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Listening Quiz: Guffey/Loewy, Essentials of Business Communication, 12e

Listening Quiz


How good are you at listening? This interactive quiz enables you to quickly compare your own listening behaviors
with behaviors normally thought to be associated with exceptionally good listening skills.

Indicate your response next to each Listening Quiz question using the following scale:

4 = Always
3 = Most of the time
2 = Some of the time
1 = Rarely


1. I remind myself that listening is an opportunity to learn something.
2. I make myself listen even when the subject fails to interest me.
3. I make myself listen even if I fear that the speaker is a moron.
4. I focus on the speaker's ideas and not on appearance or mannerisms.
5. I try to understand the speaker's feelings as well as their words.
6. I wait for the speaker to finish before forming an opinion.
7. I make sure I understand the speaker's point of view before responding.
8. I show that I am engaged by maintaining eye contact, nodding, and leaning forward.
9. I am relaxed, calm, and patient when listening.
10. I do not interrupt the speaker.
11. I take notes if I must remember points being made.
12. I capitalize on lag time by reviewing in my mind the speaker's main ideas.
13. I ask nonthreatening questions to ensure that I understand.
14. I often paraphrase what I hear to be sure I have heard it correctly.
15. I do not allow distractions to divert my attention.


Now that you’ve answered all the Listening Quiz Questions, add up the number from each of your responses to
obtain a total score.

See scale below to see how you rate:

 50-60 Excellent! You have exceptional listening skills.
 40-49 Above average, but you could improve your skills.
 30-39 Your score is promising, but you could greatly improve.
 15-29 You need serious listening training.

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