Upasana Guidelines + FAQ

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Upasana Guidelines + FAQ Document

This document covers the basics of Vishesh Sadhana. Vishesh Sadhana specifically means
sadhana to be performed on a specific day or a thithi as per the direction from Sri Rajarshi
Nandy ji purely with the sankalpa towards dharmic purposes (not for any personal gains).

If you are new to sadhana and do not have an established procedure, you may use this
document as a guide.

Those who have an established process may use the guidance available here to enhance their
process as per their judgment.

Note: When instructions are not given for a certain material to be used for sadhana,
assume that there is no preference for it.

Note: Vishesh Sadhana Guidelines are to be followed precisely. Everything you need to
know will be mentioned clearly.

Basic Sadhana Steps

This is the general guideline for conducting any sadhana (both Vishesh and Nithya Sadhana).

Step 1: Setup
Place your photo or deity in a clean location (photo or idol not mandatory). Sit in front of it,
facing either east or north. Avoid facing South.

Step 2: Achamana
(You can find videos on the internet for a simple achamana process. If you’re not sure which
video to follow, then find one that is closest to the described process below.)

You may use an achamana patra (which is often a small copper/brass/silver glass) and fill it up
with clean water.

NOTE: In case you don’t have an achamana patra handy, please use a paper cup or plastic cup
as needed as a substitute. General recommendation is to avoid using steel or iron or other
metals other than copper/brass or silver for any pooja / sadhana processes.

Using a spoon in your left hand, take a small amount of water into your right palm (one or two
drops). Sip it while reciting the following names of Shri Vishnu:
“Om Keshavaya Swaha”.

Repeat this process two more times, with different names of Shri Vishnu:
“Om Narayanaya Swaha; Om Madhavaya Swaha."
For the last time, take water in your right hand and leave water saying om Govindaya Namah.
Mentally pray to Vishnu to purify your body to do sadhana.

Note: Another variation of Achaman mantras use Namaha instead of Swaha. Both are valid.

Step 3: Ganpati Invocation

Pray to Ganapati to remove obstructions for performing the sadhana. Chant Om Ganapataye
namah or a stotra of Ganapati. You can find these with a simple google search.

Step 4: (Optional)
If you have a bell or ghanta, ring it while saying
“Om ghanta devatabhyo namah."

Step 5: Deepam
Light the deepam. Again use only deepam made of clay/copper/brass or silver. Avoid diyas
made of steel or iron or other metals.
Chant ‘Om deepa devatabhyo namah’ mentally and pray for the presence of the deepam during
the sadhana

Step 6: Sankalpa
Take a little bit of water in your right hand or akshate (rice) in your right hand. If you have a
specific sankalpa in Sanskrit, chant it otherwise, mentally state the reason for performing the
sadhana in your own words. Drop the water/rice in your hand on the ground.

Step 7: Dhyana
Meditate on the form of the deity you are doing sadhana of. Mentally invite the devata to be
present during your sadhana.

Step 8: Dhoopam
Light the dhoopam (like agarbathi or loban) and show it to your deity.

Step 9: Bhog
Keep Naivedyam and water to the deity. For almost all deities jaggery is accepted as a standard
naivedyam. Mentally ask the deity to receive it.

Step 10: Aarati

If you can perform Karpoor arathi, do so. Chant any Stotra here that praises the deity.

Step 11:
Mentally seek the deity's permission to engage in japa or whichever sadhana you wish to
Step 12: Sadhana
Engage in your chosen sadhana. This may be chanting mantra or reciting stotrams or whatever
else has been suggested.

Step 13: Samarpan

Take some water in your right hand and offer your sadhana to the deity. If you have a samarpan
mantra, chant it or otherwise ask for forgiveness and offer your japa to the deity in your own
words. Then drop the water on the ground.

For a female deity, you may use

गुह्याति-गुह्य-गोप्त्री-त्वं गृहाणास्मितकृ तं जपम्।

सिद्धिर्भवतु मे देवी त्वत्प्रसादान्मयि स्थिरा ||

guhyāti-guhya-goptri-tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmitakṛtam japam।

siddhirbhavatu me devi tvatprasādānmayi sthirā ॥

For male deity, you may use:

गुह्याति-गुह्य-गोप्ता-त्वं गृहाणास्मितकृ तम् जपं ।

सिद्धिर्भवतु मे देवो त्वत्प्रसादान्मयि स्थिर ||

guhyāti-guhya-goptā-tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmitakṛtam japam।

siddhirbhavatu me devo tvatprasādānmayi sthira ॥

If not you can mentally do samarpan of the japa phala to the deity or your guru.

Step 14: Kshama-Prarthana

Say thanks to the deity and seek forgiveness for any knowingly or unknowingly committed

Deity Specific Guidance


● If you want to keep a photo,, as a beginner you may use the photo of a satvik form.
● Bhoga is optional. If one is offering, then they may choose one or more of these options.
○ Jaggery or any sweet dish made of jaggery
○ Any Urad daal items (Vada etc)
○ Imarti/Jalebi
○ Gulab Jamun/Laddoo
○ Any tangy items (Lemon rice or Tamarind rice etc)
● When doing Nitya Bhairava sadhana, you may consume the bhog (and distribute to
family). However, in some Vishesh Sadhana, we will explicitly give instructions to keep
the bhog outside. Please follow the instructions exactly. Depending on the sankalpa,
bhog has to be treated differently. When bhog is to be kept outside, no part of it should
be consumed.
● (Optional) Red flower may be offered
● (Optional) You may wear red clothes
● Bhairava Sadhana can be preferably done at night. However, avoid routinely starting the
sadhana in the period from 12am-3am (or third prahar of the night). This time may vary
according to the country you are in and geography, check panchang for exact timings.

Note from Rajarshi Nandy ji:

Also those who participated can continue one mala at least of the mantra. For those who are
already doing this mantra for some months, it's very good.

Additionally, for those who are starting right now with one mala daily, after 27 days of sadhana
is complete, start doing Vatuka Bhairava Brahma Kavacam too. It brings a protective force
around the upasaka. Of course it must be done regularly for a few months. But good practice.

Kavacham: https://sanskritdocuments.org/doc_shiva/baTukabhairavabrahmakavacham.html

Ma Tara
● If interested in keeping a photo for sadhanas, you may use a photo from Tarapith
● Bhoga is optional, if one is offering, you may choose to offer any of these options:
○ Besan laddoo
○ Any sweet
○ Fruits
● Bhog for Ma Tara should be consumed as prasad at the end of sadhana.
● (Optional) Red flower may be offered. Specially Hibiscus (Jaba/Gudhal)
● (Optional) You may wear red clothes.
● As a beginner Tara Sadhana may be started before sunset.
Upasana FAQ

1. Can I do sadhana or vishesh sadhana while on my period?

a. No. Wait until your period is completely clear, wash your hair, and then sit for

Note: During periods, for new people, avoid all japa during periods. If one has
been doing a mantra for long, say years then should carry on even in periods -
but that is not counted during anushthana calculation of counts. Avoid Vishesh
Sadhana during periods.
2. Can I go to temple, touch puja items, touch bhagwan’s photo during my period?
a. No. There should be no devata karya during periods. Avoid going to temples until
you are completely clear.
3. Someone in my family has died or A baby is born in my family. Can I do Vishesh
a. If there is death in the family, then public pressure won't allow you to do sadhana.
This is the standard rule and to be followed. Except, when someone has gone
very deep, then as mentioned nityopasana does not stop for anything. Not even
And if a sankalpa has been taken and after that news of death comes, then
sankalpa needs to be carried out. However this is tricky as relatives and friends
will object given it is customary to not do sadhana in that time, so one has to find
a way to adjust, or just simply pray to the deity that he or she will continue after
the period of mourning is over. That is a compromise, since nothing else can be
Summary: If someone in your immediate family has died, then you should follow
the rules of your household and sampradaya. If it is an extended family member,
you may do your sadhana as per normal, if no objections from relatives.
However, if doing so may cause discord in family, negative comments etc, then
you may do mansik japa as mentioned in the appendix of Apaatkala Sadhana
4. What mala to use for Sadhna?
a. If you already have a Mala, you may continue to use that for Vishesh saadhana.
But if you do not have any Mala and would like to get one, you may pick a good
red RudraksHa mala.
5. Where and how should I store the mala?
a. Keep the mala in a safe place in puja where no one else touches it. Not even
family. Do not wear this mala or carry it around with you during the day. You can
get a mala bag (called gomukhi) to store it as well. You can find it in your local
pooja stores.
6. How do I do japa with mala?
a. Start near the knot on the mala. There may be an extra bead near the knot, it is
called guru bead. It is not counted during japa. Start with the bead next to guru
bead, count a bead with your middle finger and thumb and chant the mantra and
continue this way.

Index finger is not used on the mala as it reduces the effectiveness of the
japa. Once you reach the end of the mala, do not cross the guru bead. Start in
the opposite direction.
7. When I do japa, my mala touches the ground, is that okay?
a. No. Either hold the mala high (close to heart level) to ensure mala doesn’t touch
the ground or you may do the japa while keeping the mala inside the mala bag
(gomukhi). You can watch videos or images on google for tutorials of how to do
8. Can I use my family member’s mala for my japa?
a. No. A mala is an individual to a sadhaka so multiple people should not share a
9. How do I continue sadhana when traveling?
a. Carry all the things you need for sadhana with you, like mala, achamana patra
etc. Some items like bhog you can acquire at your destination. You may set up
your puja place in a clean separate area wherever you are staying.
10. What kind of metal utensils can I use in puja?
a. You can use clay, copper, brass, silver or panchaloha utensils. Avoid stainless
steel and iron utensils in puja.
11. If I do Vishesh Sadhana of a deity whom I have never worshiped before, does that mean
I have to add their sadhana to my nitya?
a. No. There is no obligation to add upasana of a deity (eg Ma Tara) to your nitya
sadhana if you do their Vishesh Sadhana. You may do the sadhana without a
photo as well.
12. The minimum suggested count for Vishesh Sadhana is very high, can I do it in multiple
a. Yes. You may do the sadhana in multiple sessions in the period of the indicated
tithi, ie. if say, 21 count is recommended for ashtami, you may do 10 in session
1, 11 at night session 2 and so on, as long as it falls within ashtami tithi for your
location. In the first session, do upasana as indicated with achamana, sankalpa,
dhyana etc. Do samarpan. Take a break. Second session onwards, you may just
do achamana and continue your japa. When your desired count is complete, do
the samarpana again.
b. Achamana and samarpana have to be done in every sitting.

If you plan to offer bhog, offering bhog just one time in the first session is fine.
13. Can we read the 108 names from the Phone? Do we need to memorize the stotrams
before doing sadhana.
a. Yes, you can read the stotrams or mantras from your phone. Memorizing is not
necessary, that will happen over time automatically. However, the phone may be
distracting so it may be more convenient to take a print out of the stotras and
read from that.
14. Is Deeksha required to do vishesh sadhana?
a. No. The Vishesh Sadhanas are given by Sri Rajarshi Nandy ji himself and he
intentionally gives sadhanas that do not require deeksha. Rajarshi Ji’s
instructions are considered enough as long as you do the sadhana exactly as
15. Are there any dietary restrictions when doing Vishesh Sadhana? Should I avoid non-
veg? Should I become vegetarian?
a. There are no dietary restrictions for Vishesh Sadhana. You do not need to fast or
avoid any foods. You do not need to become vegetarian, or fast for Vishesh
Sadhana. Just avoid eating anything 2 hours before sadhana.
16. Can we do the Vishesh Sadhana after our Nitya Sadhana or Amavasya pooja etc at the
same time?
a. Vishesh Sadhana should be done before or after Nitya sadhana or other pujas.
You do not need to take a break if you don’t want to but it should not be done in a
way where you are doing half nitya, then vishesh, then remaining nitya, even if
you have the same mantra or stotram as part of your nitya.
17. Regarding timing to do Sadhana. Is it safe to do at night? Can we do it early in the
a. Yes, you may do Vishesh Sadhana at night or early morning as long as it falls
within the tithi. If there are any suggestions about the timings, it will be mentioned
in the instructions.
18. Ma Tara is ugra devata. Will there be any effects on the sadhana or on daily sadhana if
we do the vishesh sadhana of Ma Tara?
a. Bhairava is also Ugra. When done for dharma raksha or such causes then
almost no chance of any negative. Also have faith in Ma Tara.Still if the mind is
uneasy then don't do the sadhana. Doubtful mind can cause more problems than
19. I am having trouble pronouncing the stotrams, can I listen to the stotras in audio/video
a. No. You should take the time to learn how to pronounce stotrams. It is okay to
not have perfect pronunciation, everybody struggles with it but listening will not
produce results of sadhana. You may also want to experiment with reading from
different script like IAST or your native script if that helps with the reading.
20. Can I use this or that for sadhana?
a. When instructions are not given for a certain material to be used for sadhana,
assume that there is no preference for it.
21. I came across some Stotras/Mantras that comes with a kind of setup like: A Viniyogaḥ -
Nyasas - Dhyanam - Pancapuja - Various Uvachas of sages - Main Strotra/Mantra -
Phalastrutih (consisting of uvacha(s)). Now if someone plans to recite that stotra/mantra
more than once shall the person go through all of these every time?
a. When new you can recite it all every time. When doing higher numbers, dhyana
& viniyoga for the first time only, then main stotra + phalashruti should be
repeated as many times as you wish.
You may skip nyasa if no deeksha to do nyasa.
This applies to kavachams and stotras and whatever follows the structure. Note:
Rishi uvachas are generally considered part of stotra/mantra.
22. Should I take sankalpa everyday for nitya?
a. Sankalpa is only needed for anushthana or Vishesh Sadhana. Nitya does not
need any sankalpa because it is by definition “routine”.
23. Should I recite a,b,c after kshama-prarthana?
a. No. Kshama-Prarthana and Samarpana mantra should be the last thing to be
done in nitya.
24. Can I do mansik japa when I am sick, injured, or don’t feel like it?
a. Generic rule : if you are physically and mentally capable of doing regular
sadhana, do it. If you are not then you can do mansik japa. Straight and simple
rule. If you are following all mandatory instructions then include count in form
else do not.
25. If I take a vow with extra restrictions like sleeping on the floor and I cannot do it because
of sudden plans, what to do?
a. Offer Kshama Prarthana and move on.
Being self aware is very important. Here self awareness is not in the advaitha or
that kind of high philosophical context. Self awareness, in the current context, is
a highly practical approach. This is having or developing understanding of your
body, mind, emotions, and circumstances/events.
You should be able to apply basic reasoning to know what is possible by you and
what not. For example, if you have never gone to gym in life, why try to lift 200 kg
weights on the first day? Take it slowly. No hurry. Sadhana is a process of
lifetimes. Do not overestimate or underestimate. This is a process of self
discovery too. Enjoy the process. Don't stress much. Don't look for signs
everywhere. Do not tie up yourself with the aim to achieve something only to end
up doing nothing. Sadhana is a personal journey. Over a period of time you will
figure out what works for you and what not. Be open and be reasonable.
26. Question : I offer too much naivedyam during nitya sadhana and don't know what to do
with it. I cannot eat it and don't have people to distribute it to. Can I leave it at the
a. Offer outside at a clean place for any animals like dogs/birds or ants to partake.
27. Is daily sadhana ( japa) different from anusthana? What is the process of anusthana?
a. Yes, it is different from nitya. Basic simple process without advice or suggestion
by Guru or guide is like Nitya. Take Sankalpa, for x days x mala. After
completion, offer bhog at any temple of the deity. Further details or guidance is
not part of this group’s scope.
28. If I am doing japa daily and if I want to do anusthana along with it, is the Japa count
different for both ??
a. Yes, both will have to be counted separately. If you do x malas for nitya and you
have taken sankalpa of doing y malas per day for some days for anushthana,
then do x malas first and separately do y malas and maintain anushthana count
separately, even if the mantra is the same.
29. I am going to a temple or traveling or doing xyz activity, when should I do my nitya?
a. Nitya is best advised to be done early in the morning for whoever its possible .
This is also practical. Once you are done with Nitya, of any deity, you can do
additional sadhana stuff as you like. Starting a day by spending some time with
your ishta is always uplifting. Take bath early in the morning, complete your nitya
and then take up other daily routine things.
30. Sir, can anyone do Shiva and Durga nitya upasana at the same time? or focus should be
only on 1 devata/devi mantra japa?
a. Can be done. But you need to have one primary deity on whom you can have full
focus. Either Shiva or Ma. In initial stages focus more on primary deity. Like if
your primary is say Shiva, do 80% for Shiva and 20% for Ma. When you reach an
advanced stage you will be able to do parallel anushtana/sadhanas.
31. During Vishesh sadhana, can I offer one separate plate of bhog for family members and
keep another one outside?
a. Vishesh Sadhana has a specific Sankalp- for destruction of enemies of Hindu
dharma and for Dharma samrakshana. The Vishesh sadhana done on Krishna
Ashtami for Bhairav Baba requires the Vishesh Sankalp as above and as a single
offering of bhog, is to be left outside the perimeters of one’s residence/ under a
tree/ at an intersection. This is not to be consumed by the one who does
sadhana or family members, strictly.
The Vishesh sadhana of Ma Tara when done and bhog offered can be consumed
by the Sadhak and family.
32. How can I activate/initiate my new mala?
a. Do abhishekam of the mala with panchamrutham – curds, honey, milk, rose
water etc and keep it in the puja altar overnight before starting to use it. Pray to
the devata for a fruitful and good sadhana using the mala.
33. If I'm in a special kshetra of the deity for Vishesh sadhana and I'm doing japa in the
temple, do the same rules apply as doing sadhana if we were home?
a. Yes, the same rules apply. Offer bhog, leave it as instructed and do not consume
34. What to do with the plate on which bhog for Vishesh Sadhana is offered?
a. As per instructions, It is better if you use a leaf or a disposable plate to offer the
bhog so that you don’t have to collect it as you should not stay back to observe
who is consuming the bhog.
35. What metals can be used for puja utensils?
a. The metals preferred for use during sadhana, puja are Gold, silver, bronze,
brass, and copper – not necessarily in that order. Metals like stainless steel,
glass, plastic, iron are not preferred for use. It is always advisable to have
exclusive puja utensils for naivedyam, and other rituals as you are doing, which
is good. Try to avoid stainless steel even if exclusively used for puja. The energy
associated with rituals can be leached by using metals other than the preferred
ones. I have a big brass plate to hold them all, try get something like that or a
wooden basket if you can.
36. Can I offer bhog on glass or stone utensils?
a. No
37. Sometimes my sadhana goes smoothly, sometimes its mechanical. How do I know if it is
working? Why is it that some people find it difficult to fix the mind on form, in japa or
meditation, even though chatter in mind is sufficiently calmed down? How to achieve
a. Sadhana is never linear. There will be ups -crests, downs – troughs and then a
long plateau at times. Persisting despite all of these, even if mechanical is
advised. All of us have these periods in sadhana. Don’t get disheartened or
frustrated, patience is also key. Having the devata’s picture in front or visualizing
while doing mantra can help in concentration. Quieting the mind is a very big
task. Don’t go for such ‘difficult to attain ‘states, things will improve with time and
the amount of sadhana. Pray to Maha Ganapathy too to help clear any obstacles
and pray to the devata. Who else to help other than the devatas themselves.
38. Should I do Vishesh Saadhana before or after Pitru Tharpan during Amavasya? Please
let me know.
a. Best Priority: Devata Karya first and then Pitru Karya.
39. Can I take Bhairava's name outside of sadhana, for example, when we are scared?
a. Yes, you may remember Baba when you are scared, when you are about to
sleep etc. Limit yourself to nama mantra or stotram. Also note, any japa done this
way does not count towards your total count.

Remembering Baba when you are scared, sad, angry, happy, etc is all naturally
going to happen as you develop more of a connection with him. There is no harm
in remembering him this way and even praying to him when you need it.
However, when we say you can think of him and take his name, this does not
count as sadhana. For him to have any impact on your life, you must first develop
a connection with him. Developing a connection requires sadhana - which
requires meditating, doing his seva with discipline, following the achaaram etc.

Note: Sadhana is different from Bhakti. Bhakti may naturally come as a result of
Sadhana but Bhakti cannot replace sadhana.
40. Can we do Bhairava Kawach anytime/anywhere or does it have to be only during nitya
sadhana with the proper steps?
a. Bhairava Kawacham has to be done during Nitya Sadhana with proper steps.
41. Can emotions like lust or anger disrupt my progress during nitya sadhana? Will Bhairava
not accept me if I have these vices?
a. Sadhana of a specific devata has a certain impact on your body and mind.
Depending on the nature of the deity, some of these emotions may be
heightened. Think of it this way, when you are making a connection with a
devata, some of his energy may start interacting with you and even the smallest
fraction of his energy can have a tremendous impact on us puny humans.
In case of Bhairava (and many other ugra devatas), increase in anger and lust is
generally seen in the sadhakas. This is normal. You have to continue unbroken
sadhana despite that. If the problem becomes too much, you may ask Baba for
42. Sometimes I have issues with lust on special days, does this prohibit me from doing
a. As mentioned above, this increase in lust (or anger) may be due to the energy
generated during sadhana or you may be a naturally high libido person. Doesn’t
matter. None of this prevents you from doing Baba’s sadhana.

Two important things to note here.

Vices etc. is the wrong way to think about Tantra

Lust, anger, desire are all natural emotions of any human. Having these thoughts
is normal and par for the course for any human. Do not carry any guilt about this.
If you watch Dada’s interviews with Beer Biceps, he answers some of these
questions in these videos but basically, it is not a problem that you have these
thoughts. You can simply tell Baba that you are having these thoughts and
apologize and ask for help. However, if you carry guilt around about these things,
then it will surely hamper sadhana. In Dada’s words, guilt is the number one way
to block progress in sadhana.

If these thoughts interfere with sadhana, then you may do some meditation and
yogasanas before nitya to help clear your mind before sadhana.

Do not be dishonest with Baba

Now, sometimes the way we are raised means we never have open
conversations about our emotions with anyone. We even self delude and tell
ourselves and everyone in the world lies about our inner thoughts. This has to
change with Bhairava.

He likes BRUTAL HONESTY. He knows you better than you know yourself so
even if it is a lie that you tell yourself, do not repeat it in front of Baba. You can be
a top class liar for the world but never in front of Baba. You should be an open
book when praying to him. Dishonesty he does not tolerate at all. So any specific
desires you have and you want to ask him, don’t pretend that you want this or
that not for yourself but for the greater good etc. Be honest. Be clear and truthful.
This is obviously not easy to achieve when you have never spoken about your
innermost thoughts with anyone. But this is part of the process and has to
While experiencing these heightened emotions is normal, what you do with these
emotions is your karma and your reaction can have an impact on your sadhana.
This is not being said as a moral judgment but simply in terms of impact on
What we mean to say is, that while an increase in anger or lust is normal, that
does not mean that it is okay to go and beat someone up out of anger or engage
in wanton sexual activity. Once again, I refer you to Dada’s interviews with
Ranveer for detailed explanation but wanton sexual activity can absolutely
hamper your spiritual growth. Similarly, wanton fighting with people, either
verbally or physically also drains your shakti and can have an impact on your
43. I experience intense emotions during sadhana. Does this mean anything?
a. As has been mentioned countless times here, stop looking for meanings behind
everything. Heightened emotions are natural when doing sadhana. If you feel like
crying, cry but don't stop sadhana. If you are feeling happiness, enjoy it. Do not
let it interrupt your sadhana. Do not let it bother you after sadhana. Your time
during sadhana is that of building a connection with a power that is million times
stronger than you. Body and emotions will feel an effect of that power. There is
nothing good or bad about this. It just is. Carrying on your sadhana is the only
path forward.
44. Can we do sadhana during 12am - 3am if we only have time around then?
a. Beginners should avoid doing Sadhana routinely between 12am-3am period.
Once in a while it is okay to do so, and if you have already started for eg, at
11:45pm then continue doing it but avoid making it a regular routine to only start
between this time. If you have a time constraint, then you can do sadhana
around 11:30pm of maybe after 3:00am. Infact, after 3:00 am is Brahma
Mahurutam and it is ideal timing for sadhana. If midnight to 3am is the ONLY
TIME you can do nitya sadhana and there is no other way for you to do it, then
well, go ahead and do it whenever you can because continuity of sadhana is
more important than avoiding this time. I will not go in detail about the reason for
this but generally certain type of energies are active during this time which may
interfere with the sadhana of someone who is starting out.
45. Can I do Bhairava Ashtakam everyday? Can my family members do Bhairava Kawach
a. Ashtakam, Ashtottara (108 names) and Kawach all have to be done after a
certain count of japa of the deity has been completed. Ashtottara and Kawach
should be done with guidance only. None of these can be done without any basis
in that deity’s sadhana randomly. So if you have done a few months of unbroken
Bhairava sadhana, you may start ashtakam. Regarding family members, same
rules apply. However, in general we would advise to not discuss your sadhana
(mantra, stotram etc) details with ANYONE including family members. Similarly,
avoid interfering in their sadhana rituals and do not fall in the trap of handing out
sadhanas to people. Only a guru can do that. If you have a family member who is
interested in starting Vishesh Bhairava Sadhana for Dharma Raksha, you may
ask them to join this group and let them go on their own journey.
46. Preferred direction for japa for vishesh sadhana?
a. Sit facing east or north for sadhana unless there is a specific instruction to sit
facing another direction for any vishesh sadhana.
47. Question: How can I get my family to be more supportive of sadhana? They pass
negative comments and don't give me any space
a. Response: This is not uncommon, happens in several households unfortunately.
Can only suggest general suggestions but you will have to see what works for
you best.
People have this general tendency to believe that once you begin devata
upasana, devatha will take care of everything right from the beginning. That is
not true in most cases unless you have some significant amount of devata
upasana in your past lives. If your family is not being supportive and also
opposing devata upasana, it means simply it is in your karmic balance.
The single most important thing is to keep asking / praying your upasana devatha
to show a way for you. This may not happen in one day or week or a month but
keep praying and requesting.
i. Until your total japa count reaches a certain count, anugraha of the
devatha may not simply flow and interfere / counteract in your personal
life’s karmic momentum. Keep faith in your upasya devata and keep
praying without fail after your nithya to keep removing obstacles and/or
give you strength to break through the obstacles.
ii. Seek some time, sit and explain to them that this is the single most
important thing for your life and only a matter of time before they will
realize this. Prepare and write down the reasons well in advance so they
acknowledge you are serious about this and not being frivolous about it.
May or may not work but keep trying.
iii. Show some youtube videos, atleast youtube shorts of Rajarshi ji to
explain the necessity of devata upasana for Hindus in general and how
stakes are oddly stacked against us. Gather some evidence and share it
with them. Again, no guarantees that your family will trust or believe what
you say but give it a try.
iv. Find an appropriate time when you will not be disturbed by your family,
this could mean after everyone sleeps or before anyone wakes up. Keep
everything ready (diyas, simple naivedya, dhoop etc.) beforehand so you
can save time and do the minimum japa in your nitya sadhana you can do
any day. You can stretch a little more if you have more time that day.
Remember, every day is a new challenge in these circumstances and
sometimes you will be frustrated and get into fights with family, try to
avoid that.
v. Initially see what works bare minimum for your life circumstances and
family situation. Show commitment to your nitya sadhana by forgoing or
sacrificing any other hobby or activity that you generally do for
entertainment or enjoyment purposes (like cricket, music, movies, tv -
practically anything that you can forgo). Once they see your commitment,
it may soften their stance. Cannot guarantee anything but that is
something to think about.
vi. Also remember, if you need to stick to a deity upasana eventually you will
need to keep sacrificing some of your desires and activities that act as
hurdles in your upasana.
48. Lots of badhas come when I do Vishesh Sadhana. Is it because I am doing something
a. May be, or may not be. No easy way to tell unless you analyze everything that
you are doing in your personal life. Sit and write down what all the activities you
are doing on a daily basis and see if you find anything wrong (that is not dharmic
in nature) and see if you can eliminate them. If your graha gochara at the
moment is also negative that may also cause some obstacles and issues. Do not
worry too much about this, just keep attempting to do the basic minimum japa as
provided in the instructions for vishesh sadhanas. Worrying too much about it
also can work as an obstacle by itself.
49. I feel energy in my head when I do japa. Is this a bad thing? Will it cause damage?
a. It is okay to feel energy in head, some people feel it. It depends on so many
factors which may or may not be related to just the japa you are doing. Also
depends on japa of which deity that you are doing. If you are doing any japa that
Rajarshi ji has not advised, then that is your own issue. However, if you are doing
bhairava japa (om bhairavaya namah), then keep doing minimum daily counts
and see if that helps. If the energy is unsettling you, drink some water and take
breaks in between japa as needed. When you sit again, resume by taking
achamana and finish.
50. Pranam, after 27 days of nitya upasana of bhairav baba by naam mantra. It was advised
to do the batuk bhairav kavacham, my question is that the kavach contains beeja
aksharas but Dada advised not to do any beeja mantras without deeksha, so i want
guidance on this topic. Is it ok to do the kavacham ?
a. Do the kawach as it is. Including the mantra as mentioned. It is fine.
51. If I have taken a sankalpa for x days and period comes in between what should I do? If I
take a break for the period, will it be considered a break in sankalpa?
a. If your period comes while you are in the middle of an anushthana or any other
type of sankalpa, you may resume your sankalpa/anushthana after the period.
During your period, no devata karya should be done and no rituals should be
performed. We also recommend against doing mental japa for beginners during
periods. When the period is completely clear, take a head bath and resume
sankalpa/anushthana. Sankalpa is not considered broken if you take a break due
to period.
52. During Baba's sadhana is it normal for body heat to increase and build up slightly over
time? Is there any simple solution which can be implemented for the same? I have been
taking cold showers and it has reduced the heat a little. Please guide if there are other
simple steps which can be taken.
a. Yes this may happen to some people. If the body heat is only for Bhairava japa
then a bowl of water could be kept while sitting for sadhana and water from there
could be rubbed over eyes, face, neck from time to time. You can also take
frequent baths to cool off.
b. If it is because of too many mantras of different deities that you are doing without
guidance then you need to look for a guru to guide you.
53. Can one do japa without any mala?
a. You may but it will be difficult to keep track of even a minimum of 1 mala ie 108
recitations. Also, with regular japa over time Mala acquires the energy of the
mantra. So, better to get a mala n use it for japa.
54. Do I need to maintain celibacy during Bhairava sadhana?
a. No. Celibacy is not required for bhairava sadhana.
55. What should I do if I yawn or burp during the japa?
a. Apologize and restart the mala from the start.


Appendix A: Apaatkala Upasana Steps

Please note that when you are ill or in a situation where you cannot do elaborate steps, use this.
Also, remember as Rajarshi ji says, the devata would know whether we are lethargic or in a real
situation. So, be honest.

Step 1: Mentally chant "Om Pundarikakshaya (पुण्डरीकाक्ष) namah."

Step 2: Pray to Ganapati to remove obstructions for

sadhana/japa. Chant "Om Ganapataye namah."

Step 3: Recite a small Stotra of the deity. Mentally invite the devata to be present during your

Step 4: Seek the deity's permission mentally to engage in japa or whichever sadhana you wish
to perform.

Step 5: Engage in your chosen sadhana.

Step 6: Mentally offer your japa or stotra to the deity.

Step 7: Express gratitude to the deity and seek forgiveness for any knowingly or unknowingly
committed wrongdoings


Durga Dwatrimsannama Mala (32 Names of Ma Durga)


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