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Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

Solved Problems on Beam-Column

1) Check the adequacy of a 203 x 203 x 46 UKC with steel grade S-275 as shown in figure
below to resist combined bending and compression

Properties of 203 x 203 x 46 UKC section

h = 203.2 mm. dw = 160.8 mm b = 203.6 mm.

ft = 11 mm. tw = 7.2 mm. r = 10.2 mm

iy = 8.82 cm iz = 5.13 cm. A = 58.7 cm2

Wely = 450 cm3 Welz = 152 cm3 Wpl,y = 497 cm3

Wpl,z = 213 cm3 IT = 22.2 cm4 Iw = 0.143 dm6

Step - 1. Classification of section

For outstand element flange

Steel ratio ε = √ =√ = 0.92

( )
For class 1 limit: = 9 ∈ => 8 < 9 x 0.92 = 8< 8.28

the flange is satisfy class I condition

Internal element of web

For class 2 limit: = = 22.33 and α = 0.5[1+ ]

= 0.5 x [1 + ] = 1.35

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

For α > 0.5, = => 22.33 < 25.35 ok!

The web is satisfy the class II condition

Therefor the overall class is designed for class 2

Step – 2: For uniform compression Resistance


The design resistance of the cross section for compression (

= = = 1614.3KN and = 540KN

≤ 1.0 => 0.34 < 1.0 ok!

Step- 3: Check for the cross section

The design plastic moment for the major axis (y-y)

= = x = 136.7KNm

The design plastic moment for the major axis (z-z)

= = x = 63.5KNm

Step- 4: Check for combined axial and moment resistance

+ + =

+ + = 0.72 ok!
Therefore, the section satisfies for axial and moment in both axis
Step – 5: Check axial force on bending moment capacity along both axis

For bending about y-y axis both criteria must be satisfied for the effect of the axial
compression to be neglected if:

0.25 and

0.25 X 1614.3 = 403.6 KN < 540 KN. Not ok!

As this verification fails, the second verification does no need to be carried out.
Therefore, the effect of the axial force needs to be allowed for in bending about the y-
y axis.

For bending about z-z axis, the effect of the axial compression force may be neglected

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC


= = 318.384 < 590 KN

Therefore, the effect of the axial force needs to be allowed for in bending about the z-z
Step- 6: Design plastic moment resistance reduced due to effect of the axial force may be
found using the following approximations.

( ) but

= 0.35

= but a < 0.5

= 0.24 < 0.5

( )= 100.97KNm < 136.7KNm ok!

If n
If n > a

[1 - ( )

[1 - ( ) = 62.2KNm
For members subjected to biaxial bending, the following equation is verify:

( ) +( ) ≤ 1.0 for I and H sections: α = 2; β = 5n but β ≥ 1

β = 5 x n = 5 x 0.35 = 1.75 >1 ok!

( ) +( ) = 0.169 < 1.0 ok!

Therefore, the section is adequate for the resistance to combined bending and axial force

Step - 7: Verification of the stability of the member

7.1: Buckling Resistance

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

for class 1 and 2

= 93.9 ε = 93.9 x 0.92 = 86.39

Slenderness ration for flexural buckling ̅ = √ = ( )√

Buckling about major axis (y-y)

̅ =( )√ 0.65 ≥ 0.2 and = 0.34> 0.04

Hence buckling resistance need to be calculated and the appropriate buckling curve
depends on h/ b and steel grade determined as follow:

= = 0.999 < 1.2 and tf = 11mm < 100mm

Therefore, refer buckling curve b for y-y axis αy = 0.34
Reduction factor (𝜒y)

χy =
√ ̅

= 0.5[1 + ( ̅ – 0.2) + ̅

= 0.5[1 + 0.34(0.65 – 0.2) + ] = 0.78

χy = = 0.82 <1.0

Buckling about minor axis (z-z)

̅ =( )√ = 1.13 and = 034> 0.04

Hence buckling resistance need to be calculated and the appropriate buckling curve
depends on h/ b and steel grade determined as follow:

= = 0.999 < 1.2 and tf = 11mm < 100mm

Therefore, refer buckling curve C for z-z axis αy = 0.49
Reduction factor (𝜒y)

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

Χz =
√ ̅

= 0.5[1 + ( ̅ – 0.2) +̅̅̅

= 0.5[1 + 0.49(1.13 – 0.2) + ] = 1.37

Χz = = 0.47 < 1.0

Take the least value χ = 0.47

= = = 758.69KNm > 540KNm Ok!

Therefore, the section is adequate for the resistance for flexural bucking
7.2: Lateral torsional
≤ => bending about major axis
Reduction factor for slenderness (𝜒LT) for general case

𝜒 = and

= 0.5[1 + ( ̅ – 0.2) + ̅

For doubly symmetrical sections with ‘normal support’ conditions at the ends of the
member and a linear bending moment diagram Mcr may be determined from:

= C1 √

= 1283364.399

= = 9237.72

= 81000*22.2* = 1.798* and

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

C1 = 1.77 for Ψ = 0 see page 29 ppt

= 1.77* √

= 345.7KNm

Slenderness ration for lateral torsional ̅ = √ but for class 1 and 2

=> ̅ =√ =√ = 0.63 > 0.4

Hence buckling resistance need to be calculated and the appropriate buckling curve
depends on h/ b and steel grade determined as follow:

= = 0.999 < 1.2

Therefore, refer buckling curve b for both axis αy = 0.34

= 0.5[1 + 0.34(0.63 – 0.2) + ] = 0.77

𝜒 = = 1.03 > 1

Then, 𝜒 = 1.0

= = = 136.7KNm > 100.97 > 40KNm Ok!

Step – 9: Check for uniform members in bending and axial compression

+ +

+ +

kyy, kzz, KZY and KYZ are interaction factors

From the bending moment diagram for both y-y and z-z axis ψ = 0. Then the equivalent
uniform moment factor for uniform loading Cmy, Cmz and CMlT = is equal to 0.6 + 0.4ψ ≥
0.4 (see table B – 1 in appendix, page No. 97)
Therefore, cmy = cmz = cmLT = 0.6 + (0.4 x 0) = 0.6

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

For members susceptible to torsional deformations, the below expressions are used. Because
the section is universal I section.

= {1+ ( ̅ – 0.2) ( 𝜒 ) {1 + 0.8( 𝜒 )}

= 0.6{1+ (0.65– 0.2) ( ) {1 + 0.8( )} = 0.8

Therefore = 0.71

= {1+ ( ̅ – 0.6) ( ) {1 + 1.4( 𝜒 )}


= 0.6{1+ (2 x 1.13 – 0.6) ( ) {1 + 1.4( )}

= 1.2
Therefore = 1.2
= 0.6 X = 0.6 x 1.2 = 0.72

As ̅ 0.4, =1– ( ) (𝜒 ) 1– ( ) (𝜒 )

= 1– ( )( ) = 0.77 1 – ( )( ) = 0.8

Therefore = 0.8
Substituting the values in above equation

+ 0.71 x + 0.72 x

+ 0.8 x + 1.2 x

Therefore, the section is adequate under combined axial, bending and lateral torsional but critical

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

2) Design the column between axis A and B shown in Figure below for S275 steel
grade which carry the design axial compression load of 377KN and design factor
loads ( ) in the form of reaction from beam 1, 2 and 3 are 37 KN, 147 KN and 28
KN respectively. Assume the column is continuous and nominally pinned at the
base. Also the beams are connected to the column flange by flexible end plates

Section X – X

Step-1: - Determine design loads

 Design compression load Ned = 377KN (given)
 Total axial load = 37 + 147 + 28 + 377 = 589 KN
Step – 3:- Required area of section, assume the section is Class 1 or 2

= = = = = 2141.81mm2 = 21.45cm2

Let’s select trial section 203 x 203 x 46 UKC section having growth area of 58.7cm2 and
has the following properties
Properties of 203 x 203 x 46 UKC section

h = 203.2 mm. dw = 160.8 mm b = 203.6 mm.

ft = 11 mm. tw = 7.2 mm. r = 10.2 mm

iy = 8.82 cm iz = 5.13 cm. A = 58.7 cm2

Wely = 450 cm3 Welz = 152 cm3 Wpl,y = 497 cm3

Wpl,z = 213 cm3 IT = 22.2 cm4 Iw = 0.143 dm6

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

Step – 3:- Required Bending moment from major and minor axis due to eccentrically
loaded reaction force
 MyEd = 147 x 203.2/2 = 14.93 KNm
 MzEd = (37-28) x 7.2/2 = 0.0324 KNm

Step – 4: Classification of section

For outstand element flange

Steel ratio ε = √ =√ = 0.92

( )
For class 1 limit: = 9 ∈ => 8 < 9 x 0.92 = 8< 8.28

the flange is satisfy class I condition

Internal element of web

For class 2 limit: = = 22.33 and α = 0.5[1+ ]

= 0.5 x [1 + ] = 1.43

For α > 0.5, = => 22.33 < 23.84 ok!

The web is satisfy the class 2 condition

Therefor the overall class is designed for class 2

Step – 5: For uniform compression Resistance


The design resistance of the cross section for compression (

= = = 1614.3KN and = 540KN

≤ 1.0 => 0.365 < 1.0 ok!

Step- 6: Check for the cross section

The design plastic moment for the major axis (y-y)

= = x = 136.7KNm

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

The design plastic moment for the major axis (z-z)

= = x = 63.5KNm

Step- 7: Check for combined axial and moment resistance

+ + =

+ + = 0.46 ok!
Therefore, the section satisfies for axial and moment in both axis
Step – 8: Check axial force on bending moment capacity along both axis

For bending about y-y axis both criteria must be satisfied for the effect of the axial
compression to be neglected if:

0.25 and

0.25 X 1614.3 = 403.6 KN < 540 KN. Not ok!

As this verification fails, the second verification does no need to be carried out.
Therefore, the effect of the axial force needs to be allowed for in bending about the y-
y axis.

For bending about z-z axis, the effect of the axial compression force may be neglected

= = 318.384 < 590 KN

Therefore, the effect of the axial force needs to be allowed for in bending about the z-z

Step- 9: Design plastic moment resistance reduced due to effect of the axial force may be
found using the following approximations.

( ) but

= 0.365

= but a < 0.5

= 0.24 < 0.5

( )= 97.9KNm < 136.7KNm ok!

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

If n
If n > a

[1 - ( )

[1 - ( ) = 61.6KNm
For members subjected to biaxial bending, the following equation is verify:

( ) +( ) ≤ 1.0 for I and H sections: α = 2; β = 5n but β ≥ 1

β = 5 x n = 5 x 0.365 = 1.85 >1 ok!

( ) +( ) = 0.023 < 1.0 ok!

Therefore, the section is adequate for the resistance to combined bending and axial force

Step - 10: Verification of the stability of the member

10.1: Buckling Resistance

for class 1 and 2

= 93.9 ε = 93.9 x 0.92 = 86.39

Slenderness ration for flexural buckling ̅ = √ = ( )√

Buckling about major axis (y-y)

̅ =( )√ 0.65 ≥ 0.2 and = 0.365 > 0.04

Hence buckling resistance need to be calculated and the appropriate buckling curve
depends on h/ b and steel grade determined as follow:

= = 0.999 < 1.2 and tf = 11mm < 100mm

Therefore, refer buckling curve b for y-y axis αy = 0.34

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

Reduction factor (𝜒y)

χy =
√ ̅

= 0.5[1 + ( ̅ – 0.2) + ̅

= 0.5[1 + 0.34(0.65 – 0.2) + ] = 0.78

χy = = 0.82 <1.0

Buckling about minor axis (z-z)

̅ =( )√ = 1.13 and = 0365> 0.04

Hence buckling resistance need to be calculated and the appropriate buckling curve
depends on h/ b and steel grade determined as follow:

= = 0.999 < 1.2 and tf = 11mm < 100mm

Therefore, refer buckling curve C for z-z axis αy = 0.49
Reduction factor (𝜒y)

Χz =
√ ̅

= 0.5[1 + ( ̅ – 0.2) +̅̅̅

= 0.5[1 + 0.49(1.13 – 0.2) + ] = 1.37

Χz = = 0.47 < 1.0

Take the least value χ = 0.47

= = = 761.3KNm > 589KNm Ok!

Therefore, the section is adequate for the resistance for flexural bucking

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

10.2: Lateral torsional

≤ => bending about major axis
Reduction factor for slenderness (𝜒LT) for general case

𝜒 = and

= 0.5[1 + ( ̅ – 0.2) + ̅

For doubly symmetrical sections with ‘normal support’ conditions at the ends of the
member and a linear bending moment diagram Mcr may be determined from:

= C1 √

= 1283364.399

= = 9237.72

= 81000*22.2* = 1.798* and

C1 = 1.77 for Ψ = 0 see page 29 ppt

= 1.77* √

= 345.7KNm

Slenderness ration for lateral torsional ̅ = √ but for class 1 and 2

=> ̅ =√ =√ = 0.63 > 0.4

Hence buckling resistance need to be calculated and the appropriate buckling curve
depends on h/ b and steel grade determined as follow:

= = 0.999 < 1.2

Therefore, refer buckling curve b for both axis αy = 0.34

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

= 0.5[1 + 0.34(0.63 – 0.2) + ] = 0.77

𝜒 = = 1.03 > 1

Then, 𝜒 = 1.0

= = = 136.7KNm > 100.97 > 14.93KNm Ok!

Step – 11: Check for uniform members in bending and axial compression

+ +

+ +

kyy, kzz, KZY and KYZ are interaction factors

From the bending moment diagram for both y-y and z-z axis ψ = 0. Then the equivalent
uniform moment factor for uniform loading Cmy, Cmz and CMlT = is equal to 0.6 + 0.4ψ ≥ 0.4
(see table B – 1 in appendix, page No. 97)
Therefore, cmy = cmz = cmLT = 0.6 + (0.4 x 0) = 0.6

For members susceptible to torsional deformations, the below expressions are used. Because
the section is universal I section.

= {1+ ( ̅ – 0.2) ( 𝜒 ) {1 + 0.8( 𝜒 )} From table B- 1 Page

no. 69, EBCS 2015

= 0.6{1+ (0.65– 0.2) ( ) {1 + 0.8( )} =

Therefore = 0.73

= {1+ ( ̅ – 0.6) ( ) {1 + 1.4( 𝜒 )}


= 0.6{1+ (2 x 1.13 – 0.6) ( ) {1 + 1.4( )}

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

Adama Science and Technology University Department of Civil Engineering 2022 GC

= 1.25
Therefore = 1.25
= 0.6 X = 0.6 x 1.25 = 0.75

As ̅ 0.4, =1– ( ) (𝜒 ) 1– ( ) (𝜒 )

= 1– ( )( ) = 0.75 1– ( )( ) = 0.78

Therefore = 0.78
Substituting the values in above equation

+ 0.73 + x

+ +

Therefore, the section is adequate under combined axial, bending and lateral torsional.

Steel and Timber Structure By: Melkamu E. (M.Sc.)

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