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Mad Electricity

1. How many patents did Tesla have? Over 200 patents

2. Who took charge of Tesla’s papers after he died? The United States government

3. What is a Tesla coil? It is a giant electrical pump.

4. How does the Tesla coil work? The energy passes the current a small primary coil.

5. How did Tesla propose to wirelessly provide the world with electricity? The world just

had to be close enough to the Tesla coil to receive energy.

6. How many volts did Tesla’s coil in Colorado produce? More than 12 million volts.

7. What did Tesla want to do with the towers? He wanted to send radio signals.

8. What happened on December 12, 1901? Tesla was working while someone else did what

he had been trying to do, they send an radio signal across the Atlantic.

9. How large does a Tesla coil need to be to transmit wireless electricity? 12 feet wide

and 30 feet tall.

10. When did the Supreme Court grant Tesla patent rights for radio? June 21, 1943.

11. What do we use induction motors for? The standard electric motor in the world.

12. How does an induction motor work? Energizing coils of wire around a stationary frame,

called a starter.

13. Who gave Tesla his first job in America? Thomas Edison

14. What was the problem with DC power versus AC power? DC power was too chaotic and

took up too much space, while AC power could deliver the same amount of energy with

a small more organized system.

15. How much did Westinghouse pay for Tesla’s patents? $60,000

16. What was the first all electric fair in history? Chicago world fair

17. How did Tesla get around Edison’s light bulb patents? Tesla made a new light bulb with

a ground glass stopper in the bottom.

18. What did Tesla invent in 1898 that we use in all cars? Electrical Igniter for gas

19. What was the first remote control device? radio boat

20. When did Tesla propose the use of radio waves to determine positions? In 1917

21. What principle is the oscillator machine based on? If the frequency of the object

being shaken up is matched with something outside of the object, this could cause the

object to collapse.

22. What is Tesla’s “Death Ray”? This is a laser like object where there is a small point

and energy is going in that small point causing things to blow up.

23. Where are Nikola Tesla’s papers now? At the Nikola Tesla Museum.

24.What types of renewable energy did Tesla experiment with and champion? Solar

energy, Cosmic Rays, Geothermal Power.

25.Why is Tesla’s bulb more efficient than Edison’s incandescent bulb? Edison's bulb

produced more heat than light, while Tesla had his new light bulb powered by gas.

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