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Approved by AICTE New Delhi and affiliated to Shivaji University,
Twice Accredited by National Board of Accreditation New Delhi
NAAC Accredited “A” Grade Institute with CGPA 3.27



Dr. M. R. Jadhav (Asst. Prof.)

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Unit No. 01
Maintenance Concepts:

2/15/2024 5
• TPM is keeping the plant and equipment at its highest level
through cooperation of all areas of the organization.
• The first part of TPM involves breaking down the barriers
between maintenance and production personnel so they are
working together.
• A common objective of TPM is peak performance or total
• Total Productive Maintenance can be considered the medical science of
• The idea behind TPM is to markedly increase production while at the
same time increasing employee morale and job satisfaction.
• TPM brings maintenance into focus as a necessary and vitally important
part of the business.
• Down time for maintenance is scheduled as a part of the manufacturing
day and, in some cases, as integral part of the manufacturing process.
• The goal is to hold emergency and unscheduled maintenance to a
Why TPM ?
• Avoid wastage in a quickly changing economic environment.
• Producing goods without reducing product quality.
• Reduce cost.
• Produce a low batch quantity at the earliest possible time.
• Goods sent to the customers must be non-defective.
History of TPM
• TPM is a innovative Japanese concept, and the origin of TPM can
be traced back to 1951, when preventive maintenance was
introduced in Japan. However the concept of preventive
maintenance was taken from the United States. Nippondenso was
the 1st company to introduce plant wide preventive maintenance in
• Preventive maintenance is the concept wherein operators produced
goods using machines and the main group was dedicated with
work of maintaining those machines.
• However maintenance became a problem as more personnel were
required, so management decided that the routine maintenance of
equipment would be carried out by the operators (this is
autonomous maintenance, which is one of the features of TPM).
• Nippondenso which already followed preventive maintenance also
added Autonomous maintenance done by production operators.
• This lead to maintenance prevention, thus preventive maintenance
along with maintenance prevention and maintainability
improvement gave birth to Productive Maintenance.
Why we need TPM?
•Avoid wastage in a quickly changing economic environment.
•Producing goods without reducing product quality.
•Reduce cost.
•Goods send to the customers must be non defective.
TPM Objectives
•Increase production while, at the same time, increasing employee
morale and job satisfaction.
•Hold emergency & unscheduled maintenance to a minimum.
•To provide the safe and good working environment to the worker.
•Achieve Zero Defects, Zero Breakdown and Zero accidents in all
functional areas of the organization.
•Involve people in all levels of organization.
•Form different teams to reduce defects and Self Maintenance.
•To fulfill Regulatory compliances.
Prime Objective
To provide the safe and good working environment to the worker.
TPM Functions
The functions of TPM are designed to address various aspects of
maintenance, production, and organizational culture. Here are the key
functions of TPM:
Equipment Reliability Improvement:
TPM focuses on improving equipment reliability through proactive
maintenance practices, such as preventive maintenance, predictive
maintenance, and autonomous maintenance. By addressing root causes
of equipment failures and implementing preventive measures, TPM
aims to minimize unplanned downtime and enhance overall equipment
Preventive Maintenance Optimization:
TPM emphasizes the optimization of preventive maintenance activities
to ensure that maintenance tasks are performed at the right time, using
the right methods, and with the right resources. By scheduling
maintenance tasks based on equipment condition, usage, and criticality,
TPM helps prevent breakdowns and extend equipment life.
Autonomous Maintenance (AM):
AM is a core function of TPM that involves empowering operators
and frontline maintenance personnel to take ownership of equipment
care and perform routine maintenance tasks. By involving operators
in cleaning, inspection, lubrication, and minor repairs, TPM promotes
a culture of self-management and proactive maintenance.
Focused Improvement (Kaizen):
TPM encourages continuous improvement and problem-solving
through Kaizen activities. Focused Improvement teams identify
opportunities for improvement, implement small, incremental
changes, and monitor the results to achieve incremental gains in
equipment reliability, productivity, and efficiency.
Quality Improvement:
TPM integrates quality management principles into maintenance
practices to address defects and variations in production processes.
By improving equipment reliability and reducing variability, TPM
helps enhance product quality, reduce rework and scrap, and meet
customer requirements more consistently.
Training and Skills Development: TPM emphasizes the importance
of training and skills development for employees at all levels of the
organization. By providing comprehensive training on equipment
operation, maintenance tasks, problem-solving techniques, and TPM
principles, organizations ensure that employees have the knowledge
and skills to support TPM initiatives effectively.
Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE):TPM promotes a safe and
healthy work environment by integrating safety, health, and
environmental considerations into maintenance practices. By
identifying and mitigating safety hazards, promoting ergonomic
design, and minimizing environmental impact, TPM helps protect the
well-being of employees and communities.
Administrative and Office TPM:TPM extends its principles beyond
the shop floor to administrative and office environments.
Administrative and Office TPM focuses on optimizing administrative
processes, improving workflow efficiency, and eliminating waste in
non-production areas to support overall operational excellence.
Similarities & Differences between TQM & TPM
• The TPM program closely resembles the popular TQM program.
Many of the tools such as employee empowerment,
benchmarking, documentation, etc. used in TQM are used to
implement and optimize TPM.
• Total commitment to the program by upper level management is
required in both programs.
• Employees must be empowered to initiate corrective action.
• A long range outlook must be accepted as TPM may take a year
or more to implement and is an on-going process. Changes in
employee mind-set toward their job responsibilities must take
place as well.
• TQM’s objective is Quality (Output and effects) and TPM’s
objective is Equipment (Input and cause).
• TQM obtains goals by systematizing the management and it is
software oriented and TPM obtains goals by employee
participation and it is hardware oriented.
• TQM’s target is quality for PPM and TPM’s target is elimination
of losses and wastes.
Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)
It is a proactive maintenance strategy aimed at optimizing the
reliability and performance of physical assets while minimizing costs
and risks.
It involves identifying the most effective maintenance tasks for each
piece of equipment based on its criticality, function, and operating
RCM is grounded in the principle that not all maintenance tasks are
equally important or necessary, and resources should be allocated
strategically to maximize asset reliability and availability. Here are
the key principles and steps involved in the Reliability-Centered
Maintenance (RCM) process:
Identification of Critical Assets: Identify and prioritize the critical
assets within the organization based on their impact on safety,
production, quality, and environmental factors. Criticality analysis
helps focus RCM efforts on the most important assets.
Function and Performance Analysis:
Understand the functions and performance requirements of each
critical asset. Determine the desired performance standards and
operating conditions to ensure that the asset meets its intended
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA):
Conduct a systematic analysis of potential failure modes for each
critical asset. Identify how each failure mode could impact the asset's
function, performance, safety, and operational objectives. This helps
prioritize maintenance tasks based on their potential consequences.
Maintenance Task Selection:
Select the most appropriate maintenance tasks for managing the
identified failure modes. These tasks may include preventive
maintenance (scheduled inspections, lubrication, replacements),
predictive maintenance (condition monitoring, vibration analysis,
thermography), or other strategies.
Optimization of Maintenance Strategies:
Optimize maintenance strategies by balancing the cost, risk, and
performance benefits of each maintenance task. Consider factors
such as the frequency of maintenance, the criticality of the asset,
the availability of resources, and the potential consequences of
Implementation and Monitoring:
Implement the selected maintenance tasks and monitor their
effectiveness in reducing the risk of failure and improving asset
reliability. Continuously track key performance indicators (KPIs)
such as equipment uptime, mean time between failures (MTBF),
and maintenance costs.
Review and Continuous Improvement:
Regularly review and refine the RCM program based on feedback,
performance data, and changing operating conditions. Incorporate
lessons learned from maintenance activities to optimize
maintenance strategies and enhance asset reliability over time.
Maintainability prediction
Maintainability prediction is a process used in maintenance
management to forecast and assess how easily and efficiently a piece
of equipment or system can be maintained throughout its lifecycle.
The goal is to anticipate potential maintenance needs, optimize
maintenance processes, and minimize downtime by identifying and
addressing maintainability issues early on.
Data Collection and Analysis:
Gather relevant data about the equipment or system, including design
specifications, maintenance history, failure rates, mean time between
failures (MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR), and other relevant
performance metrics. Analyze this data to identify trends and
patterns related to maintenance requirements and performance.
Identifying Maintainability Factors:
Assess various factors that influence maintainability, such as design
features, accessibility, modularity, standardization, simplicity,
reliability, and testability. Evaluate how these factors impact the ease
and efficiency of maintenance activities, such as troubleshooting,
repair, and replacement intervals for components.
Assessing Maintainability Factors:
Evaluate various factors that influence maintainability, including
accessibility, modularity, standardization, simplicity, reliability, and
testability. Assess how these factors impact the ease and efficiency of
maintenance activities, such as troubleshooting, repair, and
Utilizing Maintainability Models:
Apply maintainability models, techniques, and methodologies to
predict the ease of maintenance and identify potential maintenance
challenges. Common models used in maintainability prediction
include the Arinc 600 model, MIL-HDBK-470A, and other reliability
Risk Assessment:
Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential maintenance-related
risks and their potential impact on equipment performance, safety,
and reliability. Evaluate the likelihood and consequences of
maintenance-related failures and prioritize mitigation strategies
Optimizing Maintenance Strategies:
Based on the maintainability prediction results, develop and optimize
maintenance strategies and plans to minimize downtime, reduce
maintenance costs, and maximize equipment availability. Determine
the most effective preventive maintenance tasks, spare parts
inventory levels, and resource allocation for maintenance activities.
Continuous Improvement:
Monitor the effectiveness of maintainability prediction efforts and
continuously refine predictive models and maintenance strategies
based on feedback and performance data. Incorporate lessons learned
from maintenance experiences to improve future predictions and
optimize maintenance practices.
•Availability refers to the ability of equipment or a system
to perform its intended function when required, expressed
as a percentage of uptime over a specified period.
• It is a measure of the reliability and readiness of
equipment to meet production demands. Availability is
calculated using the following formula:
Total Available Time: The total time during which the
equipment is available for production or operation.
Total Time: The total time in a given period, typically
measured in hours or days.
Availability can be further categorized into different types,
Scheduled Availability: The percentage of time the
equipment is scheduled to be available for production.
Unscheduled Availability: The percentage of time the
equipment is unexpectedly unavailable due to breakdowns
or failures.
System Effectiveness:
•System effectiveness, also known as Overall Equipment Effectiveness
(OEE), measures the overall performance, productivity, and efficiency
of a production system or equipment.
•It provides insight into how well equipment is utilized to produce
quality products at the desired rate. OEE is calculated as the product of
three factors: availability, performance efficiency, and quality rate:
OEE=Availability× Performance Efficiency× Quality Rate

Performance Efficiency: The ratio of actual production output to the

maximum achievable production output under ideal conditions,
expressed as a percentage.
Quality Rate: The ratio of good quality products produced to the total
products produced, expressed as a percentage.
OEE provides a comprehensive measure of equipment performance by
considering availability, performance, and quality simultaneously. It
helps identify opportunities for improvement and optimize equipment
utilization and productivity.
• Costing is the technique of ascertaining costs. It consists of
analyzing, recording, classifying and appropriate allocation of
expenditure for the determination of the costs of products or
services, comparing against standards or budgets, reporting
and recommending.
• It renders information for the guidance of the management for
proper planning, operation, control and decision making.
• The costing of maintenance department involves three steps:
i) Collection and classification of maintenance costs
ii) Departmentalization of maintenance cost
iii) Absorption of maintenance cost
Collection and Classification of Maintenance Costs
The maintenance costs include cost incurred on large number of
activities. Some of these activities are as follows:
• Cost of manpower and facilities dedicated to maintenance
department for repair and maintenance.
• Cost of preventive maintenance to improve the availability of the
• Cost of resources like equipment and other facilities for condition
monitoring and diagnostic maintenance.
• Cost of materials like spares lubricants and other consumables, tools
• Cost of purchase and stores department looking after the activities of
maintenance including salaries of clerk etc.
• Cost of stationery, printing of formats, computer and accessories etc.
• Cost of subcontracting maintenance work to outside agencies.
• Cost of training of maintenance personnel
• Maintenance costs may be classified according to their nature,
function and a number of other characteristics.
• According to Nature
Material: - Cost of spare parts, lubricating oil. Cotton waste etc.
Labour: - Salary paid to the maintenance manager and other officers
Wages to Maintenance workers and supervisors including
contributions to provident fund and other perquisites.
• Overtime wages
• Overheads: - Those costs of the maintenance department which
cannot be directly allocated to a specific job, but which must be
absorbed by apportioning a share to all jobs and operations.
• Store expenses including salaries of storekeepers and other
• expenses in handling of spare parts and other stores related to
• Cost of training new employees.
According to Normality
• Normal maintenance cost
• Abnormal maintenance cost
Normal maintenance cost refers to the cost, which is expected to
be incurred. This is unavoidable.
According to type of Maintenance Action
• Breakdown Maintenance activity
• Preventive/ Planned Maintenance Activity
According to Controllability
• Controllable Cost
• Uncontrollable Cost
According to Behaviour
• Fixed Cost
• Variable Cost
• Semi Variable Cost
Departmentalization of Maintenance Cost

• After classification and collection of maintenance cost, the

next step is distribution of cost to the different processes,
equipment, product or departments. It involves the allocation
and apportionment of maintenance cost.
a) Allocation of Maintenance Cost
• There are certain maintenance costs, which can be directly
estimated for different departments.
• These expenses are cost of spare parts, wages of maintenance
workers associated with only one department, contribution to
provident fund and other perquisites paid to these workers etc.
Such expenses are directly charged to these departments, for
which they are incurred. This is called allocation of
maintenance cost.
b) Apportionment of Maintenance Cost
•Certain expenses such as salary of maintenance manager and
maintenance staff catering to more than one department,
consumables like lubricating oil, gloves, cotton waste etc are
incurred for the factory as a whole, and therefore they will have to
be apportioned over all departments.
•There is no hard and fast rule as regards the basis to be applied for
apportionment of maintenance cost, the following methods can
work as guiding rules.
i) According to capital value of assets:
ii) According to technical estimate
iii) According to production hours of the equipment
iv) Actual services utilized, if records are available
v) According to hours worked on each equipment/ department
vi) According to past experience
Distribution of Office and Administration Overheads of
Maintenance Department
The office overheads of maintenance department shall be charged to
different equipment/ processes/ departments on a suitable basis.

Since the maintenance overheads constitute a small portion of the

total cost, it will not be advisable to follow a complicated method for
their absorption. A blanket overhead rate may be computed for the
entire maintenance work.
The documentation and procedure for the accumulation and
distribution of maintenance costs are best devised and operated on
the basis that it is an accounting process, administered through the
finance department, but established in close collaboration with the
maintenance management, so that their joint needs are met.
The following are some of the guidelines in devising a procedure:
• Avoid duplication and unnecessary work in meeting the different
needs of the accounting and maintenance department.
• Ensure that the procedure provides timely information to both
departments in a form which aids effective control.
A maintenance organization can be considered as being made up of
three necessary and inter-related components i.e.:
Resources: men, spares and tools, of a particular size, composition
and movement
Administration: a hierarchy of authority and responsibility for
deciding what, when and how work should be carried out.
Work Planning and Control System: a mechanism for planning and
scheduling the work and feeding back the information which is
needed if the maintenance effort is to be correctly directed towards its
defined objective.
Maintenance organization will need continuous modification to meet
the changing requirements of present day production plant.
The typical goals and objectives for a maintenance organization
are as follows:
• Maximum production or availability of facilities at the lowest cost
and at the highest quality and safety standards.
• Identify and Implement Cost Reductions
• Provide Accurate Equipment Maintenance Records
• Collect Necessary Maintenance Cost Information
• Optimize Maintenance Resources
• Optimize Equipment Life
• Minimize Energy Usage
• Minimize Inventory on Hand

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