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Name: ________rockwell________

Perspectives Writing with Participle Sentence Patterns

Opinion 1: "Government funding should be increased for arts and culture

Point (From an economic perspective): More funding for arts and culture programs
means more opportunities for artists, performers, technicians, and administrators.

Point (From a social perspective): increasing arts’ and culture programs’ funding can
celebrate diversity and promote understanding between different communities.

Opinion 2: "Telecommuting should be a standard option for all employees."

Point (From a technological perspective): With the rapid development of
communication technologies such as high-speed Internet, video conferencing, and
collaboration tools, employees can communicate and collaborate effectively with
colleagues anywhere in the world.
Point (From a health perspective):Telecommuting eliminates the need for employees
to commute to and from the workplace, thereby reducing exposure to stressful and
potentially noisy situations

Opinion 3: "National parks should limit the number of visitors each year."
Point (From an environmental perspective): High visitor numbers can lead to
overuse of natural resources such as water, energy, and vegetation within
national parks.

Point (From a social perspective):Limiting visitor numbers helps protect these natural
wonders from overuse, degradation, and habitat destruction.

Opinion 4: "Educational institutions should prioritize vocational courses over

traditional academic courses."
Point (From an educational perspective): Vocational courses are designed to equip
students with practical skills and knowledge directly applicable to specific industries
and professions

Point (From a technological perspective):Vocational courses often focus on practical

skills and hands-on training that are directly relevant to emerging technologies and
industry trends.
Opinion 5: "Countries should adopt a four-day workweek."
Point (From a health perspective): A shorter workweek can help reduce stress levels
and mitigate the risk of burnout among employees.

Point (From an environmental perspective):A shorter workweek means fewer

commuting days for employees, leading to reduced carbon emissions from vehicles.

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