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Before watching : make sure you know the meaning and pronunciation of these words ( verifier le sens et la
prononciation de ces mots, vous pouvez utiliser

-goods :gudz -knowledge: -overcome: owercome -to claim: to Klam

-manpower: -to harm: harm -textile: tektail

1/Global comprehension: Watch the video once and take notes : ( regarder la video en entier une 1ere fois et
prenez des notes)

2/Detailed comprehension (l’idée ici est de regarder la vidéo en faisant des pauses pour chaque partie/question.
Vous pouvez regarder chaque partie maximum 3 fois et bien sur sans les sous titres!!)
a) First, they take an example of cars made by Toyota. Complete the words missing and then explain why it
symbolizes well globalization. ( ils prennent d’abord l’ex de voitures toyota, écouter et compléter les mots
manquants puis expliquer pourquoi cela représente bien la mondialisation)
Toyota cars are made by a Japanese corporation but its chassis comes from England,
its engine from Wales, tyres from China, the wiring from Japan, the seat belts from Czech Republic and the
headlights from France

>It symbolizes well globalization because……

b) According to the speaker “It’s much more than …………………………….. …………………………………….”: take notes
and organize them to explain what is also globalization and what it implies ( prenez des notes sur ce qui
définie et implique la mondialisation/son influence…)

What defines globalization Globalization influences/changes….

It influences society, demonstrations and revolutions.

It is a process where countries around the world It caused the rise of many world powers inhistory,
come together in a number of areas where it the fall of Berlin Wall.
influences people immigration, jobs, idéas and
knowledge it is international trade, it is the fact that
the car is manufactured in its country of origin but
c) “Global trade has caused the rise of many powers”: give at least 2 examples ( donner 2 ex qui justifie le fait
que le commerce mondial a causé la levée de certains pouvoirs)

The creation of the same car worldwide and the creation of factory international company.

d) What do they say about China at the end? (que disent-ils de la Chine à la fin)

Globalization has made China one of the world's greatest power thanks to its cheap labor in the textile

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