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EVERYBODY'S AT SCHOOL INTRODUCTION AND VOCABULARY sa) v4 [ 15) v6) a7) 30) 19) 20/2, 3 Work in groups. Write down anything you know about countries 1-8. Share your information with ‘other people in the class. Try to write information about the following: the capital cities ‘other famaus cities or places (1 Look at the map ofthe wr Can you name : + holanguget net pope speck nore ‘countries 1-6? Choose from this lst. 2 temas pape tom tee Pgetina Aasala Bra? OP hee Se ee ‘Tare tl eet wc tok place here Francs slaps New Zand . cero ultcan NewZenand Y —pacuse these questions. Cont wonyHyou cant ot gate Es anewor them at spot heck your answers the boom of page 11 + Doyoukrow anyone fom the counts you've toon desing? 2. Work in par Inert the name ofthe county in + Doyoutoow nyting about he edeaton 5 place ofthe number ines counts? * Do you think studying languages is important in 1. What time is it on the west coast of (1)? ee 2 What do you think someone your age is doing there now? 5 You are going to read about education in three of 3 What time iit in the mide of (272 GM arercsescvincncceaee Get the countries highlighted on tho map. Make sure Siweerine camer you understand the meaning of the following {8 What do you think tho weather i like in (4)? Co 7 What isthe capital city of (6)? — ——_—— a 8 What time lat there? brinary school secondary school © What tala ton the east const of (6)? [wate scoot ”“schoat tm schoo senes 410 What do you think someone of your age is doing oe ct eat neta seer 4 feos compulsory subjects _exemina se Primary and secondary sch} REA 1 in the north wart of & ditided inte called Colégie raat. Tm “te semesters. The Hired - T INTRODUCTION AND VocABULARY @ scons cate erate nd is a pia st in eugnetm enrusry vo Ape, Apr te June, omg actouertonauember. Oecenber and ree er or aad ends in December. ki wally dries me te reheo! ee ne ot aoe = ‘aur summer holiday. We start school at 8.45, Ne cn eer ie er Bact fe teeta ANTE Sn mane yin ee ent ae soe ng tee Jast month, so now | drive to schoo! in my car. ao ‘We have to study English, Maths and Science, - waters of our assessment, the rest Being ei ieaeune eae rear, We have sport, music eee, ive also study Aborigin ousit and drama actinitios and juts me SCHOOL fog ae ma story af the original inh ‘SyoNey AUSTRALIA © Look at the reading texts on this page. They were nto oy echetsuaip Anca Saat and | Sovieu Snes Rente rts vey anid sneha Metre on ineatenschol cae Then snares snes ou aston te eth Spain uestions. Dloks me up on her way home from wer " Ws have the usual compulsory sutjonts 1 How many of the subjects are languages? ‘foreign language, with 2. Where in the word do people speak these languages? ‘8. Inwhich of the other subjects do you learn about immer vacation! arithmetic? « = plants? sr oro ‘= business and economics? country, track, baaxetDall softball, voll Stain + painting pictures? and these lub, ‘And Tpiay in chamber enasmin Jeu Danes, 4360 16, Maven ‘© events in the past? By 75, Mazes Scwoo.. WasiawaTow DC US 7 Read the questions in the ‘chart. Answer the questions ‘about your schoo! in the left hand column. Write in note form. Wat tine o you start and inh school? How do you usally gett echoo? ‘What are the most popular schol suiets among your ae geup? Do you have any elabe or eter Aertel actin? 8 Now work in groups of three, Read the three texts 10 Discuss the following questions. ‘more carefully. Each student should read just one text. Complete the chart with answers from the text Which school is mast similar to yours? you read, Write your answers in note form. + what do you tke about the thee schools? 9 Now cover the texts (but net the char!) Tell the other en Co students in your group what you learnt about the + ich schoo! would you tke to vist? student you read about. sa unr’ ES ‘There are two types of schools in. IK: state schools, ee yy ata eee vena ee eer eee, ees Both Eton and Gordonstoun are boarding schools, which "means that pupils live at the school and only see thelr parents during the schoo! holidays. Pupils board at Eton and toun from the age of 12 or 13, but there are some © Pupils a Eton wear ‘old-fashioned uniforms. boys wear talcoats, ‘walstcoats, pinstripe ‘trousers and they used to ‘wear top hats. © Eton pupils play a strange ‘game called the Wall Game, which nobody outside the school understands. fis ‘extremely difficult to score 1 goal in this game — the last fone was scored in 1909! (© Old Exonians,a team consisting entirely of former pups at Eton, won the soceer FA Cup in 1882. ‘They also appeared in the Cup Final the following year. Look at the people in the photographs. What do you know about them? How are they related to each other? 2. Botore you read part 1 of the reading text, answer these questions. 41 Which ward means go fo school? saltend>)b absent ¢ attempt ¢ allow 2 Which aajective indicates that pupils spend al their time at a school? a ‘a breeding b bedding ¢ boarding ) d bouncing onirt aw hae 2 Which word means that you think something is very ood? ‘a impossible b impressive ¢/impxoved d impulsive 4 Which of these means not modem? ‘Caic-fashioned b ald boy ¢ old schoo! old master” 3 Now read part 1 and answer these questions. 41 What percentage of pupils attend state schoo'sin Engana? Ys 2 Did Prince Charles attend the same school as his father? (VE 3 How oten do boarding schoo pupis seg the familes? Syme’ MOY 4. When do parents register their 9 for Eton’ wren psi tm gen 5 what uns fact rho about Eto? 4 close your boGRbéid see how many facts about Eton you can rier. an & ‘ 5 Before you ead parts 2 and $ about Gordonstoun School, the werd in bol and maton tem th thove dtntione 1. someone who dacides what to do in an independent way has this qualty 2 this means the ability to do something without practising or rehearsing}. 3 someone who tells the truth all the time has this ‘ualty ho: 4 someone who can work hard fora long time has this ualty ‘someone who has original ideas has this quality The school wutth a difference .. Gordonstoun, the school that Prince Charles atended, is situated in the Scotsh ‘mountains and was founded in 1933 by a German teacher called Doctor Kurt Hab. Doctor Hahn had been head teacher of a schoo! in Germany but he lft the ‘country afer being threatened by the Nazi government, Who ‘were not happy with his progressive methods of education. He went to Scotland and continued his work thee. He ‘wanted to encourage young people to show honesty, Initiative and service to others, but most ofall, he Wanted them to have adventures while they studied Are you good enough for the Gordonstoun challenge? Every year Gordonstoun invites teams of pupils from different Schools to attend the Gordonstoun Challenge, where they find ‘out about the unigue atmosphere inthe school. Here isthe diary of pupil who atended the weekend. Zortorsioun Callerge dary De Ove Thee wee fu ea from feet schol and wel wt each the en we ere void in he cette arses, Inthe marine ware tested 00 fei tilt syn ‘coving, caching and ekg My ‘eam scored fp martes in thi tet! Tren in he fess room, there was noter series of challenge which realy ested cu strength and amina 40 that we were ready fr ow anc afer this exhausting sesor! ln the aferncon, we found ourels i the computer room, where we READING @i 6 Now read The schoo! with a difference and decide hich of these Is the best summary. 1 Gordonstoun was founded by a German teacher who didn't tke the German education system. @ The founder of Gordonstoun was forced to leave his home country because he extcised the government’ 3. The German government forced the head teacher of Gordonstoun to leave because they dict tke his ‘educational methods. 7 Read the text about the Gordonstoun Challenge and snswer these questions. 11 What kind of activity did participants have on the first mocning? 2. Was Androw’s team successful in this activity? 3. What did participants have to do on the frst afternoon? 4 Was Andrew's team better than the others in tis, activity? 8 What was the surprise challenge on the fst evening? 6 Did Andrew's team come fst inthis activity? 7 Where dd the activities on the second morning take place? 8 Did Andrew's team win? ‘9 What kind of activities took place on the second afternoon? \Was Andrew excited about doing these acthitios? ere asked fo se our imagination So sl problems on a compre. ound it very interectig ad alte teas very wel thea Sats. Inthe evening, there was a earptecllnge tht ivolied moving an ag fom three metres hea fo ground lel witout damaging the shell we had wo #9, sro, ing ecisers coloured pope, glue and 41g plastic bi bg, We used the sing andthe pase bag to erat slope We ade some peddling wth the coloured paper oop the ea, bu we tis orked welding practice, during the real et he ag missed the adding and bro Unsure came Last ini actin, Inte mrcng, we hadf ross sani epg sores and tree pan. Coin was dal butte Bye problem was geting plano ofthe xp when we ited. Then we hed pee an ary obstacle coors, bch very igh lab op fol, walls and long res and uring on rope. We df vere 6 ta t complet this psig, pling ard encurgig each oer, adn pls 1 that we di ery el in ty, eng second The fermoon drama sek was ely fr 1 ed by uo Gordentan ator dams sudeats We started wth ome relention actives ten ployed sre improiaion ges rel impression ~ abel fel the ma hy sy Gordo Tanto ere! @ GRAMMAR PRACTICE \esestosting.y uk O° DL A: Oh. Perhaps that’s why (you - smile) much today? B: That's right. Well, (1- imagine) that (most people enjoy) going to the dentist! 2 dk Present tenses : Als vce de yon tt 01 log? A. To talk about the present moment. B_Totalk about a longer (but still temporary) present situation. \.© ‘To talk about things becoming different. D With general truths E With routines F Yerbs which do not have continuous forms. Now read these sentences. Which use of the present tense do the sentences illustrate? 1-2 What do ySu think someone of your age is doing there now? @ 38. The first semester usually starts and ends in June. 2 . 4 Do Eton boys wear taileoats?_ But things are changing. 6 Tpassed my driving test last month, s0 now I drive to school. $7 7 This year we're writing and performing our own version. Write out the conversation below correctly (including negatives). Explain your tense choices. Hello, John. (What - do) these day (1- study) French at the university. Oh, really? And (you - like) the classes? Well, I didn’t at first, but (they - slowly - get) better, Si) gobs Good. (you - have - classes) every day? Four days a week. (I- go) on Fridays. But today’s Weenesday. Why (you - study) tod: Because (I - go) to the dentist. His office is here on this street. (9 BREE eee Explain the tense uses in these sentences. (Help? Grammar Reference, section 1.) 1 You're wasting my time! 2. The referee blows his whistle, Beckham takes the free kick and the ball isin the net! 3. Iname this ship Stella Maris. 4. My sister's always wearing my clothes! 5 We pro: 31, 2010. |-Bcth common nouns and proper nouns may be used ‘as compounds {to modify other nouns). Examples ffom the unit include: state schools and James Bon novels. They may even be used in a series: sith-form rama students (students who are in the sixth form and who study drama). As with other modifiers in English, the form isthe same for singular and plural ‘Stato schools 'schodls’ is the main noun, soit can b= plural), but schoo! nalidays ‘schoo! is the modifier so does not change form even though "holidays" is plural. Find eight examples of this structure in Gordonstoun Challenge diary, p 7. At least one should be a ‘series’. ‘5 Explain the difference between what Helmut and Ali say about the key. What does ‘key* mean in the last sentence? (OF course he has, All Thav’s why he's looking for I. ‘No, you didn’t. There's key differencel . to pay the sum of £100 on December 1 Letters can be formal or informal in style. For each of , the statements below, write F (formal) or | (Informal). 1 A\ltter written to someone you do not know, for ‘example, a possible amployer or a shop manager. 2 Aletter written to a friend or relative ‘3. Aletter with the name and address of the recipient on the let-hand side and the name and address of the sender on the right-hand side. 4 Aletter with only one address (the sender's address), on the right-hand side, 5 Alettor with colloquial expressions (eg How's te?) and contractions (e9 I. © A\tter with complex sentences, and no colloquial ‘expressions or contractions. 7 A\lelter that begins Dear Sir/Madam, and ends Yours fatty, + full name. 8 Aletter that begins Dear Mis lanes) and ends Yours sincerely, + full name 9 Aletter that begins Dear Mike and ends Best wishes, + first name, 40. Aletter that bogins Dear Sarah and ends (With) love + first nama, Read the letter below. Answer these questions 1. Is the letter formal or informat? How do you know? 2 Whois the letter to? 3. What isthe reason for the letter? 4 Why's Teresa sorry to be leaving? 26 wimbourne Road Notting School, Tendon WIS 2BY ist Place, alee 14.March 2004 Doar hts Green, ny ‘In August of this year, the company that employs me sill be moving offices from London to Bristal. 1 shall ‘therefore be moving to Bristal with my family. Gonsequently, our daughter Teress, currently in the Jower sixth form at your school, will not be returning ‘o.your echool in September. As you request, [am tving you a full term's notice. ‘Teresa regrets leaving your school, 9s she has greatly enjoyed her time with you. We have bean delighted by hner progress and the fat that dhe haa done ao well in hner exams~ Encouraged by het teachers, Teresa has eveloped many interests, and has bocome an excelent ‘lanist, She has mado lo of good fiends, ana we ‘HODs hat she wil be able to stayin toueh with ther, ‘With many thanks forall your efforts, ‘feel certain that yous school will ‘continue to produce etudenta who fare both happy and sucosssful. ‘Yours sincerely, Méhacl Broadbent Michael Broadbent ‘same as the following: (this August Iwork for 0 at present ask Teting You krow a termi before sho leaves issomytobe because alot continuo secing Rewrite these formal phrases using informal language. 1am welting with regard to your letter of 14 March 2. Tank you s0 much for your invitation. 9 | would be grateful if you would enclose this information, 4 | regret to inform you that your application has bean turned down, I wish you every success, Please give my regards to your family, 710k forward to hearing from you in the near future. ‘Write Mr Green's reply to Mr Broadbent's letter. Use. the notes below to help you. + Remember to write the date below the address of the school onthe right-hand side, ‘+ Paragraph 1: This should contain the main reason ‘or writing, ‘+ Paragraph 2: This should develop the letter ‘+ Final paragraph: This should end the letter with one (or two final remarks, ‘Thank you/letter giving notice well in advance very sorry/losing Teresa Paewnaen 2 Teresa/popular excellent student ‘many conversations with her interesting, lwely, hardworking do wallnew schoo! happy/new home hope Teresa! in contact with/school always happy to see her Optional writing task. Imagine that you and your family have moved to anew town and that you have started at a new school. Write a letter to a friend in your old schoo! describing your new school and how you feel about it. Here are some phrases to help you: Ital feals vary new and strange, I've met three or four people really gat on well with, | miss you and all my old triends. I'm really looking forward to seeing you. Give my love to everyone. onir 1° writing @ 3 Find words and phrases in the letter that mean the * (©) LUSTENING AND SPEAKING SET EAS aa 1 @ Wes he population of France? © Te Ape is 2 mourn can 2) million) 45 milion Which viver is Paris on? 2) The River Seine b) The River Thames 6) The River Rhine 2) 54 millon Where are they? 2) In the east of France bY in the wes of France 6) tn the south of France ‘Complete this short quiz about France and famous French people. Now listen and check your answers. Read the following statements about the French ‘education eystem. Some of them are true and some ‘of them are false. Then listen to the tape and write T {True} or F (False) beside each statement. 41 Education is compulsory trom the age of si to eighteen 2. Most parents send their children to a state schoo), which Is fre. 3. Many schoolchildren have lessons on Saturday atternoon, 4 Allchilren, whether at private or state school, learn from the same national curriculum. 8 There are end-of-year exams and students must repeat the year if they do not pass these exams. 6 Inboth state and private schools, all textbooks, ‘exercise books and pens are fee, 7. Al'chldren at state schools wear school uniform. 8 Literature is considered mora important than Mathematics. © Ifyou pass the schodl-leaving exam, you can go to University ‘Answer the following questions about the French ‘education system. The answers are in the listening passage you have just heard, 1. Atwhat age do most students leave school? ‘a Sixteen b Eighteen 2. Which is considered to provide the best education? fa State schools _b Private schools 3. Which day is often a free half-day for schoolehildren? f@ Wednesday b Friday 4 When does the school year end? a June b July 5 What is considered more important? Logical thinking b Creathity 6 Which subjact is compulsory in upper secondary school? a Drama b Philosophy unt” Which of these famous Frenchmen was executed? 2) Charles de Gaulle) Napoleon Bonaparte °) King Louis XV When did the French Revolution begin? aie byned dria 5 Are the statements in activity 3 true or false about your country's educational system? Write the correct answers if they are fal Where is the stress in these words from th passage in activity 37 listening ‘education compulsory curriculum equipment exercise Iterature mathematics logical creativity philosophy secondary university Listen and check your answers. Listen again and repeat the words. Discuss the following questions. Work in groups and then tell the rest of the class what you talked about + In this unit, you have learnt about schools in ‘Australia, Brazil, England, France and the United States, Which information impressed you most? ‘© Is there anything more you would like to know abo: schools in these countries? Find an internet site for @ school in one of the ‘countries and write an email with your questions. on f Ls Word watch - Compounds ~~ ‘A-compound is a unit of vocabulary made from two separate words that is usually written as a single ‘word, though it can also be hyphenated or written as ‘wo separate words (if you are unsure, check in a Sictionary). ‘Choose one word from list A and one word from list B fo make 10 compounds. Shep = \gales ~ forts tep-und weber Lessons in logic en are SIG I IOSIC wakortiny = Kates hmdosey ‘You vill have to read carefully to solve this logic probler we people, a man, a woman, @ teenager, a boy and a 1, are waiting in a queue to buy cinema tickets. The gir behind the teenager but in front ofthe boy. The man is © front of the woman and she is ona before the last. The 29" is behind the man but he is nat te first. who is fist ..? second ..? court ..2 fifth 2 third 2 YoU might like to make up @ problem lke this for your ‘ends ~ see i they can solve it, but be sure of the answer yourselt Focus on reading ‘The order of words in an English sentence gives us ‘the meaning and it is very important to get it right. In the following sentences two words need to change places for the sentence to make sense. Underline both words, 1 tis unusual to a able to see be fox ina city 2 There in one thousand metres are a kilometre. 3 Michael was unable and sick to attend schoo! this waok Tropical catle are being cut down to raise forests. ‘There to no solution was the problem, Was department store the very busy every Saturday. Chatting not the lesson i in allowed, o by think he wilkcome you bus? THE The writing system move ‘The 26-letter alphabet used to write English dates from the late Middle Ages. Do you know what the ‘most commonly used letter is in English? word — word word word word | word word WORD LL” ‘There is a specialised vocabulary to talk about typing = label the features shown with the correct term, Choose from these anagrams (the letters are mixed up) tae fewrolseac oft lobd —purep ecas Look at this sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. It contains all the letters of tne alphabet. Invant your own sentence using all 26 letters of the English alphabet. Did you know? Surprising statistics ‘The average Briton has 14 close friends. Is this more or fewer than you would have expected? Does it depend on how the word ‘clase’ is defined? You. need to spend time witha fiend, so isthe number ‘naturally limited by the time you have availabe for socal Ife? Is there an ideal number? Can you ever have too many friends? Do you think people in your country would have about the same number? It's time to say what you thin, D>NSHERS TO CTT 1 page &| The counties are: 1 The United States 2 Brazd 3 France 4 Eat 5 Japan 8 Australia Move Ahead Workbook DEIRDRE HOWARD=WILLIAMS EVERYBODY'S AT SCHOOL - =a INTRODUCTION AND VOCABULARY aE ae 1 Geography vocabulary: underline the correct answer each time. ‘2 The imaginary line that goes round the middle of the world is the Tropic of Cancer/the equator/the time zone, b Great Britain/The United Kingcom/Britain includes England, Scotland, Weles and Northern Ireland, © When we say the US/America/North America, we also include Canada. The Australian sub-continent/Australasia/the Pacific islands is the term used to describe Australia, New Zealand and other islands in the area, ¢ Arab/Arabic/Arabia is used to describe the language, A, Someone from Edinburgh would speak with a Scotch/Scot/Scottish accent. 9 h i ‘Another name for Holland is Dutch/the Lowlands/the Netherlands. tty. ‘Australia can also be called Down Under/Aussie/Kangai In Brazil people speak Brazilian/Spanish/Portuguese. J Cairenes is the name for the inhabitants of Cairo/Chicago/China.. 2 Education and talking about schoo!: fill in the blanks with the correct word, Anagrams of the words appear in the box to help you and to allow yourfo check your answers. TASESMESNS TIPRAVE ANICAVTO EJROPTC, MACIVITSE YOMUPLOCRS EMSETSRSE ‘EMOMECRC In most educational systems, certain school subjects are Caml. Sir and everyone has to study them. The schoo! year is normally divided into two or three terms or eshers The teacher set us a research on a famous historical event of our choosing, (Our final a SSe 5 nae, based 75% on our exam results and 25% on our coursework. ‘American and French schools both have a long summer jae In some schools pupils who are interested in business can study Cam mec oe, ~ Aiter-school a.c LiviiMe S_ are usually very popular with those who enjoy sport, music and drama, lt you have to pay fees, your schoolisa_Priuske school = 3 Prepositions: complete these sentences with the correct prepos! It very hot and humid __“\y__the interior. the country. zyereaoce ns. | b Do you know anyone who comes Prana __ Brazil? | © They have a holiday home _ cs the north coa Science is a popular subject i __my age Kamongh @ Share your information \S\. others your group. f Myschoolis__\Y\__the north-g the town, 9 The school year is divided \n* fms and the fist term starts _in September. hh Wecan choose_¥ Yom a ‘a favourite club as | enjoy playing ajazz group while he wants to be the school basketball team. . of interesting extra subjects. | don't agree with my bestfriend cv Loa UNIT READING : Life in the Sixth Form ‘After five years in secondary school and at the age of 16, pupils in Britain are legally able to leave school. However many choose to continue their education and move into the Sixth Form for two years to take Advanced Level examinations which lead to university and other higher education establishments. 1. Read this extract from the Sixth Form handbook of a large London secondary school. Which of the following would make the best title? {@) Rules and Regulations (b) Welcome to the Sixth Form! (c) School Environment _(d) Your Choices: ‘And why? We are delighted that you are entering our Sixth Form and hope that you wil enjoy your two years, We welcome particularly the new entrants to the school and we are sure you wil settle in (1) there are plenty of people to help you and everyone is very friendly. ‘We hope that you will enjoy your subjects and find them stimulating. Your two years will pass very quickly, 80 be sure to get into good working habits’ as soon as possible. This is (2) important because there are ekaminations at the énd of the Lower Sixth and the resuits will be included on your @ ‘education application form. Hard work is necessary if you are to obtain good ‘examination results. You should join in some of the extra-curriculgr activities but don’t take on too much. “The Sixth Form is vided ito twelve tutor groups, each ookiatng of 15 to 16 students. Each aroun meets with tutor during morning registration at 8.40 am and afternoon registration at 1.60 pm and for a Form Period each week. You may leave the school premises during the Lunch Hour, butif you wish to go out of school for any (4) purpose during the day, a permission slip must be obtained and signed by your form tutor Itis important that you are not absent unless this is unavoidable. Once you fall behind with your work, it is extremely difficult to catch up. Use the Libraries or Sixth Form Study Room to study in and expect to spend a minimum of 20 hours each week outside class time on your work. Do not leave your homework to the last minute and organise your work (5) 'A.Common Room is available-for Sixth Form use only. This is a room for you to relax in and has comfy chairs, kettles for tea/coffee making, a vending machine and a microwave oven. Please make a (@)_______ effort to keep the Common Room tidy , but you should not be tempted to spend too much of your time there, “There is no school uniform in the Sixth Form, However everyone should dress in a (7)__ formal manner, appropriate for school. Jeans should be in good condition with no tears and hats should riot be worn (8) ‘You have more freedom and (9) __ privileges in the Sixth Form, but the staff wil be monitoring your progress (10) Good luck and have a good time! 2. The following words have been taken from the passage. Write beside each word the number of the space it should go in. reasonably (_} various () easy ( ) great ( ) other( ) especially ( ) closely ( ) higher ( } carefully (_) indoors ( ) unit an saa aa s mim READING Qe 3 Put av next to the correct sentences and a x next to the false ones: ‘a Only high quality jeans are acceptable. ‘You can eat lunch in the Common Room or go out. __ Students spend two years in the Sixth Form. ‘The staff give you complete freedom in the Sixth Form. ‘You go to schoo! for twenty hours a week. ‘The exams you take at the end of the first year are only a practice. You have to be at school at 8.40 am every day. _ Join as many clubs and societies as possible. __ zero aoc 4 Find the words in the passage that mean: checking ene Nee ne ‘automatic selling machine _N._¢ «x, « new members eattasts property and buildings Ce mises sports, hobbies, clubs that are not part of the course _ebta = Cuscicubum a chy inevtable and cannot be prevented o Mei) he suitable and correct Cepertate+ special rights and advantages Pciniliges 1. inspiing and exeting Sei mu let my. Ja small piece of paper used as a record of something slip 5 sixth Formers are encouraged to concentrate on their work. List four different pieces of advice they are given to help them to do well: zyerteaooge aooe 2 yb a OP ape 6 ‘The following phrasal verbs are used in the passage! seit. sinedti Wott initak® on/tal Bétandarcatch up Sse with, Look at how they are used and then choose the correct one to complete each sentence: ‘@ Now that Charles has got a promotion, he has had iol, is an alot of new responsibities in his department. ‘Four work in advance it you want to do well. date-in = the discussion Lucy stayed late in the school library to Cadel, withthe work she had missed ‘Two verbs have not been used. Write sentences showing how to use them yourself. e f ie unit Fz — =@ cRémmar practice 'T Present simple and prosent continuous: undertine the correct tense. Please hurry up, Harry! Everyone is waiting/waits for you. b My parents five/are living in the centre of Cairo. © Where's Edwara? He's playing/He plays in a tennis match What's the matter? Why do you cry/are you eryir @ Are you understancing/Do you understand what the teacher says? f 8 h i i We go/are going on holiday about twice z’year. What do you want to do when you lea/a/are leaving schoo!? That's delicious! /ke/l'm liking thigélessert very much. — (Our train is leaving/leaves at 7.48's0 we'd better hurry. My father is fying/fies to Paris on business tonight. 2 The two present tenses can be used in one sentence to show the contrast between what normally happens and what is happening at the moment or in the future, j BxaweLe: We/usually/go abroadievery year/at home/sister/a baby We 2 aby thie 1 ter aba From the prompts make sentences using both present tenses to show a contrast @ Voften/work/hard/weekend/two-day course/adventure activitiegnad ven ba Toflen work hac) ak We weckdnbh. Ml coven t J j b normally/dry/time aie Tact v U ¢ plane/always/arrives/on time/this flight/two hours/late ° : Loses et ll Planes abuse arrive on time bit UrsMitte bas boars Sotahuert tare leaks tired but Wr morciian chelack’ bre her less un lte pe 5 T GY YD U 3. Noun used aé modifié: nouns are frequently used as adjectives in English, and an example from Unit 1 of the Student's Book is computer room, ie: a room which contains computers. Match a noun from Box A with a noun from Box B. A capital school summer ‘chamber state ground rubbish wort cup soccer education bag ensemble city final course system building level oni 4 ease ea a weve QE 1 Combine the following short sentences into one long one, using the conjunctions in brackets and using commas where necessary. . Exampve: Our school has an end-of-year exam. Some students fail this. Students who do not pass must repeat the year. (which/or) ich student It’s compulsory to learn a foreign language. Many students choose English or Spanish, Both these languages are useful for travelling. They are also useful for international communication. (and/because/ as wel as) b Our school day starts early and finishes late, We have long holidays. Long holidays mean that you have time to rest. You also have time to spend doing what you want to do. (athough/which/anch Combine the next two groups of sentences choosing your own way of doing so. © Please email me soon, Please let me know how you're getting on in your new school. I'd like to know what boarding schoo! is ke. cl lso lke to know if you mis your family d I've joined two new clubs this year. One club is the basketball club. The other club is the photography club. Both clubs are great. They take place after school. | get home late. I's worth it. 2 Here are 12 lines of dialogue. Make 6 short conversations. The first has been done to get you started. They're fantastic. ‘That's okay. I'm sure you're very busy. _'ve just passed all my exams. You must be tired with al your after-school acties. See you around! ‘That's great! What do you think of our sports facilties? I'm sorry | haven't replied sooner. —Abeetetoly— Jam, but t's worth it, —We-mustgot-tegetherseen I've got fo go now- bye! «We must get together soon, Absolutely e UNIT.

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