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Nhóm 1:

- Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop

- Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in public (in a restaurant or
another place)

- Describe an occasion when somebody or something was making a lot of noise

Mở bài chung:

I'll talk about the time I visited an eatery selling pho. This place is hugely popular for the distinctive taste
of the broth.

The place was so popular that tables were fully booked. Upon entering, I was a bit hesitant
about the dirty space filled with used napkins, and the waiter even slammed down the menu on the table
(đập mạnh vào bàn) However, I ignored it and continued ordering since I thought it was just because of a
busier day than normal.

- Describe an occasion when you heard

someone complaining about something in
Describe a bad service you received in a
public (in a restaurant or another place) -
Describe an occasion when somebody or
something was making a lot of noise

I was waiting for my food when I overheard two However, the waiter then even poured boiling broth
female customers complaining out loud. on my hands, making my right hand burn. This
The dissatisfied customers kept saying bad was the last straw, making the whole
words about how slow the service was, and the experience fall short of my expectations. I was
WHY waiter even poured boiling broth on their hands. about to complain when my friends accompanying
One of them raised her voice and the waiter me raised their voices and the waiter didn’t give in
didn’t give in to her. It was a heated to them. It was a heated argument with other
argument with other customers also shouting customers also shouting and screaming, creating a
and screaming, creating a true commotion. true commotion.

Kết bài chung:

The owner of the eatery was informed to reconcile (giảng hoà) and prevent the conflict from escalating
(căng thẳng). She was a middle-aged woman. She patiently explained and apologized most sincerely,
making the unhappy customers settle down. She also offered complimentary meals and drinks for them.

I think the problem lies in the waiter, maybe the owner should hire more waiters to reduce the pressure on
one. But all in all, the timely resolution of the owner prevented the situation from descending into chaos.

Nhóm 2:
- Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer

About two weeks ago, I was at home and accidentally poured coffee on my laptop. The reason why this
accident happened was because I was careless. I didn't really pay attention to how hot my coffee mug was.
So my mom served it to me. She put it on the table, and I just picked it up with my hand. It was so hot that I
just dropped the mug and splashed the coffee all over my laptop.

Because I knew that my laptop didn't have water resistance, I immediately ran to grab some tissues in order to
dry it off. I dabbed the tissues on the keyboard in order to try to clean all the moisture. The outside looked
fine, but when I turned on my device, the problem started to show.

In the beginning, there were some crackling and buzzing sounds with the speakers. The screen first showed
some jagged lines before going off. I totally freaked out because I saved so many important files of not only
my work but also my study in the machine.

Because the device wasn't under warranty anymore, I just took it to a tech shop nearby. I was told that the
motherboard was burned. I definitely could detect a burnt smell. The technician even told me that I was really

lucky because had I not brought it to him earlier, there would have been further damage. Even the whole
device would have blown up or I would have set my house on fire.

- Describe a job you would not like to do

- Describe an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) you are interested in

Bối cảnh: đam mê về AI nhưng sau 1 thời gian tiếp xúc, cảm thấy quá khó để làm việc

Well, even though I have a strong preference for artificial intelligence, I do want to work in that field such as IT
because of its difficulty.

Well, I guess one area of science that really interests me and that I'd love to know more about is artificial
intelligence and machine learning.

I actually first got introduced to Al and machine learning during my time at university. I took this really cool
computer science course where we covered the basics of Al and how it's being applied in different areas. I
gotta say, I was totally hooked on the idea of creating intelligent machines that can learn and make decisions
on their own.

Describe an area of science (biology, robotics,

Describe a job you would not like to do
etc.) you are interested in

- To keep up with all the latest stuff and

- To keep up with all the latest stuff and expand my
expand my knowledge in this area, I rely on a
knowledge in this area, I rely on a few different
few different sources. The reason why I'm so
sources. - Like, I regularly read scientific journals
fascinated by Al and machine learning is
and research papers that focus on Al and machine
because of the huge impact they can have on
WHY learning. The reason why I'm so fascinated by Al
the future. - Even though I try my best to
and machine learning is because of the huge impact
achieve that field, I still find it really hard to
they can have on the future. I mean, just think about
follow up - In the end, I decided to give up and
it - Al has the power to boost efficiency and
choose to follow my plan to become a teacher
productivity in so many different areas
in the future.

Nhóm 3

- Describe a party that you enjoyed

- Describe a photo that makes you happy

Intro: I’m an extrovert person, so I never miss any parties, my

my mother’s birthday party

that’s a photo which was taken on my mother’s last birthday

It was a very special birthday, because instead of holding a party at home as usual, we decided to drive
our own car to Da Lat for a change of pace, and also throw a surprise party for my mother

On arrival at the homestay, my dad took my mother out for a walk, we sprang into action, hanging on the
streamers and the balloon around the house and we also prepared a birthday cake

After all, my mother was so happy that she literally smiled from ear to ear

Describe a party that you enjoyed

We took a lot of pictures, and although it has been years, looking at these photos brings me back to
that wonderful time.

Describe a photo that makes you happy

And we asked the staff to take a picture of my family, we were all clustered around (vây quanh) my
mom, while she was blowing out the candle on her birthday cake

It was not the highest quality picture we have ever had, as it was shot in low light by a camera phone.
But it was a photo that made me most happy.

Nhóm 4:
- Describe an occasion when you used a map

- Describe an unusual holiday or vacation you went on

- Describe an important journey that was delayed

Intro: I’m going to talk about trip that I was supposed to have with my family to Da Lat about 2 months ago.
Actually, DL has always been a dream destination for my family, so to celebrate my parent’s 20th anniversary,
we decided to drive there by car instead of taking a plane, because we thought that it was more memorable.

Describe an occasion when you Describe an unusual holiday or Describe an important journey
used a map vacation you went on that was delayed

- My dad had a car service to

- Indeed, we can stop wherever
make sure that it wanna went
we want to take pictures or to try
wrong during the journey. While
local food. We talked and shared - Indeed, we can stop wherever we
my mom bought a lot of snacks
our matters that we hadn’t had any want to take pictures or to try local
and food to eat - Unfortunately, 2
quality time for such a long time - food. We talked and share our
days before our trip, there was
And one highlight of the trip was matters that we didn’t have any
torrential rain in Dallas, and all
when we got lost in finding a quality of time for such a long time
roads and passes leading to the
famous beach. - I decided to use a - And one highlight of the trip was
city were blocked due to
map to find the right way, it was when we got lost in finding a
WHY landslides - we were very
time-consuming and really tiring famous beach. It was time-
worried, and we turned weather
that I and my family didn’t use the consuming and really tiring, but in
forecast like every single hour to
map frequently. - It took us 1 hour hindsight, that incident actually
see if there were any updates -
to find the beach, however, that brought us together when we had
the situation didn’t seem to have
incident actually brought us to work together to figure out the
pick up, as we had no choice to
together when we had to work way. I felt like the connections
call it off - it was such a shame
together to figure out the way. I between family had been boosted.
that we were really eager to visit
felt like the connections between
that place, but I think next year
family had been boosted.
we would have trip to Da Lat.


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