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The Great Gatsby

Chapter 2 Critical Lens

Objective: Collaboratively develop claims through one of the critical lenses (marxist,
feminist, race/ethnic, historical context). Develop a claim with evidence and analysis.

Directions: In either individually, in pairs, or groups of 3, please select a scene to

analyze using a specific lens. This should include a claim (in the format that we have
discussed), and utilize close-read analysis to defend your ideas, The response should
be 1 paragraph in length. You may submit 1 piece of writing per group.

Your response here:

The Great Gatsby when read through feminist, highlights the power that men have
over women in society, specifically when Tom Buchanan hits Mrs. Wilson while having
a heated discussion about his wife. While discussing Daisy, Mrs. Wilson and Tom
Buchanan get into an argument over whether Mrs. Wilson can mention Daisy’s name
or not. During the argument, “Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!’ shouted Mrs. Wilson. ‘I’ll say it
whenever I want to! Daisy! Dai-’ Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke
her nose with his open hand” (Fitzgerald 37). This conflict between Tom and Mrs.
Wilson represents the authority that men had over women in this time period. This
also shows the lack of rights that women had in society at the time.

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