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Medicine III

1. What is the abnormality in this ECG?

4. Diagnosis from this ECG is?

a. Mobitz 1
b. Mobitz 2
c. Complete heart block
d. Multifocal atrial ectopics

2. The abnormality in this ECG?

b. Ventricular tachycardia
c. Accelerated Idioventricular rhythm
d. Idioventricular arrhythmia

5. What is the axis in this ECG?

c. LVH
d. RVH

3. Diagnosis from this ECG is? a. Right Axis deviation

b. Left Axis deviation
c. Normal Axis
d. Extreme Right axis deviation

6. Which of the following is the correct statement

regarding findings in JVP?
a. Cannon a wave: Complete heart block
b. Rapid Y descent: Cardiac Tamponade
c. Giant c wave: Tricuspid stenosis
d. Increased JVP with prominent pulsations: SVC

7. Positive hepatojugular reflux is found in all except?

a. Decreased LV after load
b. Increased pulm cap wedge pressure
a. RV hypertryophy with strain pattern c. Tricuspid Regurgitation
b. LV hypertrophy with strain pattern d. LV failure
d. WPW syndrome 8. Most common cause of death in thrombolytic therapy
in MI is?
a. Reperfusion arrhythmias
b. Intracranial bleeding
c. Myocardial rupture
d. Restenosis a. Left bundle branch block
b. Right bundle branch block
9. Revascularisation best for done in: c. Pulmonic stenosis
a. Stunned heart d. Mitral regurgitation
b. Hibernating myocardium
c. mixed scarred and viable myocardium
d. non ischaemic viable myocardium

10. A 45 yr has a large VSD and eisenmengers syndrome. All 15. A 58-year-old man with acute chest pain has ST-
of the following findings would be expected except: segment elevation in leads II, III, and aVF. BP is 82/52
a. Loud P2 mm Hg and pulse rate is 54/min. Physical examination
b. Loud systolic murmur shows jugular venous distention, clear lungs, and no
c. Cyanosis murmur or S3. Treatment should include:
d. Hemoglobin value 19 mg/dl a. Nitrates
b. IV fluids
11. All potentiate digoxin toxicity except: c. Diuretics
a. Hypokalemia d. Beta blockers
b. Hypomagnesemia
c. Hypocalcemia 16. A 48 year old woman with no significant previous
d. Hypothyroidism medical history collapses while running a marathon.
Despite attempts at resuscitation, she does not survive.
12. A 62-year-old man with hypertension and angina has Postmortem examination reveals asymmetric left
severe retrosternal chest pain radiating to the left ventricular hypertrophy with disproportionate
shoulder on awakening, accompanied by diaphoresis thickening of the interventricular septum. A
and nausea. The pain is not relieved by sublingual postmortem diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
nitroglycerin. An ECG is consistent with an evolving is made. What is the most likely cause of this patient's
anterior wall myocardial infarction. Two days later, the sudden collapse?
patient develops severe shortness of breath. His a. Atrial fibrillation
temperature is 36.7 C (98 F), blood pressure is 100/60 b. Left ventricular failure
mm Hg, pulse is 105/min, and respirations are 29/min. c. Right ventricular failure
Bilateral wet crackles are noted, and a holosystolic d. Ventricular arrhythmia
murmur is heard at the apex radiating to the left axilla.
No murmur was heard during an examination 4 months 17. The following medical treatments are all associated
earlier. Which of the following complications has most with improved symptoms in patients with heart failure
likely occurred? due to left ventricular systolic dysfunction. However,
a. Aortic dissection which of the treatments has NOT been shown to also
b. Cardiac rupture improve survival?
c. Papillary muscle rupture a. Enalapril
d. Septal perforation b. Furosemide
c. Sacubitril-valsartan
13. A 55-year-old man with recent syncopal episode is d. Spironolactone
admitted to the hospital in congestive heart failure. His
blood pressure is 160/100 mm Hg, and pulse is 90/min. 18. A patient has a stent placed in his right coronary artery.
He has a grade 2/6 harsh systolic ejection murmur. An On return to the ward, he gets severe chest pain and
echocardiogram reveals a thickened ventricular septum becomes very unwell. The nurse undertakes an ECG and
and systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve. Which calls the interventional cardiologist to review the
of the following will most likely be found in this patient because she is concerned that he has a
patient? thrombosed stent. What ECG features would suggest
a. Decreased murmur with hand grip the stent has become occluded?
b. Decreased murmur with Valsalva a. Atrial fibrillation
c. Delayed carotid upstroke b. Atrioventricular block
d. Increased murmur with squatting c. ST elevation in I, aVL and V5, V6
d. ST elevation in V2-V5
14. An 18-year-old patient is seen for routine examination
before playing basketball. There is paradoxical splitting 19. In a patient, with evidence of infective endocarditis.
of S2 heard at the base and no murmur. What is the What is the commonest feature that the patient is likely
diagnosis? to have?
a. Haematuria
b. Osler's nodes
c. Roth's spots
d. Splinter haemorrhages

20. A 43 year old man undergoes a routine health check

with his employers. He is found to have a murmur,
isolated systolic hypertension (180/60 mmHg) and LVH
a. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
on his ECG. A significant regurgitant blood flow is
b. Amyloid cardiomyopathy
noticed across the aortic valve on echocardiogram.
c. Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Which of the following clinical signs is likely to be
d. Arrythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy
a. Palpable thrill over the carotids
b. Sustained forceful apical Impulse
23. A 30 year old woman has recently been diagnosed with
c. Pulsations in the nails
dilated cardiomyopathy. Her diagnosis was made with
d. Slow rising pulse
echocardiography, which showed moderate left
ventricular dilatation and impairment. She has noticed
21. The EGG given below was recorded in a coronary care
herself becoming increasingly fatigued on moderate
unit from a patient admitted 2 h previously with an
exertion. Her younger sister died suddenly the previous
acute anterior myocardial infarction. The patient was
year and she is very worried about the risk of sudden
cold and clammy, and confused, and his blood pressure
death. Which of the following treatments is known to
was unrecordable. All are true about management of
reduce her risk of sudden death?
this patient except:
a. Aspirin
b. Beta blocker (e.g. metoprolol)
c. Calcium channel blocker (e.g. verapamil)
d. Loop diuretic (e.g. furosemide)

24. Which of the following is not feature associated with

Tetrology of Fallot:
a. Clubbing
b. Squatting
a. Next step in management is electrical shock c. Episode of deep cyanosis
b. Inj Lignocaine works more rapidly than amiodarone d. Cardiomegaly
but does not work in all patients
c. Shock administered is 200J AC 25. Which of the following associations are least common
d. IV Beta blockers should be given to control to occur together in a case of rheumatic fever?
ventricular rate a. Carditis and arthritis
b. Carditis and chorea
22. A 63-year-old man develops dyspnea and fatigue. c. Chorea and arthritis
Physical examination shows jugular venous distention, a d. Carditis and subcutaneous nodules
prominent jugular a wave, a prominent S4, and a grade
2/6 holosystolic murmur at the left sternal border. The 26. An 18-year-old patient is seen for routine examination
lungs are clear. Other findings include an enlarged, before playing basketball. There is paradoxical splitting
tender liver; petechiae over the feet; and periorbital of S2 heard at the base and no murmur. What is the
ecchymoses. His ECG is given below Diagnosis: diagnosis?
a. Left bundle branch block
b. Right bundle branch block
c. Pulmonic stenosis
d. Mitral regurgitation

27. A tall thin 38 year male developed chest pain 3 hours

back that was tearing in nature radiating to the back.
Subsequently patient developed severe epigastric at
time of admission to emergency. ECG at admission is tachycardic and tachypnoeic, and has a harsh
showed following. Tropinin levels were increased. Xray holosystolic murmur radiating to the right side of the
showed widened mediastinum: chest. There are fine inspiratory crepitations audible at
the lung bases. What is the most likely explanation for
these findings?
a. Acute aortic incompetence
b. Papillary muscle rupture and mitral incompetence
c. Post-infarction pericarditis with pericardial rub
d. Rupture of the interventricular septum

31. In management of acute pericarditis all are first line

treatment options except:
a. Steroids
b. Aspirin
c. Colchicine
All of the following can be done in management except:
d. Ibuprofen
a. Oxygen
32. All of the following are associated with coarctation of
b. IV Morphine
aorta except:
c. Control of blood pressure
a. PDA
d. Thrombolytic therapy
b. Berry aneurysm
c. Bicuspid aortic valve
28. A 52-year-old woman presents to the emergency
d. Renal artery stenosis
department with dyspnea and retrosternal chest pain of
3-hour duration that developed soon after she was in an
33. 1 month child with cyanosis. O/E there is a systolic
intense argument with her daughter. Her past medical
murmur present at 3rd and 4th IC space and Xray shows
history is remarkable for hypertension and diabetes
oligemic lung fields and ECG shows LAD. Probable
mellitus. The chest discomfort is not relieved by
sublingual nitroglycerin. Her heart rate is 100 beats per
a. TOF
minute, and blood pressure is 156/92 mm Hg. Jugular
b. Tricuspid Atresia
venous pressure, carotid pulse, and peripheral pulses
c. Truncus arteriosus
are normal. Cardiac auscultation is normal; lungs are
d. Transposition of great vessels
clear to auscultation. Cardiac troponin T level is 0.12
(reference range, <0.01). The 12-lead
34. A 56 year old man presents with sudden onset of chest
electrocardiography shows 0.5- to 1-mm ST-segment
pain radiating down his left arm, and ECG given below
elevation in precordial leads V2 through V4. She is taken
and a plasma troponin concentration of 1365 ng/L
for an emergency coronary angiography, which
(reference range <34 ng/L). Which of the following
demonstrates mild coronary atherosclerosis. A left
treatments is likely to worsen his prognosis?
ventriculography is performed, which shows severe
hypokinesis of the apical and midsegments of the heart,
with normal function at the base. Which of the
following is the diagnosis?
a. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
b. Acute coronary syndrome
c. Dilated cardiomyopathy
d. Pericarditis

29. In a patient with Hypertensive emergency with

myocardial ischemia the preferred drug/s to reduce BP
are: a. Aspirin
a. Hydralazine b. Fondaparinux
b. Minoxidil c. Intravenous tissue plasminogen activator
c. Nitroprusside d. Ticagrelor
d. Nicardipine and esmolol
35. A 45-year-old man presents to his general practitioner
30. You assess a 62 year old woman 2 days after treatment with a persistent headache and recurrent epistaxis. A
for anterior myocardial infarction. On examination she murmur is noted and he is referred for a cardiology
The findings on cardiac catheterisation are summarised

What is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Coarctation of the aorta
b. Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy a. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Mitral regurgitation b. Hemochromatosis
d. Ventricular septal defect c. Primary osteoarthritis of the hands
d. Chronic alcoholism
36. A 65-year-old man with ischaemic heart disease 38. All of the following vasculitis are seen in adult except:
presents with a two month history of stiffness of the a. HSP
fingers and a mild photosensitive rash. He had been b. Kawasaki
started on procainamide a year ago. c. PAN
Examination reveals puffy swelling of the hands and d. Giant cell arteritis
wrists, associated with tenderness of the
metacarpophalangeal joints. The chest x ray ordered by 39. Which is not a complication of Rheumatoid arthritis?
the GP shows small bilateral pleural effusions. a. Endocarditis
Which of the following tests is characteristic of this b. Pericarditis
patient's condition? c. Splenic infarcts
a. Anti-centromere antibody d. Polycythemia
b. Anti-double stranded DNA antibodies
c. Anti-histone antibodies 40. A 43-yr man presents with a 4-year history of joint pain.
d. Anti-ribonucleoprotein antibody The distribution is asymmetric, involving the proximal
and distal small joints of the right hand, the left knee,
37. A 46 year old man presents to the emergency the ankle, and right elbow. Pain and morning stiffness
department for his 2nd episode of hepatic are moderate. Examination reveals nail pitting, and the
encephalopathy as a complication of cirrhotic end-stage distal third interphalangeal joint is partially subluxated.
liver disease. He also has volume overload and episode X-rays of the hands show resorption of the distal end of
of congestive heart failure, with an ejection fraction of the phalanx. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
30%. His family is adamant that he has never consumed is elevated to 46 mm/hr, and rheumatoid factor is
alcohol excessively. Comorbidities include poorly negative. Which of the following is the most likely
controlled diabetes mellitus on insulin therapy and diagnosis?
osteoporosis. Aspiration of ascites does not suggest a. Primary generalized osteoarthritis
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. He is treated with b. Pseudogout
lactulose and loop diuretics, and his clinical status c. Psoriatic arthritis
improves greatly. On hospital day 4, the patient d. Rheumatoid arthritis
stumbles and reports some pain in the right hand and
wrist. It is not red, warm, or swollen, but on x ray 41. A 30-yr woman presents with low back pain, and a
chronic bony deformities are present in the distal swollen and painful right ankle and left knee for 1 week.
interphalanged (DIP), proximal interphalangeal (PIP), Temp 39.0 C . She recalls that a few weeks ago, she had
and metacarpophalanged (MCP) joints. His MCP joints diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever, which lasted for
show hooked osteophytes and osteosclerosis: a few days. She does not have previous history of joint
diseases or sexually transmitted diseases. Examination
reveals skin pustules and crusted vesicles on her palms
and soles, red conjunctivae, and arthritis of the left
knee and right ankle. There is no hepato- splenomegaly, normal. Which of the following statements is correct?
or lymphadenopathy. Lab data show an elevated ESR, a. Rheumatoid arthritis is excluded by the negative
but no anemia. Which of the following is the most likely ACPA test and normal radiographs
diagnosis? b. The joint pain and swelling is most likely due to
a. Psoriatic arthritis generalised osteoarthritis
b. Reiter syndrome c. The presentation is consistent with polymyalgia
c. Rheumatic fever rheumatica (PMR)
d. Rheumatoid arthritis d. The presentation is typical of seronegative
rheumatoid arthritis
42. ANCA positive disease are all of the following except:
a. Microscopic polyangiitis 47. Blood is taken from a pre-menopausal woman with
b. Henoch Schonlein Purpura joint pains, xerostomia and fatigue. Antinuclear
c. Churg Strauss Syndrome antibody (ANA) is positive; anti-ds DNA antibody
d. Wegener’s Granulomatosis negative, anti-Ro(SSA) positive, anti-La(SSB) positive,
complement C3 and C4 normal, rheumatoid factor
43. An 18-years-old boy presents with digital gangrene in positive, ACPA negative. Based on the following
third and fourth fingers for last 2 weeks. He has immunology results, which is the most likely diagnosis?
occasional pain abdomen. On examination the blood a. Sjogren's syndrome (PSS)
pressure is 170/110 mm of Hg and all peripheral pulses b. RA and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) together
were palpable. Blood and urine examinations were c. SLE
unremarkable. Antinuclear antibodies, antibody to d. Systemic sclerosis
double stranded DNA and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic 48. A 40 year old woman presents with recurrent bouts of
antibody were negative. The most likely diagnosis is: fatigue, arthralgia (oligoarticular: elbow, wrists and a
a. Wegner's granulomatosis knee), headaches and crops of painful mouth and
b. Polyarteritis nodosa genital ulcers, occasional raised erythematous nodular
c. Takayasu's arteritis lesions in lower limbs and a single sore red eye. ESR is
d. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 35 mm/hr but CRP is normal; full blood count shows
slight lymphopenia, normal neutrophil- and platelet
44. In a patient with Kawasaki’s vasculitis all are used in counts. Serum adjusted calcium and PTH are in the
management except: reference range. Which is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Steroids a. Polyarteritis Nodosa
b. IV immunoglobulins b. Behcets disease
c. Aspirin c. Sarcoidosis
d. Warfarin d. Systemic Lupus

45. A previously healthy 45 year old man is woken up at 49. 21-year-old woman presents for evaluation of arthritis.
0400 hrs with acute pain, swelling and redness of the She reports a 2-month history of pain and swelling of
right ankle with no obvious trigger factor. Height is 168 the MCP and PIP joints, wrists, and feet. She has 1-2
cm, weight 104 kg He has a history hypertension treated hours of morning stiffness. The patient also reports
with thazide 2.5 mg daily. He drinks 2-3 pints of beer anorexia, and slight thinning of scalp hair. No history of
each night and consumes 26 units of alcohol per week. malar rash, oral ulcers or pleurisy. Daily medications are
What is the most likely diagnosis? Amlodipine and Hydralazine for control of
a. Gout hypertension. Exam: a slightly erythematous rash on
b. Osteoarthritis the upper chest. There is trace swelling of the MCP and
c. Psoriatic arthritis PIP joints bilaterally. Lab shows ANA positive. ESR 45.
d. Rheumatoid arthritis Which of the following is the most appropriate next
step in the management of this patient?
46. A 66 year old woman presents with pain and stiffness a. Start prednisone, 5mg BID
affecting the wrists, proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and b. Discontinue Hydralazine
metacarpophalangeal MCP) joints of the hands, c. Start methotrexate, 10 mg weekly
gradually worsening over a period of 6-8 weeks. On d. Start hydroxychloroquine 200 mg daily
examination, there is symmetrical swelling and
tenderness of both wrists and the MCP and PIP joints of 50. A 29-year-old woman presents for evaluation of
the hands. Investigations show that anti- citrullinated Raynaud's phenomenon and arthralgias. She also has a
peptide antibodies (ACPAs) and rheumatoid factor are non-healing, painful ulceration of the distal middle
negative, but that she has an elevated ESR (45 mm/hr) finger. Physical examination reveals thickening of the
and a raised CRP (65 mg/L). X-rays of the hands are skin over her hands, forearms, upper arms and chest.
She brings a copy of lab results that include a positive
fluorescent antinuclear antibody (ANA) test (1:1280)
and positive antibody to RNA polymerase III. Her Scl- 70
antibody is negative. The rest of her labs are normal.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Limited scleroderma (CREST)
b. Mixed connective tissue disease
c. Diffuse scleroderma
d. Primary Raynaud's phenomenon
Medicine III

1. C 45. A
2. A 46. D
3. B 47. A
4. C 48. B
5. B 49. B
6. A 50. C
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. B
16. D
17. B
18. B
19. A
20. C
21. D
22. B
23. B
24. D
25. C
26. A
27. D
28. A
29. D
30. D
31. A
32. D
33. B
34. C
35. A
36. C
37. B
38. B
39. D
40. C
41. B
42. B
43. B
44. A

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