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The DFL Platform Committee’s Report to the 2024 State Convention

Amend Ongoing Platform

Energy & Climate
1. Nuclear Power
The Ongoing Platform says:
We Support:
● Increased use of renewable energy sources
● Aggressive energy conservation in transportation, commercial, industrial, residential, and
government sectors.
● Decreasing dependence on nuclear power.

Amend the Ongoing Platform by deleting the phrase, “Decreasing dependence on nuclear
power.” Vote [Yes] to delete. Vote [No] to retain in the Ongoing Platform [5 OUs, 4 CDs]

Action Agenda Resolutions

The Minnesota DFL:

2. Livable Wage
Supports a livable wage being established as a minimum standard of compensation for all
workers in Minnesota based on the local cost of living. [ 18 OUs, 8 CDs]
3. Teacher pension
Supports investments to fully fund teacher pensions and increase the flexibility for
retirement, including the "Rule of 90". [12 OUs, 7 CDs]
4. Worker Strike Benefits
Supports unemployment insurance benefits to workers on strike, including both permanent
and temporary workers. [11 OUs, 7 CDs]
5. Strong Unions
Supports Minnesota as a state where everyone is able to live a secure healthy and happy life,
where all workers have the freedom to join together in strong unions to build a brighter future
for our families and our communities. [ 11 OUs, 7 CDs]
6. Oppose Right to Work
Supports the continuation of Minnesota as a non "Right to Work" state and supports the
federal "Protecting the Right to Organize Act.” [8 OUs, 7 CDs]
7. Better Teacher Pay
Supports direct investments in the compensation of Minnesota public educators, including a
starting wage of $60,000 for teachers and a minimum wage of $25 per hour; and higher
compensation for permanent faculty in the state colleges and universities. [ 8 OUs, 8 CDs]

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8. Educator Health Insurance PEIP
Supports providing affordable, reliable health insurance to educators by strengthening the
Public Employees Insurance Program, and advocating for policies that make health insurance
more affordable for all. [6 OUs, 4 CDs]
9. Worker Misclassification
Supports legislation that uses the pro-worker presumption of employment; the ABC test to
ensure Minnesota workers are properly classified and can enjoy all the rights, protections,
and benefits they deserve as employees. [7 OUs, 5 CDs]
10. Regional Food Systems
Supports the development of regional food systems that provide nourishing foods,
investments in small business development, food processing infrastructure such as small-
scale meat processing, and marketing of goods and specialty crops that have environmental
and economic benefits. [22 OUs, 6 CDs]
11. Regenerative Agricultural Support
Supports direct financial support to farmers, research, technical assistance and education to
rapidly implement a regenerative food and farming system that fosters successful small and
midsized farms and rural and urban communities. This includes establishing perennial crops,
rotational grazing and small scale livestock systems, cover crops, and no-till farming.
[ 21 OUs, 7 CDs]
12. CO2 Pipeline Ban
Opposes CO2 pipeline construction and operation in rural Minnesota. [ 11 OUs, 7 CDs]
13. Source Separated Organics
Supports the development of community based "source-separated organics" (SSO) waste
programs to allow diversion of organic wastes from landfills toward productive uses and to
conserve landfill space. [ 7 OUs, 4 CDs]
14. Soil Health
Supports establishing and fully investing in a comprehensive soil health program that
provides accessible grants and direct payments to farmers to implement and sustain soil-
healthy practices, and that provides education, technical assistance, and research.
[ 6 OUs, 5 CDs]
15. Plant-Based Food Options
Supports a plant-based option, upon student request, as part of the Free School Meals
Program. [6 OUs, 5 CDs]
16. Nitrate Contamination in Ground Water
Supports the revision of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) feedlot rules to
address nitrate contamination in groundwater, caused by poor animal management practices
contributing to unsafe water quality in greater Minnesota. We support holding large-scale
livestock operations accountable for pollution's cost to the environment and communities.
[ 6 OUs, 4 CDs]

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17. Pollinator Habitat Protection
Supports comprehensive measures to safeguard pollinators such as the implementation of
pollinator-friendly agricultural practices, recognizing the vital role these species play in crop
pollination and sustaining our food supply and ecosystem health. [ 5 OUs, 4 CDs]
18. Rural Housing Shortage
Encourages the passage of legislation that addresses the shortage of available housing, affordable, and
traditional in rural Minnesota. [29 OUs, 8 CDs]

19. Affordable Housing

Supports State & local government to require investment in affordable housing for renters as well as
for lower income 1st time home buyers. [ 26 OUs, 8 CDs]

20. Green New Deal

Supports a Green New Deal to rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions and provide an equitable energy
future, renewable electricity, affordable housing, multi-modal transportation options, and clean
energy jobs. [22 OUs, 8 CDs]

21. No Lead in Drinking Water

Supports ensuring safe drinking water in all Minnesota homes by mapping and replacing all lead
water pipes by 2033. [ 19 OUs, 8 CDs]

22. Publicly Financed Housing

Supports critically needed investments in housing infrastructure and ensures that all forms of public
financing include high-road labor standards, greater levels of transparency and project owner
accountability. [13 OUs, 8 CDs]

23. Energy Infrastructure

Supports policies for all housing initiatives to utilize more efficient mechanical building systems,
intelligent sensors for lighting and climate control, low-flow plumbing fixtures, heat pumps, and solar
arrays. [ 11 OUs, 6 CDs]

24. Job Training Clean Energy

Supports the development and implementation of clean energy job training, mentorship, and job
placement programs for people with limited resources. [ 7 OUs, 5 CDs]

25. Automated Solar Permitting Process (APP+)

Urges the MN Legislature to pass the Solar APP+ (Automated Permitting Process) bill to provide
financial incentives for cities that want to expand solar by improving permitting using Solar APP+.
[7 OUs, 5 CDs]

26. Housing, Homeless

Supports investing in robust emergency housing programs - both preventative and responsive - to
assist people who experience homelessness. Increase access to housing for more Minnesotans and
support ongoing investments to develop additional housing that is permanently affordable.
[ 5 OUs, 5 CDs]

27. Utility Accountability

Supports legislation, like the Utility Accountability Bill, to increase transparency in the
private management of public infrastructure, and to prohibit the use of customer funds,
directly or indirectly, for political influence campaigns. [6 OUs, 4 CDs]

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28. Reduce or Eliminate Use of Unsafe Neonicotinoid Pesticides
Supports policies to reduce or eliminate the use of unsafe pesticides (e.g., glyphosate,
neonicotinoids, chlorpyrifos) in agriculture and recreational land or lawns; require businesses
selling plants disclose if their plants have been treated with neonicotinoids; and urge the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to prohibit
neonicotinoid use. [ 25 OUs, 8 CDs]

29. Ban Toxic and Carcinogenic Substances

Supports banning toxic and known carcinogens (cancer causing), endocrine disrupting and
neuro-toxicants in consumer goods beginning on January 1, 2026. [ 21 OUs, 7 CDs]

30. Oppose Efforts to Weaken or Circumvent Environmental Laws

Opposes any effort to weaken or circumvent or evade state or federal environmental laws or
protections involving administrative procedures and permitting regarding environmental
regulation and support protections. [ 20 OUs, 8 CDs]

31. Extend Producer Responsibility, Reduce and Prohibit Plastics in Packaging

Supports extended producer responsibility for plastic, requiring producers to collect 70% of
the plastic packaging they generate within five years, and reduce the plastic packaging they
produce by 50% within ten years. Prohibit all toxic substances and materials in plastic
packaging, and ban or significantly reduce single-use plastics. [ 19 OUs, 7 CDs]

32. Conserve, Manage and Protect Aquifers

Supports new groundwater laws, regional management, and state oversight of aquifers to
assure that conservation measures are followed, surface waters are protected, and future
demand does not exceed the aquifer's capacity for recharge amid climate change and regional
population growth. [ 17 OUs, 8 CDs]

33. Prohibit Lead Ammunition and Fishing Tackle

Supports the prohibition of lead ammunition and fishing tackle. [ 17 OUs, 7 CDs]

34. Accelerate Protection and Restoration of Forests, Prairies and Wetlands

Supports accelerated action to protect, restore, and improve management of forests, prairies,
and wetlands to fight climate change and preserve natural places for people and wildlife.
[ 14 OUs, 8 CDs]

35. Protect Public Land from Offroad Vehicles/ATV Impacts

Supports protecting and preserving habitat and waters on public lands from off road/all
terrain vehicle (ATV) impacts, with adequate buffer zones, environmental assessments, and
limiting access to signed trails only. [ 5 OUs, 4 CDs]

36. Copper Nickel Sulfide Mining

Supports the Minnesota Legislature holding hearings on the proposed Prove It First
legislation, and supports withholding all permits for copper nickel sulfide mines in
Minnesota until it can first be proven that such mines can be operated safely in our water rich
environment and not violate state, federal, and tribal water quality standards.
[ 72 OUs, 8 CDs]

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37. Protect, Expand State Revenue
Supports policies that protect and expand tax revenues available for public investment; and
opposes any tax cut benefiting primarily the wealthiest Minnesotans or that would
substantially impede the state's ability to fund public goods and services. [15 OUs, 7 CDs]
38. Progressive Wealth Tax
Supports a progressive wealth tax on incomes of $100 million or more that increases with
higher levels of wealth. [ 9 OUs, 7 CDs]
39. Restore E-Pull tab Funding
Supports restoration of funding to E-pull tabs that represents a significant portion of
charitable gambling statewide which in turn funds local community service programs.
[ 5 OUs, 3 CDs]
40. Sustainable Transportation
Supports development of sustainable transportation in all areas of the state, including safe
pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, mass transit improvements, streetcars, commuter rail,
light rail, buses, charging stations for electric vehicles, and reduction of air travel emissions. [
14 OUs, 8 CDs]
41. Metro Mobility
Supports expanding access to affordable, convenient public transportation, including Metro
Mobility. [5 OUs, 3 CDs]
42. Safe Water Quality
Supports policies that ensure access to clean and accessible drinking water for all
Minnesotans. [ 56 OUs, 8 CDs]
43. E-Waste
Supports providing free collection of electronic waste for all Minnesotans to increase the
electronic waste recycling rate, conserve precious metals, and keep these materials out of
traditional waste disposal streams. [ 37 OUs, 8 CDs]
44. Right to Repair Laws
Supports right-to-repair laws that protect the ability of consumers and third parties to repair
consumer electronics and agricultural equipment. [ 29 OUs, 8 CDs]
45. Packaging
Supports enactment of Extended Producer Responsibility for plastic packaging, requiring
producers to collect 70% of the plastic packaging they generate within five years, and reduce
the plastic packaging they produce by 50% within ten years. Prohibit all toxic substances and
materials in plastic packaging. [ 21 OUs, 8 CDs]
46. Scam Victims
Supports creation of a Consumer Fraud Restitution Fund to give victims a chance to recover
financially by allowing the Minnesota Attorney General to sue fraudsters and direct the
penalty money into a restitution fund for victims. [ 15 OUs, 7 CDs]

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47. Recycling Container Deposit
Supports legislation that requires beverage producers to include a deposit amount on all containers
that is charged at the time of purchase and refunded upon return. Additionally, returned containers
must be reused, or recycled, and beverage producers must fund take-back depots and other
infrastructure to collect, recycle, or reuse beverage containers. [ 7 OUs, 5 CDs]

48. 100 Skilled-Care Nursing Beds

Supports funding the repair and restoration of 100 acute care beds at the Minneapolis
Veterans Administration Hospital that were damaged in a water pipe break. [ 5 OUs, 5 CDs]
49. Fully Fund Mandates Required of Public Education
Supports providing fully sustainable funding for any and all mandates so as not to unduly
burden districts to provide these services, including, but not limited to: The Read Act, Paid
FMLA, Unemployment Insurance, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Special
Education, English Language Learning, and Safe and Sick Time. [23 OUs, 8 CDs]
50. Comprehensive Sex Education
Supports age-appropriate and science-based sex education that includes sexuality and
reproductive health for all students in public and charter schools. [12 OUs, 5 CDs]

51. Fully Fund Public Education

Supports raising taxes on the wealthiest 1% of individuals and largest corporations to fully
fund Minnesota’s public and publicly-funded charter schools. [8 OUs, 5 CDs]

52. 2-year Degree Education for All

Supports that all Minnesota residents shall be eligible for a tuition-free, 2-year associate
degree or vocational program regardless of family income. [7 OUs, 4 CDs]
53. 100% Clean Energy by 2050
Supports the rapid deployment of policies and technologies that will result in an equitable
transition from greenhouse gas to clean energy in all areas by the year 2050.
[ 34 OUs, 8 CDs]
54. Calculate Climate Impact
Supports legislation mandating the calculation of net climate impacts including external
and social costs of carbon emissions. This would result in denying funding or permits for
high-impact projects and incentivize those with significantly reduced carbon footprints.
[11 OUs, 6 CDs]
55. Declare Climate Emergency
Supports declaring a climate change emergency, and support a vigorous, multi-pronged
approach including energy conservation, air pollution controls, building resilience, and
promotion of clean resources. [ 6 OUs, 4 CDs]
56. Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure
Supports both prohibiting the future development of fossil fuel infrastructure that
significantly increases net greenhouse gas emissions, and transitioning us from existing
fossil-fuel uses as quickly as possible. [ 6 OUs, 5 CDs]

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57. State Board of Investment-Wide Range of Risks
Supports legislation that authorizes the MN State Board of Investment to include social,
climate, fossil fuel holdings, and other environmental risks, when making investment
decisions for Minnesota's civil servants and educators. [ 18 OUs, 7 CDs]
58. Local Option for Rank Choice Voting
Supports Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Local Option legislation -- allowing all cities,
counties, and school districts to adopt RCV if they wish. [ 26 OUs, 8 CDs]
59. Eliminate the Electoral College
Supports an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to eliminate the Electoral College and
replace it with a popular vote to elect the President and Vice-President. [ 18 OUs, 8 CDs]
60. PCR – Political Contribution Refund
Supports passing a statewide small donor matching program and digital modernization of the
Political Contribution Refund to strengthen our campaign finance laws. [14 OUs, 6 CDs]
61. Pollution Control Agency Citizens Board
Supports the re-establishment of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Citizens' Board to
its full capacity and authority so that Minnesotans are represented in major environmental
decision making. [ 12 OUs, 5 CDs]
62. Protect Election Officials
Supports state and local governments committing to protecting election officials if threats are
made against them, preventing the presence of those seeking to intimidate voters, actively
enforcing punishment for such activity as described by MN statute, prohibiting attempts to
impersonate election officials. [10 OUs, 3 CDs]
63. Increase Political Party Tax Check-off Amount
Supports increasing the State Elections Campaign Fund check-off amount on the Minnesota
State Income Tax form and on the Property Tax Forms from $5 to $10 per individual.
[9 OUs, 4 CDs]
64. Broadband Installation Standards
Supports raising standards for broadband installation, including requiring use of a skilled,
well-trained workforce to ensure worker and public safety, and to protect the integrity of
existing public and utility infrastructure. [ 14 OUs, 7 CDs]
65. AI Regulation
Supports strong regulation of ArtificiaI Intelligence (AI) at the federal and state level that
protects name, image, likeness, and creative work in social media and AI; and that protects
citizens and businesses from malicious use of AI. [ 9 OUs, 5 CDs]
66. Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid
Supports immediate release of hostages, immediate humanitarian aid, and an immediate
cease-fire through continued peace efforts in Gaza, as well as supporting a two-state solution
that affirms the rights of both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples each to have their own states
within safe and secure borders. [ 30 OUs, 8 CDs]

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67. Civilian Safety
The halt of human atrocities and a prioritization of civilian safety for the Palestinian and
Israeli people. [ 18 OUs, 8 CDs]
68. Ukraine
Affirms our diplomatic and military support of Ukraine to resist Russian aggression.
[18 OUs, 6 CDs]
69. Respect for Rights
Support the end of financial and military aid to Israel until it complies with international law
and respects the rights of the Palestinian people. [16 OUs, 5 CDs]
70. Palestinian Rights
Support the human rights of Palestinians. [ 11 OUs, 5 CDs]
71. Release Unjustly Held Political Prisoners
Supports Israel immediately releasing any unjustly held political prisoners. [ 10 OUs, 7 CDs]
72. Fund UNRWA
Supports funding of UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
Refugees in the Near East is a UN agency that supports the relief and human development of
Palestinian refugees.) [ 10 OUs, 6 CDs]
73. Aging in Place Services
Supports state programs and funding designed to help seniors age in place, organized to
enable community-based nonprofit senior support organizations to direct state-funded
services to individual seniors and families based on their unique needs, with increased
flexible funding to ensure a wider range of services, including building community.
[ 30 OUs, 8 CDs]
74. Silver Alert System
Supports adding a free Minnesota Silver Alert System to the existing Amber Alert System to
let communities know that an elderly citizen with mental disabilities or dementia has
wandered away from their residence and to report potential sightings of that citizen to law
enforcement. [ 10 OUs, 6 CDs]
75. Eliminate State and Federal Tax on Social Security
Supports eliminating the Federal and State tax on Social Security income. [ 8 OUs, 5 CDs]
76. Social Security Viability
Supports the elimination or increase of the cap on earnings that are subject to Social Security
taxes, in order to secure the future viability of the program. [ 5 OUs, 4 CDs]
77. Mental Health Teams
Supports funding of policies like Mental Health Teams that reduce the societal burden we
have placed upon our police officers, allowing police to focus on being peace officers.
[8 OUs, 6 CDs]

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78. Gun Violence Prevention
Supports establishing a state Office of Gun Violence Prevention, investing in evidence-based
solutions to prevent gun violence, such as community violence interventions and
strengthening support for victims and survivors of gun violence. [ 16 OUs, 8 CDs]
79. Owners Report Lost or Stolen Guns
Supports that all gun owners be required to report lost or stolen firearms to local law
enforcement. [ 10 OUs, 8 CDs]
80. Ban Assault Weapons
Supports banning the sale, purchase, transfer, loan, transportation, distribution, importation,
and manufacture of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. [23 OUs, 8 CDs]
81. Safe Storage of Firearms
Support requiring gun owners to store their firearms locked and separate from ammunition.
[ 11 OUs, 6 CDs]
82. Gender-Affirming Rights
Supports the Gender-Affirming Rights Act to protect the safety and well being of all Minnesotans
by affirming and supporting individual gender identities. [17 OUs, 6 CDs]

83. Manoomin/Psíŋ Rights, (wild rice)

Recognizes that Manoomin/Psiŋ (wild rice) is sacred and central to the culture and health of
indigenous peoples in Minnesota and critical to the health and identity of all Minnesota
citizens and ecosystems, and that it deserves protections from climate change, invasive
species, pollution, and destructive development. [ 13 OUs, 6 CDs]
84. Logan's Law
Supports the passage of Logan's Law, which would ensure that LGBTQIA2S+ families
would not have to adopt their own children conceived through artificial insemination.
[10 OUs, 7 CDs]
85. Dismantle Racial, Gender, and Economic Injustice
Is committed to taking bold action to dismantle racial, gender, and economic injustice in our
democracy, institutions, and public programs. [ 7 OUs, 5 CDs]
86. Healthcare, Universal Single-Payer
Supports legislation for a health care system that puts patients over profits, by enacting the
Minnesota Health Plan at the state level and the Medicare for All Act of 2023 at the national
level. [ 84 OUs, 8 CDs]
87. Oppose Medicare Privatization
Opposes Medicare privatization by adding benefits (vision, dental, hearing) to traditional
Medicare which is now only offered in private Medicare Advantage plans, eliminating 20%
co-pays (as needed for supplementing Part B Medicare), and recouping funds overpaid to
Advantage Plans. [ 36 OUs, 8 CDs]

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88. Limit Childcare Cost to 7% of Income
Supports funding our childcare system so that no family pays more than 7% of their annual
income for childcare, all children have access to high quality childcare, and providers have
the resources to provide living wages. [ 32 OUs, 8 CDs]
89. Oppose Healthcare Privatization
Supports the creation of a healthcare regulatory system that provides affordable, accessible,
and local, quality healthcare services based on community need and not corporate
profitability, by returning healthcare management exclusively to non-profit healthcare
organizations and by holding them fully accountable to their mission and tax-exempt status.
[ 29 OUs, 7 CDs]
90. Childcare Shortage in Rural Minnesota
Supports the passage of legislation that addresses the shortage of available child care in rural
Minnesota. [ 28 OUs, 7 CDs]
91. MNCare Public Option
Supports the enactment of a MinnesotaCare Public Option that expands coverage to all
Minnesotans not currently eligible; offers premiums on an income-based sliding scale; and
provides comprehensive coverage, including vision and dental; and which ensures a broad
network of coverage to our rural citizens. [ 27 OUs, 8 CDs]
92. Direct Payment
Supports that the State of Minnesota and the Department of Human Services directly pay
providers and terminate any existing contracts with managed care organizations (private
insurance companies) that currently administer public programs (such as Medical Assistance,
MNCare, CHIPs). [ 8 OUs, 5 CDs]
93. Nurses, Safe Staffing
Supports safe staffing legislation that sets a maximum number of patients that a registered
nurse can take care of at one time; and provides mental health support, professional
development resources, and competitive living wages that will keep Minnesota nurses
working at the bedside. [ 30 OUs, 8 CDs]
94. Medical Assistance
Supports Medical Assistance patients having the freedom to opt-out of managed care
organizations (MCO) administered Medical Assistance so patients can choose their own
health care providers and doctors. [ 13 OUs, 7 CDs]
95. Mental Health
Supports funding for mental health services for adults and children to ensure equitable access
to mental health providers and mental health resources and programming. [ 10 OUs, 6 CDs]
96. Homelessness
Supports the development and funding of a humane response to encampments that recognizes
homelessness as a public health issue. [ 9 OUs, 5 CDs]

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97. Rural Emergency Medical Services
Supports incentives, training, and funding needed to support the viability of Emergency
Medical Services in rural Minnesota. [ 7 OUs, 3 CDs]
98. Equal Rights, ERA
Supports amending the Minnesota State Constitution to add an Equal Rights Amendment that
guarantees women freedom from discrimination in word or in effect. [ 86 OUs, 8 CDs]
99. Abortion, Reproductive Rights, Roe v Wade, IVF
Supports protecting people’s rights to legal and safe abortion and reproductive health
technology and medication. Health providers in Minnesota who offer abortion and
reproductive health services will be protected in the legal system and by their employers.
[ 51 OUs, 8 CDs]
100. End of Life Options
Supports passage of the Minnesota's end of life option, affirming that terminally ill, mentally
capable adults should have the freedom and bodily autonomy to request and obtain from their
health care provider medication they may self-administer for a peaceful death.
[ 48 OUs, 8 CDs]
101. Citizens United
Supports overturning Citizens United with passage of a constitutional amendment to clarify
that money is not speech. Further we wish to clarify that corporations are not people and
should not be extended constitutional rights intended for natural persons--specifically, the
protection of political speech. [ 33 OUs, 8 CDs]
102. Book Bans
Opposes book bans at all levels of government, schools, and public libraries, especially when
targeting marginalized communities such as the LGBTQIA2S+, BIPOC communities,
disabled community, and women. [ 28 OUs, 8 CDs]
103. Christian Nationalism
Condemns white Christian nationalism in all its forms and considers it a threat to democracy
and our constitutional freedoms. The DFL is committed to the separation of church and state
and protecting the free exercise of religion. Religion should not be used to justify
discrimination. [ 25 OUs, 8 CDs]
104. Indigenous Treaty Rights
Supports the state of Minnesota upholding all of our treaties with Indigenous Minnesota
tribes, including those involving manoomin (wild rice). These treaties are defined as the
“supreme law of the land” under the U.S. Constitution. Failure to uphold treaties is
considered a violation of human rights under international law. [ 21 OUs, 8 CDs]
105. LGBTQIA2S+, Transgender Rights
Supports the Transgender Bill of Rights legislation ensuring equal access for services and
public accommodations, recognizing the right of bodily autonomy and ethical healthcare,
promoting safety, and enforcing the civil rights of transgender and non-binary people.
[ 16 OUs, 7 CDs]

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106. Redistricting Commission
Supports establishment of an independent non-partisan redistricting commission to take redistricting
out of the control of partisan legislative bodies. [ 15 OUs, 8 CDs]

107. State Board of Investment - Human Rights

Supports the Minnesota State Board of Investment divest from any country or corporation which
violates international or US laws prohibiting human rights violations, including ethnic cleansing,
illegal land appropriation, terror and violence. [ 13 OUs, 5 CDs]

108. Support the North Star Act

Supports protecting immigrants in the state of Minnesota by prohibiting state and local law
enforcement from using state resources for the purpose of civil immigration enforcement. This
includes sharing data and cooperation with DHS or ICE. [ 13 OUs, 7 CDs]

109. Academic Freedom

Supports respecting the tradition of academic freedom and reject censorship of curricula, lectures, and
campus organizations, based on unpopularity or on political pressure. [ 12 OUs, 6 CDs]

110. Antisemitism
Condemns antisemitism in all its forms, including the targeting of Jews as individuals, as a
people, or denial of the right of the state of Israel to exist, and is committed to combating
anti-Jewish bias in all of its manifestations. [ 13 OUs, 5 CDs]
111. Islamophobia
Condemns anti-Muslim activity in all its forms, including the targeting of individual Muslims
and as a people, and is committed to combating anti-Muslim bias in all of its manifestations.
[ 9 OUs6, 3 CDs]
112. Voter Rights
Supports democracy with free and fair elections. We support codifying voting rights
protections to prevent discrimination and address inequities in voting access, and codifying a
voter's standing to challenge the state, or localities, that implement new voting rules that
create inequities. [ 11 OUs, 7 CDs]
113. Immigration
Supports comprehensive immigration reform at the Federal level starting with a road to
citizenship for "dreamers," resolving the border crisis, and providing adequate funding to
adjudicate cases quickly. [ 8 OUs, 6 CDs]

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