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Useful Phrases for Task 1 - Statistics

Paragraph transition

 Overview

At the first glance,
A glance at the (line graph) reveals that

 Body 1

At the start of the period,( tg đầu tiên chỉ năm đầu tiên )
As it is observed,
Going into details,

 Body 2

Thereafter,( tg cuối cùng năm cuối)

Regarding = with regards to = with respect to + A


 A outstrip B ( cao hơn nhiều so với cái gì đó )

The total production of milk outstripped the other dairy products listed.

 A fall behind B ( tụt lại phía sau )

The EU fell behind China and New Zealand in milk powder production, producing 770 metric tons.

 Be a rarity (hiếm /ít phổ biến)

Classes containing over 29 students were a rarity in these areas.

 The most popular = the predominant

Car was the predominant vehicle to go to the university.


 Hit a high/ low of = reach the peak/ bottom

The highest temperatures ever recorded in Britain hit a high of 38.1C in Gravesend, in Kent.

 A distinct/ significant ( đáng kể/rõ ràng) downward trend

 Fluctuate/oscillate in an upward direction ( đường dao động nhìn chung là đi lên)

 To level off – to become stable - hover around the mark of
By 1997, however, Nike's footwear sales began to level off. ( chỉ dùng cho những năm cuối )


 A and B follow highly similar trends. While the former + V, the latter V…
The use of coach and ferry followed very similar trends. While the former increased significantly to
25% in 2009, the latter went up to hit a high of around 12% in 2004…

 A close similarity can be seen in A, B, and C, with respective figures of + số liệu

 There was (no difference/distinctive/ a negligible) in the figures for A and B.

 A similar, albeit(=although) slower increase

 An increase was also witnessed in the figure for A

 To mirror this upward trend

Precisely a third of the former’s population resided in urban areas in the first year, after which it is
expected to increase continually to just over 80% in 2040, significantly higher than any other
countries listed. Indonesia almost exactly mirrors this upward trend, albeit at a much lower rate.

 A negligible difference was observed in A and B

A negligible difference was observed in the proportions of classes with under 20 and 26-30 students,
with figures of 26% and 27%, in that order.


 This is in stark contrast to A, as [Clause]

Classes consisting of 21-25 students constituted the majority, at just over half of all class sizes listed.
This was in stark contrast to classes with 26-30 students, making up one-tenth of the total.

 There was a distinct downward trend in A, contrasted by a rise in B

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