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Received: 29 December 2023 Revised: 14 February 2024 Accepted: 16 February 2024

DOI: 10.1002/jcc.27361


Quantum mechanical study of transition metal hydrides:

Comparison of determined molecular properties with
experimental data

Adam Vavrečka | Kateřina Fatková | Jaroslav V. Burda

Department of Chemical Physics and Optics,

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles Abstract
University, Prague, Czech Republic
This study compares results of four relativistic pseudopotential basis sets, which
Correspondence differ mainly by their size: double-zeta introduced by Hay and Wadt from Los Alamos
Jaroslav V. Burda, Department of Chemical
National Laboratory (LANL2DZ), triple-zeta based on Stuttgart energy-consistent
Physics and Optics, Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics, Charles University, Ke Karlovu scalar-relativistic pseudopotential (SDD3), its extension with 2fg polarization func-
3, 12116 Prague, Czech Republic.
tions, and combination of Stuttgart pseudopotentials with quintuple-zeta cc-pV5Z
base (SDD5). Hydrides of transition metals from Cr to Zn group are chosen as refer-
Funding information
ence molecules. The coupled cluster method (CCSD(T)) is used for evaluation of
Grantová Agentura České Republiky,
Grant/Award Number: 23-06909S selected molecular characteristics. Interatomic distances, dissociation energies, vibra-
tion modes, and anharmonicity constants are determined and compared with avail-
able experimental data. As expected, the accuracy of basis depends mainly on its
size. However, only moderate modification of SDD3 basis set significantly improves
its accuracy, which becomes comparable to the largest basis set. Nevertheless, the
time consumption is significantly lower.

anharmonic vibration spectra, basis set, diatomic molecule, quantum-mechanical calculations

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N published by Morse in 1929.15 In 30s, further improvements of that

potential were suggested by Dunham16 and Coolidge et al.17 and slightly
The aim of this study is to compare several selected relativistic later by Hulburt and Hirschfelder,18 whose five-parameter potential was
pseudopotentials and corresponding basis sets for calculations containing adopted and employed besides the original Morse potential function for
transition metals (TM). Transition metal hydrides have been chosen as fitting procedure in our study. Recently newer potentials appeared for
reference molecules for this comparison. There are two substantial determination of vibrational-rotational levels in diatomic molecules.19,20
advantages for it, mainly such systems are not extensive, and moreover, Especially interesting work was presented by Desai et al.21 where
very accurate experimental data exists, including anharmonicities of cor- another modification of the Morse potential for diatomic molecules
responding vibrational modes.1,2 The compared quantities therefore appeared. In this paper, a comparison with Hulburt-Hirschfelder (H-H)
include interatomic distances, bond dissociation energies (DEs), vibration potential curve was also mentioned. Nevertheless, from the paper, it fol-
frequencies, and anharmonicity constants. Some additional sets of lows that H-H approach is relatively stable and similarly accurate.
experimental data for transition metal hydrides were measured later for Authors also presented a Python solution for the time independent
example by Squires3 and by many other researchers, for instance in Schrödinger equation and Matrix Numerov methods applied on Morse
References 4–14. First theoretical study on molecular potential was potential function. Another numerical solution based on Matrix Numerov

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
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© 2024 The Authors. Journal of Computational Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.

J Comput Chem. 2024;1–10. 1

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method was suggested in Reference 22, which was applied also for TM this study since they do not consider relativistic effect and in this way,
(Ni, Co) interactions with CO2 and N2O molecules.23 Experimental study they failed to predict experimental data with sufficient accuracy. In
on hydrides and deuterated hydrides of coinage metals was published by order to demonstrate this fact, the well-tempered basis set for TM
Le Roy group24,25 where a careful isotopomer analysis of metals is also (WTBS References 37,38) and ANO-RCC for H (Reference 39) were
presented. Based on vibrational-rotational parameters dissociation ener- used for the first row of transition metal hydrides. Even such a very
gies and equilibrium distances are presented: D0 = 65.8 (Cu), 55.2 (Ag), large basis sets were not able to predict bond distances of the studied
and 77.8 (Au) kcal/mol; rO = 1.463 (Cu), 1.618 (Ag), and 1.524 (Au) Å. hydrides even qualitatively correctly; large difference of equilibrium
Recently Li et al.26 published magneto-infrared spectra of NiH measured distance for MnH: rexp = 1.731 and ropt = 1.450 Å led to too high
in several noble gas matrices supported by ab initio or DFT calculations bonding energy (D0M = 68 kcal/mol vs. experimental estimation
demonstrating a very good match with Herzberg Table 2. Another inter- De < 55 kcal/mol) at the CCSD level of calculations. Similarly, also in
ested study dealt with tungsten hydrides and deuterated hydrates the CuH case, the measured equilibrium distance (rexp = 1.463) is
WH/WD  WH6/WD627 measured in rare gas matrices (Ne, Ag). much longer in comparison with AE-calculations: ropt = 1.289 Å with
Authors supported their experiments by calculations (among other) analogous overestimation of the calculated DE: D0M = 115 kcal/mol
BPW91/6-311++G(3df,3pd)/SDD obtaining optimal r = 1.714 Å with versus 60 kcal/mol determined experimentally. Therefore, only a
harmonic frequencies: ωe = 1911 (WH) and 1354 (WD) cm1. The same group of three quazi-relativistic small-core pseudopotentials is chosen
authors also explored rhenium and manganese hydrides using similar with corresponding basis sets taken from the Basis Set Exchange
approach.28 They observed harmonic frequencies: ωe = 1478 (MnH), Library40–42; namely Hay-Wadt LANL2DZ,43,44 Stuttgart relativistic
1066 (MnD), 1985 (ReH), and 1423 (ReD) cm1 in Ar matrix. small core (RSC 1997) pseudopotentials and corresponding basis sets
We are aware of the fact that a large number of theoretical calcula- (labeled as SDD3 here after),45–47 and another basis set, which can be
tions were performed on the topics of transition metal hydrides, how- found at the Basis Set Exchange Library under acronym cc-pV5Z-
ever, just a few most relevant computational studies are mentioned PP,48,49 in combination with a similar set of pseudopotentials as
here. One of the very early papers on this topics comes from Baerends Stuttgart RSC 1997 (abbreviated as SDD5 later on). One of the main
laboratory where authors explored relativistic effects on hydrides of goals of this work is to demonstrate that relatively mild extension of
coinage and zinc group metals. The predicted distances, dissociation the original SDD3 pseudoorbitals can give relatively very accurate
energies, and vibrational frequencies were in good accord to experi- results. We simply added (or replaced a single set of f-polarization
mental values from Handbook of Molecular Constants.30 A year later, functions by) a group of 2fg polarization functions. This basis set will
Lee and McLean published similar paper on Ag and Au hydrides by be called S2FG here after.
Dirac-HF method. One of the first applications of pseudopotential on For these four basis sets, geometry optimizations and scans of
gold hydride was performed by Schwerdtfeger et al.32 using CISD and potential energy curves of all the hydrides are performed. From the
CEPA methods. Much more recent results were published in methodo- optimization step, distances, harmonic frequencies, and dissociation
logical paper from Head-Gordon laboratory where dissociation ener- energies (obtained by subtracting atomic energies and including Zero-
gies of the first-row transition metal hydrides were explored. Their Point Vibration Energies—ZPVE) are determined. Energies of scanned
CCSDTQ results differ from our approach using the S2FG basis set for interatomic distances are fitted on (a) Morse potential, (b) Morse poly-
DeA values by RMSD = 2.3 kcal/mol. (In this case, it was not possible nomial function, and (c) five-parameter potential function suggested
correctly compare SDD5 approach due to a small number of available by Hulburt and Hirschfelder.18 From those fitted potentials, all exam-
values because of missing basis sets of several elements, cf. below.) In ined molecular parameters (optimal distances, bonding energies, fre-
similar methodological study employing large set of DFT functional,34 quencies, and anharmonicity constants) are also evaluated. The
authors claimed that larger amount of HF exchange is necessary (up to received parameters are compared with available experimental data.
50%) for hydrides of TM and therefore, these hydrides represent specif-
ically challenging systems for DFT. Nevertheless, CAM-B3LYP per-
formed as one of the best functionals together with some variants of 2 | COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS
B97 functional. They have used all-electron def2-QZVPPD for TM in
optimal experimental geometries from Reference 35 evaluating ener- The computationally fastest pseudopotentials and basis sets used in
gies without any relativistic corrections so that the RMSD comparing to this work are Hay-Wadt LANL2DZ,43,44 which are frequently applied
our results is relatively large (13.7 kcal/mol). Another computational for calculations when TM are presented. Pseudopotentials for sixth to
study considering ZnH molecule appeared recently by Zhao et al.36 eleventh group of TM cover 10, 28, and 60 inner electrons for fourth,
Despite we could not find experimental data systematically for all fifth, and sixth row of elements, respectively. Pseudoorbitals of
transition metal hydrides, the calculations are performed for the TM double-zeta character [3s3p2d] are used for description of lower sp-
from the sixth (Cr) to the twelfth (Zn) group. Great attention is also shell plus valence electrons. In the case of Zn-group, just valence elec-
paid to determination of the correct ground state multiplicity of the trons are described explicitly [2s2p2d].
explored hydrates. Stuttgart relativistic small core pseudopotentials with atomic
Selection of compared basis sets follows from general availability. basis set is of extended triple-zeta quality (SDD3),45–47 which describes
The all-electron (AE) basis sets were excluded in preliminary part of valence shell plus sp-electrons from the previous lower shell.
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Primitive gaussian functions are contracted to [6s5p3d] pseudo-orbitals. 6-311G(2df,2pd)66 for the S2FG group, and with cc-pV5Z base67 in cal-
Also, projector operators of the pseudopotentials contain one additional culation where metals were treated by SDD5 basis sets.
set of polarization projectors (i.e., f-projectors for third row of TM, up to These four different basis sets are used for optimization at the CCSD
the h-projector in the case of third row of TM). level of theory and for scanning of the CCSD(T) energies in dependence
The third approach is based on modified pseudopotentials on interatomic distances. All the calculations are performed with Gauss-
(Stuttgart RSC 1997) in combination with Dunning's cc-pV5Z-PP basis ian 09 program package. In the scan evaluation, energies of ca. 70 points
set, with substantially extended description of outer electrons with united step of 0.05 Å are determined. Then, the scanned potential
including up to one set of i-polarization functions. In the SDD5 group, energy points are fitted by the Morse potential (M)15:
all the TM are uniquely described by (16s13p12d)/[6s6p5d] generally
contracted functions plus additional spd-set of primitive GFs.48–51 V M ðxÞ ¼ DeM 1  eaðxrM Þ , ð1Þ
Polarization functions consist of uncontracted 4f3g2h1i orbitals. The
corresponding pseudopotentials are the original SDD3 ones extended
by additional sets of two s, p, and d projectors. Unfortunately, this basis From the a parameter and/or k parameter of the harmonic poten-
set is not available for the first-row elements: Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni. tial (Equation 14), vibrational frequencies of the given hydrides are
Concerning the S2FG level, the polarization functions were evaluated using equations:
obtained by optimizing electronic structure of atomic ground state
using CCSD method within Molpro program52 taking into in account 1 2a2 DeM
νM ¼ ð2aÞ
work of Kahn and colleagues53,54 and other researchers involved in 2π M
pseudopotential development, for example References 43–46,55.
Obtained values are summarized in Table 1 below and some closer and/or
details can be found in References 56–63.
Hydrogen atom is considered consistently to individual pseudoor- 1 k
νH ¼ ð2bÞ
bitals; that is, Dunning Hay (31s)/[2s] DZ base64,65 is used in LANL2DZ 2π M
calculations, Pople's 6-311G(d,p) base,60 in the case of SDD3, extended
where M is reduced mass of the given hydride. Since the Morse curve
is not symmetrical the anharmonicity constant is defined by formula:
T A B L E 1 Exponents of the 2fg polarization primitive gaussian
function optimized with CCSD method using the original SDD3 basis hνM
βM ¼ ð3Þ
set and pseudopotentials. 4DeM

Atom/exponents f f g
Cr 3.1656 0.9934 1.9382 and then the energy of eigenstates of Morse oscillator can be evalu-
Mo 2.0636 0.5578 1.5027 ated as:
W 2.0195 0.5137 1.4586
1 hνM 1 2
Mn 2.6189 1.6131 2.6580 EnM ¼ hνM n þ  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi n þ ð4Þ
2 2 DeM 2
Tc 2.1264 0.6205 1.5654
Re 2.0845 0.5787 1.5236
where the ZPVE values can be obtained by assuming n = 0. Finally,
Fe 6.2573 0.5372 1.9108
for the comparison with experimental data, the anharmonicity con-
Ru 2.2330 0.6503 1.4222
stants were also evaluated:
Os 1.1870 0.3750 1.0329
Co 3.9044 1.5986 2.4435 ωe xeM ¼ βM νM : ð5Þ
Rh 1.9676 0.5493 1.2302
Ir 1.4929 0.4969 1.5157 In order to increase the accuracy of explored molecular parame-
Ni 4.9683 1.2990 3.2791 ters two modified Morse potential functions are considered. First, the
Pd 2.1881 0.6064 1.3710 so-called Morse polynomial to the fourth degree (MP) in the form:
Pt 1.4193 0.4662 1.2077   2  3
Cu 4.2219 2.7600 3.1600 V MP ðxÞ ¼ DeMP c2 1  eaðxrMP Þ þ c3 1  eaðxrMP Þ
Ag 2.1045 0.7987 1.8436

Au 1.5344 0.6119 1.5118 þ c4 ð1 eaðxrMP Þ Þ ð6Þ
Zn 4.3272 2.7214 4.3662
Cd 2.0340 0.2922 0.3555
where c2 þ c3 þ c4 ¼ 1: Second, the Hulburt-Hirschfelder 5-parameter
Hg 1.3426 0.4202 1.3277
potential function (HH)18:
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3 5
V HH ðxÞ ¼ DeHH 1  eaðxrHH Þ þ c:a3 ðx  rHH Þ3 e2aðxrHH Þ ð1 þ bðx  r HH ÞÞ : ωe xe ¼  Be a2  a21 ð12Þ
2 4

where Be ¼ h= 8π 2 μr2e c is a rotational constant. ZPVE corrected DE

Here, the first term in the square bracket represents the for an arbitrary potential can be evaluated as:
original Morse potential. Please, note that DeX denotes dissociation
1 1
energy obtained based on corresponding method without Zero-Point D0 ≈ De þ ωe  ωe xe ð13Þ
2 4
Vibration Energies (ZPVE). If ZPVE is included label D0X is used
instead. as approximated by Dunham16 and Hirschfelder.18
An arbitrary potential energy function can be expanded about re
in powers of ξ ¼ ðx  re Þ=re ,
2.1 | Determination of equilibrium interatomic
V ðxÞ ¼ a0 ξ2 1 þ a1 ξ þ a2 ξ2 þ … : ð8Þ distances and dissociation energies

This expression, introduced by Dunham,16 defines coefficients an. The equilibrium distances are determined at the harmonic approxima-
They are related to the parameters cn of the Morse polynomial tion using the optimization algorithm (rO) and also by fitting procedure
(Equation 6) as follows (Coolidge et al.17): of the scanned energies (applying the least square methods) to the
above-mentioned potentials.
a0 ¼ 4β De c2 2
For the determination of DEs, two different approaches are uti-
c3 lized. The first one is based on definition of dissociation energy, that
a1 ¼ β 2 þ 2 ,
  is, energy difference between the given hydride (SP calculation using
7 c3 c4
a2 ¼ β2  6 þ 4 , CCSD(T) method with CCSD optimized bond length) and both atoms
3 c2 c2
  (in their ground states) DeA and with ZPVE correction  D0A. The sec-
c3 c4
a3 ¼ β3 2 þ 10  16 , ond approach uses fits of: (a) the Morse potential (Equation 1), (b) the
c2 c2
62 c3 104 c4 Morse polynomial function (Equation 6), and (c) the H-H modification
a4 ¼ β 4  12 þ ,
45 c2 3 c2 of the Morse potential (Equation 7).
4 172 c3 160 c4
a5 ¼ β 5  þ  ,
5 15 c2 3 c2
127 46 c3 324 c4
a6 ¼ β 6  þ : ð9Þ 2.2 | Vibration analysis and first anharmonicities
315 5 c2 5 c2

The above-mentioned fitted potentials are employed also for determina-

Concerning the H-H function (Equation 7), they are found to be tion of vibrational frequencies and anharmonicity constants. However, to
determined by the relations: get more accurate fitted data, different strategy is adopted. Here, only
relevant part of the points in the close vicinity of the potential minimum
a0 ¼ 4β De , 2
(usually about 20–30 points) are employed within the fitting procedure.
a0 In previous fit for determination of DEs, the whole energy scan is used
a1 ¼ ð1 þ cÞ
De ,
  so that fitted potential curves are somehow worse reproduced. The bond
7 a0
a2 ¼ þ ðb  2Þc , lengths are always slightly underestimated and vibration parameters are
12 De
also not so accurate. Therefore, in this second (or partial) fit, bond lengths
1 a0 and vibrational parameters are evaluated with substantially higher accu-
a3 ¼   2ðb  1Þc ,
4 De
    2 racy (overestimating bonding energy).
31 4 a0
a4 ¼ þ 2b  c , Moreover, from the closest points to the potential energy mini-
360 3 De
  5=2 mum (usually eight lowest points) also harmonic frequencies are
1 2 a0
a5 ¼   ð2b  1Þc , determined, fitted by parabolic curve:
40 3 De
127 2 a0
a6 ¼ þ ð5b  2Þc : ð10Þ 1
20160 15 De V H ðxÞ ¼ kðx  r H Þ2 þ DeH , ð14Þ

Frequencies and anharmonic corrections can be evaluated using

Dunham's coefficients as follows18: at the same CCSD(T) computational level for all four basis sets. In this
way, other optimal bonding distances (rH, rM, rMP, and rHH) are
ωe ¼ 4β Be De , ð11Þ obtained and will be used in further discussion.
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3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION confirmed quintuplet as the ground state, with the only exception of
SDD5 basis set where the preferred ground state is septuplet. In the case
3.1 | Search for the ground state multiplicity of ReH, all basis sets prefer quintuplet despite small differences between
both states.
It is very important to optimize correct ground state geometry. Therefore,
special accent is laid on the correct multiplicity and corresponding elec-
tronic structure. In the first step, the optimal geometries for several possi- 3.2 | Interatomic distances
ble multiplicities were searched at the CCSD/SDD3 computational level
and the global minimum was found (the electronic structure corresponds In this study, several different sets of interatomic distances are deter-
to single sigma bond, usually slightly enhanced by some π-backdonation mined. From the optimization part, bond lengths (rO) are obtained at
to p-AO of hydrogen). If the energy difference between the lowest and the CCSD level. Since potential energy curves with the scan calcula-
the second lowest multiplicities was greater than 0.25 eV (ca. 7 kcal/mol) tions for each hydride are evaluated, the distances corresponding to
the same spin state for the other basis sets was expected to be the the lowest values based on the fitted harmonic (rH), Morse (rM),
ground state as in the SDD3 basis. The energy differences for searched extended Morse (rMP), and H-H (rHH) potentials are determined. In
multiplicities are displayed at the CCSD/SDD3 computational level in Table 3, the interatomic distances for individual basis sets can be
Table 2. When the energy differences among the calculated multiplicities compared with experimentally known bond lengths. From this table, it
were smaller than 0.25 eV the optimization procedure was repeated for follows that while distances obtained with LAN and SDD3 bases are
the remaining basis sets independently. This situation occurred only for
two hydrides: TcH and ReH. In the TcH case, calculations in all basis sets
T A B L E 3 Comparison of the experimentally known bond
lengths1,2 with values determined using the CCSD(T) method based
on the H-H potential.
T A B L E 2 Energy difference between ground state and other Hydride Exp. LAN SDD3 S2FG SDD5a
considered multiplicities ΔEX (X = 1 for singlet, 2 for doublet, etc.)
determined at the CCSD/SDD3 computational level for each hydride CrH 1.656 1.755 1.710 1.659 -
(in eV). In the last column, the chosen multiplicity for the given MnH 1.731 1.824 1.793 1.731 -
hydride is displayed. FeH 1.589 1.772 1.733 1.671 -

E2 E4 E6 E8 References MS CoH 1.542 1.619 1.560 1.499 -

CrH 3.46 1.69 0 1.74 6 34
Σ 6 RhH 1.590 1.739 1.617 1.548 1.552

MoH 2.91 1.81 0 6 5

Σ 6 NiH 1.476 1.529 1.486 1.500 -

WH 2.50 1.93 0 6 PtH 1.529 1.570 1.562 1.500 1.523

FeH 2.95 0.74 0 4

Δ 5,34
4 CuH 1.46311,24 1.558 1.453 1.440 1.487

RuH 2.15 0 0.97 4

Φ5 4 AgH 1.61824 1.726 1.791 1.618 1.622

OsH 1.78 0 0.48 4 AuH 1.52424 1.593 1.588 1.501 1.526

NiH 0 0.50 4.64 2

Δ5,34 2 ZnH 1.595 1.694 1.632 1.573 1.582

PdH 0 2.57 7.65 2 5

Σ 2 CdH 1.775 1.836 1.807 1.770 1.755

PtH 0 3.18 6.95 2 HgH 1.766 1.889 1.824 1.727 1.747

ZnH 0 4.44 15.02 2 34

Σ 2 CrD 1.664 1.755 1.710 1.659 -

CdH 0 3.98 15.30 2 MnD 1.731 1.824 1.793 1.731 -

HgH 0 4.32 13.88 2 FeD 1.589 1.772 1.733 1.671 -

E1 E3 E5 E7 CoD 1.518 1.619 1.560 1.499 -

MnH 5.94 4.77 2.20 0 7 34

Σ 7 RhD 1.4657 1.739 1.617 1.548 1.552

TcH 3.98 2.60 0a 0.14 5 NiD 1.465 1.529 1.486 1.500 -

ReH 3.71 2.24 0 b

0.17 5 PdD 1.529 1.606 1.596 1.522 1.530

CoH 2.27 0 0.32 3

Φ5,34 3 PtD 1.524 1.570 1.562 1.500 1.523

RhH 0.78 0 2.06 3

Φ / Δ
5 3 7
3 CuD 1.463 1.558 1.453 1.440 1.487

IrH 0.90 0 1.54 3

Φ 5,12
3 AgD 1.618 1.726 1.791 1.618 1.622

CuH 0 2.55 6.51 1 34

Σ 1 AuD 1.524 1.593 1.588 1.501 1.526

AgH 0 1.90 8.40 1 ZnD 1.605 1.694 1.632 1.573 1.582

AuH 0 3.92 8.38 1 CdD 1.748 1.836 1.807 1.770 1.755

HgD 1.757 1.889 1.824 1.727 1.747
For all basis sets except SDD5.
b a
For all basis sets. If basis set available.
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usually visibly longer by several hundredth of Å, the distances from by LAN and SDD3 basis sets are longer than analogous distances of
SDD5 and S2FG bases give distinctly more accurate estimations. This cadmium hydride (rO(CdH) = 1.833 and rO(HgH) = 1.883 in LAN and
trend can be quantitatively expressed in RMSD values displayed in rO(CdH) = 1.804, and rO(HgH) = 1.820 in SDD3). In all other hydrides
the first section of Table 7. The interatomic distances of the complete and all the considered basis sets, the “second periodicity” as recog-
set of all the explored hydrides in all the basis sets are summarized in nized by Pyykkö68,69 is fulfilled (i.e., the longer distances for hydrides
Table S1. In that table, different sets of bond lengths are collected: from second row of TM in comparison with third row). Regarding vari-
from (a) the CCSD optimization rO, (b) fit of the harmonic potential rH, ous types of PES potentials, it can be concluded that the Morse poly-
(c) fit of the Morse potential rM, (d) fit of the Morse polynomial rMP, nomial and the H-H potential functions give almost the same RMSD
and (e) fit with H–H potential rHH. The interatomic distances obtained in S2FG and SDD5 basis sets, so that both these potentials describe
from the fit of the harmonic potential are very close to distances the equilibrium distances equally well. Besides Herzberg tables,2 our
based on the fitted Morse potential (due to manner of fitting proce- results especially from S2FG and SDD5 are in very good accord with
dure). In the case of TcH and ReH, the predicted multiplicity is quintu- the above-mentioned experimental data, for example, from Le Roy
plet. However, the septuplet state is only about 0.15 eV higher. As group24,25 or Li et al.,26,27 mentioned in Section 1.
one could expect evaluated distances are relatively different (higher
multiplicity has about ca. 0.15 Å longer bond length) so that it would
be possible to make decision based also purely on the experimental 3.3 | Dissociation energies
data (at least in the Re case). Unfortunately, according to our knowl-
edge no experimental evidence exists in literature. Another fact can The DEs are estimated based on two approaches. First, as already
be noticed in Table S1 where for mercury hydride distances obtained mentioned, according to the definition — as a difference between

T A B L E 4 Comparison of dissociation energies D0 (in kcal/mol) obtained from the fitted H-H potential and values obtained from the definition
for some experimentally known hydrides.

Exp. Fitted HH potential Definition

8 5 4 14
CrH 45 ± 2 45 ± 2 41 ± 3 43.9 34.6 39.2 48.5 - 34.9 38.7 46.0 -
MoH 53 ± 55 46 ± 34 38.2 41.3 51.8 52.9 38.5 41.5 49.7 53.3
2 9
MnH (57.7) 30.2 ± 1.6 30 ± 4 24.3 25.8 36.1 - 24.3 25.7 33.6 -
FeH 37 ± 210 43 ± 65 30 ± 34 31.114 20.2 22.1 31.5 - 20.3 22.0 29.1 -
RuH 56 ± 5 29 ± 3 44.2 49.3 58.0 57.9 44.4 49.7 55.9 58.6
CoH 45.7 54 ± 105 42 ± 34 47.914 41.8 31.1 42.9 - 42.3 28.1 40.0 -
RhH 59 ± 55 32.2 51.5 63.9 65.1 34.0 52.0 61.6 65.7
NiH ≤702 65 ± 65 51.0 39.3 57.7 - 51.1 36.8 49.1 -
PdH 56 ± 6 41.3 42.6 51.8 51.2 40.7 42.4 48.7 50.9
PtH ≤792 64.6 65.7 79.2 78.3 66.8 66.4 76.4 78.7
2 24
CuH 63.0 65.8 46.5 51.5 62.4 61.6 47.2 52.0 60.3 62.2
AgH 52.62 55.224 38.7 41.9 51.6 51.9 39.2 42.3 49.5 52.2
2 24
AuH 74.3 77.8 53.2 53.6 69.1 70.3 53.7 54.1 66.6 70.6
ZnH 19.62 10.4 13.1 20.6 19.7 10.3 12.6 18.3 19.7
CdH 15.6 9.3 11.0 16.7 15.5 9.1 10.7 14.6 15.6
HgH 8.62 2.7 7.5 12.7 7.2 2.2 7.0 10.6 7.2
MnD (60.0) 24.9 26.4 36.7 - 24.9 26.3 34.2 -
NiD ≤712 51.7 40.1 58.4 - 51.8 37.5 49.8 -
PtD ≤82 2
65.4 66.6 80.1 79.3 67.6 67.3 77.3 79.7
CuD 63.62 47.2 52.2 63.2 62.4 47.9 52.7 61.0 63.0
AgD 53.3 39.2 42.5 52.3 52.6 39.8 42.9 50.2 52.9
AuD 75.22 53.9 54.4 70.0 71.2 54.5 54.9 67.5 71.5
ZnD 20.3 11.0 13.7 21.3 20.4 10.8 13.2 18.9 20.4
CdD 16.21 9.8 11.6 17.3 16.1 9.7 11.2 15.2 16.2
HgD 9.2 3.1 8.0 13.3 7.7 2.6 7.5 11.2 7.8
1096987x, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [15/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

corresponding hydride and both atoms in their ground states. Similarly T A B L E 5 Comparison of vibrational frequencies (in cm1)
to hydrides, energies of metal atoms in several multiplicities were obtained from the fitted H-H potential for some experimentally
known hydrides.1,2
calculated and compared with experimental values. The second
possibility follows from the fitted potentials (Morse function and Hydride Exp. LAN SDD3 S2FG SDD5
polynomial, and H-H function). In Table 4, there are listed DEs for CrH 1656 1378 1389 1546 -
experimentally known hydrides and compared with performance of WH 185327 1698 1768 1956 1904
all four basis sets. All the computed energies are corrected with MnH 1548 1354 1419 1526 -
ZPVE to be comparable with experimental data. RMSD values in 28
ReH 1985 1710 1892 2175 2125
Table 7 show again comparable accuracy of the S2FG and SDD5
FeH 1764 1383 1454 1569 -
levels of calculations. Nevertheless, S2FG basis set saves large
CoH 1925 1549 1693 1838 -
amount of computational time. Regarding various types of PES
RhH 20407 1210 1803 1961 1966
potentials, it can be concluded that all of them give very similar
IrH 2216 2137 2243 2482 2411
results that usually do not differ by more than 1 kcal/mol. How-
NiH 192726 1758 1802 1814 -
ever, DEs obtained based on the H-H function are systematically
slightly smaller than values from the Morse polynomial and, in the PtH 2295 2110 2201 2429 2347

majority cases, also from the original Morse potential. RMSDs of CuH 194111 1656 1809 1952 1936
the individual potentials in a particular basis set are very close, AgH 1760 1484 1595 1705 1718
especially in the S2FG and SDD5 basis sets, where they do not AuH 2305 1942 2036 2311 2263
differ more than 0.2 kcal/mol, cf. Table 7. Therefore, the RMSDs ZnH 1608 1347 1490 1650 1641
to experimental data depend mainly on the used basis set rather CdH 1337 1313 1350 1436 1467
than on the potential curve. Complete set of DEs are for all HgH 1203 1073 1293 1453 1373
hydrides collected in Table S2.
CrD 1182 984 992 1104 -
WD 132827 1204 1254 1387 1351
MnD 1103 967 1012 1090 -
3.4 | Vibrational analysis
ReD 142328 1213 1342 1543 1507
FeD 1259 987 1038 1119 -
Vibrational frequencies and especially anharmonicities represent
CoD 1373 1105 1208 1311 -
relatively sensitive data for basis set testing process. The stretching
mode frequencies represent very perceptive parameter for mole- RhD 14227 860 1281 1394 1398
cules. The experimentally known data are compared with frequen- IrD 1610 1516 1591 1761 1710
cies obtained from five chosen models (harmonic analysis from NiD 139026 1254 1286 1294 -
optimization, harmonic potential, Morse potential and polynomial, PdD 1446 1253 1294 1419 1409
and Hulburt-Hirschfelder modification of the Morse potential) PtD 1644 1496 1561 1723 1665
applied on the selected basis sets. Results for the most successful CuD 1384 1180 1290 1391 1380
PES model (H-H potential) are displayed in Table 5. The conclusions AgD 1251 1055 1133 1211 1221
from this part regarding agreement with experimental data are simi-
AuD 1635 1377 1444 1639 1605
lar as for DEs so that it can be repeated that the S2FG and SDD5
ZnD 1072 960 1062 1176 1170
basis sets correspond to the experimental values with very high
HgD 896 761 917 1030 974
accuracy. The RMSD is in both cases below 10% of the average
1 1
value. Clearly, S2FG basis set predicts similar frequencies as the Note: ωe(MnH) = 1478 cm , ωe(MnD) = 1066 cm Reference 28.

SDD5 one. The worst results are for IrH and HgH where both SDD5
and S2FG deviate by slightly less than 200 cm1 compared to the
measured values, cf. Table 5. The third-row hydrides seem to be a hydrides only by constant (reduced mass). The best results in LAN
little bit problematic (with AuH exception) maybe due to the missing and SDD3 basis sets have been obtained by fitting the Morse
corrections on spin-orbit coupling. The complete collection of potential, whereas the harmonic potential gives the most accurate
calculated frequencies based on harmonic, Morse potential and estimations for the S2FG and SDD5 basis sets. The RMSD values of
polynomial, and the H-H potential are summarized in Table S3. Fre- the Morse polynomial and the H-H function are very similar and
quencies obtained from the H-H potential curve are usually slightly comparable to the harmonic potential.
smaller than those obtained from the Morse polynomial. Also, Second part of the vibrational analysis deals with the anharmoni-
results from harmonic fit are almost always visibly higher than from city constants obtained from the Morse potential and polynomial, and
the H-H potential curve; there are only two exceptions: WH in H-H function. The results, which can be compared with known experi-
S2FG basis set and CuH in SDD5. Concerning deuterated hydrides, mental data, are collected in Table 6. Here, it can be noticed a little bit
the conclusions are analogous since their values differ from regular better agreement with measured anharmonicities for SDD3 basis set
1096987x, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [15/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

T A B L E 6 Comparison of experimentally1,2 found anharmonic T A B L E 7 RMSD to experimental data for interatomic distances
constants ωexe—with calculated results obtained from the fitted H-H re (in Å), dissociation energiesa D0 (in kcal/mol), vibrational
potentials (in cm1). frequencies ωe (in cm1), and for anharmonicity constants ωexe
(in cm1).
Hydride Exp. LAN SDD3 S2FG SDD5
Parameter Potential LAN SDD3 S2FG SDD5
CrH 30 22 6 15 -
MnH 29 25 27 23 - re (Å) Opt 0.100 0.062 0.033 0.027

FeH 46 32 33 25 - H 0.139 0.098 0.030 0.031

RhH 46 7
13 32 30 29 M 0.117 0.083 0.034 0.031

IrH 39 26 32 27 22 MP 0.119 0.085 0.032 0.028

NiH 38 29 23 29 - HH 0.117 0.084 0.032 0.027

PtH 46 33 37 38 29 D0 (kcal/mol) Opt 14.9 11.2 3.5 3.5

CuH 38 a
31 35 34 33 M 14.4 10.7 3.5 3.6

AgH 34 28 30 25 25 MP 14.6 10.9 3.4 3.4

AuH 43 33 39 42 30 HH 15.0 11.4 3.5 3.5

ZnH 55 60 57 48 54 ωe (cm ) H 337 174 98 68

CdH 46 59 57 41 57 M 259 150 106 113

HgH 83 112 68 66 98 MP 289 125 102 100

MnD 14 13 14 12 - HH 295 128 101 86

FeD 19 16 17 13 - ωexe (cm ) M 26 6 5 8

CoD 18 13 14 12 - MP 32 7 8 12

RhD 18 7
7 16 15 15 HH 13 8 9 11
IrD 21 13 16 14 11 Only for determination of DEs complete set of scanned points was used,
NiD 19 15 12 15 - cf. discussion in the part “Vibrational analysis.”

PdD 20 13 12 10 7
PtD 23 16 19 19 15
manganese and rhenium hydrides: ωe = 1478 (MnH), 1066 (MnD),
CuD 19 16 18 18 17
1985 (ReH), and 1423 (ReD) cm1 (Table 7).
AgD 17 14 15 12 12
AuD 22 17 20 21 15
ZnD 28 30 29 24 27 4 | CONC LU SIONS
HgD 50 56 34 33 49
In this study, performance of four basis sets is compared for transi-
ωex(CuH) = 37 cm1 Reference 11.

tion metal hydrides. Besides one of the most frequently used basis
set for TM (LANL2DZ), effectivity of Stuttgart energy-consistent
than for the larger S2FG and SDD5 ones. Nevertheless, the RMSD relativistic (small core) pseudopotentials with triple-zeta quality
values of all the basis sets are relatively similar (with exception of base (SDD3) is examined and compared with moderately modified/
LAN) to make any essential conclusions. The complete collection extended basis by 2fg polarization functions (S2FG), and with sub-
of determined anharmonicity constants for all the basis sets and stantially larger quintuple-zeta cc-pV5Z basis set (SDD5) containing
both hydrides and deuterated hydrides are collected in Table S4. extended set of SDD3 pseudopotentials by additional two sets of s,
The H-H potential gives the smallest anharmonicities for almost all p, and d projection operators. Application of relativistic pseudopo-
hydrides, nevertheless, there are some exceptions when MP tentials is really crucial for employing methods based on the nonrel-
anharmonicities are negligibly smaller (by ca. 1 cm ). In contrast, ativistic Schrödinger equation. The highly correlated CCSD(T)
the anharmonicities obtained from the fit of the Morse potential method is applied on determination of examined physico-chemical
are visibly higher leading to better agreement with experimental properties—interatomic distances, DEs, and vibrational analysis
data. This is also confirmed by the RMSD values for the SDD3, considering not only stretching vibration mode but also the anhar-
S2FG, and SDD5 computational settings where the anharmonici- monicity constants. In preliminary part of this study, it was shown
ties obtained by Morse potential exhibits the lowest deviations. that application of extended well-tempered all-electron basis sets
Calculated frequencies are also in reasonable match with the (WTBS) leads to completely incorrect molecular characterization
above-mentioned experimental data from Li et al.26 who found even for the first row of the lightest TM arriving to too short intera-
the ωe (WH) frequencies about 1853 and WD 1328 cm and tomic distance and other shortcomings known from literature.
Wang and Andrews,27,28 evaluating the same WH frequencies: Comparing the quazi-relativistic basis sets, it can be concluded the
ωe = 1911 (WH) and 1354 (WD) cm1 and frequencies for best results (in comparison with measured data) are received using
1096987x, 0, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [15/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

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