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Name: Fahim Shajahan Ayon

ID: 2413443630

bKash is one of the most prominent moblie banking services in Bangladesh. As bKash is an
organization, there are forces from outside the organization that influence or affect its'
performance. This is referred to as the external environment, and it is analyzed on two different
levels: the general environment and the specific environment.
There are several distinct components that make up the general environment, such as the legal,
economic, social, demographic, technological, and global components.Here's how these
componentes may relate to bkash:
Economic Component : bKash's operations are impacted by Bangladesh's general economic
stability. A recession or economic upturn may have an impact on consumer spending and
financial activities.
Legal/Political Component : This component includes state, local and global laws that can
affect the managers action in an organization. Political conditions and stability is also included
here. Changes in government policies related to financial services can impact bKash's
operations and strategy.
Demographic Component: This component considers race, education, geographic location,
gender etcetera that can influence manager's action. For instance, bKash targets the group of
people who don't have access to banks but do have mobile phones. Bkash is able to thrive there.
Sociocultural Component: Bkash is influenced by Bangladeshi people's cultural views on
financial services and digital payments. The growth of bkash is closely related to the
acceptability of mobile-based financial transactions in society.
Technological Component: This is concerend with the scientific and industrial innovaion.For
example, bKash benefits greatly from the widespread use of mobile phones. bKash would not
have succeeded if mobile phone usage in Bangladesh had been lower.
Stakeholders whose views have an impact on managers' decisions are referred to as an
organization's specific environment. Customers, suppliers, pressure groups, and competitors
make up a specific environment. This is how they might be connected to bkash:
Customers: Customers are the people who make use of the services provided by the company.
Customers of bKash includes people from both urban and rural areas. The level of adoption and
usage of bkash's service among the customers directly impacts its' revenue and growth.
Suppliers: Suppliers are companies that offer services to support the operations of an
organization. Suppliers for bKash can include banks, merchants, financial institutions, telecom
firms, and technological corporations. They contribute to maintaining the reliability and
effectiveness of bKash's operations.
Competitors: Competitors are other businesses that compete in the same market and provide
comparable services. For example, the competitors of bKash are Nagad, Rocket, and Upay.
Bkash innovates its' products in response to competition because it wants to maintain its position
as the industry leader.
Pressure Groups: Pressure groups are outside stakeholders who seek to impact an organization's
operations. In the context of bKash's business, industry associations, consumer advocacy groups,
regulatory bodies such as Bangladesh Bank, and NGOs are the pressure groups.

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