SJVN Fixed Term Regulation

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wy SJVN LIMITED vA Corporate HR DIVISION SHANAN, SHIMLA-6 “Our Shared Vision - 5000 MW by 2023-24, 25000 MW by 2030 & 50000 MW by 2040 SJVN/CHQ/HR/Pol./15(128)/ 3%L Dated: 29.08.2023 CORPORATE HR CIRCULAR No. 882/2023 Subject: Policy for regularization of fixed tenure appointees (FTAs) “Scheme for Engagement of Manpower on Fixed Tenure Basis against compelling work Requirement” has been implemented in SJVN to meet emergent Manpower requirement for timely execution of diversified projects in its portfolio on account of exponential Business Expansion, To retain the trained & experienced manpower, appointed under the aforesaid scheme, so that proven talent be meaningfully utilized in SJVN's growth within optimum cost, Board in its 308" meeting held on 22.07.2023 has approved the “Policy for regularization of fixed tenure appointees (FTAs)" as annexed. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority. Cleo a (honlon (Neena Chauhan? |°193 DGM (Policy) Distribution Through e-mail : 1 ay 3. 4. 5. SJVN Intranet cMD D(P)/ D(C) SecretariavD(FYD(EYCVO All CEOs/HOPs/HODs/Location Incharge(s) - for information of all employees under them. GM (HRD)/ DGM (Rectt.) - for implementation of scheme please Hinn version wil follow 1) 2) Annexure-1 POLICY FOR REGULARIZATION OF FIXED TENURE APPOINTEES (FTAs) Applicability: The policy will be applicable to Fixed Tenure Appointees recruited under Scheme for Engagement on Fixed Tenure Basis against compelling work requirements. Definition: a) “Company” means SJVN limited. b) “Competent Authority” shall mean CMD or any other authority authorized by CMD on his behalf. c) “Management shall mean Board of Directors of SJVN. d) “FTA” shall mean Fixed Tenure Appointees, who are recruited under scheme for engagement on Fixed Tenure Basis against compelling work requirements. ) “Unauthorized Absence” means absence from the duties during the contract period which is not authorized by the Leave Sanctioning Authority/Competent Authority. f) __ ‘PMS" means Performance Management System applicable to FTAs. 9) ‘Regularization Committee” shall mean Committee constituted as per provisions of this policy for regularization of FTAs in SJVN. h) “Regularization Examination’ shall mean written Test and/or Trade Test, as conducted by an institute or otherwise, as may be prescribed by SJVN. i) “Assessment Centre" shall consist of multiple evaluations, interviews, and/or psychological tests to assess Technical, functional and behavioural competencies relevant to the most critical aspects (or competencies) of the Job. Assessment shall be conducted in-person or online for assessing Technical, functional and behavioural competencies by a third-party. 1 ou J) ‘Nodal Department” shall mean Corporate Recruitment Section for complete regularization process under this Scheme. Assessment Centre shall be conducted by Corporate HRD Section. 3) — General Principles: a) Level of Regularization: FTAs recruited and appointed afresh as well as on the basis of experience on remuneration specified in Recruitment ‘Advertisement shall be considered for regularization at the following levels, on completion of minimum 3 years’ service on contract basis: No. of years of experience specified in|Proposed level for Recruitment Advertisement for recruitment | Regularization & appointment as FTA EXECUTIVES _| 0 to2 years 2 Sto 6 years 3 7 to 10 years E4 T1 to 14 years ES 15 to 18 years E6 19 and above 7 SUPERVISORS to 5 years St 6 to 10 years 82 TT years & above $3 WORKMEN (SKILLED) | Oto 5 years w3 6 to 10 years i wW4 11 to 15 years WS | 16 years and above : Wwe WORKMEN (UNSKILLED) Oto 6 years wi 7 years and above w2 No. of years of experience shall be considered with respect to the experience requirement as specified in Recruitment Advertisement. For example:- if the post advertised for FTA specifies experience requirement of 2 years with remuneration of Rs. 66000/- & FTA has been recruited against this advertisement, then, though he/she may be having 2 ow 4) experience of more than 5/6 years, but only the experience as per recruitment advertisement i.e. 2 years shall be considered. b) Quota for regularization: FTAs shall be considered for regularization limited to quota for regularization of FTAs which shall be specific to discipline wise batch of same advertisement. Maximum No. of FTAs against each discipline to be considered for regularization shall be as under: Completed | %age quota (discipline wise) | _ Competent Tenure of FTA | for regularization of FTAs for Authority (inyears) _| batch of same advertisement 3 Upto 50% of respective batch | D(P) in consultation with CMD a Upto 25% of respective batch | D(P) in consultation with CMD 5 Remaining depending upon CMD: suitability ¢) The services of FTAs shall be regularized against the sanctioned posts. Eligibility Crite a) Only those FTAs shall be considered who have completed minimum 03 (three) years of service in SJVN on contract basis under Scheme for Engagement on Fixed Tenure Basis against compelling work requirements. b) The period of sanctioned EOL or absence beyond entitled leaves shall not be considered in calculation of service for determining the Eligibility period. ¢) FTAs on unauthorized absence or FTAs against whom penalty under SJVN CDAVStanding order has been imposed shall not be eligible for regularisation. d) The FTAs under suspension or against whom vigilance/disciplinary/criminal proceedings are pending/contemplated shall be considered as per sealed cover procedure. On exoneration on the conclusion of the disciplinary case / criminal prosecution or an investigation which results in dropping of allegation or complaints, the sealed cover or covers shall be opened and based on the 3 ow? 5) recommendations of the regularization committee, FTA shall be considered for regularization or not. If any penalty, minor (including censure) or major Penalty is imposed, the sealed cover/covers shall not be opened and case for regularization shall not be considered. ©) Regularization shall be effective from the date of issue of offer of appointment, subject to joining on the post within specified time. f) In case Performance & Integrity and medical fitness of FTA is unsatisfactory, he/she will not be considered for regularization g) The Disciplinary and Vigilance Clearance shall be obtained at the time of regularization. Procedure for Regularization of the services: a) The regularization shall be on the basis of merit, efficiency, suitability and vacancy. b) Regularization committee shall be constituted for assessment of FTAs on the criteria specified for regularization. ¢) Consideration for regularization will be subject to qualifying regularization examination (scoring minimum 60% marks) and scoring minimum aggregate of 60% in PMS Rating. 4) Regularization shall be considered once in a calendar year in the month of January for all the FTAs becoming eligible i.e. completing 3 years of service, in that year. €) The principle of ‘Merit’ shall be followed. The candidates scoring qualifying Points shall be ranked in order of merit among the eligible candidates on the date of regularization. Where the aggregate of the points scored by two or more candidates is same, the candidate older in age shall be placed higher in merit list to those who are younger. 10 6) Constitution and Role of Regularization Committee: a) A Regularization Committee shall be constituted with the approval of Competent Authority to assess/evaluate the suitability of the FTAs and provide recommendations for taking over the services on regular basis. b) The regularization will be centralized at Corporate Head Quarters. ¢) The composition of Regularization Committee shall be as under: (i) Chairman to be nominated by CMD (ii) HOD (HR) (iii) Two Members from Technicalirespective Discipline not below the level of GM (iv) SC/STIOBC/Women representatives d) Regularization Committee shall assess the Performance, Conduct, Potential, performance in interview (in case of executives only), and other documents/records as available in personal files of the candidate. ©) The panel of selected FTAs in the order of merit drawn by the Regularization Committee will be submitted to the Competent Authority for approval. f) The regularization orders/offer of appointment shall be issued by the Corporate Recruitment Section after approval of the Competent Authority. 7) Regularization Exam a) The Regularization Exam will include Written Test and/or Trade Test wherever required. The examination will be centrally administered by Corporate Recruitment Department which will be responsible for finalizing the syllabus, issuing notification for holding of examination etc. The Competent Authority to approve the syllabus, examination body and method of examination etc. will be D(P). 5 ea " b) The examination for regularization shall include evaluation of technical knowledge of the concemed discipline, rules and regulations of the organization, general & organizational/sectoral awareness etc. ©) Regularization Examination shall be conducted once in a calendar year in the month of October in which FTAs who shall be completing three years in ensuing year shall be eligible to appear. This Examination shall be conducted in a time bound manner so that the score is available before/by January of the year in which FTA becomes eligible to be considered for regularization. d) Minimum Qualifying marks for regularization examination will be 60 Percent. FTAs scoring less than 60% shall not be considered for regularization. e) The marks obtained in regularization examination by the FTA shall be converted into points to be awarded as under: Marks obtained in| Marks to be considered for Regularization Regularization Workmen Examination Category 290 20 80 to <90 16 70 to <80 13 60 to <70 10 <60 0 _| f) FTAs who don’t qualify the exam can reappear in subsequent examination, as and when, conducted by the company. Also, FTAs not regularized can reappear in subsequent examination to improve the score, as and when, conducted by the company. The best score shall be considered in the year of regularization, in case more than one score is available, sment Centre a) Technical, Functional and Behavioural Competencies of FTA shall be assessed through online/off-line assessment. oer 6 2 b) This assessment shall be done through a professional third-party (Premier Technical/Professional institution). c) Assessment Centre shall be conducted once in a calendar year, in which FTAs who shall be completing three years in ensuing year shall be eligible to appear. This assessment shall be conducted in a time bound manner so that the score is available before/by January of the year in which FTA becomes eligible to be considered for regularization. 4) Assessment shall be carried out in subsequent years again for the FTAs not selected in first or subsequent attempt. e) In case, FTA is not regularized in the firsvsubsequent chance, the latest Il be ‘score amongst the available yearly Assessment Centre Score st considered. PMS Rating a) The rating in Performance Management System (PMS) of FTA will be considered for determination of merit, efficiency, potential and suitability of FTA for regularisation in the company. b) While considering FTAs for regularization, the Regularization committee will give due weightage to Performance Management Report of last 3 to 5 years, as the case may be. ©) Maximum point for one year on Rating on five point scale shall be as under: Rating Marks Executive & Supervisor Category | Workmen Category | Excellent 10 20 Very Good é 16 Good 6 12 ‘Average 4 08 Poor Nil Nit d) The marks of Annual Performance Appraisal rating shall be aggregated as per minimum eligibility period specified for regularization. 7 ow 13 e) In case, FTA is not regularized in the first/subsequent chance, the next regularization committee will consider Performance Management System Reports of 3 best PARs out of 4 PARs or 3 best PARs out of 5 PARs, as the case may be, of years immediately preceding the year of regularization. f)_ In case of non-availability of PMS for the complete eligibility period on account of non-closure of PMS for that period, last available 6-month PMS. appraisal shall be extended to that period. 9) FTAs scoring less than 60% in aggregate score of PMS rating shall not be eligible for regularization. Criteria for Regularization a) The Criteria for Regularization shall comprise of factors/parameters related to performance, Conduct, potential etc. Those factors which are to be taken into account for determining the suitability for regularization of an FTA and the weightages will be as under: Factor Executive & Workmen Supervisory Category Category Marks Aggregate Score of PMS Rating 30 60 Assessment Centre 30 = Regularization Exam 25 20 Regularization Committee 5 20 b) The minimum “Qualifying marks" for regularization of FTAs in the Executive and Supervisor category will be 75 and in the Workmen category, it will be 70. However, the regularization shall be on merit subject to availability of vacancy and the quota for regularization, ©) FTA not regularized on account of reason that the FTA was not found suitable/ fit by regularization committee will be considered for regularization only after one year. 8 ow 4 11) General Terms and Conditions: a) FTAs on regularization shall be liable to be posted in project/station/unitioffice located in India or abroad or Organization's any other Offices/Government Departments/Defence Services, Statutory Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings anywhere in India or abroad at the discretion of the Management. b) The regularization of service of FTAs under this policy shall be effective from the date of issue of regularization orders/offer of appointment, subject to joining on the post within specified time. ¢) No benefit of the service rendered on contract basis shall be extended excluding Gratuity. The period of service on contract basis shall only be considered for computation of benefits under Gratuity Rules. No benefit of higher education qualification-or service weightage or pay shall be given on regularization, even for those qualifications attained during contractual employment with SJVN. d) The contractual employees, whose services are regularized, shall be on probation, from the date of regularization of their services, for a period of ‘one year. The period of probation may be extended at the discretion of the Management, if considered necessary. e) FTAs on regularization shall be placed below the junior most employees in the relevant cadre of the company on the date of issue of orders for regularization/offer of appointment, on regular rolls. f) On regularization, Basic Pay of FTA shall be fixed at the minimum of the pay scale applicable to the post against which his/her services have been regularized. @) The life span, depreciation & other aspects in respect of Functional Benefits provided to FTAs during contractual period shall be considered from their initial purchase and as per extant policy. 2 ow 15 12) 13) Service Bond: FTA on regularization shall be required to execute Service Agreement Bond alongwith a Surety to serve SJVN for at least three years. The amount of service Agreement Bond shall be as under: Category Category [Amount of Bond| Stamp Paper (in Rs.) (in Rs.) Executive Category |Genera/OBC| —_10,00,000/- 5,000/- ‘SC/ST/PWD. 7,50,000/- 3,750/-—_| ‘Supervisory Category | GeneraOBC | __3,00,000/- 1,500/- ‘SC/ST/PWD. 1,50,000/- 750/- Workmen Category | GeneralOBC | __2,00,000/- 1,500 ‘SCISTIPWO 1,00,000/- 750/- During operation of Service Agreement Bond, employee shall not be released for any employment elsewhere or for any further study on full time basis requiring grant of study leave. General: a) Any clarification on any doubts or removal of inconsistencies and minor modification relating to this policy may be referred to the Corporate HR Division and the decision of CMD shall be final and binding in this regard. b) Board may at any time depending upon the requirement of the company modifylamend/delete/add and/or alter any of the rules/procedure of this policy in the overall interest of the company. 10 owe 16

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