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SCHOOL:Mohamed Boumediene High School

Level :1st Year

Unit One: Getting Through

Developing Skills

Task One: Items 1-9 are parts of a letter .Reorder them according to the descriptions a-f.

1-Yours faithfully, 3- Kindly provide me with the course information and

2-English courses
timings and as soon as you can.
Ayoub Lakhal

4-I am fifteen years old ,born in Constantine. I am a student at Ben Badis high school. I have Sir/Madam,
trouble speaking English. I only know the basic of English and most of the time I am pointing
at stuff or using hand gestures just to get my point across . I would like to take a two-week
course in December during the winter break.
6- November
22nd, 2023

8-ULC School ,Rue Abane Ramdane, la

7-73 Boulevard Pasteur Belle-Vue Constantine Pyramide, Constantine, Algeria.

9- I am writing to you because I would like to

inquire about your English speaking courses.
a-Your address d- subject g-Introduce yourself
b-date e- Salutation h- Ask for information
c-Name and address f- Say why you are writing i- Closing +name
of language school

Task Two: Following the form of the letter above . Is it a formal or informal letter ?


Extract the parts of the letter that helped you to decide .


Imagine you are a secretary at ULC school. Write a reply to Ayoub Lakhal providing him with information
about the course .

Rue Abane Ramdane, la Pyramide, Constantine, Algeria.

23th November, 2023

Subject: Query related to English Course

Dear Student, Thanking

Ayoub for his
We received your letter yesterday and we are pleased to know that you are willing to know
letter .
about our English course.

Details of
the course .


Inviting other


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