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Iron Infantry – Mini Game from the world of Iron & Brass

Need 2D3 (or 1,1,2,2,3,3 D6) per player.

Each player set up their pieces within their colored section of the board.

Destroy opponent’s Fortress, or all their military units.

Token Description
A = Attack Modifier R = Attack Range
M = Movement Range D = Defense Modifier

Player Turn
Take up to 4 actions:
• Move 1 piece (can move through, but cannot land on a friendly unit)
• Attack opponent with 1 piece (a unit can Attack, Move, Attack & Move, or
Move & Attack in one turn, but cannot: Attack twice or Move twice in a
• Heal a disabled unit (Skirmisher, Mech. Gunner, Iron Infantry).
• Repair a disabled vehicle (War Wagon, Steam Tank) – counts as TWO

Turrets get one attack any time during their opponent's turn. This attack does
NOT count as an Action during the player’s turn. In addition, during the
player’s normal turn, the player may choose to attack once with the Turret,
costing 1 Action for the attack.

Legal movement and attack locations

for Movement Range and Attack Range
of 1, 2, and 3:

1. Attacker and Defender each roll 2D3.
2. Compare: A to D. A = Attacker’s roll + Attack Modifier. D = Defender’s roll + Defense Modifier.
• If A > D, Defender unit destroyed
• If A = D or A = D-1 (within 1 of D), Defender unit is disabled. Rotate disabled unit 90 degrees to
signify that the unit is disabled. Disabled units cannot attack, cannot move, and their Defense
Modifier = 0 until repaired or healed.
• If A < D-1, no damage.

Concentrated Fire Attack: Player may combine 2 units (not including Steam Tank) into one attack (one dice roll):
A = Attacker’s roll + Attack Modifier 1 + Attack Modifier 2.
This attack counts as TWO actions for the player’s turn.

Game Design: Scott A
Artwork: Skoll, Scott A
Playtesters: Philip K., John S.

Copyright 2016 Narrow Gate Games

Optional rule:
To heal or repair a unit, the disabled unit is allowed
to move and must move back to one of the 12
squares of its color. The “heal” or “repair” counts
as an action only if the unit was already in these 12
squares when disabled.

每個玩家需要 2D3(或 1,1,2,2,3,3 D6)。



A = 攻擊修正 R = 攻擊範圍
M = 移動範圍 D = 防禦調整值

最多采取 4 項操作:
• 移動 1 件(可以移動,但不能落在友⽅單位上)
• ⽤ 1 個棋⼦攻擊對⼿(⼀個單位可以攻擊、移動、攻擊並移動,或者
• 治愈⼀個殘疾單位(散兵、機械砲⼿、鋼鐵步兵)。
• 修理⼀輛損壞的⾞輛(戰⾞、蒸汽坦克)——算作兩輛
砲塔在對⼿的回合中隨時受到⼀次攻擊。 在玩家的回合中,此攻擊不算作動作。 此外,
在玩家的正常回合中,玩家可以選擇使⽤砲塔攻擊⼀次,該攻擊消耗 1 個動作。
移動範圍和攻擊範圍為 1、2 和 3 的合法移動和攻擊位置:

2. 比較:A 與 D。A = 攻擊者檢定 + 攻擊調整值。 D = 防御者檢定 + 防禦調整值。
• 如果A>D,防御者單位被摧毀
• 如果A = D 或A = D-1(D 的1 以內),則防御者單元被禁⽤。 將禁⽤單元旋轉 90 度以
表⽰該單元已禁⽤。 殘疾單位不能攻擊,不能移動,其防禦
修正值 = 0,直到修復或治愈。
• 如果A < D-1,則無損壞。
集中火⼒攻擊:玩家可以將 2 個單位(不包括蒸汽坦克)組合成⼀次攻擊(擲骰⼀次):
A = 攻擊者擲骰 + 攻擊修正值 1 + 攻擊修正值 2。

遊戲設計:Scott A
美術作品:Skoll, Scott A
遊戲測試者:Philip K., John S.

版權所有 2016 窄⾨遊戲

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