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Integrating with OAuth

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 1
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2

Introduction 3

Connect to an Environment 4

Get to know the scenario 6

Install the Employee application 6
Business Case Overview 6

Employee App Registration in Google APIs 7

Integrate with Google REST Web Services 14

Google Authorization Page 21

Get Access Token 24

Login in the Employee App 29

Challenge 39

End Lab 40
OAuth 2.0 Related Remarks 40

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 2
In this session, we are going enable the Google sign-in feature on a web application. The
scenario for this Lab consists of one web application: the ​Employees a
​ pplication. This
application centralizes information about employees and makes it available to the whole
organization. By the end of this Lab, users will be able to sign in the Employees application
using their own Google accounts.

While developing the Google sign-in feature, we will use a Google REST API in order to
implement OAuth authorization (learn more ​here​). Also, we will integrate the user Google
accounts with the OutSystems built-in end-user management system, allowing to benefit from
OutSystems security features such as Roles.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 3
Connect to an Environment
When we open Service Studio for the first time, we will need to connect to an ​environment
where the OutSystems platform server generates, optimizes, compiles, and deploys
OutSystems applications.

1) Open Service Studio and access the ​Connect to Environment d

​ ialog​.​ This can be done
in two ways.

a) If you are not logged in to any environment, click on C

​ onnect to Environment​.

b) If you are already logged in to an environment, select the ​Switch Environment...

option from the Environment menu at the top.

2) Connect to your OutSystems personal environment.

a) If you are using your Personal Environment, you can find its address in the
OutSystems ​website​ and log in.

b) Under the ​Platform​ tab and then under the P

​ ersonal Environment​ tab the
environment address (or S
​ erver Address​) can be found.

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 4
c) Back in Service Studio, use that Environment and login with your OutSystems
community email (username) and password.

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 5
Get to know the scenario

Install the Employee application

Open and publish the E
​ mployees (OAuth Exercise).oap​ in your personal environment. The
oap file can be found in the Resources folder.

1) In the Applications, open the Environment menu and select ​Open Files…

2) In the Open dialog, change the File Type dropdown option to​ OutSystems Application
Pack (*.oap)​ and then open the Employee (Integration Lab).oap.

3) Click Proceed when asked.

4) Wait for the installation to complete and then proceed.

Business Case Overview

The Employee application centralizes employee information and makes it available to the entire
organization. The application has one module, Employees_OAuth, containing all the Entities,
Roles, logic and Screens that the app needs to work properly.

The Employees application shows the job role, contact information and location of each
Employee. Also, depending on the Role of the user, the information may or may not be
editable. The three Roles are: ​HRManager​, ​TeamLead a
​ nd ​Employee​. Every user with the
HRManager role can edit the information about employees and team leads.

Let’s try the application!

1) Open the Employees application, login as Emily Simon (using the sample users), open
the Detail Screen of one of the Employees and change one piece of information.

a) In Service Studio, open the Employee app using the O

​ pen in Browser​ button.

b) Login using the sample user Emily Simon (HRManager), present on the left side of
the login page.

c) Click on the Amy Peters employee, to open its Detail Screen.

d) On that Screen, you should see an Edit link. Click on it and change any bit of
information from the user. Confirm that the change was saved.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 6
Employee App Registration in Google APIs
Before we start, for the OAuth 2.0 workflow to be successful, we need to register the Employees
application in the Google APIs service.

1) Let’s start by creating a new project in the ​Google API Console

a) Open the ​​.

b) Login with your Google Account.

NOTE​: In the context of enterprise project, an enterprise account should be used,

and the credentials may even have to be request to a specific person inside the

c) Click on the P
​ rojects dropdown​ menu, which is going to open a popup window
to select and create new projects.

d) Click on the N
​ ew Project​ button.

e) Set the project name to O

​ Auth Integration Exercise​ and click on the ​Create​ button.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 7
f) Make sure the O
​ Auth Integration Exercise​ project is the one selected in the main

2) Now that we have a project defined, we can register the Employees application with the
Google APIs service. This is done through a registration form, where the following
information needs to be provided: the ​application name​ and the ​Redirect URI​. The
Redirect URI is the URL to which the Google’s authorization server will redirect users,
after they authorize access to their Google account.

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 8
a) Click on the C
​ redentials​ menu entry.

b) Click on the O
​ Auth consent screen​ tab.

c) In the Application name input field, type in E

​ mployees App​.

d) In the ​Authorized domains​ input field, type in the ​Server Address​ ​of your
environment. Click somewhere outside of the input field and then click on the
Save b
​ utton.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 9
e) Click on the C
​ reate credentials​ dropdown button and select the option O
​ Auth
client ID​.

f) Select the ​Web Application​ option as the application type.

g) In the Application name input field, type in E

​ mployees App​ as the name of the

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 10
h) In the Authorized redirect URIs add the following URL: h
​ ttps://<Server
Click somewhere outside​ of the input field then click on the C
​ reate b
​ utton.

i) The Google APIs will provide the credentials for the Employees application in the
form of a C
​ lient Id​ and a ​Client Secret​. Save them in an accessible location since
we are going to need them and close the popup.

NOTE​: The ​Client ID​ is a public identifier that is used by the Google APIs to check
the identity of our application. The C
​ lient Secret​ is used to authenticate the
identity of the Employees application to the Google APIs, when it requests access
to a user's account, and must be kept private between the Employees application
and the Google APIs Service.

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 11
3) Finally, we need to enable the Google People API in the ​OAuth Integration Exercise p
​ roject,
since the Employees application will use it to access to profile information of the
authenticated user.

a) Click on the L
​ ibrary m
​ enu entry.

b) Search for the Google ​People API​ and select it.

c) Click on the E
​ nable​ button.

4) The E
​ mployees_OAuth module​ has two Site Properties defined to store the C
​ lient Id
and​ t​ he ​Client Secret o
​ btained previously. Let’s begin by opening the Employee_OAuth
module and assigning the Client Id and the Client Secret Site Properties to the proper
values that were created with the Credential in the previous steps.

a) Open the Service Studio and click on the ​Employee_ILab​ module.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 12
b) Switch to the Data tab, locate the Site Properties folder and expand it.

c) Select the ​ClientId Site P

​ roperty​ ​and change the default value to the Client Id
value in the Employee App Credentials.

NOTE​: Site Properties values can also be changed at runtime in Service Center
(https://<server_address>/ServiceCenter). This allows operations team to set and
change values without the requiring code changes.

d) Select the ​ClientSecret​ Site Property and change his default value to the Client
Secret value from the Credentials.

e) Scopes​ are strings that enable access to particular resources, such as user data.
You include a scope in certain authorization requests, which then displays
appropriate permissions text in a consent dialog that is presented to a user.
Select the ​Scopes​ Site Property and change his default value to


OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 13
Integrate with Google REST Web Services
In OutSystems, integration with REST Services is easy. OutSystems help us to generate all the
methods and data structures needed to integrate with an external system.

We aim to enable the Google sign-in feature in the Employee application and there are different
ways to do it. In this Lab, we are going to use Google REST Services.

On one hand, the Employees application needs to request an access token from the Google’s
authorization server following the OAuth 2.0. On the other hand, the Employees application will
request access to the profile information about the user authenticated. Therefore, we need to
consume the two Google REST Services needed for the Google sign-in feature.

1) Consume the Google REST Service to obtain a valid access token. Detailed information
about this REST Service can be found in G
​ oogle Documentation​.

a) Switch to the Logic tab and in the Integrations folder, right-click the R
​ EST ​element
and select C
​ onsume REST API...​. This opens a window to configure the REST
methods that we want to consume.

b) On the new window, click the A

​ dd Single Method​ button.

c) Set the Method URL to

d) Change the HTTP method to POST.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 14
e) To help setting the request and response formats, let’s use as example the
sample snippets available in the G ​ oogle Documentation​. Set the R
​ equest​ as
f) Set the ​Response​ with the following sample response.
g) Click on the O
​ K​ button.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 15
h) Change the name of the created method to G
​ etToken​.

2) Integrate with the Google REST service that obtains the user’s profile information. Due to
the shutdown of the Google+ APIs on March 7, 2019, we will use the People API to

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 16
retrieve profile information. Detailed information about this REST Service can be found
in G
​ oogle Documentation​.

a) Switch to the Logic tab and in the Integrations folder, right-click the R
​ EST ​element
and select C
​ onsume REST API...​. This opens a window to configure the REST
methods that we want to consume.

b) On the new window, click the A

​ dd Single Method​ button.

c) Set the Method URL to{personFields}

d) Under the ​Body​ tab, set the Response with the following sample response:

{ "resourceName": "people/123456789123456789123",
"etag": "%FDSJUrthFhFGDhrtydfg843nkdk",
"names": [
{ "metadata": { "primary": true, "source": { "type": "PROFILE", "id":
"123456789123456789123" } },
"displayName": "Neo",
"familyName": "OutSystems",
"givenName": "Neo",
"displayNameLastFirst": "OutSystems, Neo"
} ],
"photos": [ { "metadata": { "primary": true, "source": { "type": "PROFILE", "id":
"123456789123456789123" } }, "url":
0/photo.jpg" } ],
"birthdays": [ { "metadata": { "primary": true, "source": { "type": "PROFILE", "id":
"123456789123456789123" } }, "date": { "year": 2001, "month": 3, "day": 7 } } ],
"emailAddresses": [ { "metadata": { "primary": true, "verified": true, "source": { "type":
"ACCOUNT", "id": "123456789123456789123" } }, "value": "" } ]

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 17
e) Switch to the​ Headers/Auth​ tab. Under the R
​ equest Headers​ add the
Authorization H
​ eader. This can be done by clicking on the combo box and then
the Authorization option can be selected.

f) Click on the O
​ K​ button.

g) Change the name of the method just created to G

​ etProfile​.

h) Expand the ​GetProfile​ method, locate the ​personFields​ Input Parameter and set
the ​Is Mandatory​ attribute to ​True​. This query parameter is Required by the get
method, as seen in the m
​ ethod documentation​.

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 18
i) The Integrations folder should look like the following image.

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Google Authorization Page
Now let’s start develop the logic needed to support the Google sign-in feature. When an
end-user opens the Employee application, the Login Screen is opened. An end-user can login
using a sample user or login with his own Google Account.

To login with a Google Account, the end-user clicks on the S

​ ign in with Google​ button. This
button was defined in the G
​ oogleLogin​ Web Block (under the Common UI Flow). When a user
clicks on the S
​ ign in with Google​ button, the Login Screen Action will be executed.

1) Define the ​Login Screen Screen Action​ to redirect the user to the Google authorization
page, with the list of requested permissions. Then, the user can decide whether to grant
the permissions to the Employee application. So let’s implement the Login Screen Action.

a) In the Interface tab of the Employees_OAuth, expand the ​Common UI Flow

located under the UI Flows folder, and locate the G
​ oogleLogin​ Web Block.

b) Expand the GoogleLogin Web Block and double click on the Login Screen Action
to open it in the canvas.

c) Drag and drop aD

​ estination​ statement over the Raise Exception statement.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 20
d) In the Select Destination popup window, expand the Common UI Flow, select the
ExternalURL​ element and then click the ​OK​ button. The ExternalURL element
allows us to redirect users to a web page.

e) In the properties of the Common\ExternalURL statement, set the ​URL p

​ roperty to

"" + Site.ClientId +
"&redirect_uri=" +
MakeAbsoluteURL​("/Employees_OAuth/GoogleCallback.aspx") + "&scope=" +
EncodeUrl​(Site.Scopes) +

NOTE​: This is where the Employees application redirects the user to the Google
authorization web page along with the list of requested permissions. Then, the
user can decide whether to grant the permissions to the Employees application.

If the user authorizes the request, the Google’s authorization server will redirect
the user to the web page indicated on the r​ edirect_ui​ parameter, which is the one
that we registered (the Authorized redirect URIs) in Google APIs Service.

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 21
The​ ​MakeAbsoluteURL​("/Employees_OAuth/GoogleCallback.aspx")​ instruction will be
translated to: ​https://<Server Address>/Employees_OAuth/GoogleCallback.aspx

2) Publish the application using 1-Click Publish button and verify that the publish
completed successfully in the 1-Click Publish Tab.

a) Click on the ​1-Click Publish button​ to publish the module to the server.

b) Verify in the 1-Click Publish tab that the publishing process was successful.

c) Preview the app in browser by clicking on the ​Open in Browser​ button.

d) In case you are still logged in, log out.

e) In the Login web page, click on the S

​ ign in with Google​ button and check if you
are redirected to the Google authorization page.

NOTE​: At this point, if you login with your Google Account you will see the Login
screen again. On the next section we will deal with the Callback to handle the
response obtained from Google after log in.

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 22
Get Access Token
When the user authorizes the request from the Google authorization web page, the Google’s
authorization server will redirect the user to the GoogleCallback Screen along with an
authorization code.

According to the Screen lifecycle of OutSystems web applications, when the user is redirected
to the GoogleCallback Screen, firstly, the Preparation will be executed. Therefore, the
Preparation of the GoogleCallback Screen is where the Employees application can request the
access token from the Google’s authorization server, along with the authorization code

In our sample app, the GoogleCallback screen has already been created. Besides the logic that
will be created in this exercise, it is also important that the screen allows Anonymous access,
and has the required input parameters (Code).

1) Let’s implement the Preparation o

​ f the GoogleCallback Web Screen.

a) In the Interface tab, double-click the Preparation of the ​GoogleCallback W

​ eb
Screen to open it in the canvas.

b) Drag an ​If​ statement and drop it below the Start, and then set the Condition
property to
Code = “”

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 23
c) Drag and drop an End statement to the right of the If statement.

d) Create the True branch connector from the I​ f ​to the E

​ nd N
​ ode.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 24
e) Switch to the Logic tab and locate the GoogleAuthentication Server Action under
the GoogleOAuth folder. The ​Google Authentication Server Action​ is not
implemented. It has one input parameter (Code) and one output parameter
(TokenInfo). This Action is going to encapsulate the logic required to get a valid
access token.

f) Drag the ​GoogleAuthentication​ Server Action and drop it on the False branch
that is connected to the MainFlow/Employees Destination.

g) Set the Code input parameter of the ​GoogleAuthentication S

​ erver Action to the
Code I​ nput Parameter of the GoogleCallback Web Screen.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 25
2) Since the ​GoogleAuthentication S
​ erver Action is not implemented, let’s do it now.

a) In the Logic tab, double-click the G

​ oogleAuthentication S
​ erver Action to open it
in the canvas.

b) Drag and drop an I​ f​ statement to the flow of the GoogleAuthentication Server

Action below the Start statement and then set the Condition property to

Code = ​""

c) Drag and drop an E

​ nd ​statement to the right of the If statement and create the
True b
​ ranch connector from the If to the End Node.

d) Drag and drop the ​GetToken​ REST Service on the False branch

e) Set GetToken REST Service Input Parameters as follows:

code:​ Code
client_id:​ Site.ClientId
client_secret:​ Site.ClientSecret
redirect_uri:​ MakeAbsoluteURL(​"/Employees_OAuth/GoogleCallback.aspx"​)
grant_type:​ ​"authorization_code"

f) Drag an ​Assign​ statement and drop it after the GetToken statement, then create
the following assignment

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 26
TokenInfo = GetToken.Response

g) The GoogleAuthentication’s flow should look similar to the following screenshot

3) Publish the application using 1-Click Publish button and verify that the publish
completed successfully in the 1-Click Publish Tab.

a) Click on the ​1-Click Publish button​ to publish the module to the server.

b) Verify in the 1-Click Publish tab that the publishing process was successful.

c) Preview the app in browser by clicking on the ​Open in Browser​ button.

d) In the Login web page, click on the S

​ ign in with Google​ button.

e) Notice that, you were redirected to the Google Login Screen instead of the
Employees Screen. Let’s move on in order to understand why.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 27
Login in the Employee App
So far, we have created the logic to give the Employees application the valid access token that
gives access to personal information of the user signed in with a Google account. However, this
is not enough to authorize the user to access the Screens of the Employee application.

OutSystems has a built-in end-user management alongside with a role-based access control
approach. Roles can be used to restrict or allow end-users to access specific screens.

For example, in the Employees application, only the users with at least one of the Roles
(Employee, HRManager, TeamLead) will be able to access the Employees and EmployeeProfile
Screens. The Roles were defined under the Logic tab and can be seen in the Roles folder.

The information about applications’ users are maintained by the (System) Entity Users​. Since
we want to enable the Google sign-in feature, in the Users Entity, we need to add, at runtime,
the user signed in with a Google account and then assign it the Employee Role.

1) Let’s complete the logic in the Preparation flow inside the GoogleCallback Web Screen.

a) In the Interface tab, double-click on the P

​ reparation ​of the GoogleCallback Web
Screen to open it in the canvas.

b) Switch to the Logic tab and locate the ​LoginUserWrapper​ Server Action under
the ​GoogleOAuth f​ older. The LoginUserWrapper Server Action is not
implemented, but it will contain the logic to add a new user in the User Entity and
assign the Employee Role to him.

c) Drag the ​LoginUserWrapper S

​ erver Action and drop it below the
GoogleAuthentication Server Action.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 28
d) Set the LoginUserWrapper TokenInfo input parameter to


2) The LoginUserWrapper Server Action is not implemented yet. It has one Input Parameter
(​TokenInfo​) and two Local Variables that are going to be helpful to create the Action.
Initially, we are going to get the user’s profile information associated to its Google

a) In the Logic tab, double click on the L

​ oginUserWrapper​ Server Action to open it
in the canvas.

b) Drag the ​GetProfile R

​ EST API Method and drop it below the Start Node.

c) Set its Authorization input parameter to:

TokenInfo.Token_type + ​" " +

​ TokenInfo.Access_token

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d) Assign the Site Property ​PersonFields​ to the personFields Input Parameter.

PersonFields​ is the parameter used to restrict which fields on the person are
returned by the method. The Site Property has a default value to allow retrieve
the person’s name, email address and birthday

3) Now, we need to add at runtime a new user in the Users Entity.

a) Switch to the Data tab and locate the ​User​ Entity under the ​(System) ​module.

b) Drag the ​User​ Entity and drop it just below the GetProfile call. This will create an
Aggregate, called G
​ etUsers​, that fetches all the users from the database.

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 30
NOTE​: We need to filter the ​GetUsers A
​ ggregate to understand if the Google user
that is currently authenticated already was added to the Entity. To do this, we are
going to use the email obtained from the call made to the GetProfile REST

c) Double-click on the G
​ etUsers ​Aggregate to open its editor on the canvas, and
then select the Filters tab.

d) Under the Filters tab, click on ​+Add Filter ​link in order to filter the Aggregate.

e) In the Filter Condition window, add the following expression:

User.Email = GetProfile.Response.EmailAddresses.Current.Value
h) Click on the B
​ ack b
​ utton in order to return to the LoginUserWrapper Server
Action in the canvas again.

i) Drag an ​Assign​ statement and drop it after the G

​ etUsersByEmail A
​ ggregate, and
make the following assignments:

= GetProfile.Response.Names.Current.DisplayName


OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 31
= GetProfile.Response.EmailAddresses.Current.Value

= GetProfile.Response.EmailAddresses.Current.Value

= True

= GetProfile.Response.Names.Current.Metadata.Source.Id

j) Switch to the Data tab and locate the User Entity under the (System) module and
expand it.

k) Drag the ​CreateOrUpdateUser E

​ ntity Action below the previous Assign​.

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l) Set its S
​ ource​ property to


4) We have just created a new user, or updated an existing one. Now we can add the
necessary logic to add the authenticated user as an Employee of the organization.

a) Drag an ​Aggregate a
​ nd drop it after C
​ reateOrUpdateUser​.

b) Double-click the ​Aggregate1​ just created to open the aggregate interface.

c) Switch to the Data tab, locate the Employee Entity and drag it in the aggregate.

d) Under the Filters tab, click on ​+Add Filter ​link in order to filter the Aggregate.

e) In the Filter Condition window, add the following expression:

Employee.UserId = CreateOrUpdateUser.Id

f) Click on the B
​ ack b
​ utton in order to return to the LoginUserWrapper Server
Action in the canvas again.

g) Drag an ​Assign​ statement and drop it after G

​ etEmployeeByUserId​, and make
the following assignments. Notice that, we are using the ​Employee ​Local Variable
to build an Employee Record, which will be stored in the Employee Entity.

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 33
GetEmployeeByUserId.List.Current.Employee.UserId = CreateOrUpdateUser.Id

GetEmployeeByUserId.List.Current.Employee.DateOfBirth = NewDate(

h) Switch to the Data tab and locate the Employee Entity and expand it.

i) Drag the ​CreateOrUpdateEmployee​ Entity Action below the last assign

statement, and set its S
​ ource​ property to the E
​ mployee ​Local Variable.

5) In order to allow the new user to open the Employees and EmployeeDetail Screens, we
need to grant him the Employee Role.

a) In the Logic tab, expand the Roles folder and then expand the E
​ mployee ​Role.

b) Drag the ​GrantEmployeeRole​ Server Action​ ​and drop it before the End of the
LoginUserWrapper Action.

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c) Set G
​ rantEmployeeRole​ input parameter to: C
​ reateOrUpdateUser.Id

6) Finally, we have to authenticate the Google authenticated user in the OutSystems

built-in end-user management.

a) Drag and drop a ​Run Server Action​ below the GrantEmployeeRole statement.

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b) Search for the L
​ ogin​ Server Action and select the one under the ​(System)

c) Set the ​UserId i​ nput parameter to ​CreateOrUpdateUser.Id​ and the ​Persistent

input parameter to F​ alse​.

NOTE​: Note that an “Unexpected Login” warning is raised to ensure that you’re
not creating a security breach. We can ignore it, as this is a specific use case and
isolated flow.

7) Publish the application using 1-Click Publish button and verify that the publish
completed successfully in the 1-Click Publish Tab.

a) Click on the ​1-Click Publish button​ to publish the module to the server.

b) Verify in the 1-Click Publish tab that the publishing process was successful.

c) Preview the app in browser by clicking on the ​Open in Browser​ button.

d) In the Login web page, click on the S

​ ign in with Google​ button.

e) Check if you’re able to access in the Employees Screen.

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​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 36
Let’s assume that we want to use the Google user’s profile picture as his Employee Picture in
the Employee application. So when someone signs-in with his Google Account, the Google
profile picture should be stored and displayed like shown in the figure below.

To accomplish that, we need to add some code to the L

​ oginUserWrapper ​Server Action. First,
notice that, there is a E
​ mployeePicture ​Entity which has an one to one relationship with the
Employee Entity. So after we add or update an Employee record, we can update his picture.
Moreover, in the result of the ​GetProfile REST API Method ​we have an URL from which we can
download the Google user’s profile picture (be aware that the photos were not specified in the
Field Mask defined by the P
​ ersonFields​ Site Property).

1) Use the ​GetRequest_Submit​ Server Action to download an image from an URL. This
Server Action is defined in the H
​ TTPRequestHandler​ module. ​Help: I​ n the A
​ rguments
parameter of the GetRequest_Submit use the empty string "​ " s​ ince the image URL
doesn’t have input parameters.

2) In the ​LoginUserWrapper t​ here is a Local Variable named EmployeePicture. Use it to

create a temporary record that should contain the image downloaded and the identifier
of the Employee in the Employee Entity.

3) Use the ​CreateOrUpdateEmployeePicture​ Entity Action to save the picture in the

database server.

4) The LoginInfo Web Block already has the logic and UI implemented to fetch the image
from the database, and display it if it exists.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 37
End Lab
In this lab, we enable the Google sign-in feature in the Employee application. Since Google APIs
use the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication, we follow it to authorize the Employee
application to use the Google People API.

To accomplish that, firstly, we have integrated with two REST Services from Google. One to
request an access token from Google’s authorization server. The other one gets the Google
user’s profile information such as name, email, profile picture, birth date.

Once we had integrated with the needed REST Services, we implemented the OAuth 2.0
authorization protocol, so that the Employees application could access to the user’s profile
information when he signs-in with his Google account.

Once the OAuth authorization is completed, we used the Google user’s profile information to
integrate with the OutSystems end-user management. This was needed because the Employees
and EmployeeDetail Screens require the Employee Role.

OAuth 2.0 Related Remarks

Every time a user signs-in with his Google account, he needs to grant permissions to the
Employee application even if he had logged in, in the past. However, this can and should be
avoided using the Refresh Token.

Notice that, the GetToken REST Method returns not only an access token but also an expiration
time, and a refresh token. A refresh token allows an application to request a new access token
without having to re-authenticate the user. So, we should use the access token while it’s valid (it
didn’t expire) and whenever the access token expires, we should request a new access token
using the refresh token.

OutSystems Inc.​ 5
​ 901 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E. Building C, Suite 495, Atlanta, GA 30328 38

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