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Job Profile

Stage 2


Teacher: Flor de Maria Ramírez Verdugo.

Team 1:
• Camila Guadalupe Piña Zárate.
• Mairyn Ximena Hernández Rodríguez.
• Daniel López Baldelamar.
• Luis Daniel Mendoza León.


What is a job profile?

We use the figure of “job profile” to describe the tasks, skills, experiences, and the
personality a person should have to develop a particular job.
The right application of this tool can generate an optimum work performance, due to the
fact of clarifying responsibilities, skills, and expectations from the time of recruiting
▪ Job title: Is a short description, reflects the purpose of the job.
▪ Job purpose: Summary conformed of three or four sentences that allow the easy
understanding of the job existence.
▪ Duties and responsibilities: Describes the main and essential functions that the
employee should develop.
▪ Required Qualifications: Involves the level of knowledge that the reclutant
requires to be productive on his role. Here we find the education, experience,
skills, working knowledge, general knowledge, comprehensive knowledge, etc.
▪ Working Conditions: They are related to the enviromental factors.

Example of Job profile

Title position: Spot Quotes & Procurement Analyst

Company: UPS

Main responsabilities:

▪ Provide quotes to the costumer.

▪ ⁠Analize the best option for the costumer.
▪ ⁠Search for new suppliers.
▪ ⁠Costumer service.
▪ ⁠Push everybody for a response.
▪ ⁠Booking request.
▪ ⁠Check if the suppliers are available for the specifications that the company needs.
▪ ⁠Answer the doubts of the people could have.
▪ ⁠Backup ground and air spots.

▪ Channel requests to the correct people.

Required skills

Soft skills:

▪ Patience: To stay calm in stressful situations.

▪ ⁠Be extrovert: To be able to talk with the customers.
▪ ⁠Be charismatic: To have a better relationship with the customers and co-workers.
▪ ⁠Polyvalence: Ability of telling the same thing in a lot of ways to explain it.
▪ Good communication with the partners: ⁠Find different ways to resolve an issue.
▪ ⁠Be organized: Have control of your time.
▪ ⁠Keep tracking: Be certain and alert about what is happening.
▪ ⁠Leadership: Good communication with the partners and take important decisions.
Hard Skills:
▪ The use of E2K, the system that the company needs to bring a quote for an
▪ Have a notion of the geography and time zones.
▪ Contract Management: The ability to draft, review, and negotiate contracts is
crucial. This skill ensures that agreements are legally sound, meet organizational
needs, and minimize risks.
▪ Negotiation Skills: They are essential for securing the best prices, terms, and
conditions for goods and services.
▪ Excel Proficiency: Excel is a fundamental tool for data analysis, modeling, and
reporting. Enhances the efficiency of tasks such as budgeting, forecasting, and
creating procurement reports.
▪ Risk Management: Means identify and mitigate potential risks associated with
procurement, such as supply chain disruptions, price fluctuations, and supplier
reliability issues.
▪ Legal Compliance: Understanding and ensuring compliance with relevant laws
and regulations is crucial. This includes knowledge of trade laws, import/export
regulations, and industry-specific compliance requirements to avoid legal issues.
People to report:

▪ Air Freight Manager

▪ ⁠Director
▪ ⁠Vice president
▪ ⁠Brokerage district manager
▪ ⁠Region Manager
▪ ⁠Executive VP
▪ ⁠Chief executive officer


Writing an effective job description | Human Resources | Wright State University. (n.d.).

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