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Sleepy Paws

snuggle down
close your eyes
cozy up and relax
wear off to the sleepiest
dreamiest corner
of a very special place
the world of mashy
Sleepy Paws
let's drift away
and see what we can find
say hello to sleepy paws
a very tired koala
he lives high up in a tree house
by a dreamy moshi harbor
but sleepy paws is restless
and he just can't get to sleep
so he's going on a journey
but he won't be counting sheep
sleepy paws
is setting off across a fluffy meadow
it's lined with balls of cotton wool
and candy colored hedgerows
he's searching for a special place
where mosling sleep and dream
but this is not a normal world
you'd know that if you'd been
its lakes are filled with neon soup
and stardust covers mountains
and moshi music spouts each hour
from rainbow sherbet fountains
when darkness falls
a strange owl calls for all to go to sleep
and then the place falls silent
you cannot hear a Twilight
your peep let's drift away and see
what we can find
twilight is sleepy
paws is floating now through fields
of whispering grass
his eyes are feeling heavy
there's a question
he must ask
the place he seeks
is said to lie beyond a haze of pink
so he's going to ask the moshlings
he encounters
what they think
i'm looking for a sleepy place
he tells a mystic monkey
it's over there but do take care
it's getting pretty foggy
just then a dinky dream cloud
glides slowly into view
and sleepy paws hears rumbling
a storm's about to brew
lilac rain begins to fall
and glowing puddles form
but sleepy paws keeps wandering
the raindrops feel so warm
he asks the dinky dream cloud
can you show me the way
follow me the cloud replies
you've had a busy day
Sleepy Paws is Sleeping
close your eyes
raindrops are falling like sequins in streams into your dreams
night sleepy paws is yawning now
he's by a starlit
lake a boat arrives
he rubs his eyes
he can barely stay awake
the boat is crewed by marshlands
they collect him from the shore
as lapping waves makes soothing sounds
the stars begin to snore swaying on
the moonlit water
sleepy paws is drifting
the boat is bobbing up and down
pink mist is slowly lifting
a jungle island lies ahead and distant drums are calling
is this the place
where marshlings sleep
the boat is slowing crawling
a songful seahorse captain looks into sleepy's eyes
we'll need to sing
to move this thing
it's fueled by lullabies
and then the crew begin to hum a melody of bliss the tune
is quite familiar
and it sounds a bit like this
let's drift away and see
what we slowly this way is back on land
he's on a jungle path
as crickets chirp their midnight song
and distant monkeys laugh
a tribe of friendly hoodoos point towards a lush lagoon and sleepy paws keeps
walking beneath
the silvery moon is this the place
where marshlings sleep
he asks a passing bunny
perhaps replies the rabbit
who whispers something funny
maybe you're already dreaming
did you think of that
then the bunny vanishes
inside its bowler hat by the water
sleepy paws count seven weeping willows
and by the tallest lies a pile of very squishy pillows
take one of these a sapling says
then points towards a hollow just step inside
and climb the stairs
and sleep will surely follow
Nest let's drift almost here snuggle
sleepy paws is in a tree
he's climbing spiral stairs
and at the top a silly snufflers
handing out cute bears
sleepy paws nods
and thanks and takes a cuddly teddy
and then a fluff in pink pajamas
says your nest is ready
walking on a branch
he sees a sea of twinkling stars
as glowing fireflies flitter around in empty pickle jars
staring at the moshi verse
the world feels like it's slowing
and then he flops into a nest
that's gently to
and throwing he yawns
and starts to curl up
when a friendly owl swoops by it's carrying a basket through
the dusky starlit sky
climb aboard the alcuz
i'm your valet for the night
just snuggle in my gondola
and please enjoy your flight
close your
Sleepy Paws
Dream is this what dreams are made
of wherever you may roam cause
sleepy paws is back in bed
inside his treehouse home
good night sleepy paws
good night

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