Financial Assistance

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We are a family of four, me, my mother, my father and my brother. My father runs a small business .

My mother looks after the household and I help her with it. My mother can't take up a job since she has
a slip disc and even basic physical work around the house can be a real challenge for her sometimes. My
father has business but it hasn't been going well for us for a few years now, he has not been able to
regularly get contracts and when he does in fact get an assignment, most of the payment is used up to
pay back the various loans, educational fees and household expenses. We are only able to make the
ends meet. In fact, if it wasn't for the kindness of my maternal grandparents, my maternal uncle and one
of my mother's friends, my parents wouldn’t have been even able to put me and my brother through

To help out my family, I tutor two kids and earn rupees 3000 a month. This money is used up for
household expenses. I am a full-time student at a local college in my city. The quality of education is
certainly not up to the mark but maintaining a minimum of 75 per cent attendance is compulsory
otherwise I won't be able to take my exams, hence I have to attend most of the classes no matter what.
So with attending classes full time, helping my mother around the house, and giving tuition, it is not
possible for me to get another job. And with the current income we are barely able to manage daily
expenses so paying for an extra course is really not possible for me right now.

We are a family of four, consisting of my father, mother, younger brother, and me. My father is the sole earner of the family, and my mother
manages the household, but her slip disc makes it challenging for her to perform even basic physical tasks. My father's business has been
struggling for a few years now, and even when he secures contracts, most of the income goes towards loan repayments, educational
expenses, household costs, and medical bills. Three years ago, we found out that my father's kidneys have a much lower gross filtration rate
than what is considered healthy, which requires ongoing treatment that has turned out to be very expensive.

To make ends meet, I tutor two children and earn Rs. 5000 per month, but the majority of the amount goes towards meeting our expenses.
We have been fortunate enough to receive generous support from my maternal grandparents, uncle, and mother's friend, without whom my
parents would have struggled to put my brother and me through school. Currently, I am a full-time engineering student at a local college,
where I am required to maintain at least 75% attendance to be eligible to sit for exams. Despite the poor quality of education, I attend most
classes no matter what, in addition to helping my mother with household chores and tutoring. Given our financial situation, it is not feasible
for me to pay for an extra course. Therefore, I am seeking financial assistance to pursue this online course, which I believe will help me gain
the necessary skills and knowledge to improve my employment prospects and support my family in the long run.

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