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The Chamber of the Everchosen embodies Chaos itself, a vast city of rising towers and buildings, warped by dark energies and edifices of evil. High in the sky the clouds are radiant with veins of yellow lightning, as hues of red and orange spew from the great rip of the warp itself. The origins of this accursed place trace its beginnings to the first Dreadlords of the Infernal Hierarchy the daemonic entities known as The Bearer and the Nightbringer. Creatures of ancient times who bore witness to the collapse of the Warp Gates of the Old Ones, the rise of the First Shrine of Chaos and the subsequent crowning of each successive Everchosen. By order of the Gods themselves, the two entities forged a great palace akin to a rising citadel of awesome proportions that would serve as the bastion and throne of all Everchosens the Chamber of the Everchosen. Like a seed, the citadel grew like a fleshy mass of daemonic skin, guided by its creators. In a single day the twisting and contorting palace grew hard like stone and blackened into the fearful visage it now is. However, unlike other mortal creations, the throne room of this palace is actually a doorway to the First Shrine of Chaos, an overlapping of time and space that allows it to exist in two places at once. Centuries passed as did the Everchosens and the palace grew into a thriving city, the only one of its kind to exist in the nomadic region of the Chaos Waste. The Chamber of the Everchosen was no longer just a palace but a city, a great stronghold of powerful warriors.

The Infernal Hierarchy

The Chamber of the Everchosen is a kingdom of Chaos overruled by a ranking system known as the Infernal Hierarchy. The Dark Trinity The Dreadlords, Elders and the Gods At the head of the Infernal Hierarchy is The Dark Trinity the ruling council of the Chamber of the Everchosen. It is this body of Chaos which watches over and commands the armies of the entire city; unchallenged and unquestioned they are feared and respected by all. The name itself suggest there is only three members of the council, but this is not so. The Dark Trinity consists of the three vital bodies. The first is the Undivided powers, for it is the gods themselves that such a place exist and from whose guidance and power is drawn. The next body of the Dark Trinity are the Dreadlords; the face of the councils power, grim, mighty warriors of unsurpassed evil. They are the greatest of the Chamber of the Everchosens inhabitants, supreme commanders of its armies and highest servants of the Everchosen himself. With them the fate of the Chamber rest, for it is in their hands that the gods have invested their power to keep the Black City thriving, without them there is nothing and the city would debase into ruin. The head of this ring of lords is the Archherald, whom presides over the Dark Trinity in the Everchosens stead. His symbol of office is the End of Days a scepter craft from the bones of Khornes throne by the Daemonettes of Slaanesh who intricately carved the fate of the world in glorious detail before being swathed in the acids of Nurgle turning it as black as night. Atop the staff Tzeentch placed the Doom Flame, a miniature sun encased within a spherical cage of spikes and runes that is said to float just above the head of the staff. The Doom Flame would open the portal between First Shrine of Chaos and the Chamber upon the crowing of the Everchosen. As much a weapon as it is a key, it also functions as the omnipotent eye from which the Dark Trinity may see all they seek.

The Elders are the final component, consisting of the past, fallen Dreadlords who have been interred within the Sanctis Eternis, their bodies allowed to rest within great statues of their physical selves known as a Runic Edifice. These edifices are inscribed with daemonic runes which free their soul to walk the boundaries of this reality and the next. It is by these means that the greatest leaders of the Chamber have been able to fight on and provide wisdom and dark knowledge only the ancient dead could hope to achieve. Upon the death of a Dreadlord, a Blood Stone would be created by the Sorcerer-King by draining the dead lords blood and encapsulating it within a glass gem. This Blood Stone would then be crafted into the stone table from which the Dark Trinity holds court, so in this sense the Dreadlords are forever remembered and forever rulers alongside their counterparts. It is also not uncommon for Dreadlords to commit ritual sacrifice known as the Korocknah, whereby the lord has deemed himself ready to tread the path of the Elder, ridding himself of the flesh and entering the Sea of Chaos an open Warp Gate akin to a circular pond found in the centre of the Sanctis Eternis floor. This is a risky way of prematurely entering the rank of Elder, for the warp is a volatile and dangerous place and the Dreadlord must find his own way back to the realm of mortals without the guiding light of his Runic Edifice. Should he find his way back, then possession of an unwilling mortal will elevate him to the rank of a Living Elder one who has walked the very depths of hell, beyond time and space, who has learned the knowledge of the gods and through his own strength of will and power has returned. A mighty feat. Dreadlord, Elder and God This is the Dark Trinity of the Chamber of the Everchosen. The Exalted Guardians Surrounding the Inner Sanctum where the Dark Trinity holds court, are the Exalted Guardians. Warriors charged with the protection of the Dreadlords and the Elders of the Santic Eternis. They are unforgiving wardens who have been initiated into this exclusive rank by taking up the rite of the Ascended Fires. The rite is a personal journey of the warrior that involves walking the planes of the inner soul, to find the Chaos from within and in absolution bring it forth into ones spirit consummating the eternal bond with Chaos. In spirit the warrior is the essence of Chaos, a burning beacon of the ever consuming fires of the fell powers. Physically, the warrior is changed forever, for as the Ascended Fires consume the soul in absolution, so to is the body the Exalted Guardians are living beings of flame. They are examples of commitment and dedication and upon the successful completion of the rite, they are presented with a full suit of daemon armour and the Black Blade. These blades are awesome weapons in their own right, crafted by the Anvil Master of the Chamber they are dipped in the blood of a trapped Daemon Prince, enchanting the blade so that no reflection and no light ever gazes upon it. In times of war when one or more of the Dreadlords take to the field, the Exalted Guardians accompany them, unflinching, terrifying and unstoppable. Upon the eve of battle the Dreadlord will choose his personal champion known as the Exalted King and for the remainder of the battle will don a crown that all Exalted Guardians will recognise as the head authority of the regiment. Each crown is unique to the Dreadlord from which the Exalted King is chosen and it is for this reason that each crown is named something different. Tradition however suggests that each crown is named after its owner, for example the Dreadlord Pruflas, The Bearer, has named his crown The Exalted Crown of Pruflas. Upon the battles end the crown is returned to the Dreadlord, passed on to the next Exalted King when war rises again. As time passes on the greatest of the Exalted Guardians may be gifted by the Dark Trinity with a Talisman of Kings a great chain from which the symbol of Chaos hangs, burning with eternal witch fires. Upon receiving this gift, the guardian will again assume a mortal form, but still retain all the knowledge, power and armory of his position and let loose into the city. For what reason the Dreadlords do this, is for the most part unknown, however it is all too common for these individuals to quickly rise in the ranks of the Clan Legions and become

Warmasters powerful warriors who command the armies of the Clan Legions and who most importantly are undeniably loyal servants of the Dreadlords. The Archlords Second only to the Dreadlords, are the Archlords a ring of powerful individuals who have been given authority to preside over the many parts of the city. They are the judge and executioner and save for the Dreadlords themselves, no other is above them and no loyalty obliged. The Archlords are the mouth, ears and sword of the Dark Trinity, upholding their laws and vision to the letter. They are uncompromising and brutal in their activities, feared and held in awe by even the mighty Warmasters. Few in number, this comes as a great sigh of relief to the lesser mortals of the Chamber of the Everchosen, for life is naught but tools to them, used and replaced at will for the greater good of Chaos itself. Entire libraries of history have been rewritten because of them; censorship, purgation and death are but a fraction of what their position involves. How the Archlords are selected is a task only the Dreadlords are charged with and any individual of any rank may be chosen. Once selected, the to be Archlord will be visited by one of the Dreadlords who will offer this unique position. Rarely are they turned down and once accepted he will be given a key to the Shadows Heart, the tower where they will be inducted into the ranks of their peers. However, unlike the other Chaos warriors, the Archlords are fitted with an extremely unique armory. Tattered black robes are draped over the muscled physic of the lord, to reveal a bare chest free of armor; save for the daemon chains draped around his neck baring the Chaos Star. It is believed that such terror is reserved for these individuals that no soul would dare to attack them, giving rise to their disuse of cuirasses and armor in general. Their helmets are all the same smooth, jet black, highly polished and all enclosing. Their helmets are never removed outside the Shadows Heart, so their identities are never known and this is the way they like it for their judgments and actions are just as impartial. The only details on the helmet are three evil eyes, which glow with an eerie red haze. Why there are three eyes has never been known, but there are some that say it is the Dark Trinity itself which gazes out, while others are convinced it is the personification of past, present and future that is revealed to them and allows them to make judgment. Archlords are permitted no other weapons but the Gauntlets of Judgment, crude looking armored claws where the index finger protrudes to extraordinary lengths. As well as a weapon, this lengthy claw is how the Archlords exert their power, for whatever is pointed to will be changed to how they desire. Many instances in have seen the public execution of a treacherous Warmaster or the text of entire libraries magically rewritten before prying eyes, simply by the presence of an Archlord with the Gauntlets of Judgment. The Clan Legions Outside the palace of the Chamber of the Everchosen, surrounding it like spokes of a wheel is the thriving city, otherwise known as the Black City. Each building, tower and edifice resembles the cursed city of Praag after its devastation during the First Incursion of Chaos. No wall or feature is left untouched by Chaos, faces leer out immortalised in stone, fleshy features like the palace itself or the extruding spikes and horns of the waste. As the population continues to grow, so do its Clan Legions the ruling houses and military might of the Chamber of the Everchosen. Each clan is in its own right, individual and unique and no two clans are exactly the same even if they are aligned to any one power. How they are structured and run is entirely up to them and traditions and rites are just as diverse as the clans themselves. However, all Clans are ruled over by the Warmasters who in turn are ruled by the Dreadlords. It is not uncommon for a single Clan Legion to have more then one Warmaster depending upon its size, however history has shown there to be times when a single Warmaster has assumed the rank of High Warmaster. This is

usually determined by the spilling of blood within the Arena of Caod, a vast gladiatorial arena formed by the Dreadlord Pruflas as a means to settle such disputes since its creation however, the Arenas use has widened. Below the Warmasters are the other members of the Clan Legions. They include the Clanlords, the lieutenants to the Warmasters and equivalent to the Chaos Lords of the Northern Tribes. They are powerful individuals, skilled with an array of weapons and no strangers to the art of war. The Chosen are those favored by the Gods themselves, bearing their mark upon their flesh and gifted with the daemonic blessings only a god could give. They are warriors of endless battle, where immortality is but a step away so forever are they looking to prove themselves worthy of daemonhood. Finally the Warriors, the most numerous rank and lowest of the Infernal Hierarchy, but nonetheless are watched with great delight as they make their ways through the ranks. It is the hope of the Dark Trinity that in time; most of the warriors who walk within the Black City will one day join the ranks of the ultimate warriors the Exalted Guardians.

The Arena of Caod

Like all cities entertainment is a large factor, none more gratifying to the inhabitants of the Black City then the Arena of Caod, a gladiatorial battle ground from which countless bodies have been slain for any number of reasons. However, as time went on the Arenas use extended to more serious matters until by the order of the Dreadlord Pruflas the Sorceror-King of the time bound a particularly powerful daemon of Tzeentch to the arena enchanting its rocky grounds. As Tzeentch is the god of change, thus the arena would also be an element of change and so the Arena of Caod could now morph into whatever battlegrounds was desired whether they be the blasted terrain of the Chaos Waste or the green verdant fields of Bretonnia. It is perhaps why the warden of the Arena of Caod who presides over every battle is non other then an Archlord. The much feared and respected Brown McCoy responsible for the creation of the League Arena.

The Infernal Hierarchy Summary of Ranks

Archherald (Head Administrator) The head of the Dreadlord leadership second only in power to the Everchosen and keeper of the unholy scepter known as The End of Days. Dreadlord (Administrator) Are part of the Dark Trinity, the ruling council of the Chamber of the Everchosen and the most powerful individuals beyond compare. They are the god-kings of the entire city. Elder (Administrators who have left or become inactive for a long period of time) The deceased Dreadlords who have been interred within a Runic Edifice, so that their souls may cross between this world and the next as keepers of untold wisdom and godly knowledge. Living Elder (Administrators who left and came back on a full time basis) When a Dreadlord who has chosen the path of the Elder prematurely committing ritual suicide and finds his way back into this realm of reality through possession is known as a Living Elder. Archlord (Moderators) Second in power to the Dreadlords, the Archlords make up a rare sect of the population that walks with the people ensuring the will of the Dark Trinity is carried out. Ruthless and powerful, they are keepers of the Gauntlets of Judgment which allows them warp reality to their will. High Warmaster (Attained the rank of Warmaster and wish to lay claim to an entire Clan Legion) The head Warmaster of a Clan Legion. Warmaster (Created a Clan Legion and rallied ten or more members to it OR reached post count)

The undisputed lords of the Clan Legions, who answer to no one else but the Dreadlords. Clanlord (Reached post count) The equivalent of a Chaos Lord, they are the generals of the Clan Legion armies. Exalted King (During COTEC based campaigns are given to a single Exalted Guardian per Dreadlord) When the Dreadlords go to war, they are accompanied by the Exalted Guardians. From its ranks one will be chosen as his personal champion and crowned the Exalted King for the remainder of the battle. Exalted Guardian (Post count reached) The body guards of the Dreadlord members. They are no longer truly mortal having undergone the Ritual of Ascended Fires. Warrior supremes, they are gifted with daemonic armor and armed with the Black Blades. The Chosen (Post count reached) Chaos Warriors who have earned the favor and blessings of the Gods. The next step in the Infernal Hierarchy and the path to immortality. Warrior (Beginning rank) The lowest ranked individuals, the Warriors make up the bulk of the Chamber of the Everchosens legions. Exclusive Ranks Anvil Master (COTEC Development) The chief black smith of the Chamber of the Everchosen responsible for the greatest weapons, armor and magical devices to wreak havoc upon the world from that terrible city. Many times this has been a Son of Hashut, whose payment has purely consisted of slaves numbering in their thousands dispatched to the Dark Lands. Found below the city itself, the Forge of the Underworld burns day and night with the witch fires of a thousand souls being consumed by the dark powers. What evil creations are being crafted can only be left to the imagination, but there are whispers of Warp Stone carried from that twisted place and it would not be the first time the Everchosen has made dealings with the denizens of the Horned Rat. Sorcerer-King (Determined by the Dias of Power CAOD competition) The High Warmaster of the Dark Prophet Legion, a Clan Legion consisting of only sorcerers dedicated to the fell powers. The Sorcerer-King is also the recognised title the Dreadlords have proclaimed as the most powerful of all sorcerers to be found within the Chamber of the Everchosen. The Sorcerer-Kings of the Chamber are presented with the Blood Stone Amulet, a beautifully crafted arcane necklace that contains the Blood Stone of the departed Dreadlord Stratos. As history dictates Stratos was the first Dreadlord to use Korocknah, the ritual of self sacrifice in order to gain Eldership. However since that day, he has been trapped within the warp unable to return. The Blood Stone still connected to its lost master is able to draw power directly from the warp infused Dreadlord giving the Sorcerer-Kings an endless supply of power. Upon the death of the current Sorcerer-King or rise of a new challenger, the Arena of Caod transforms into the Dias of Power, the Arena used for the magical contest to determine the new Sorcerer-King of the Chamber and High Warmaster of the Dark Prophet. Once done the winner will take his place in the highest echelon of the Arcane Needle, a high rising tower that rivals the palace of the Chamber of the Everchosen itself. Aligned Lords Simply new names and details for COTEC armies to support the concept of COTEC Mythology not associated with rank and can be used by anyone The Plaguelord

Is the title given to the Lords of Chaos dedicated to the god Nurgle. However, unlike other Nurgle followers, the Plaguelords of the Chamber of the Everchosen are somewhat gripped with an intensity never seen outside its walls. For all intents and purposes the Plaguelords are crippled, immobile and for all their power no longer have any real ability to be the warriors they may have once been. Mounted upon the Nurglitch Palanquins, their only means of any mobility is to be carried forth by summoned Plaguebearers. In times of war these Palanquins are usually put aside and the Plague Carts are used to take these lords of Nurgle into the fight, pulled along by horses now animated by foul necromancy for no other living creature would be able to bear such unlife. Plaguelords seems to come in one of two forms, one variety is so severely decrepit they resemble the walking dead more then the warriors of muscular physic. Their limbs are corroded, rotting sticks of flesh that hang from blackened bones. The other is the sickly obese, where their enormous rotting mass seems to spread across their Palanquins and Carts. Whitened eyes and puss filled boils cover their bodies, exploding in a spectacle of yellows, reds and greens, while the smell of these abominations requires them to be confined to hidden chambers dotted throughout the city. Possibly the most horrific fact of all is the disease. Plaguelords have been gifted with such extreme gifts of Nurgle because they are now diseases. Living, festering nest of plagues, viruses and other contagions that have never been seen in the world and that spread like wildfire, they are living edifices of the Grandfather and their threat is to such an extent that their hidden chambers are sealed with magical wards rather then wood, metal or stone. The Glorified Incarnate Are the Kings and Queens of the crazed warriors of Slaanesh. Aloof, distant and majestic, their words are silvered and their gaze is beyond alluring. Where they walk the crowds bow before them and they relish in their adoration. Wearing the finest metals, precious stones and materials found far and wide every aspect of their life is done to the greatest extremes of luxury and decadence. Arrogance, vanity, hedonism and self indulgent self glorification are but a fraction of what constitutes the character of a Glorified Incarnate. Taking multiple brides and grooms of whatever sex they choose, fine beverages of wines, beers and elixirs, rare artifacts of mythology and legend, there are no limits to their desires of the flesh and of the material world. To live in their world is to live in a world of its own that resembles a blur of unparalleled beauty and uninterrupted corruption. It is perhaps for this reason that the Glorified Incarnates are the most hard to keep in line, even above that of the savage Blood Masters of Khorne. To the Glorified Incarnates, they are Gods themselves, consorts to Slaanesh itself and so oblivious to all else are they that they may walk, interact and go to war side by side with others of their esteemed rank and still believe they are the only ones. This stark delusion is only matched by their battle prowess and war time strategy, for like every other excessive aspect of their life the near sterile perfection of the art of war and every facet imaginable is something they strive to achieve. However, one must not be fooled by their apparent noble sentiment to the greater cause of Chaos and their drive of wartime perfection, for it is of little surprise that their efforts are usually rewarded with the plunder of treasures beyond a mans wildest dreams. It is all a means to an end and their desired end at that. The Supreme-Magi Are the mystics and sorcerer lords of Tzeentch whose powers are unrivalled across the lands. It is commonly accepted that the next Sorcerer-King, like present and predecessor will hail from the ranks of Tzeentch. The way these almost magical deities wield their powers renders any mortal weapon incomparable. They are truly masters of their art and the winds of magic bend to their every whim. Among the Supreme-Magi mutation is rife, bizarre and ever changing. There are some instances where the only way to recognise these sorcerers are by the armor and helmets they wear or by the weapons they carry. Common features within their ranks are feathery, colorful wings which do not allow them to fly but have become symbols of their rank and favor with the Lord of Change. The Blood Master

Are psychotic killing machines who have no other purpose in life then to spill the blood of mortals in the most gruesome ways imaginable. They are unstoppable on the fields of battle and frightening in their cold homicidal burst. They are so obsessed with death and destruction in the name of Khorne that they are like wild animals; uncontrollable and aggressive who on the eve of battle are chained within chariots before being released. The Blood Masters are never put in command of an army or even a regiment for they are far too dangerous and temperamental for such leadership positions; hence in battle they are simply let loose as whirlwinds of terrifying death dealers. They are rightfully the greatest warriors among the Chamber of the Everchosen, the highest pinnacle of a warrior and quite possibly the starkest examples of creatures of Khorne whose battle cry has become I am War.

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