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Walking into the torture chamber, the group was overcome with horror as the terrorized; agony-

filled screams of hells many prisoners reached their ears. Rusty metal chains hung from the ceiling,
ragged, sharp objects littering the floor. Cages of all sizes were scattered around the ice-cold,
dimly lit area; almost every single cage empty. Except for one that held a young woman no older
than twenty-five that stared up at them with emotionless silver eyes. Grayson froze in shock when
her gaze caught his, flickers of old memories pouring into his mind like a dream. Slowly, warily, the
lone prisoner stood up on shaky legs. Long dark hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall. Old,
worn robes clung to her stained with dried blood and chains inscribed with magical looking runes
bound her hands together.

“What are you doing here Gray?” She laughed, “I figured they’d send you to heaven, considering
how much of goody-two shoes you were. What’d you do?” David glanced between the two of
them, only a little bit confused.

“So… friend of yours?” the British man asked, flicking his blonde hair out of his face. Eyeing the
woman carefully, Grayson slowly nodded.

“She’s a friend.” The half-elf confirmed, feeling a bit uneasy “We need to get her out of there.” He
decided while looking around for something they could use to pry the cage open. Afamdi agreed,
instantly joining the man on his search.

The woman ignored him, scanning the rest of the group with interest “What the hell are all of you
wearing?” She asked “I’m Sabrina by the way, since Grayson’s being too much of a hero to
introduce us before he’s broken me out.”

Rann crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at Sabrina “Excuse me? We’re wearing normal clothes.
Are you some sort of dead cosplayer or something?”

Tilting her head to the side, the caged woman matched Rann’s expression “Excuse me?” Sabrina
paused, moving her gaze to Grayson and whispering loudly, “What’s a cosplayer?”

Investigating the appalling room to find a way to open the cage, Grayson replied to his friend; not
even stopping to look up at her “It’s not important.”

“Ooh,” Sabrina jeered “So mysterious.”

Fineglin snickered, “I like her.” He stated, joining Grayson on his search. As they did that, David
and Rann continued to stand in front of the cage; chatting with Sabrina.

“So… How do you know Grayson?” David questioned, curious.

Disinterested, Sabrina replied “We used to run around killing ogres and other such things. The
ogres were the most fun though; they were a lot harder to freeze though.”
“Ogres?” David said, astonished, “You fought ogres?!”

“Yeah he doesn’t look the sort does he?” Sabrina laughed “To be fair, I had to save his half-elven
ass a lot.”

“I didn’t know you used to be into LARPing, Grayson.” Rann voiced in a mocking tone, Grayson
rubbing his temples.

“She’s not a LARPer, or a cosplayer.” Grayson muttered “She’s a mage from hundreds of years

Rann snorted in disbelief “I didn’t know you also had problems with drugs.”

Shocked, Sabrina gripped the bars of the cage. “Wait, you’re not dead? You’re all alive?” the mage
asked, curiosity and excitement dancing in her silver eyes.

Nodding, Afamdi turned to eye the mage. “Minus the pirate, we are all of the living.” The monk
told her calmly, obviously more open minded than some of the members of their group “What
kind of magic can you perform?”

Giddy like a little kid, David joined in “Yeah, what kind of magic?”

“I can’t believe you’re feeding her insanity.” Rann sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.
Grayson glared up at the businessman, picking up a bloody crowbar from the ground and heading
back to the cage.

“We’ve met a cursed pirate and journeyed into hell, yet you can’t believe that we have a mage and
a half-elf in our midst?” Afamdi asked, not even bothering to glance at the non-believer.

Sabrina shrugged at the suited man, “When he puts it like that it’s hard not to believe it.” She
stated, directing her attention to Grayson “Ok Gray, you’d better tell me what the future’s like.
How’re the relations between the half-elves and the rest of the world now?”

A wave of uneasiness passed through the group as Grayson forced the cage door open. Obviously
the world had changed a lot, if there was no such thing as magic. It was difficult to determine how
the woman would react. “We’ll talk about it later.” He told the mage, expressionless. Gesturing
towards the bindings on her hands, Sabrina raised her arms silently as the half-elf whacked them
off with the crowbar. Breathing a sigh of relief, Sabrina raised a hand and giggled when frost
seeped from her fingers at will. The action manufactured flabbergasted gasps from all but Grayson
and Fineglin. Closing her eyes, pleased, Sabrina smiled. She hadn’t felt this good, this free, in a very
long time.
“Are you all right?” Grayson asked her, placing a comforting hand on his old friend’s shoulder. It
was just like old times, the two of them thought to themselves, if they ignored the four other
people around them.

“Much better now, thanks.” Sabrina replied, full of cheer “So, now that I’m free… Details!”

“Perhaps it would be best if we walked and talked.” Afamdi suggested, raising a hand in the
direction of the exit.

“I agree.” Grayson nodded, walking ahead of the group. Sabrina matched his pace, mind already
filled with things she wanted to say.

“Have jokes gotten any better over the years? Do you know any more that I could add to my
repertoire? How’s life treating you? Why are you in hell? How’d you meet all these guys?”

“She talks a lot.” David noted, Rann and Fineglin nodding their agreement.

Afamdi chuckled “She’s spent many years trapped in a cage. I think we can forgive her

“The jokes are relatively the same,” Grayson replied to his friend, answering her questions as
quickly as he could, “Yes I know a few. Life is treating me fairly. I’m in hell because, Danielle, my

“Hold up! You have a daughter? What’s she like?”

Grayson went silent, and Sabrina flinched.

“Sorry, sensitive topic?”

“We’re looking for her now.” Afamdi cut in “She was captured by-“

“Lucy.” Sabrina stopped in her steps, crossing her arms “Yeah. I think… I think I saw her. They
passed through my chamber.” A soft smile brushed across her face “She seemed very nice. I can’t
believe I didn’t recognize those eyes…”

“Is she all right?” Grayson asked, gripping Sabrina’s arms like a vice.

“When I saw her, she was fine.” Sabrina told the half-elf seriously, “But if you’re going after Lucy,
we’re going to need a plan. She’s the devil’s kid.” At her words, Grayson released her and sighed.

“How well do you know the layout here?” Rann asked the mage, who crossed her arms and looked
up in thought.
“Not very well, honestly. I spent… I don’t even know how long in that cage… But I know that Lucy
has a room, blocked by big doors. I passed it once, when I first came to hell. It’ll be hard to get to,
but now that I have my magic again…” Sabrina paused, “Really, we should be ready for anything.”

“What do you know about Lucy?” Grayson questioned, Sabrina shrugging her shoulders.

“Not much. I’ve seen her bring children into hell, but you obviously know about that already. But I
also know that because she’s Satan’s daughter she can’t be killed.”

Afamdi pursed his lips “There has to be a way to keep her from leaving again to steal other

Sabrina nodded “Simple. Seal the entrance. If she doesn’t have a way out of hell, then she can’t
take more kids. The only problem is keeping her from following you when you leave.”

“So I guess the best plan we have is to get my daughter, run, and seal the exit.” Grayson stated,
uncertain “It’s not the best plan.”

“It’s barely a plan!” David exclaimed, shaking his head.

“We’re going to get ourselves killed.” Rann hissed, Sabrina glaring at the two men.

“It’s better than nothing. Now… Let’s go.” Sabrina grumbled, keeping pace with Grayson.

At the exit of the torture chamber, a wooden staff was leaned against the wall. Thinking for a
moment, Sabrina grasped it in her hands and nodded at the men. With a weapon now in her
hands, as simple as it was, she felt much more comfortable than before. Walking cautiously out of
the chamber, the group was hit by the flames of hell; Sabrina carefully using some of her ice magic
to protect them. Stone pillars stood tall on either side of the bridge they were now on, rivers of
fire burning behind them. At the end of the bridge the group could see another set of heavy doors
that led to another room. Demons flew above them, not yet noticing the group as they walked.

“We need to be careful.” Grayson muttered “Why haven’t they spotted us yet?”

“Most people are running around down here like they’re lives depend on it.” Sabrina replied easily
“We’re moving slowly, so they aren’t taking notice of us.”

Reaching the other side of the bridge, the group pushed the heavy doors open and stepped into a
new room; this one a small hallway with numerous doors. Book shelves lined the walls, stacked
with various pieces of literature. It almost looked like some sort of library, or an office.

Staring at each other for a moment, David and Rann moved away from the rest of the group.
“I think it’s about time we started looking out for ourselves.” Rann mumbled, eyeing the others
darkly as they discussed where to go from there. David agreed, not missing a beat.

“These doors lead to places all over hell,” Sabrina explained, “The problem is picking the right

Fineglin rubbed his chin “Should we go through every door?”

Afamdi shook his head “That would be a waste of time. There has to be a way to determine which
door leads where.”

David and Rann returned to the group, expressions straight “If we want to find Lucy and Danielle,
it would be faster to split up and search through each door.” David stated, Rann obviously on his
side. Unsure, Grayson slowly nodded.

“That does seem to be the best plan.”

Sabrina’s jaw dropped “That’s too dangerous-“

“David and I will stay together,” Rann cut the mage off “We will meet back here if we find

Not staying a moment longer the two of them walked away and entered a door at random and
closing it behind them. Sabrina face palmed, Afamdi sighing, and Fineglin shaking his head.

“I think the rest of us should stick together so as to actually be able to find each other later.”
Sabrina grumbled, shooting Grayson a glare. The half-elf looked away awkwardly.

“Two teams is manageable.” He argued weakly, Afamdi placing a hand on his shoulder and staring
down at him wisely.

“It is safer if a group sticks together, rather than apart.”

“Should we go after them?” Fineglin asked, already approaching the door that the two men went
through. The remaining members of the group agreed, Fineglin turning the knob only to be
greeted by a wall of stone.

Shocked, Sabrina, Fineglin, Grayson, and Afamdi’s jaws dropped. The silence grew heavy, Sabrina
being the one to break it.

“So, I guess the rest of us should stick together huh?”

Elsewhere, David and Rann walked together carefully. The area they were in now looked to be like
some sort of playground, surrounded by flame. A lone girl sat on a swing, smiling at the men as
they approached.

“Hello,” she greeted pleasantly, Rann and David glancing at each other.

“You’re Lucy, aren’t you?” David replied awkwardly “Where’s Danielle?”

Lucy frowned, “She’s fine. But you two seem to be separated from your friends. How’s about we
make a deal?”

Suspicious, Rann crossed his arms “What do you mean?”

“My father is Satan. I can get him to do much. What is it that you want?”

David spoke up almost instantly “Money.”

Taking some thought, Rann responded carefully “I want to become more powerful in the business
world back on Earth. Business deals, monopolies… But what is it that you want?”

Smiling once more, Lucy replied “Information, for a start. And your agreement to help me
whenever I need it.”

“Deal.” Rann instantly replied, uncaring for the others that they had left. David, however, was
more uncertain in his response.


Back with the main group, Afamdi focused on each of the doors, deep in thought. Sabrina,
Fineglin, and Grayson talking with each other while Afamdi attempted to figure out the doors.
Finally, frustrated, Sabrina stormed towards a door and pulled it open; closing it hurriedly.

“What are you doing?” Afamdi asked her, calm and collected.

“Wasting time.” She replied “Look, have you figured out how the doors work?”

“What did you see when you opened the door?” the monk asked the mage simply, Sabrina rubbing
her arm and looking away.

“The torture chamber.” She told him, Afamdi moving to the same door and opening it. Now,
instead of the torture chamber, the exit to hell could be seen.

“The doors lead us where we are supposed to go. It is quite possible that David and Rann saw the
exit too and left. You are already dead, and you belonged in the torture chamber, so that is what
you saw.”
“So than, wouldn’t all the doors you and Grayson open lead to the exit?”

Afamdi shook his head “Not necessarily, Grayson, try opening a door.”

Walking towards them, Grayson turned the knob and opened the door to be greeted by an empty
hall; another set of huge doors at the end of it “It’s different.”

“It’s where we need to go.” Afamdi stated, wise “Because he needs to save his daughter, the door
he opens leads to his daughter.”

“Ok, that’s kind of amazing.” Sabrina muttered, stepping through the doorway first. Fineglin
followed after her, and finally Afamdi and Grayson entered the hall.

“How did you know?” Grayson asked, Afamdi chuckling.

“A monk never reveals his secrets.”

Walking towards the huge set of doors, the group was filled with apprehension and excitement.
Hopefully, this would lead them to Danielle and Lucy; And hopefully, they would be able to save
Grayson’s daughter.

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