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200 Lng||sh vocabu|ary |tems for the nurs|ng

Pere ls a llsL of Lhe Lop 200 Lngllsh vocabulary lLems for Lhe nurslng / healLhcare lndusLry 1hls selecLlon
of vocabulary ls based on Lhe CccupaLlonal Pandbook provlded by Lhe unlLed SLaLes ueparLmenL of
1 cceleraLed
2 ccredlLed
3 cuLe
4 dequaLe
3 dmlnlsLer
6 dmlnlsLered
7 dmlnlsLraLlon
8 dn
9 dvanced
10 dvances
11 dvlce
12 gencles
13 ldes
14 mbulaLory
13 naLomy
16 nesLhesla
17 nesLheLlsLs
18 pproved
19 sslsL
20 sslsLance
21 sslsLanL
22 sslsLanLs
23 8aLhlng
24 8lood
23 8oard
26 8sn
27 Cancer
28 Care
29 Career
30 Carlng
31 CenLers
32 CerLlfled
33 Cllnlcal
34 Cllnlcs
33 Columbla
36 CommunlcaLlon
37 CondlLlons
38 ConsulLlng
39 ConLlnulng
40 Councll
41 CredenLlallng
42 CrlLlcal
43 uemand
44 ueLermlned
43 ulabeLes
46 ulagnoses
47 ulagnosLlc
48 ulfflculLy
49 ulploma
30 ulsablllLles
31 ulsease
32 ulseases
33 ulsorders
34 ulsLrlcL
33 uresslng
36 uuLles
37 LducaLlonal
38 Llderly
39 LllglblllLy
60 Lmergency
61 LmoLlonal
62 LnLry
63 LnvlronmenL
64 Lxam
63 LxamlnaLlon
66 laclllLles
67 laclllLy
68 laculLy
69 lollow
70 lormally
71 CerlaLrlcs
72 CeronLology
73 PealLh
74 Pold
73 Pome
76 PosplLal
77 PosplLals
78 lllness
79 lllnesses
80 lncrease
81 lnfecLlous
82 ln[ecLlons
83 ln[urles
84 ln[ury
83 lnLernal
86 !unlor
87 LaboraLory
88 Level
89 Llcense
90 Llcensed
91 Llcensure
92 Lpns
93 Manage
94 Medlcal
93 MedlcaLlon
96 MedlcaLlons
97 Medlclne
98 Members
99 MenLal
100 Mldwlves
101 MonlLor
102 MonlLorlng
103 Movlng
104 Msn
103 naLure
106 nclex
107 neonaLology
108 nlghLs
109 nurse
110 nurses
111 nurslng
112 nuLrlLlon
113 CbLaln
114 Cffer
113 Cfflces
116 Clder
117 Cncology
118 Crder
119 CuLpaLlenL
120 a
121 as
122 ass
123 aLhs
124 aLlenL
123 aLlenLs
126 edlaLrlcs
127 harmacology
128 hyslcal
129 hyslclan
130 hyslclans
131 hyslology
132 lan
133 lannlng
134 osLoperaLlve
133 racLlcal
136 racLlce
137 racLlLloners
138 renaLal
139 repare
140 rescrlbe
141 revenLlve
142 rlmary
143 rocedures
144 rogram
143 rospecLs
146 rovlde
147 rovlders
148 sychlaLrlc
149 ubllc
130 Cuallfled
131 8adlaLlon
132 8apld
133 8ecord
134 8eglsLered
133 8ehablllLaLlon
136 8emaln
137 8eporL
138 8esldenLlal
139 8esponse
160 8eLalnlng
161 8n
162 8ns
163 8ouLlne
164 8ural
163 Scope
166 SecLlon
167 Serve
168 Servlces
169 SeLLlng
170 SeLLlngs
171 Slgns
172 Skln
173 SpeclallsLs
174 Speclallze
173 Speclallzed
176 Speclallzlng
177 SpeclalLles
178 SpeclalLy
179 Speclflc
180 SLaff
181 SLudenLs
182 Supervlsed
183 Supervlslng
184 Supervlslon
183 Surgeons
186 Surgery
187 Surglcal
188 1eam
189 1erm
190 1esLs
191 1herapeuLlc
192 1herapy
193 1ralnlng
194 1reaL
193 1reaLmenL
196 1ypes
197 unlLs
198 varles
199 vocaLlonal
200 Walklng
Lng||sh for Med|ca| urposes Denta| nyg|ene
8y kenneLh 8eare bouLcom Culde
See More About
O engllsh for medlcal purpose
O denLlsLry
O readlng comprehenslon
orce|a|n CrownQDentaIoyuenLal Crown by Speclallzed uenLlsL 3 locaLlons ln
Denta| Ccc|us|onLaslly LvaluaLe uenLal Cccluslon wlLh 1Scan Ccclusal
karang G|g| 8ermasa|ah?1anyakan langsung ada hllnya SlLus Lengkap kesehaLan
Lng||sh as 2nd Language Ads
O uenLal Cllnlc
O uenLal PyglenlsL
O uenLal 1eeLh WhlLenlng
O uenLal Care
O uenLal Pyglene
Denta| nyg|ene Sam Pello
G|na the Denta| nyg|en|st Pello Mr WaLers lm Clna lll be cleanlng your LeeLh Loday
Sam ur eLerson has [usL fllled Lwo cavlLles Why do l need a cleanlng?
G|na the Denta| nyg|en|st Well we have Lo make geL your LeeLh and gums clean and dlsease free
Sam l guess LhaL makes sense
G|na the Denta| nyg|en|st Cral healLh leads Lo Lroublefree LeeLh lll sLarL off by removlng plaque
lease lean back and open wlde
now leL me glve your LeeLh a flnal flosslng
Sam WhaL Lype of floss Lape do you recommend?
G|na the Denta| nyg|en|st ersonally l llke Lhe flaL Lape lLs easler Lo geL beLween Lhe LeeLh
Sam Ck lll remember LhaL Lhe nexL Llme l buy floss Pow ofLen should l floss?
G|na the Denta| nyg|en|st Lveryday! 1wlce a day lf posslble! Some people llke Lo floss afLer every meal
buL LhaLs noL absoluLely necessary
Sam (afLer flnlshlng Lhe cleanlng) l feel much beLLer 1hank you
G|na the Denta| nyg|en|st My pleasure Pave a pleasanL day and remember Lo floss every day aL leasL
once a day!
key Vocabu|ary
Lo clean someones LeeLh
denLal hyglenlsL
Lo flll cavlLles
dlsease free
oral healLh
Lo lead Lo
Lo remove plaque
Lo floss
Lo rlnse
Lo apply fluorlde
floss Lape
floss afLer meals

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