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Assignment / Project: Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design

In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to apply the principles and methodologies of Object-
Oriented System Analysis and Design (OOSAD) to propose an information system solution for a
selected project. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of OOSAD
concepts and your ability to apply them in real-world scenarios.
Identifying and Selecting Systems Development Project using Techniques from system planning, and
try to propose an Information system solution based on the OOSAD principles and methodologies.
Please prepare your documentation incorporating the following:

• Give us a general introduction about your selected project including background, objective, and
Problem Statement:

• Identify the problems associated with the current manual or traditional working methods in the
chosen organization or business context. Explain the challenges and inefficiencies that the
proposed system aims to address.
Proposed System Overview:

• Describe how your proposed system will function and how it will help solve the identified
problems. Clearly define the scope of the system, including the specific areas of the
organization or business that will be addressed.
Functional Requirements:

• Identify the functional requirements of the proposed system and list the business functions it
will cover. Ensure that the requirements are aligned with the objectives of the project and
address the identified problems effectively.
Use Case Diagram:

• Identify the list of use cases in the proposed system and the actors involved. Draw the use case
diagram to visually represent the interactions between users and the system. Provide a use case
description table detailing the purpose and steps of each use case.
Dynamic Modeling:

• Create sequence diagrams for the identified use cases to illustrate the interactions between
objects and the sequence of actions. Additionally, draw activity diagrams to depict the flow of
activities within the system.
Class Diagram:

• Identify the classes and their properties/methods relevant to the proposed system. Draw the
class diagram to represent the structure and relationships between the classes.

Submission Guidelines:
✓ Form groups with a maximum of 6 students per group.
✓ Submit your documentation by the final exam for the course.
✓ Ensure that your submission is well-organized, clear, and demonstrates a thorough
understanding of OOSAD principles.

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