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***1)Write a generic function which takes different types of arrays to find highest value.


1. #include <iostream>
2. using namespace std;
3. template<typename T>
4. class Max{
5. public:
6. void max_function(T a, T b, T c, T d, T e){
7. T arr[5] = {a, b, c, d, e};
8. T max1 = arr[0];
9. for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
10. if(arr[i]>max1){
11. max1 = arr[i];
12. }
13. }
14. cout << "Maximum Number: " << max1 << endl;
15. }
16. };
17. int main() {
18. Max<int> m;
19. m.max_function(9,-2,3,-1,4);
20. }

***2) Write a generic function which takes different types of arrays to find second highest value.


1. #include <iostream>
2. using namespace std;
3. template<typename T>
4. class Max{
5. public:
6. void max_function(T a, T b, T c, T d, T e){
7. T arr[5] = {a, b, c, d, e};
8. T max1 = arr[0];
9. T max2;
10. for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
11. if(arr[i]>max1){
12. max2 = max1;
13. max1 = arr[i];
14. }
15. else if (arr[i]>max2 && arr[i]<max1){
16. max2 = arr[i];
17. }
18. }
19. cout << "2nd Maximum Number: " << max2 << endl;
20. }
21. };
22. int main() {
23. Max<int> m;
24. m.max_function(9,-2,3,-1,4);
25. }

3) Define a class ‘Square ’ having two member variables ‘length’ and ‘width* and a member
function area(). Overload > operator to perform the following statements.

Square ob1(5.1),0b2(3.2);
if( ob1>0b2)
cout<<"ob1 is greater than ob2”;

1. #include <iostream>
2. using namespace std;
3. class Square {
4. private:
5. int length;
6. int width;
7. public:
8. Square(int l, int w) {
9. length = l;
10. width = w;
11. }
12. int area() {
13. return length * width;
14. }
15. bool operator > (Square other) {
16. return area() > other.area();
17. }
18. };
19. int main() {
20. Square ob1(3, 2), ob2(3, 2);
21. if (ob1 > ob2)
22. cout << "ob1 is greater than ob2" << endl;
23. else if (ob2 > ob1)
24. cout << "ob2 is greater than ob1" << endl;
25. else
26. cout << "ob1 and ob2 are equal" << endl;
27. return 0;
28. }

4) Implement a code to execute the statement successfully:

1. 01 = (02+10)-O3;

1. #include<iostream>
2. using namespace std;
3. class Area {
4. public:
5. int length, breadth;
6. Area(){}
7. Area(int l, int b){
8. length = l;
9. breadth = b;
10. }
11. Area operator + ( int a ){
12. Area temp;
13. temp.length= length + a;
14. temp.breadth= breadth + a;
15. return temp;
16. }
17. Area operator - ( Area obj ){
18. Area temp;
19. temp.length= length - obj.length;
20. temp.breadth= breadth - obj.breadth;
21. return temp;
22. }
23. void print(){
24. cout<<"length : "<<length<<endl;
25. cout<<"breadth : "<<breadth<<endl;
26. }
27. };
28. int main (){
29. Area o1, o2(10, 12), o3(2, 4);
30. o1 = (o2 + 5) - o3;
31. o1.print();
32. }

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