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800 Synonym words list in English

Synonym Words list with A

1. A big share ….Lion’s share
2. A story ….A narrative
3. Abandon ….Desert, forsake
4. Abjure ….Forsake, renounce
5. Able ….Capable, qualified
6. Abolish ….Abrogate, annual
7. Abundant ….Plentiful
8. Accept ….Approve
9. Accomplish ….Achieve
10. Accord ….Grant
11. Accurate ….Perfect
12. Achieve ….Accomplish
13. Acquire ….Gain
14. Acrimony ….Harshness
15. Active ….Youthful
16. Acumen ….Awareness, brilliance
17. Add ….Increase, total
18. Adherent ….Follower, disciple
19. Adjunct ….Joined, added
20. Admission ….Matriculation
21. Admit ….Confess
22. Adult ….Grown up
23. Afraid ….Frightened, scared
24. After all ….Yet
25. After ….Following, next
26. Aggressive ….Assertive
27. Agitate ….Roil
28. Agree ….Concur
29. Aid ….Help, assist
30. Airtight ….Hermetic
31. Alien ….Foreigner, outsider
32. Alleviate ….Abate, relieve
33. Always ….Eternal
34. Always ….Forever
35. Amateur ….Beginner, novice
36. Amazing ….Wonderful
37. Ambitious ….Aspiring, driven
38. Ambush ….Onslaught
39. Amount ….Quantum
40. Ample ….Abundant
41. Amplify ….Augment, deepen
42. Amusing ….Comical
43. Ancestry ….Lineage
44. Anniversary ….Jubilee
45. Annual ….Yearlong
46. Anonymous ….Nameless
47. Antagonistic ….Hostile
48. Apeirogon ….Zerogon
49. Apogee ….Vertex
50. Apparent ….Evident
51. Applause ….Kudos
52. Appreciative ….Grateful
53. Apprehension ….Trepidation
54. Approaching ….Upcoming
55. Approve ….Accept, ratify, endorse
56. Arid ….Dry
57. Arouse ….Excite
58. Arraign ….Incriminate, indict
59. Arrogant ….Haughty, stuck up
60. Arrogant ….Proud
61. Artisan ….Journeyman
62. Artistry ….Taxidermy
63. Ascetic ….Reclusive
64. Ask ….Question
65. Assemblage ….Quorum
66. Assets ….Wealth
67. Assist ….Aid
68. Assistance ….Relief
69. Attract ….Lure
70. Attractive ….Beautiful
71. Attractive ….Pretty
72. Attribute ….Impute
73. Audacious ….Gallant
74. Audacity ….Boldness, courage
75. Authentic ….Accurate, credible
76. Authenticity ….Veracity
77. Authority ….Regnant
78. Autobus ….Jitney
79. Average ….Yardstick
80. Awareness ….Knowledge
81. Axiom ….Adage, truism
Synonym Words list with B
1. Back looking ….Reactionary
2. Backache ….Sciatica
3. Bad, wrong, wicked ….Evil
4. Baffle ….Astound, faze
5. Barbarous ….Frustrate, perplex
6. Bare ….Naked
7. Barking ….Yap
8. Barrier ….Barricade, obstacle
9. Base ….Bottom
10. Batty ….Insane, silly
11. Bawl ….Yelp
12. Beam ….Joist
13. Beauty ….Lulu
14. Befogged ….Becloud, dim
15. Beginning ….Birth
16. Bellow ….Yowl
17. Beneficial ….Helpful, useful
18. Benefit ….Profit
19. Benevolent ….Benign, generous
20. Bewitching ….Alluring, charming
21. Big ….Large
22. Binder ….Ligature
23. Biological ….Organic
24. Birth ….Beginning
25. Bizarre ….Peculiar
26. Blab ….Yak
27. Blame ….Denounce
28. Bleak ….Austere, blank
29. Blend ….Combine
30. Blew ….Melange
31. Blooming ….Young
32. Blot ….Mote
33. Boat ….Sampan
34. Boat ….Yacht
35. Bog ….Quagmire
36. Bold ….Adventurous
37. Bold ….Daring
38. Boom ….Resound
39. Bore ….Yawn
40. Boring ….Menial
41. Bottom ….Backside
42. Bottom ….Base, foundation
43. Boundless ….Untold
44. Bow down ….Kneel
45. Break ….Fracture, burst
46. Breeze ….Zephyr
47. Briefs …Fronts
48. Brilliance ….Genius
49. Brittle ….Breakable, crisp
50. Bucolic ….Yokel
51. Bully ….Hector
52. Bumpkin ….Yahoo
53. Bumpy ….Coarse
54. Bury ….Inter
55. Busy ….Active, engaged
Synonym Words list with C
1. Calamity ….Adversity, misfortune
2. Calculated ….Premeditated
3. Calculating ….Canny, devious
4. Candid ….Blunt, bluff
5. Candid ….Frank
6. Capable ….Able
7. Capable ….Competent
8. Capable ….Qualified
9. Captivate ….Mesmerize
10. Captivity ….Imprisonment
11. Capture ….Apprehend, seize
12. Capture ….Kidnap
13. Catacomb ….Mausoleum
14. Caterwauling ….Yowling
15. Catholic ….Generic, liberal
16. Caucasian elm ….Zelkova
17. Cautious ….Careful
18. Celebrated ….Acclaimed
19. Censure ….Condemn
20. Censure ….Impugn
21. Censure ….Knock
22. Ceremonial dinner ….Seder
23. Chamber ….Ventricle
24. Chance ….Serendipity
25. Change ….Tipping point
26. Charm ….Wheedle
27. Charming ….Quainter
28. Chatter ….Yackety:…. Yak
29. Child ….Kid
30. Chivalrous ….Gallant
31. Chores ….Scot work
32. Christmas ….Xmas
33. Chubby ….Fat
34. Citified ….Urban
35. Classic ….Vintage
36. Clinic ….Sanatorium
37. Clippers ….Xebecs
38. Close, near ….Nip and tuck
39. Clumsy ….Awkward
40. Coarse ….Bawdy, boorish
41. Coinage ….Neologism
42. Cold ….Bloodless
43. Collect ….Gather
44. Combine ….Bled, unite, join
45. Combine ….Blend
46. Comical ….Amusing, funny
47. Committed ….Dedicated
48. Compact ….Bunched, thick
49. Competent ….Capable, qualified
50. Complete ….Total
51. Complex ….Knotty
52. Compliant ….Pliable
53. Complicated ….Complex
54. Comply ….Obey
55. Compress ….Abbreviate, shrink
56. Comprise ….Include, contain
57. Compulsory ….Obligatory
58. Concentrate ….Condense
59. Concern ….Care
60. Conclude ….Complete
61. Concord ….Agreement, accord
62. Concur ….Agree, cooperate
63. Conduction ….Vascular
64. Confess ….Admit, acknowledge
65. Confident ….Bold, undaunted
66. Confront ….Face
67. Connect ….Join, link, attach
68. Conscious ….Aware, cognizant
69. Consent ….Agree, permit
70. Consider ….Muse
71. Consign ….Relegate
72. Constantly ….Always, continually
73. Contain ….Confine
74. Container ….Tank
75. Continuous ….Non:…. Stop
76. Control ….Temperance
77. Convenient ….Handy, accessible
78. Cookhouse ….Kitchen
79. Cool ….Chilly
80. Cool ….Sedate
81. Correct ….Accurate
82. Correct ….Accurate, right
83. Corruption ….Venality
84. Courage ….Bravery, valor
85. Courageous ….Brave
86. Courtesy ….Generosity
87. Crazy ….Insane, daft, mad
88. Crazy ….Loopy
89. Creation ….Formation
90. Creepy ….Uncanny
91. Cry ….Yip
92. Cue ….Key
93. Cunning ….Acute, smart
94. Curative ….Remedial
95. Current ….Vortex
96. Curve ….Yaw
97. Cut back ….Retrench
Synonym Words list with D
1. Damage ….Hurt, impair, harm
2. Dance ….Jig
3. Daring ….Bold, audacious
4. Dawn ….Daybreak
5. Deadly ….Fatal
6. Deadly ….Lethal
7. Death camas ….Zigadene
8. Deathless ….Undying
9. Decipher ….Interpret, reveal
10. Decoration ….Ornament
11. Defect ….Flaw
12. Delicate ….Fragile, dainty
13. Delight ….Joy
14. Delightful ….Charming
15. Delightful ….Exquisite
16. Denounce ….Blame, censure
17. Deregulate ….Decontrol
18. Desert ….Abandon
19. Desertic ….Xerothermic
20. Desire ….Want
21. Desolate ….Barren, forsaken
22. Despise ….Hate, detest, loathe
23. Destitute ….Poor
24. Destroy ….Demolish
25. Destructive ….Catastrophic
26. Deviation ….Red herring
27. Difficult ….Hard, challenging
28. Difficult ….Querulous
29. Dimli ….Zazaki
30. Discontinue ….Cease
31. Disease ….Xenophobic
32. Diseased ….Septic
33. Disgust ….Offend
34. Dispute ….Joust
35. Disquiet ….Unease
36. Disrespect ….Scorn
37. Dissolver ….Xylene
38. Distinct ….Differen
39. District ….Quarter
40. Donate ….Give
41. Doubtful ….Dubious
42. Drag ….Yank
43. Drain ….Empty
44. Dreadful ….Atrocious
45. Dreadful ….Awful
46. Dregs ….Sediment
47. Driven ….Ambitious
48. Drop ….Trifle
49. Dry ….Arid, parched
50. Dry ….Xeric
51. Dull ….Blunt, dreary
52. Duplicator ….Xeroxing
53. Dusk ….Nightfall
Synonym Words list with E
1. Eager ….Keen
2. Eagerly ….Zealously
3. Ecstasy ….Joy, rapture
4. Elaborate ….Fancy
5. Elevated ….High
6. Embarrass ….Humiliate
7. Empty ….Vacant
8. Encumbrance ….Hindrance
9. Enemy ….Foe
10. Enemy ….Opponent
11. Energetic ….Active
12. Energetic ….Untiring
13. Enigmatic ….Inscrutable
14. Enormous ….Colossal
15. Envious ….Jealous
16. Essential ….Necessary
17. Eternal ….Always, perpetual
18. Eternal ….Everlasting
19. Evident ….Apparent
20. Evident ….Apparent, obvious
21. Evil ….Bad, wrong, wicked
22. Exact ….Explicit
23. Examine ….Observe
24. Examine ….Scrutinize
25. Example ….Microcosm
26. Exceed ….Transcend
27. Excessive ….Inordinate
28. Excessively ….Unduly
29. Excise ….Tariff
30. Excite ….Arouse, provoke, incite
31. Expand ….Enlarge
32. Experiment ….Totem
33. Explain ….Clarify
34. Expression ….Word
35. External ….Outside
36. Extinct ….Obsolete
37. Extravagant ….Luxurious
38. Extreme ….Extravagant
Synonym Words list with F
1. Fair ….Honest, just, impartial
2. Fairly/ pretty ….Quite
3. Fairness ….Equity
4. Fake ….Artificial
5. Fake ….Imitation, phony
6. FALSE ….Incorrect, untrue
7. Famous ….Noted
8. Fanatism ….Zealotry
9. Fantastic ….Incredible
10. Fantasy ….Fiction
11. Fast ….Quick
12. Fasten ….Knit
13. Fastidious ….Painstaking
14. Faulty ….Defective
15. Fed up ….Jaded
16. Feeble ….Weak
17. Fertile ….Fruitful
18. Festal ….Gala
19. Fewest ….Least
20. Fierce ….Ferocious
21. Figure ….Mandala
22. Filling ….Woof
23. Final ….Last
24. Fine distinction ….Nuance
25. Finest ….Best
26. Finish ….Veneer
27. Fire ….Zeal
28. Firm ….Adamant
29. Firm ….Hard
30. Firm ….Tenacious
31. Flame ….Sear
32. Flat tableland ….Mesa
33. Flavor ….Zest
34. Fledgling ….Young bird
35. Flexible ….Bendy
36. Flimsy ….Frail, fragile
37. Flippant ….Impudent, sassy
38. Fluency ….Lucidity
39. Fluid ….Ichor
40. Following ….After
41. Foolproof ….Infallible
42. Footing ….Traction
43. Forever ….Always
44. Formidable ….Herculean
45. Fourth ….Quadrant
46. Fracture ….Break
47. Fragile ….Delicate
48. Frail ….Flimsy
49. Francisco ….Xavier
50. Frank ….Candid, straightforward
51. Free of charge ….Gratis
52. Frenzy ….Fury, rage
53. Friendly ….Xenial
54. Frightened ….Afraid
55. Frigid ….Freezing, frosty
56. Front ….Fore
57. Frothy ….Yeasty
58. Fruitful ….Fertile
59. Fundamental ….Essential
60. Funny ….Jocular
61. Furious ….Angry, enraged
62. Furious ….Livid
63. Fury ….Frenzy
Synonym Words list with G,H
1. Gain ….Acquire, obtain
2. Gap ….Hiatus
3. Garage sale ….Yard sale
4. Gay ….Jocund
5. Generosity ….Altruism, bounty
6. Generous ….Beneficiant
7. Generous ….Giving, selfless
8. Genius ….Wunderkind
9. Gentle ….Humane
10. Genuflect ….Kowtow
11. Genuine ….Absolute, factual
12. Genuine ….Authentic
13. Get to point ….Talk turkey
14. Get ….Score
15. Gigantic ….Immense, colossal
16. Give up ….Kick
17. Giving ….Generous
18. Glad ….Happy, pleased, delighted
19. Glowing ….Ruddy
20. Goofball ….Zany
21. Gossiper ….Yenta
22. Grape growing ….Viticulture
23. Grasp ….Hold
24. Grasping ….Rapacious
25. Gravy ….Ketchup
26. Greedy ….Grasping
27. Greedy ….Zealous
28. Grieve ….Lament
29. Grip ….Knob
30. Grovel ….Kotow
31. Grudge ….Hatred, aversion
32. Guarantee ….Warranty
33. Guiding ….Lodestar
34. Halt ….Immobilize
35. Harass ….Irritate, molest
36. Hard ….Difficult
37. Hasty ….Abrupt, impetuous
38. Hasty ….Premature
39. Haughty ….Arrogant
40. Haughty ….Arrogant, pompous
41. Headstone ….Gravestone
42. Help ….Aid, assist
43. Helpful ….Beneficial
44. Helpful ….Kind
45. Hideous ….Frightful, shocking
46. Hill ….Kopje
47. Hinder ….Prevent
48. Hip roof ….Mansard
49. Hold ….Grasp, grip, retain
50. Hold ….Keep
51. Holy sacrament ….Liturgy
52. Honest ….Fair
53. Honor ….Adoration, reverence
54. Hopeful ….Optimistic
55. Hospitality ….Xenodochy
56. Hostile ….Antagonistic
57. Hot ….Zesty
58. However, ….Notwithstanding
59. Huge ….Enormous
60. Humourless ….Zany
61. Hunger ….Voraciousness
62. Hungry ….Voracious
63. Hurry ….Zincous
64. Hurt ….Damage
Synonym Words list with i,j
1. Ice resurfacer ….Zamboni
2. Identical ….Alike, duplicate
3. Idle ….Inactive, lazy
4. Idol ….Juggernaut
5. Illegal ….Illicit
6. Imitation ….Fake
7. Immense ….Gigantic
8. Immense ….Huge, enormous
9. Imminent ….Impending
10. Imminent ….Impending, brewing
11. Impair ….Damage
12. Impartial ….Neutral
13. Impartial ….Unbiased
14. Impediment ….Hurdle, obstruction
15. Imperative ….Urgent
16. Impetuous ….Impulsive, rash
17. Impious ….Irreligious, unholy
18. Impudent ….Flippant
19. Impulsive ….Impetuous
20. Impute ….Attribute, ascribe
21. Inactivity ….Inertia
22. Incessant ….Perpetual
23. Incompetent ….Inefficient
24. Incongruous ….Inappropriate
25. Incorrect ….False
26. Incredible ….Fantastic
27. Indirect ….Oblique
28. Inducement ….Incentive
29. Infertile ….Barren
30. Influence ….Persuade
31. Influenced ….Prejudiced
32. Initiate ….Beginning
33. Innocent ….Blameless
34. Innocent ….Guiltless
35. Inopportune ….Untimely
36. Inquiry ….Inquisition
37. Insinuate ….Allude, hint
38. Insolvent ….Indigent, destitute
39. Instill ….Inculcate
40. Instill ….Inculcate, inject
41. Institution ….Seminary
42. Insufficient ….Inadequate
43. Intelligent ….Bright, sensible
44. Internal ….Inner, inside
45. Interrogation ….Queries
46. Intolerant ….Bigoted, prejudiced
47. Intrinsic ….Genuine, fundamental
48. Intrude ….Impinge
49. Invective ….Accusation, censure
50. Inverse ….Reciprocal
51. Irrelevant ….Inappropriate, unrelated
52. Irrepressible ….Irresistible, unconfined
53. Irreverent ….Jejune
54. Irritate ….Annoy, agitate, provoke
55. Jack ….Yachter
56. Jaunt ….Junket
57. Jazz ….Riff
58. Jovial ….Frolicsome, cheerful
59. Joy ….Ecstasy
60. Joyful ….Radiant
61. Just ….Honest, impartial
Synonym Words list with K,L,M
1. Lackadaisical ….Nonchalant
2. Lady ….Woman
3. Lampoon ….Satire
4. Large bottle ….Magnum
5. Large ….Big, massive, huge
6. Lash of whip ….Whiplash
7. Last day ….Yesterday
8. Lasting ….Permanent
9. Laughter ….Mirth
10. Lavish ….Abundant, excessive
11. Lavish ….Generous
12. Lax ….Lenient
13. Lazy ….Torpid
14. Leader ….Imam
15. Legal ….Judicial
16. Lengthy ….Long
17. Lethal ….Venomous
18. Lethargic ….Listless
19. Lethargic ….Weary
20. Liable ….Accountable, bound
21. Liable ….Probable
22. Lifeless ….Dead
23. Light ….Xanthic
24. Like ….Enjoy
25. Link ….Nexus
26. Link ….Rapport
27. Liquid ….Fluid
28. Lithe ….Lissome
29. Load ….Fill
30. Loathe ….Hate
31. Locate ….Unearth
32. Logical ….Plausible
33. Loiter ….Dally
34. Low season ….Off:…. Season
35. Lure ….Attract, entice
36. Luxury ….Xanadu
37. Main ….Leading
38. Malediction ….Imprecation
39. Malicious ….Vicious
40. Manage ….Improvise
41. Mandatory ….Imperative, requisite
42. Many ….Numerous
43. Marvelous ….Fabulous
44. Masculine ….Gallant, strapping
45. Maximum ….Greatest, uppermost, highest
46. Menacing ….Minatory
47. Menacing ….Ominous
48. Mend ….Fix
49. Midday ….Noon
50. Military rule ….Junta
51. Mineral ….Quartz
52. Miniskirt ….Sarong
53. Misdirecting ….Wry
54. Misfortune ….Hardship, catastrophe, mishap
55. Misleading ….Deceptive
56. Missing ….Lacking
57. Mistaken ….Wrong
58. Mitigate ….Alleviate, relieve
59. Mixture ….Medley
60. Mixture ….Montage
61. Model ….Quintessential
62. Modern ….New
63. Modernize ….Renovate
64. Modest ….Humble
65. Modest ….Humble, courteous
66. Modify ….Update
67. Molest ….Harass, tease
68. Mollify ….Appease, assuage
69. Momentous ….Important, powerful
70. Momentum ….Impetus
71. Monkey pod ….Zaman
72. Monotonous ….Boring, tedious dreary
73. Monstrous ….Heinous
74. Montage ….Mosaic
75. Monumental ….Monolithic
76. Morbid ….Appalling, awful, ghastly
77. Morose ….Gloomy, sullen, moody, glum
78. Mourn ….Grieve, lament, bemoan
79. Muddle ….Confuse
80. Murder ….Kill
81. Muscle of thigh ….Quadriceps
82. Mutual ….Joint, identica
Synonym Words list with N,O,P
1. Naughty ….Bad, disobedient, wrong
2. Near ….Close
3. Need ….Nee
4. Needle work ….Sampler
5. Negligent ….Careless, derelict
6. Neither ….Nary
7. Neutral ….Impartial, unprejudiced
8. New ….Untried
9. Nil ….Zilch
10. Nonchalant ….Indifferent, lackadaisical
11. Nonchalant ….Indifferent, negligent
12. Nothing ….Zero point
13. Novice ….Amateur
14. Noxious ….Baneful, injurious
15. Nullify ….Cancel, annual
16. Numberless ….Myriad
17. Nursery ….Kindergarten
18. Obscure ….Arcane, vague
19. Obstinate ….Unregenerate
20. Obstruct ….Impede, prevent
21. Obstruction ….Impediment
22. Obtain ….Access, inherit
23. Offensive ….Abhorrent, obnoxious
24. Officer ….Quaestor
25. Oils ….Lipid
26. Old ….Worn
27. Open ….Begin, unfold, originate
28. Opponent ….Enemy
29. Oppose ….Conflict
30. Oppose ….Militate
31. Optimist ….Idealist
32. Optimistic ….Hopeful, confident
33. Ordinal ….Zillion
34. Ordinary ….Average
35. Originate ….Open
36. Out of date ….Obsolete
37. Outlaw ….Ban
38. Outrigger ….Kayak
39. Outside ….Exterior
40. Outstanding ….Great
41. Overhead ….Above
42. Overjoyed ….Exhilarated
43. Overjoyed ….Jubilant
44. Pacify ….Appease, chasten
45. Pale ….Wan
46. Paramount ….Foremost, eminent
47. Pardon ….Forgive
48. Part ….Fraction
49. Particularly ….Especially
50. Passing ….Transient
51. Past ….Former, previous, preceding
52. Patriotism ….Jingoism
53. Pause ….Hesitate
54. Peaceful ….Quiet
55. Peculiar ….Eccentric
56. Peculiar ….Odd
57. Pedestrian crossing ….Zebra crossing
58. Perceptible ….Tactile
59. Percussion instrument ….Xylophones
60. Permanent ….Ineradicable
61. Perseverance ….Patience
62. Personified ….Incarnate
63. Perturb ….Upset
64. Pester ….Importune
65. Piece ….Portion
66. Pike ….Perch:…. Zander
67. Pit ….Nadir
68. Pitiless ….Implacable
69. Planned ….Deliberate
70. Plausible ….Believable
71. Plausible ….Believable, reasonable
72. Plausible ….Possible
73. Pleasing ….Nice
74. Plentiful ….Ample, enough, abundant
75. Plump ….Chubby
76. Pocket knife ….Jackknife
77. Polish ….Hone
78. Polite ….Gracious, refined, courteous
79. Polite ….Well mannered
80. Poll ….Ballot
81. Pompous ….Haughty, arrogant
82. Poor ….Bad (not good)
83. Poor ….Indigent
84. Position ….Upend
85. Positive ….Certain
86. Positive ….Sanguine
87. Possibility ….Viability
88. Possible ….Feasible
89. Postal code ….Zip
90. Potent ….Virulent
91. Praise ….Glorify
92. Prattle ….Yack
93. Preceding ….Past
94. Precisely ….Exactly
95. Prejudiced ….Biased, opinionated
96. Premature ….Early
97. Prevail ….Win
98. Previous ….Former
99. Prized ….Precious
100. Problem ….Hydra
101. Profit ….Gain, earnings, benefit
102. Prohibit ….Forbid
103. Prohibit ….Forbid, bar, restrict
104. Promote ….Encourage
105. Propagate ….Inseminate, fecundate
106. Prosper ….Thrive
107. Protect ….Defend
108. Proud ….Arrogant, elated
109. Provoke ….Antagonize
110. Prudence ….Sagacity
111. Punctual ….Prompt
112. Purchase ….Buy
113. Push ….Trundle
114. Pushy ….Aggressive
115. Put right ….Rectify
116. Put together ….Juxtapose
Synonym Words list with Q,R,S
1. Quack ….Impostor, deceiver
2. Question ….Ask
3. Question ….Interrogate, inquire, ask
4. Quicker ….Quicker
5. Quietly ….Quietly
6. Raid ….Incursion, foray
7. Raise ….Hoist, elevate
8. Range in ….Zero in
9. Rapid ….Fast
10. Ratify ….Approve, confirm, endorse
11. Raucous ….Vociferous
12. Reach ….Arrive
13. Reactions ….Metabolism
14. Readable ….Legible
15. Real ….Concrete
16. Real ….Genuine
17. Rearing ….Upbringing
18. Reason ….Acumen, bounds
19. Reckless ….Wild
20. Recognize ….Know
21. Record ….Write
22. Record ….Yearbook
23. Recreation ….Amusement, pleasure, pastime
24. Rectify ….Amend, remedy
25. Regret ….Scruple
26. Reimbursement ….Restitution
27. Relative ….Kin
28. Religious ….Holy
29. Remarkable ….Exceptional
30. Remedial ….Therapeutic
31. Repeat ….Quoted
32. Repeat ….Recapitulate
33. Represent ….Mean
34. Repulsive ….Hideous, offensive, gruesome
35. Repulsive ….Obnoxious
36. Reputable ….Honorable, upstanding, honest
37. Reputation ….Titan
38. Rescind ….Annul, abrogate
39. Resist ….Defy
40. Response ….Non sequitur
41. Restful ….Tranquil
42. Retaliate ….Avenge, revenge, reciprocate
43. Retrieval ….Reclamation
44. Revenge ….Vendetta
45. Revered ….Venerable
46. Revoke ….Renege
47. Rigid airship ….Zeppelin
48. Risky ….Hazardous, perilous, chancy
49. Role ….Niche
50. Rolling ….Undulating
51. Romantic ….Idealist
52. Rot ….Decay
53. Row ….Queue
54. Rowdy ….Boisterous, rambunctious
55. Royalty ….Queen
56. Rubenesque ….Zaftig
57. Rude ….Impolite, discourteous
58. Ruin ….Raze
59. Rule, ….Regime
60. Ruler ….King
61. Sacredness ….Sanctity
62. Salt ….Xanthate
63. Same ….Identical, alike, equivalent
64. Sarcastic ….Ironical, derisive
65. Saucy ….Impudent, insolent
66. Save ….Preserve
67. Save ….Resuscitate
68. Scathing ….Vituperative
69. Scold ….Yell at
70. Scrawny ….Gaunt
71. Search ….Quests
72. Seaweed ….Kelp
73. Second ….Sec
74. Seize ….Apprehend, grab, snatch
75. Sensible ….Judicious
76. Sensible ….Logical
77. Separate ….Divide
78. Separation ….X:…. Division
79. Serious ….Grave, solemn, pensive
80. Serviette ….Napkin
81. Shake ….Quacking
82. Shaky ….Precarious
83. Shocking ….Outrageous
84. Short ….Brief
85. Shorten ….Abbreviate
86. Showy ….Gaudy
87. Shrink ….Quails
88. Shut ….Close
89. Shy ….Bashful, timid
90. Sick ….Queasy
91. Sick ….Upchuck
92. Silent ….Quiet
93. Simple ….Easy
94. Sincere ….Wholehearted
95. Sing ….Yodel
96. Sixth sense ….Telepathy
97. Skeptic ….Sceptic
98. Skill ….Ability
99. Skin disease ….Xanthoma
100. Slack ….Loose
101. Slake ….Satiate
102. Slang, lingo ….Jargon
103. Sleeping ….Dormant
104. Slice ….Segment
105. Slurp ….Quaffs
106. Smart ….Wise
107. Sociable ….Friendly, cordial, gregarious
108. Social phobia ….Xenophobia
109. Solid ….Opaque
110. Solvent ….Xylol
111. Sorrow ….Grief
112. Sorting ….Triage
113. Sound ….Knell
114. Spine ….Backbone
115. Splendid ….Wonderful
116. Spoil ….Scuttle
117. Spontaneous ….Instinctive, automatic, natural
118. Sporadic ….Intermittent, scattered
119. Sprint ….Dash
120. Squeeze ….Compress
121. Stage ….Juncture
122. Stagnate ….Vegetate
123. Stain ….Blemish, tarnish
124. Standard score ….Z score
125. Startled ….Frightened, shocked
126. Sterile ….Barren, impotent
127. Stomach ….Belly
128. Stranger ….Immigrant, guest
129. Stream ….Wadi
130. Stroll ….Mosey
131. Stroll ….Walk
132. Strong woman ….Virago
133. Strong ….Healthy
134. Strong ….Robust
135. Struggle ….Conflict
136. Stubborn ….Obdurate
137. Stubborn ….Obstinate
138. Stupidity ….Inanity
139. Stylish ….Rakish
140. Stylish ….Urbane
141. Subdue ….Vanquish
142. Submit ….Conform
143. Subsequent ….Following, succeeding, latter
144. Subtract ….Deduct
145. Succeed ….Follow
146. Succeed ….Win
147. Success ….Victory
148. Sufficient ….Ample, enough, adequate
149. Sufficient ….Enough
150. Sugar ….Xylose
151. Sullen ….Gloomy
152. Support ….Undergird
153. Swamp ….Quagmire
154. Swindle ….Scam
155. Sword ….Shaped:…. Xiphoid
156. Symptom ….Manifestation
157. Syrupy ….Treacly
Synonym Words list with T,U,V
1. Tactic ….Maneuver
2. Take shape ….Jell
3. Tall ….High, lofty
4. Tame ….Docile
5. Teacher ….Mentor
6. Tender ….Bid
7. Tender ….Gentle
8. Tendon ….Ligament
9. Tenement ….Apartment, digs
10. Termagant ….Xanthe
11. Termagant ….Xanthippe
12. Terrible ….Dreadful
13. Terse ….Incisive, compact
14. Thankfulness ….Gratitude
15. Thing ….Object
16. Threat ….Jeopardy
17. Thrifty ….Frugal, prudent
18. Thriving ….Prosperous
19. Throng ….Assembly, crowd
20. Throw away ….Jettison
21. Timbre ….Resonance
22. Timely ….Well timed
23. Timid ….Bashful
24. Tip ….Gratuity
25. Tirade ….Jeremiad
26. Tire ….Fatigue
27. To appoint ….To nominate
28. To assess ….To evaluate
29. To function ….To operate
30. To grumble ….To grouse
31. To infer ….To deduce
32. To relate ….To narrate
33. To seize ….To grab
34. To set up ….To establish
35. Tocology ….Xenogeny
36. Tools ….Kit
37. Transform ….Transmute
38. Transparent hem ….Kunzite
39. Transplant ….Xenografts
40. Tremble ….Quake
41. Trenchant ….Assertive, forceful
42. Trendy ….Zeitgeisty
43. Trifle ….Tchotchkes
44. Triplet ….Trilogy
45. Trust ….Believe
46. Truthful ….Honest
47. Type ….Ilk
48. Tyro ….Beginner, riotous
49. Unassailable ….Impregnable
50. Unbiased ….Impartial, unprejudiced, fair
51. Unclear ….Opaque
52. Unclear ….Vague
53. Unconscious ….Oblivious
54. Unconventional ….Maverick
55. Uncouth ….Boorish, clownish
56. Under ….Below
57. Understand ….Comprehend
58. Unlettered ….Uneducated
59. Unsafe ….Dangerous
60. Unthinkable ….Taboo
61. Untoward ….Untoward
62. Unyielding ….Adamant
63. Uproar ….Hue and cry
64. Urchin ….Foundling, orphan
65. Urge ….Incite, implore
66. Useful ….Handy
67. Usual ….Normal
68. Usual ….Ordinary
69. Vain ….Arrogant, egoistic
70. Valid ….Legitimate
71. Validate ….Justify
72. Valley ….Vale
73. Valor ….Bravery, prowess
74. Vast ….Enormous
75. Vast ….Huge
76. Veteran ….Ingenious, experienced
77. Victor ….Winner
78. View ….Vista
79. Vigilant ….Cautious, alert
80. Vigor ….Verve
81. Virulent ….Sandbagger
82. Voluntary ….Optional
Synonym Words list with W,X,Y, Z
1. War ….Jihad
2. Warm ….Hot
3. Waste ….Litter
4. Wavy ….Undulate
5. Weak ….Feeble
6. Weird ….Bizarre
7. Welcoming ….Hospitable
8. Wet ….Humid
9. White vitriol ….Zinc vitriol
10. Wholly ….Entirely
11. Wide ….Broad
12. Widespread ….Prevalent
13. Winsome ….Beautiful, comely
14. Withdraw ….Quit
15. Wooden ….Xyloid
16. Woody plant ….Xylems
17. Woody ….Xyloid
18. Working ….Busy
19. Worthless ….Nugatory
20. Wrong ….Incorrect, untrue, mistaken
21. Yellowish ….Xanthic
22. Yielding ….Passive

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