Crazy Killer

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Elizabeth Tony Police officer Mia

Nancy Amber Jacob killer


Kevin Father
Crazy killer

At college
Elizabeth: Congratulations! You have won the beauty competition this year. I am so
happy for you. By the way, where is Tony?
Nancy: Thank you. I am over the moon right now. He must be outside.
Elizabeth: Alright. I will be right back. Hey dear Tony. What are you doing here?
What happened? Are you okay?
Tony: I miss my friends. Jacob killed everyone. Everything was perfect last year. We
have lost our friends.
Elizabeth: I can understand. Jacob destroyed our lives. We have to be brave. Let's
join the party. Cheer up. Nancy won the beauty competition. You have to enjoy this
party. You have to live your life Tony. You have to come with me.
Tony: You are right. Let's join the party. I want to meet Nancy.
Nancy: Yes, my love. I won this beauty competition. When are we meeting? I want to
celebrate this happiness with you.
Nancy love: I will meet you tomorrow. I want to give you a surprise.
Nancy: I can't wait. Alright, I love you so much. See you tomorrow. Who are you?
What do you want from me? No no. Please don't kill me. I don't know you. Please let
me go. I beg you. Help me. Somebody help me. The killer is back.
Tony: What was that noise? Where is Nancy?
Elizabeth: Nancy is not here. We have to check outside.
Tony: Oh my God. Who killed Nancy? Who was here?
Elizabeth: Tony, I think the killer is back. Nancy won this beauty competition. We
have to inform the police. We need to see Jacob.
Police Department
Elizabeth: Jacob killed another girl. Jacob has made off. Nancy won the beauty
competition. She has been killed.
Tony: You have to arrest Jacob as soon as possible. He is a crazy killer.
Police officer: I am so sorry for Nancy. Jacob did not kill that girl. This cannot be
happening. I am puzzled.
Elizabeth: What? What are you talking about? We know Jacob has mental disorder.
Tony: Jacob has killed so many beautiful girls before. He was a black sheep in our
college group. Where is he?
Police officer: Jacob is in the lockup. He did not kill Nancy.
Elizabeth: What? How is this possible?
Police officer: Come along. You can meet Jacob. He is still in the lockup.
Jacob: What are you doing here? I will kill you one day?
Elizabeth: If Jacob is here, then who killed Nancy?
Tony: I cannot believe it. What's going on here?
Elizabeth: It means one more crazy killer is back in this town.
Jacob: I am so happy to hear that. You were lucky last time. You cannot escape
from me. I will kill you soon.
Police officer: Shut up! You cannot hurt anyone. I will arrest another killer soon. He
will be staying with you in this lockup.
At college
Elizabeth: I am really scared Tony. I don't want to die. Who killed Nancy?
Tony: I have no idea. We have to be strong Elizabeth. He cannot hurt us.
Amber: Excuse me.
Tony: Yes, please. How can I help you?
Amber: My name is Amber. I am new here. I am throwing a party at my house. I
want to make new friends here. I want to invite you. Can you come to my house?
Tony: Yeah, sure. I would love to come. I am Tony.
Amber: Nice to meet you, Tony. I have heard about you. Professor told me about
you. You are the best student in this college.
Elizabeth: Hi! I am Elizabeth. I am Tony's best friend.
Amber: Nice to meet you Elizabeth. Can you also come to my party?
Elizabeth: Yeah, sure. I will definitely come. Can I get your number? Where do you
Amber: I live in this neighborhood. I will send you the location. My phone number is
48730908. I will see you tonight, guys.
Elizabeth: Sure. Take care of yourself.
Tony: She is very beautiful.
Elizabeth: Tony. She has gone.
Amber's house
Amber: Thanks for coming. I am so happy to see you here.
Tony: Who are they? I have not seen them before.
Amber: They are my friends. They are also new here. They got admission in your
Elizabeth: I am glad to hear that. You are very beautiful Amber.
Amber: Thanks. I won the beauty competition in my previous college.
Mia: Amber. Can you get us more drinks? I am enjoying it a lot.
Amber: Sure. I will be right back. Please enjoy the party. I will be back soon.
Tony: Sure. Take your time.
In the kitchen
Amber: What happened to the lights? Guys. I cannot see anything here. Can you
check the fuse? Who are you? Don't close to me. I said stop it.
Elizabeth: Amber. Where are you? Who are you? Amber. Are you okay? Please
don't kill me. Who are you?
Police officer: Hands up! You cannot escape now.
Elizabeth: We knew you would come to this party, that's why we made this plan.
Police officer: Why did you kill Nancy? Why do you want to kill Amber?
Tony: Who are you? Take off your mask right now.
Police officer: You cannot escape from me. You have to show yourself. Jacob is in
the lock-up. Who are you? This is my last warning. If you don't remove your mask, I
will shoot you.
Foreign: Mia. You are the killer. You want to kill Amber.
Amber: I cannot believe you. Why do you want to kill me?
Mia: I hate you, Amber. Why are you so beautiful? I wanted to win the beauty
Police officer: You are a crazy girl. Why did you kill Nancy?
Mia: I wanted to win the beauty competition at this college. Alas, Nancy won the
competition. I could not stand her beauty.
Elizabeth: You should be ashamed of yourself. How could you kill someone? Why
did you want to kill me? I did not know you.
Mia: I did not want to kill you. You came into the kitchen. I just wanted to kill Amber. I
hate her a lot.
Police officer: Keep your mouth shut. You are under arrest. I will not let you kill one
more person.
Mia: You cannot arrest me.
Police officer: Have you lost your mind? What do you mean?
Mia: What do you think of yourself? I can shoot you right now.
Police officer: Don't dare to do this. You have to put your gun down.
Mia: You have to let me go right away. I can shoot all of you. I am very dangerous.
Police officer: No, no. You cannot do this. They are innocent.
Mia: I said put your gun down.
Amber: She has gone. What should we do now?
Police officer: Don't sweat it. I will track her phone number.
Elizabeth: I will come with you. Can I come too?
Amber: I also want to come. It is going to be so much fun.
Police officer: Come on Amber. We are not going to the amusement park.
Amber: I am sorry. Can I come with you?
Police officer: All right, I cannot wait anymore. We have to hurry.
Come on.
Amber: Where is she going?
Police officer: Don't worry. I will arrest her soon. She cannot escape from me.
Amber: Thank God. You saved my life Elizabeth.
Mia: What are you doing here? You should go back right now?
Police officer: Put your gun down. You have to surrender yourself.
Mia: I will not surrender myself. I am going to kill you. Although, you are not a
beautiful girl. You are driving me crazy.
Police officer: What? What did you say? You are insulting me right now.
Mia: I am innocent. Please let me go.
Police officer: I am going to arrest you.
Police Department
Police officer: Will stay here for the rest of your life. You cannot kill anyone.
Mia: Please forgive me. I will not kill anyone. Please give me one chance.
Amber: No way. I will not forgive you. I don't want to see your face.
Elizabeth: Let's go Amber. We need to join your party now.
Amber: Yeah sure. Let's go.
Mia: You are the first killer. You killed so many girls before. I hope you will not kill me.
Jacob: I only kill beautiful girls. You are ugly.
Amber's house
Tony: I am so happy right now. The killer has been arrested.
Amber: Elizabeth is a brave girl. She saved my life.
Tony: Amber. I want to say something.
Amber: Yes, Tony. I am all ears.
Tony: I really like you, Amber. I love you a lot.
Amber: What? Are you serious?
Tony: Yes, Amber. I want to marry you. I know it is a little fast. I want to spend the
rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?
Amber: Yes. I will marry you. I love you too.
Elizabeth: Guys. Amber and Tony are getting married.
Thank you.
Amber: How am I looking?
Elizabeth: You are looking so beautiful. My friends have arrived to attend your
wedding ceremony. Sally, you can come inside with your husband. These are my
friends. Sally is my best friend.
Amber: Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming here.
Sally: My pleasure. Congratulations!
Elizabeth: How are you, Kevin? Do you get up early in the morning?
Kevin: Yes. I changed my habits. I get up early in the morning. I also joined my
mom's company. Sally and I are very happy.
Elizabeth: I am so happy to hear that. Let's join the wedding ceremony.
Wedding ceremony
Father: Mr. Tony. Do you accept Amber as your wife?
Tony: Yes, I do.
Father: Miss Amber. Do you accept Tony as your husband?
Amber: Yes, I do.
Father: Congratulations! You may kiss the bride now.
Tony: Father. Could you please move from here?
Father: Fine. You can kiss your bride. I am going to eat some cake.

The End

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