whispers - All PC’s Attack rolls unlock doors. Trapped doors are locked as
3 well.
gain a Buff but Defense rolls gain a Break
A Truth Beyond - All Spell casting checks are
4 successful by scoring over 10 points
Arcane Aberration - Spells deal 1 additional
Checking for Traps
5 Before a door roll or a secret roll the PC can
damage or wounds (whichever is appropriate)
6 Undiying Flesh - the PC can avoid death once. Spend 1 turn or WIL check to deactivate a
STR save and loose 1 random stat point or die. trap instead of triggering it.

Checking for Secrets

Assault the While inside a room the PC can Spend 1 turn

or WIL check to find a secret and roll once on
the Secret Table in each room.

Weapon and armor

Crawling inside repairs
Lerwisburg Castle Characters can Spend 1 turn and 1 supply
The PC start at the castle entrance on floor 1. each to repair worn weapons or 2 armor
Each floor start with a corridor with 4 other points. For example if two characters want to
doors. repair their armors they have to spend 1 turn
and two supplies to do so.
Follow the Door Table when checking doors. If
an unlock door roll on the Castle Section
Table, if the PC find a room behind another
room, it does not have any other doors. Characters can rest inside a cleared room.
Spend 1 hour to heal 2 wounds and 1 stress
Only roll on the Room Type Table if the PC find instance on all characters. You can’t rest
a room. inside a hazard rooms or corridors. Characters
Leaving a castle section takes 1 turn, some can spend up to 1 supply each to heal 2
hazardous rooms may take more. additional wound and 1 stress while resting.

Castle Sections D6 - Hazard Room
Spider Nest - Thick layers of spider webs hold all
sort of dead creatures and past adventurers.
D6 - Door 1 Leaving this room takes 2 turns. If you find
wondering creatures you find D6 spider
1 Trapped door - the PC triggers a trap! Roll on
the Trap Table. spawns. The room contains 3 Treasures. Roll 3
times in the treasure table (page 9).
2-3 Locked door - use a key, spend 1 turn or DEX
check to unlock it. Machinist Room - once the workshop of a
Machinist, inside is full of traps and ancient
4-6 Unlocked door - You can check the section
behind roll on the Castle Section Table. artifacts. When you step inside DEX save or
2 trigger a trap! roll on the Trap Table. Roll for a
Magic Artifact (page 9) for any treasure found
D6 - Castle Sections inside instead.
Corridor - Starts with 3 other doors. Chasm - what seems a bottomless Pit, only way to
Subsequent ones have 1 less door. If no doors cross it is crawling around the edge. DEX check or
1 left it is a stairs leading to a corridor the next fall one floor bellow in a random room and
level instead. 3 taking D6 damage, if this is in the first floor its
2 Small room - with no other doors a pit instead, falling into it deal D3 damage,
3 Small room - with 1 other door spend 1 turn or STR check to escape it.
4 Wide room - with 2 other doors Darkest Room - Pitch black and cold, this room is
5 Large room - with 3 other doors unnaturally dark and crossing it may prove hard.
Stairs - leading to a corridor the next level. If 4 This room have only 1 other Door. WIL check
6 the floor already have stairs it is a small room to leave it normally or leaving it take 3 turns.
with no other doors. All Search rolls automatically fail in this room.
Nudroth’s Altar - An altar dedicated to Nudroth
D6 - Room Type 5 holds a ritual inside. Find D6 Nudroth’s Cultist
inside. The altar holds one Cursed Artifact. Roll
1 Empty - A plain room with no special features. once on the Cursed Artifact Table (Page 9).
Lair room - a room dwell by creatures and Statues guardians- Rows of statues holding all
2-3 guarding a treasure. Roll on the Minions Table sort of weapons guard this room, they oddly look
(page 6). 6 alive. DEX check to sneak pass statues or be
4-5 Hazard room - No wandering creatures roll. attacked once by one of them. Do an opposed
Roll on the Hazard Table Roll, SKL 3. They deal 5 damage if you lose it.
6 Encounter room - Roll on the Encounter Table
D6 - Encounters

Castle Contents
Alchemist Workshop - once the workshop of an
Alchemist, still holds some medical goods. Roll D3
1 times on the Magic Supplies section of the
Treasure Table (page 9)
D6 - Traps Barracks - Abandoned men at arms lair, with
Debilitating Gas - Thick and murky gas comes some equipment left behind. Find D3 supplies, and
1 from the ceiling and walls around you, STR Roll once on the Equipment section of the
save or take a 2 Break on all rolls for D6 turns Treasure Table (page 9)
Poison Darts - hatch opens from both sides Healing Fountain - A fountain with a maiden
2-3 firing darts at the PC. DEX save to avoid them, statue pouring glowing water, has a calming aura
if they hit you STR save or take D3 wounds around it. only once. Spend 1 turn to heal all
wounds and fully repair armor and weapons .
Iron Cage - An iron cage falls above the PC.
4-5 DEX save or be trapped inside. Use a Key, spend Treasure Room - An ancient and untouched
1 turn or DEX check to unlock it. 4 treasure room from the times of the Old Empire.
Roll D6 times on the Treasure Table (page 9)
Ancient Trap- You hear some clicking noises
6 but nothing happens, looks the trap did not Observatory Room - A place dedicated to observe
work. the stars, surely belonged to a mage of the Old
5 Empire. Roll once on the Magic Treasure Table
(page 9)
D6 - Secrets Trader Room - Camping inside the castle you find
a traveler from distant lands, looking to trade goods
1 Trap! - the PC triggers a secret trap! Roll on
the Trap Table with you. Give the trader 2 objects from your
inventory in exchange of 1 item of your choice
2-3 No secrets - The room don’t contain any in the Treasure Table (page 9), Magic or cursed
secrets. artifacts must be chosen randomly
Secret Treasure - You find a hidden treasure
4-5 inside the room. Roll on the Treasure Table
(page 9)
Secret Passage - You find a secret passage.
6 Roll on the Castle Section Table, if a room it
doesn’t have any other doors.

D6 - Minions D3 - Castle’s
Table Guardian
1 - Guardian Encounter 1 - Nudroth’s Priest
Roll on the Castle’s Guardian Table Instead. SKL 3, HD 2, ML 7, (Flail 4dmg,+1 slot).
2 - D3 Nudroth’s Cultists 1st Special - cast Decaying Touch. For D6
rounds the PC must STR save or take 1 wound
SKL 2, HD 1, ML 7, (Flail 4dmg, +1slot). after they take their action.
3rd Special - cast Rite of Decay. The PC must 2nd Special - if the priest have any wounds
do a WIL save or take 1 wound for each Automatically cast Healing Touch on himself,
standing cultist. All remaining cultists die after. heal 4 wounds.
3 - D3 Lerwisburg’s kidnappers 3rd Special - cast Corpse Reanimation. 2
ghouls join the priest side.
SKL 2, HD 1, ML 7, (Sword 4dmg, +1slot).
1st & 2nd Special - Net trow. a kidnapper 2 - Putrid Knight
trows a net to a free character one zone ahead SKL 3, HD 2 (3 armor), ML x, (Worn Great-
or in their current position. The target must do Sword 4dmg, 2H, +2 slots).
a DEX save or be trapped inside the net.
Characters inside the net can’t make any action 1st & 2nd Special - Action surge. If the putrid
but to escape it. Other characters can use their knight deal damage he gets to act again, roll on
action to free them. the reaction table.
Undead - undead creatures don’t roll morale
4 - D3 fresh Ghouls and fight until dead.
SKL 1, HD 2, ML x, (Vicious Bite 3dmg).
3 - Artifact Guardian
3rd Special - Reanimate. One defeated ghoul
wakes up again, it keeps all their wounds SKL 3, HD 0 (10 armor), ML x, (Worn War-
Hammer 4 dmg, 2H, +2 slots).
Disease - when the ghoul deal wounds to a
creature it must STR save or gain -3 modifier on 1st & 2nd Special - Wide sweep. The Artifact
all STR tests until they rest or heal. guardian makes a wide swing. Up to 2 creatures
who share zone with the Artifact Guardian
Undead - undead creatures don’t roll morale makes a DEX save or take 2 dmg each.
and fight until dead.
3rd Special - Auto destruction Protocols. The
5 - D6 Vampire Bats Artifact guardian explode in fling rock and
metal pieces. All creatures in the PC’s side must
SKL 1, HD 0, ML 6, (Bite 2dmg). make a DEX save or take damage equal to half
1st Special - Backline Attack. up to 2 Vampire (rounded up) the Artifact Guardian’s remaining
Bats melee attack characters one zone ahead of armor points. The Artifact Guardian is
their current position. After the attack they destroyed after.
return to their original zone.
Flight - Melee attacks against a Vampire Bat Lair Loot
take -3 modifier. If you defeat all creatures inside a lair you can
roll once in the Treasure Table (page 9).
6 - D6 Giant Rats Wandering creatures don’t hold any treasure.
SKL 1, HD 0, ML 6, (Bite 2dmg).

Opposed Rolls
3rd Special - Reinforcement. D3 additional
Giants Rats join the fight.
Spider Spawn
SKL 1, HD 0, ML 6, (Sting 2dmg). In combat most outcomes are decided by
Poison - when the Spider Spawn deal wounds Opposed rolls. Both characters, attacker (the
STR save or take 1 additional wound. one using their action to attack) and defender
(the target of the attack who defend against
it) make an attribute test (NPCs use their SKL
score). The side with the highest score wins.
Combat spell. WIL check or give an opponent creature
sharing the caster zone an opportunity attack
against them.
Battlefield Hold - a character can decide to hold and not
make any other action.
At the start of combat the battlefield is
divided in 2 opposed zones, one for the PC’s
side and one for the opponents side. Reaction Roll
Before the opponent’s side acts, roll 2D6 on
Round the reaction table to determine their actions.
Combat is played in rounds. A round usually If the opponent side has more than 1 creature
begins with the PCs side actions were the PC and you roll any special action, usually one
and their hirelings get to make 1 action each creature with highest HD perform it, all
one in any order, follow by the opponent side remaining ones do a charge / melee attack.
actions. When all creatures have acted once If any opponent creature don’t have the
each one the round ends and a new one resulted special action they charge / melee
starts. attack instead.

Charge - if there are no opponents in the 2D6 - Opponent Reactions
2-3 Third
creature’s current position they can move one Special - the opponent perform their
third special action.
zone ahead and make a melee attack.
4-5 Second Special - the opponent perform their
Melee Attack - only if a creature share the second special action.
same zone that an opponent they may attack Charge / Melee Attack - if the opponent
them by making an opposed STR roll an 6-8 share a zone with any character they attack it,
else they charge and attack.
compare the results.
9-10 First Special - the opponent perform their
critical hit! Deal double damage. A 20 first special action.
Natural 20
11-12 Morale
is always an attacker hit roll - Do a morale, if the opponents
More than The attacker hits the target, deal don’t flee they charge or melee attack instead.

Opponent Acting Order

target score damage
Equal score Both creatures deal damage
Less than
target score
Counter attack. target creature deal
and Attacks
attacker’s weapon is worn. -1 If an opponent side have more than 1 creature
Natural 1 always begin those with higher HD and less
weapon damage until fixed
damage taken. When an NPC attacks you can
Only PCs can score critical hits or fumbles choose any appropriate target among your
Ranged Attack - a creature can attack an party members.
opponent target one zone ahead by making an
opposed DEX roll. compare the results. Morale
Equal or More Opponents you are facing will flee combat if
than target you hit, deal damage only half of the initial number remain or after
score scoring a critical hit in case is just one
Less than opponent. Roll 2d6, if the roll is higher than
target score You miss your shot the opponent morale score they will flee
If a creature tries to attack an opponent in the leaving any treasure they are guarding behind.
same zone with a ranged weapon, that
opponent gains an opportunity attack against Fleeing Combat
the attacking creature. the PC side can try to flee combat. DEX check -
Step Back - a creature can move one zone back. 3 for each opponent creature past the
second one to move back where the PC came
Use or trade items - a creature can either use from or skip their side actions.
an item in their inventory or trade it to another
character that share the same zone. If the opponent flee, you can make one last
ranged attack for each character equipped
Change weapons - a character can equip any with a ranged weapon and can perform a
weapons or shields in their inventory. ranged attack.
Cast a Spell - a creature can attempt to cast a
Opportunity Attacks
An opportunity attack is an additional action
gained under certain conditions and any A PC can attempt to cast spells they know in
creature can perform it even if they already combat or while exploring. Spend 1 turn or
acted. Doesn’t consume a creature action. WIL check to cast a spell and take 1 stress. In
The creature gets to melee attack a creature a fail no stress is taken, if a fumble (natural 1) a
without being counter attacked in case it rolls horrible magic aberration occurs. Roll on the
equal or less than the opponent in the opposed Magic Fumble Table bellow.
D6 - Magic Fumble
Unarmed Attacks 1
The caster is weakened for an improper use of their
arcane soul - the PC gain a break on all rolls for
If a creature attacks without a weapon it deals 2 D6 turns.
dmg. A screaming Mandrake pop from the caster pocket
2 stunning them with the sound - WIL save or the

PC can’t take their action for D6 rounds
The caster gains a strong smell like roses, though
3 pleasant is really hard to miss - gain a break on
sneak roll for D20 turns
Caster is blinded by a dazzling magic effect.- Gain a
PCs and/or Hireling can attempt to sneak to 4 break on all search rolls for D20 turns.
avoid combat or make a surprise attack. For A weird gravitational aberration cause the caster to
each character who attempts to sneak Make a levitate and fall to the ground - DEX save or the
DEX check -3 per each opposite creature past 5 PC become prone, a PC can’t take actions while
the second one inside the room. If you fail the prone and gain a break on all opposed rolls,
opposed party notice you and combat starts standing up takes an action.
Though you don’t know the infraction, the Counsel
skipping the PC’s side actions. of Numbers have sent their judgment preventing
Sneak Attacks
you from performing any arcane art - the PC can’t
cast any spell for D6 turns.
to sneak attack a creature must be sneaking NPCs like hirelings and opponents only can
before combat. Then they can make a melee or cast a spell they know once, they can’t fumble
range attack, do an opposed action roll, after in the spellcasting attempt.
the attack is resolved combat starts as normal.

Spells List
Damage Spells have an X value in their description, this
is equivalent to half the caster WIL rounded up.
Worn weapons
If a PC roll a fumble (natural 1) in melee D6 - Spells
combat, their weapon is worn an lose 1 point 1 Healing Hand - Heal X + 2 wounds.
of damage, if the weapon reach 0 damage Turn Undead - Undead creatures with a
points this way it brakes and can’t be 2 combined amount of HD equal to the caster’s
WIL flee in terror.
repaired. Arcane Bolt - Summon and fire X+1 arcane

Damage and Armor

3 bolts, each one deal 3 damage, you can allocate
their targets as you wish.
Magic Gate - Open a gate leading to outside
If a creature takes damage while they’re 4 the castle crossing it takes 1 turn. As soon you
wearing armor, the damage first reduces their return trough the magic gate it closes.
armor points. If no armor points remain they Fairy Fire - opposing rolls against opponent
take the remaining damage as Wounds. 5 creatures in the room gain +3, this effect last X
+ 2 rounds.
Each time a creature take Wounds, roll their Sleep - Creatures with a combined amount of
Hit Dices (a d6 per HD), to determine if the HD equal X + 2 fall asleep for 6 turns, attaching
wounds are fatal. if the result is a number 6 a sleeping creature wakes it up and all others
equal or bellow the amount of wounds they around it. It is consider a sneak attack.
have accumulated the creature dies.

Equipment Magic thesis - Spend 1 hour and learn 1
19(6) random spell from the Spell Table (page 8).
You only can learn 1 spell from this book.
20 Magic Artifact - Roll on the magic artifact
Most Items from the treasure tables takes one table
slot from a character’s inventory to carry but
others like weapons and armor may take more.
D6 - Magic Artifacts
Supplies 1
Void Ring - Take a stress to activate. For 1 turn
or until the end of combat Negate all magical
A supply item represent basic gear a character effects. No creature around can cast a spell. 1
brings to the adventure, this can be traded wile use
resting to heal additional wounds or used to Sentinel’s Equipment - Roll a D6 on the
repair weapons or armor. 2 Equipment section. It gains +1, the wearer gain
+1 HD
Ammo 3
Equipment of the Stars - Roll a D6 on the
Equipment section. It gains +1 and +1 to spell
casting checks
Ammo represents the ammunition of the Duelist’s Equipment - Roll a D6 on the
ranged weapons a PC have in their inventory, 4 Equipment Section. It gains +2 and the wearer
players don't track individual arrows in their gain +1 to opposed rolls.
inventory. Instead when combat ends roll a Equipment of the Void - Roll a D6 on the
D6, if the result is 1 they only have enough to 5 Equipment section. It gains +2 and the wearer
fire 1 more time after which the ammo is gain +3 to saves against spell effects.
consumed. Arcanist Ring - Take a stress to activate. For 1
turn or until the end of combat all spell casting
Magic Equipment done by the wearer succeed automatically. 1
Magic equipment grants bonuses from +1 up to
+3 and some additional magical effects. If a D6 - Cursed Artifacts
weapon this bonus is added to the attack roll Nudroth’s Blessed Offering - Roll on the
and the weapon damage. If armor the bonus is 1 Nudroth’s Manifestation Table (page 4). As long
added to the armor points. the PC is carrying this item the manifestation
is active.

Necromancer’s Blood Vial - gain +1 HD, STR
2 save or take 2 wounds, 1 use
Priest’s enchanted Vial - gain +1 Stat of your
3 choice, STR save or take 2 wounds, 1 use
D20 - Treasures A Beyond’s Equipment - Roll on the
Cursed Artifact - Roll on the cursed artifact Equipment section. It gains +3, After combat
1 4 ends the wearer must WIL save or lose 1
permanent WIL point. If the PC reach 0 WIL it
(D6) - Basic Supplies becomes insane, you must create a new PC.
2(1) Drakesang Herb - consume and heal D3 Nodroths Equipment - Roll on the Equipment
wounds. 1 use. 5 section. It gains +3, The wearer Automatically
3-4 Supply - Heal wounds and repair equipment. 1 fails WIL saves.
(3-4) use Nudroth Idol - A gold idol oozing a black and
5-6 6 thick liquid, who knows their real purpose. +1 slots
(4-5) Castle’s Key - Open a lock door or trap. 1 use
7(6) Ammo - Ammunition for your current ranged

(D6) - Equipment
8(1) Sword or Morningstar - 4 dmg. +1 slots.
9(2) Greatsword or Warhammer - 5 dmg. 2H. +2
slots. Outside as well as inside the castle the PC will
10(3) Bow + Ammo - 3 dmg. Ranged 2H. +1 slots. find item traders, Spend 1 turn and Give 2 items
11(4) Shield - reduces incoming damage by 1 in the PC’s inventory in exchange for 1 item.
12(5) Medium Armor - 5 armor. + 1 slot.
13(6) Heavy Armor - 7 armor. +2 slots. The trader Outside the castle only have items
(D6) - Magic supplies from the Basic Supplies section. While the ones
Tonic of mind - Remove 1 stress instance. 1 inside have from all the Treasures table, but if
14(1) use you trade for a cursed or magic artifact roll
15-16 Tonic of healing - Heal D6 wounds and any once on their respective tables.
(2-3) affliction. 1 use
17-18 Magic Scroll - Contains a random Spell from
(4-5) the Spell Table (page 8). Successfully Cast it
without taking stress. 1 use.
The Mad
Sorcerer -
The PC have finally reached the last floor of the
castle where a massive altar dedicated to
Nudroth rises. Above all a black void cover the
sky showing an inexplicable horror in the other
side. WIL save or visions will start to consume
your mind, you only have D6 rounds before the
PC lose their mind and become another
follower of Nudroth.
Their presence is quickly acknowledge, Vrilkan
without giving a single word reach his
Warscythe ready to harvest your soul for his

The Mad Sorcerer Vrilkan

SKL 4, HD 3, (5 armor) ML 12, (Warscythe
5dmg, 2H, +2 slots).
1st Special: cast Amueth visions - the PC must
WIL save or gain 2 break dices for all rolls, it
last D6 rounds
2nd Special: cast Roul’ath dream - the PC
must WIL save or fall asleep, to wake up
consume the PC action and win an opposed WIL
roll. While sleeping the PC takes 1 wound at the
end of each round.
3rd Special: cast Soghruth Song - the PC must
WIL save or take 4 damage and Vrilkan heals 4

Binding Chains
If the PC have a Nudroth Idol in their
inventory they can take an Stress to activate
a Binding chain against Vrilkan, if you do
Roll on the Binding Chain table, as long the
item is in your inventory it remains active, you
can take another stress to roll again an change
the idol effect or add an additional effect if
Ogzzul Ak’tar is active.

D3 - Binding Chain
Chain of flesh - Vrilkan looses a HD and you
1 gain one
Chain of pain - Vrilkan looses a SKL point and
2 you gain one attribute point of your choice
Chain of madness - Vrilkan can’t use any
3 special.


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