2024 DFL State Convention Proposed Agenda

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Call to Order - Time Certain – Friday, May 31 at 4 PM

Flag Ceremony
National Anthem
Pledge of Allegiance
Land Acknowledgement
Welcome Speeches
Affirmative Action, Outreach, and Inclusion Statement
Credentials Report I
Election of Convention Co-Chairs
Rules Committee Report – Permanent Rules
Rules Committee Report – Adoption of Agenda
Explanation of Platform Process

Reconvene - Time Certain: Saturday, June 1 at 10:00 AM

Credentials Report II
Endorsement for U.S. Senator
Outreach and Inclusion Committee Report
Ratification of Jules Goldstein as Chair Emeritus
Platform Report
Comment and Advocacy - 30 Minutes - Resolutions #1-36
Credentials Report III
Election of 2 Presidential Electors and 2 Alternates
*Amendments to platform resolutions (including at least 120 signatures) must be submitted to the convention secretary by
June 1, 12:00 PM to be added to the list for potential consideration*
Constitution Committee Report
Comment and Advocacy - 30 Minutes - Resolutions #37-72
Election of 4 DNC Members
Debate on Amendments to Platform Resolutions - 60 Minutes
In Memoriam
Comment and Advocacy - 30 Minutes - Resolutions #73-113
Platform Ballot Opens and will remain open until Noon on June 2, 2024
Voting Period for Platform Ballot - 30 Minutes

*Statements of candidacy for national delegate candidates must be submitted by June 2, at 8:30 AM*
Reconvene - Time Certain: Sunday, June 2 at 10:00 AM
Credentials Report IV
Election of 10 PLEO National Convention Delegates - Time Certain: June 2 at 10:30 AM
Election of 16 At-Large National Convention Delegates
Election of 6 National Convention Alternates
Other Business
[All National Delegates and Alternates]
Call to order by DFL Chair – immediately after convention adjournment.
Prayer Times:
Friday - 5:18 PM, 8:56 PM, 10:58 PM
Saturday - 1:07 PM, 5:18 PM, 8:57 PM, 10:59 PM
Sunday - 1:07 PM, 5:19 PM, 8:58 PM
Note: Convention Chairs may allow speakers to address the convention and recess at their discretion.
Note for National Convention Delegates: On Sunday, you must attend a mandatory meeting following the convention to
complete business as required by the Minnesota National Delegate Selection Plan.

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